Crown of Crystal Flame by C.L. Wilson (Tairen Soul #5)
October 26, 2010
Paperback, 480 Pages
Reviewed by Mandi
This is a spoiler-free review of Crown of Crystal Flame. However, I do talk about previous events that occur in this series.
I adore this series and these characters C.L. Wilson has brought to life. She writes the evilest of all villains and the most tortured of all heroes. Between these two men is Ellyseta, a woman so in love with the light, yet marked with evil and teetering on the edge of darkness.
Crown of Crystal Flame, the final book in the Tairen Soul series starts right where Queen of Song and Souls ends. Actually, the prologue is the heartbreaking event of Adrial and his truemate all over again (and their death plays a big role in this book). I don’t know how C.L. Wilson does it, but she gets me so wrapped up in these characters. While I love the story of Rain and Ellysetta, I have become so attached to Bel and Gaelen (part of her guard) and Shan and Elfeya (her parents stuck in prison). She weaves in the stories of her supporting characters to the point I latch on and I don’t want to let go.
C.L. Wilson has so much to address and wrap up in this book and I think she does an amazing job. Ellysetta is fighting her four mage marks while Rain is desperate to find a way to finish his bonding before the madness overtakes him. Shan and Elfeya are at wits end after endless torture. Kieran and Kiel are missing with Ellysetta’s sisters. King Dorian and Queen Annoura are struggling in their marriage and constant political maneuverings. And finally, the epic war is on the horizon. Vadim Maur, who may be my favorite villain of all time, has amassed not only a stunning number in his evil army, but has a plan set to capture his prize possession Ellysetta.
This book is intense, action-filled and with some absolutely heartbreaking moments that made me tear-up. Everyone’s story, not just Rain and Ellysetta’s, are resolved. Some with joy, others with tragedy. The action starts right from the beginning, and although the actual romance scenes are fewer in this book, there are an abundance of poignant, touching scenes. At this point in the series, we know of the love between Rain and Ellysetta – what we need to see is the final outcome and we are not disappointed.
I honestly don’t have any complaints. This book is an outstanding end to one of my favorite series. You must read this series in order, this isn’t one you can casually pick-up halfway through but I highly recommend it. I am not huge into reading fantasy, but this one delivers romance, action and characters that are unforgettable.
Rating: 5/5
Recent Reviews:
The Book Pushers – B+
This series includes:
Lord of the Fading Lands
Lady of Light and Shadows
King of Sword and Sky
Queen of Song and Souls
Crown of Crystal Flame
The ending reminded me of Star Wars.
Rain with ice is a bad boy indeed ;)
I can only say; complete ditto to the whole review Mandi :) Everything I wanted to know got answered and that final chapter, that final scene…it just wow-ed me. Now I want Cheryl to dive in to more characters HEA ;)
*hiding* Must hide since I haven't even read book 1 yet, but saw the 5
Great review Mandi. I'm stil on the first one. *hiding face* lol
I should really read this series, it sounds fantastic. I'll be perfectly honest and say the covers are what has kept me from it despite reading glowing reviews from you and others, they're just so cheesy maybe? That aside, I really enjoyed your review and I'll think I'll get over my cover prejudice and read them:) Thanks for the review Mandi!
This series is in my book closet. I was waiting for this one to come out before tackling them…yeah, that's it. That's why I waited. Okay, I really don't know why I did but I'm glad to see the series ends well!
Nice Review Mandi!
Jenny – I know the covers are different…but don't pass it by because of that. Inside is good stuff :)
The first volume is edging it's way to the top of the TBR stack. I'm looking forward to losing myself in a good fantasy. :D
I think this is a series I might like. I really need the romance so this could work for me. :)
I have read the first three and I am about to re-read them all plus the final two for reviews.
*sigh* I am glad to hear you like it. Makes me happy I won't have to toss my ereader.
How am I just hearing about this series?????? This sounds awesome!! Thanks for the review, Mandi!!
I still have the fourth book to read (which is why I didn't read the review – sorry Mandi), and after peeking at the ending of the fourth book (and throwing what can only be described as a 'wobbly') I'm seriously not sure about continuing. I know we've talked about this Mandi, but…I can't see how CL Wilson can have me believe in HEA…
And if what happened to Sirius Black happens to Gaelen (I hate it when characters who have been through so much get killed off before their HEA)….*panic*
The ending reminded me of Star Wars.
But that has me curious….
I know the ending of the fourth book is dramatic and OMG sad. And I know we have talked about this…
but there is a very good HEA. I promise. I'm not saying tragic things do not occur in the final book…one event made my mouth drop open..
but aren't you dying to see how she wraps it up? ;)
LOL – I JUST read Leontine's review and your comments agreeing with her review. I have seen you discuss the series, but never really paid attention. But you and Leontine have pushed me into putting the series on my wishlist. Now, when will I get to them? *sigh*