Crave by J.R. Ward
October 5, 2010
Paranormal Romance
Paperback, 480 Pages
Reviewed by Mandi
As started in the first book in this series Covet, angel Jim Heron is the pawn between good and evil. After seven battles, where seven people’s soul is at stake, the world will know if evil or goodness has prevailed. In Crave, we see battle number two. Isaac Rothe is a former XOps member, an extremely secretive organization that runs on intel and murder. No one leaves XOps without a bullet in their head, but Isaac has managed to escape – for now. Needing cash and to let out steam, he starts participating in illegal cage fights – until he is busted by the police. Thrown in jail, under his real name, is like a beacon to call his former boss, Matthias to him. He needs to get out pronto.
Jim owes Isaac a debt from their former XOps days and knows Matthias has thrown in the call to have Isaac taken out. Jim figures the least he can do is get Isaac out of the country – alive.
Attorney Grier Childe takes on public defender cases every so often, and the one she is handed is a doozy. Isaac is a mountain of pure muscle, and the very successful Grier can’t help but set aside a little of her professionalism to drink in the sight of Isaac. Although beaten, and very rough around the edges, Grier likes what she sees.
With a brother dead from a drug overdose (who shows up as a ghost and felt very misplaced throughout the book), Grier feels the need to do something to save or protect Isaac from whatever he is running from. Isaac in turn feels the need to repay Grier for her kindness and cash to get him out of jail. But Isaac’s dark world is about to descend upon them, and the light is far from the end of the tunnel.
The first half of Crave is so good! I became very excited, because for me, Covet (book one) left much to be desired. Isaac has a very messy past, and I don’t know if I would call him a tortured hero, but definitely one that sees himself as no good, especially for the gorgeous Grier. As for Grier, I immediately liked her better than the heroine from Covet. She stands her ground and doesn’t cower in the presence of the roughed up Isaac. They have this whole “are you going to kill me or have sex with me” vibe that really notches up the sexual tension in the first half of the book.
"I need to go," he said roughly. Actually he needed to come…inside of her. But that was not going to be part of this. Even if he had to cut off his own cock and bury it in that lovely backyard of hers.
Guess what," he said in a low gravelly voice.
She swallowed hard once again. "What?"
Isaac moved in close, putting his mouth right to her ear. "Killing you isn’t the only thing I could do to you….ma’am."
But then the second half of the book comes around and the romance fizzles to lukewarm. Where did my sexy, murderous Isaac go? Much more of the second half focuses on the other characters. There is a lot going on in this book and does not leave a lot of room for the romance to develop between the two main characters. Jim has a huge side story (which makes sense and I enjoyed). Eddie and Adrien, Jim’s angel friends have their thing going on, as does Devina, Matthias, the four dudes in heaven. I’m not saying the other storylines were boring – far from it. But I just wanted Isaac and Grier to build up their romance more – they make it to the bedroom quick – and then that is it.
I also don’t know if I like (or understand) the cheating that occurs on both sides. The four dudes in heaven make it such a point that they can’t interfere at times or the entire “game” will be forfeit, but then one of them does – without consequences from the Creator. Same thing with Devina – what are the rules of this game they are playing? They seem very wishy-washy. Devina does make for a worthy villain and I like her continuing story.
Crave kept my interest much more than Covet did and also had a better hero and heroine. With more focus on the romance throughout the book, I would have really liked it.
Rating: 3.5/5
Recent Reviews:
Love Vampires – 3/5
All About Romance – A-
This series includes:
Untitled #3 – 2011
Great review. I love J.R. Ward, but I don't know if I can continue with this series. I hope I enjoy this one a little better than the first. We'll see. :)
Arghhhh… I am so reluctant, but I know I will probably read it. Is there any mention made of the BDB charatcers? I'm just worried I might miss some minor plot created in this series that will be referred in BDB.
"As for Grier, I immediately liked her better than the heroine from Covet"…. ah, yes, she of the hyphenated name who shall not be named. lol
Great, honest review.
Bells – Try this one…I think you will like it better than Covet.
Danielle – I didn't catch any references to BDB characters. I know in Covet Butch was in a church with a hat on and maybe Phury was around or something…so she may have done something sneaky..but no big references at all.
LOL – the heroine who shall not be named…hehehehe
I'm going to read this one regardless, just 'cause. I just find it amazing that an author can write one series that blows everyone away and another that, well, doesn't. But if this one is a little better than Covet, maybe they'll just get better and better and by the time the last book of this series comes out, they will rock! Here's hoping. At least the cover is really nice…
Nice review Mandi!
I think I might just stay away from these, I am feeling like I am over Ward, I just get disappointed
HHmmm, I've got COVET on shelves, CRAVE on its way and they just can't seem to grab my attention very much. I really need to just jump in and find out for myself if i can like this series. I'm glad CRAVE was better Mandi – in some ways – then COVET :)
I read Covet and wasn't that taken with it. Not sure why this series doesn't capture me. Great review Mandi.
I've been waiting to see what you thought of this. Covet did leave a lot to be desired but I knew I'd read Crave. I didn't expect to be blown out of the water by Covet because it was the start of a new series and I thought JR would need some time to get things worked out. I think the cover for Crave is better than the one for Covet. Great review.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I'm on the fence with this one as well…did not really care for Covet, forced myself to finish it. I want to read this just to see…but I am very hesitant.
I'll have to re-read your review a few times to make the decision -LOL!
Thanks Mandi!
Any Team Qhuay cameo?
I know… I'm obsessed with those two.
Glad to hear this one is at least a little better than Covet. I had such high expectations because of the BDB series, but I think it's almost impossible to live up to the Brothers. Thanks for the review Mandi!
Well, I may be the only person that liked Covet… Hmmm… Sure there were flaws, but I liked the couple and the new world/mythology.
I actually tried to find this one on the bookshelves early (bad Jen, bad), but it wasn't there yesterday. Now I'm wondering if maybe I'll hold off. I have so many other books I want to read, maybe I'll put this one on hold.
Thanks for the great review.
Hi Mandi,
I liked Covet and I think I'm going to like Crave. The problem is that I don't remember much of the Angels stuff. I may have to read Covet again before starting Crave…
Grrrrr! I read the excerpt of this one on Ward's site and started feeling the old desperate tingles that Ward used to ignite. Now my balloon of hope has popped with your stellar but disheartening review.
*sigh* My reader heart's desire for J.R. Ward has dimmed significantly over the last two years and while I still buy her releases, I haven't picked up one of her books to actually read since LOVER AVENGED.
Like you mentioned here with CRAVE, the romance just doesn't take center stage anymore and it's left me less than interested in investing hours into one of her books. Buuuuuuttttt I am jazzed for Payne's book. Maybe my depressing attitude will be wiped away with that read…. We'll see.
Thank for the insight, Mandi. I am one of the few that enjoyed Covet, and look forward to reading Crave!
I'm with Dani and Smash Attack. Thanks for the great review.
For a minute I thought I missed the release date! Congrats on the advanced read, and thanks again for sharing! -Westie
Thanks for the review Mandi. I enjoyed COVET; knowing it would be completely different from her BDB series. So, if CRAVE held your interest more, this one should be even more enjoyable.
I might read this for Angel Month again. Or I might not. I don't know, it sounds kinda meh….
Still undecided whether im going to read this book. I was majorly disappointed in the first book and was all grrr that it wasn't fantastic,so im scurred to read 'Crave', since WARD is my crack. I wish she'd just give us more brothers instead heh!
I sometimes wonder if I just have low standards, lol. I totally bought the ghost thing and even though the romance did seem to get pushed to the wayside in lieu of the other plot lines, I was still right there with Grier and Isaac until the end where we were rewarded.
Also, there's one BDB reference and that's the sKillerz game wherein Isaac was recruited. If you go back to one of the BDB books (can't remember which one) this it the same game JM and Qhuay are playing when their pretrans.
*they're. Sorry for the typo.
Oh cool reference! I def liked this romance better than maybe in bk 3 I'll be blown away;)