10. My week – Is it really already the middle of September? Well – my week…. The hot tub is still sitting in the driveway. That pretty much summarizes the past seven days. Not much has happened ;)
9. Months ago (maybe a year ago) K.C. from Smokin’ Hot Books started pimping out Enlightened by J.P Barnaby – a young adult m/m book. I read her review, and then bought the book immediately, but it sat on my Kindle, and got pushed way, way down list. Recently, I noticed J.P Barnaby on Twitter which reminded me of the book, so I decided now was the time to read it!
My full review can be read at Goodreads. I really liked this book – it is emotional, romantic, and well written. As I say in my review, the protagonists are seventeen and sixteen year old boys exploring their sexuality and questioning why they feel this way. And questioning why their church tells them it is wrong. What I liked the most is that their thoughts and actions come across as a teenager. A little immature, a little dramatic, and always a little horny ;) And ending will make you go – Huh? What? Looking forward to book two, Abandoned.
8. Contest winners – There are two people who won my “Take my Books” contest who have yet to come forth to claim their prize. If you name is Kristen or Elizabeth check the winners post out HERE. If I don’t hear from you by tomorrow (September 18th) evening, I will pick two new winners.
7. Cover Alert! Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill, book four in her Chicagoland Vampire series. I love it – and I want Merit’s ass ;) This is one of my “You Must Read Series” – Snarky, action-filled, and sexy…oooh…she gives us lots of sexy men in this series. Start with Some Girls Bite. Hard Bitten releases in May 2011.
6. Tori’s Friday 56 – Scoundrel by Zoe Archer – Blades of the Rose #2 – Releases October 5th.
“Do we really need so many guns Father?” she asked as she was helped aboard by one of the ship’s crew. Turning to watch her luggage being hauled up the side of the ship, she found herself staring at the cannons that poked from the gun ports like lethal iron fingers.
How to play Friday 56.
● Grab the book nearest you. Right now
● Turn to page 56.
● Find the fifth sentence.
● Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
● Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
● Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Happy Friday!!

5. So I gave you a reprieve from Brandon Flowers last week but did you really expect for it to last? His solo album, Flamingo released this past Tuesday. You all have it right? Is your favorite song Only The Young as well? OMG..that song. I also just got tickets to see him perform in Washington, DC in late November. This time the hubs is going with me so I will have to be on my best behavior…maybe. ;)
4. My blog of the week is Leontine’s Book Realm. I have been going to her blog and chatting with her on Twitter for so long now. I have really come to know her in book terms. Awhile ago when I was reading a Joey W. Hill book, I remember thinking, this is a book Leontine would love. It’s nice I have that book familiarity with her. I trust her opinions on books and her blog is one of the first I visit every morning.
3. True Blood is over for another season. I thought this year had great new characters – Alcide (rawr), “Talbutt”, The King (who is a crispy nugget above…love), and my beloved Franklin. I love that Eric stood up to Godric in the final episode…I hope Tara drives away never to be seen again and Sookie can stay in Fairy land for all I care ;) This Sunday, Boardwalk Empire starts – and it looks good.
2. Kelley Armstrong has a new YA trilogy out next year called Darkness Rising. The first book, The Gathering is out next April. The blurb:
Maya lives in a small medical-research town on Vancouver Island. How small? You can’t find it on the map. It has less than two-hundred people, and her school has only sixty-eight students — for every grade from kindergarten to twelve. Now, strange things are happening in this claustrophobic town, and Maya’s determined to get to the bottom of them. First, the captain of the swim team drowns mysteriously in the middle of a calm lake. A year later, mountain lions start appearing around Maya’s home, and they won’t go away. Her best friend, Daniel, starts getting negative vibes from certain people and things. It doesn’t help that the new bad boy in town, Rafe, has a dangerous secret — and he’s interested in one special part of Maya’s anatomy: Her paw-print birthmark
The only Kelley Armstrong book I have read is Bitten – and it was so good. I have no idea why I have never picked her up again.
1. It’s Friday – yay! I’m heading to the Maryland State Wine Festival this weekend. 42 wineries will be there, and for $25 you get unlimited samples. This is one of my favorite days of the year :) I’m also finishing up Double Cross by Carolyn Crane (the first 100 pages are full of win!) and then starting Primal Pleasure by Sydney Somers. Happy Reading.
Oh yay! Wine Fest, awesome. I agree about TB except Eric still pussed out a little. He didn't kill the crispy king, just buried him. No true death. I still lurve me some Eric though.
I forsee a drunk Mandi in the near future. :)
So, my fav Flamingo songs are Crossfire, Hard Enough, Only the Young and Jacksonville! :)
Enjoy the Wine Festival Mandi — and try not to spill some all over yourself…again ;)
Happy Weekend!
Its amazing there are so many wine festivals ard you. lol
I really need to get season 2 TB. I feel lost when reading everyone's tweets.
Leontine is such a trip. Love her bunches.
FV – but the true death would have given the king peace (at least so says Godric) this way he is gone, but not peaceful.
Ash – Jacksonville is a funky one..I need to listen to that one more. I love Hard Enough..and Jilted Lovers and Broken Hearts too :)
Julie – I ALWAYS spill..haha
Tori – I know..I like wine fests..haha. But this is the BIG one…yay.
Yes – you need to stay current with TB! I say so!
Oh, and I like Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas too!
My daughter and I love True Blood – but she thinks it would be better without Sookie. LOL She does not like the tv Sookie at all.
I feel the same way about Tara – I hope she finds happiness somewhere else.
Have a wonderful weekend at the Wine Festival.
OH! I love the cover of Hard Bitten!!!!! Cannot wait for that release! So far away..
You at a wine fest and all you can dirnk? Oh, the pictures that must be taken and show here afterward. Will you being Lil Eddie with you?
Some gals have all the luck…Double Cross AND a wine festival! Have fun.
I agree about Tara and Sookie… Bill can go after them as well… Now, just picture Eric and Alcide falling in love… =)
I just loved the new Chicagoland vamps cover, and I want Merit's ass, arms, hair, boyfriends, fast methabolism…
Uggg unfortunately I have to wait till True Blood comes out on iTunes or DVD before I get to watch it. The fact that everyone keeps saying these awesome things about it is making my wait that much more torturess!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Paranormal Haven
Do like these 10s :D
And agreeing on wanting that butt
Oh my God! You have *got* to read more Kelley Armstrong! She is a Urban Fantasy legend!
I wasn't thrilled with the True Blood finale… it just felt so messy and there was too much emphasis on the cliffhangers for next season.
Is it just me or does Merit lose more clothes with every cover? Pretty soon she'll be naked!
I'm a little cranky about the number of cliffhangers in the True Blood season finale…
Have fun this weekend!
Love the new Chloe Neill cover! I started that series earlier this month and absolutely adore it.
Is the Wine Festival warned that you are coming? *grin* I hope you are having a blast there but I think wine+Mandi=good times!
You do understand that I now only want JWH latest Vampire Erotica even more. And I've got the same with you and a few others, when I see a release of certain authors I think: OMG, I've got to tell…she'll be psyched about it :)
*wipes away tear* you did it Mandi you read Enlightened!!!!
(sigh) I wish I could drink wine *chants* 5 more months.