Seven Nights to Forever by Evangeline Collins
Historical Romance
November 2, 2010
Trade Paperback, 336 Pages
Berkley Trade
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: “You’re the first man I have ever wanted to be with.”
After Rose’s parents died a few years ago, her 13 year old brother was left without a great outlook in life when most of their money went to cover the family debt. Without many options, Rose decides to take control of her life, and sell her body. A profession where she comes to realize leaves her with little control at all. After two unsuccessful protectors (one married, one abusive) she finds Madame Rubicon’s brothel and has been employed there for the past four years. Being beautiful, and having experience, she only needs to work seven days out of each month and then she is able to retire to her country house for the remaining three weeks, and spend her hard earned money covering her brother’s luxurious lifestyle.
James Archer has become very wealthy in trade. He is a commoner though, no titles in his family. His father gave him his shipping company and James is set for life, although works extremely hard. Wanting his younger sister to have every advantage, he knew he had marry someone titled. He ends up marrying Amelia, a daughter of an earl. Now his sister is able to have a coming out season, but James is paying for it emotionally. After his wife told him to come no where near her at their wedding breakfast, and she parades her lovers in front of him, James has turned to work, to hide, and forget about his life at home. He is so lonely for attention, and for a woman’s touch after three miserable years of marriage, that he finds himself at Rubicon’s. He has never been unfaithful to his wife, until this night and he promises himself it will only be this once.
It is here he meets Rose, and they both are surprised at who they find. James treats Rose with respect, and dignity, yet he still lusts after her something fierce. They become friends, and deeper feelings start to run, but at the same time James is still paying for her services, and the word whore is always on Rose’s mind.
I loved Seven Nights to Forever. James and Rose are two of the sweetest, most adorable characters I have read about in quite some time. First of all, I love that Rose is a prostitute. It might sound weird to say that, but it is just so different in a historical romance. There is no pretending – she has been a prostitute for four years and that is just the way things are. She doesn’t like it, but it allows her to only work one week a month and take care and spoil her younger brother.
When James comes to her he is at the end of his patience. It’s tricky to write this story with James married. But, Evangeline Collins makes James’s wife so despicable, that honestly, you can’t help but push him towards Rose. When he is asked by Rubicon what kind of woman he wants, his first thought is “someone kind.” It is heartbreaking to read when he is touched for the first time, or even just held in Rose’s arms. He has lived a solitary life for so long, and has to live with a passive façade around his wife, who has shamed him so much. When Rose opens her arms to him, it is so beautiful.
And although there are many romantic, very sexy scenes, I also love that during most of the book, James is still paying for Rose. It is never forgotten that she has been with a countless number of men. When Rose performs a sexual act on James, he can’t help but think about how many other men she had done this with. They both wish they had been each other’s first, but that is not the reality. And when James takes Rose out of her environment, Rose doesn’t know how to act. She doesn’t know how to just be a woman, always questioning herself as to what James would want. So – it is not like they meet and everything is rainbows and flowers. It’s a struggle to mentally remove Rose from being a prostitute and I think Evangeline Collins handles that extremely well.
My only wish is that the ending conflict with Amelia would have been more explosive. I felt like for as evil, and conniving her character is portrayed, she didn’t put up enough fight at the end.
Seven Nights to Forever is one of my favorite historical romances I have read this year because of the beautiful characters Evangeline Collins gives us. I highly recommend this one.
Rating: B+
Recent Revies
Realms on our Bookshelves – 3.5/5
Fiction Vixen – 4/5
Evangeline Collins is offering a copy of Seven Nights to Forever to one lucky commenter. To enter, just leave a comment. Open to everyone through Saturday, November 6th. Please leave an email address if not in your profile.
This sounds like an emotional and sweet read.
Evol pimp ;P
It sounds sweet and emotional and lord i love those kind of books that go right to your heart. I am for sure putting this on my to read list right now !! thanks for the review :)
I've been seeing this cover around the blogs !! really like to read it.
uniquas at ymail dot com
Oh, how I would love to win this book! "Seven Nights to Forever" is at the top of my wish list. The uniquely appealing characters of James and Rose and the wonderful twists and turns of the story line have me quite intrigued! A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do…and so does a man ; )
US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I think prostitutes are worthy of being a novels heroine. This sounds like a wonderful love story.
nashfaw AT gmail DOT com
I've read a number of good reviews for this book. I'd like a chance to win this read. Thanks!
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
Blogger hates me… grrrr
Anyway, I'm very intrigued by this book. I'd love to win a copy!
GrowlyCub at yahoo dot com
Don't enter me!
This sounds very sweet & romantic. Evol woman. You've convinced me. Now I will read, cry and it'll be all your fault. Hope your proud of yourself. :)
I too loved James and Rose together. I read this book on a sunday afternoon in one go, mostly due to the main couple but also very good writing skills IMO :))
It's a historical (*sigh*) but it sounds like a really solid story with beautiful characters. You and Sophia have convinced me to give it a try! :)
Whoa! What a cover. Who would not want to read this :)
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Oh, I want, I want, I want. How can this story not be so heartbreaking and passionate all at the same time. I WANT!
I agree, one of the best historicals I've read as well. I loved James and Rose, they were lovely.
Please enter me as well – I am a sucker for a damsel that is down and out on her luck :)
baychriz at gmail dot com
Sounds like an interesting historical romance. Not always a fan, but when it is done right… it's nice. :) Oh yea… enter me for the book. :)
I've been seeing this beautiful cover everywhere. It would be nice to have the chance to read it.
Great review Mandi!
And I agree, Evangeline penned James's horrible wife perfectly. The despair and pain that Jamses felt in her presence gave me almost a sick feeling and like you, I definitely urged him towards Rose in my heart.
However in contrast, I was super satisfied with how things ended for Amelia. Without giving spoilers, I think that when all is said and done, her "good" name will be completely tarnished. ;)
Nice review.
I have such a hard time putting my head around this one, I would just have to read it :)
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
This has been on my wish list for a while – it looks really great! Thanks for reviewing it. :>]
Sounds great. I would love to read this book.
I would love to read this one, I've been interested ever since I first heard about it.
seriousreader at live dot com
I have been wanting to read this book ever since I first heard of it! :D I love historical romances, and this one looks extra steamy ;)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Seven Nights to Forever, and thanks for the chance to win it :D
♪♫ Ambur
This sounds good — thanks for the opportunity!
This sounds like a great book. Love the cover!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Sounds like an interesting read. Almost like a historical version of Pretty Woman. I wonder if they had hooker boots back in the day.
Thanks for another great review.
Jen D.
What a gorgeous cover!
kissinoak at frontier dot com
Wow, this would have totally flown under my radar. It sounds very intriguing… On the other hand, it's a bit more pricey. Oh, well, can't have everything, I guess.
P.S. Thanks for making it open to everyone. I hardly ever win anything, but just knowing I have a small chance makes me feel good. :)
What an interesting premise. I love when tables are turned and it's not the man who's the experienced lover.
akbabcock at gmail dot com
Ohhh this sounds good! I agree with Allison about the tables turning, it makes it more interesting.. I can't wait to get my hands on this one!
This book looks so great. Can't wait to read it!
A new to me author!! The book sounds awesome and I'd love to be entered to win.
follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I really want to read this. Definitely adding it to my wishlist.
jen at delux dot com
Sounds like an interesting read!
catastrophiccat at gmail dot com
At first i did't want know if i would want to know a book when the main character is a prostitute,but after i re-read this post again i realized this is not a prostitute story :)
Enter me !
raluk.93 at gmail (dot) com
The excerpt of this book was pretty interesting. Would love to win a copy.
i want to read the whole story by my self. please count me in !
uniquas at ymail dot com
I really want to read this and the excerpt sounds amazing