The Spy Who Saved Christmas by Dana Marton
Romantic Suspense
October 12, 2010
Paperback, 224 Pages
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: “You don’t know what it does to a guy when he sees a hot woman shoot like Dirty Harry.”
The only word that registered with her was dirty.
Christmas reads are fun. You can sit by the fire, pour yourself a little eggnog, cuddle up and read about terrorists who steal babies, people getting their ears blown off, a heroine who is a butcher (she kills someone with a cleaver!), and a sexy spy (surprise you are also a daddy! To twins!) who is there to save the day. Welcome to the world of Harlequin Intrigue. Oh my – this is my first, and I’m seriously in love. The Spy Who Saved Christmas is such an entertaining read.
Reid Graham is an undercover agent who has spent time in the Middle East but now finds himself back in the States. Two years ago he was undercover as a baker, trying to break into a terrorist ring. Lara, who inherited a butcher shop from her uncle, has always wanted an adventure and decided to have a one night stand with the sexy baker. Nine months later, Lara delivered twins. Reid was not there to share in the joy of the birth, because he burned in a fire that one fateful night. OR DID HE?
Two years later, Reid is still undercover, and still trying to take down this terrorist group that have a something against the country. They have planned a bio-attack, and Reid is desperately trying to gain the inside intel. Out to dinner one night with a suspected member, Lara walks in the door. She recognizes him, and of course wants to talk with him since she thinks he is dead. Once his cover is blown, all hell breaks loose. These terrorists mean business and soon, they track Lara down. Her toddlers are kidnapped, and now that Reid knows he is a father, he will do anything to get them back.
The suspense in The Spy Who Saved Christmas is ramped up and what I really loved about it is it was gritty. The hero breaks people’s necks and others die around him. Although a bio-terrorist plot in a small Pennsylvania town may be a little out there, the actual violence and risk that the characters are put in was very well done.
I loved the heroine’s reaction when she loses her kids. It all felt very real. The time spent between Reid and Lara give them opportunity to get to know each other – the real them, and start a foundation for a relationship. There is just enough sexual tension between them, taking into consideration their mental status as they are trying to track down their kidnapped children. I’m a sucker for an alpha who is lethal, sexy, and undercover. I am always drawn to them, and Reid fits that description perfectly for me. I also liked that Lara herself is six feet tall and described as having a sturdier butcher’s build – a nice change of pace from your typical petite heroine. The sexual tension in this one is just all sorts of hot.
“The first time you showed up in my life, my business burned down. Tonight I was shot at, and I had to go on the run with the boys because my home is no longer safe. I should run when I see you coming.
The way his gaze was focused on her lips made her warm all over. He moved back into her personal space again.
“Run.” His voice was a raspy whisper.
She couldn’t move to save her life.
Reid does go rogue at one point, and may have bended the “rules” rather liberally with his pursuit of the bad guys. There is a double ending in this one, just when you think a happily ever after is on the next page, Dana Marton really makes Reid prove he is a superior spy ;)
This book really delivers a suspenseful, sexy, entertaining read. Totally over the top and I loved it.
Rating: 4/5
Recent Reviews:
The Romance Dish –4/5
I love Harlequin Intrigue…easy reading (for the most part) and usually good stories! Plus they are CHEAP, which helps for poor ppl like me :)
Great review! Gonna have to find this one!
The title of this book sent me into a fit of giggles.
Great review!
Nikki – Yes, they are cheap..I've been buying them up! :)
Ash – LOL…I love the cover too..but it really is a good book in there!
I love this title *giggle* and it sounds fab. I haven't read Harlequins in a long time but I may need to get back into them. Great review Mandi.
I have to read this. I've never read Harlequin Intrigue. That cover is a little weird but the story sounds great!!
"Or did he?" You totally hear the dramatic music in the background there! lol This sounds like a fun read. The name "Harlequin' makes me nervous…lol I'm going to have to read one one of these days though. Nice Review Mandi!
I love Christmas. I love Christmas reads therefore KC must read this one.
Oh Mandi, you make me wanna go and read some Harlequin intrigue :D
You read a romantic suspense book?! lol tell me my eyes do not lie. :)
st – LOL..I did I did! I've been reading more of them lately :)
Thank you Mandi. And that title…. *grin*
I love a good spy/romance book. This one reminds me of a good one I just finished titled, "Carnal Weapon" by Peter Hoffmann, which is a story that takes place in 1950s and 1960s, when the French government employed young attractive women as industrial spies to seduce American engineers and scientists in order to obtain their trade secrets. It was extremely suspenseful, and very romantic!!