Edge Of Sight By Roxanne St. Claire (Guardian Angelinos #1)
November 1, 2010
Romantic Suspense
Paperback, 432 Pages
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “Us. Love. Forever. Sight. Wholeness. You.”
When Sam Fairchild witnesses the murder of a local celebrity, she becomes the target of a professional assassin. Not trusting the local authorities, she turns to her friend, investigative reporter Vivi Angelino. When Vivi recruits her brother Zach to help protect Samantha, the sparks fly. Zach, a Special Ops war vet, and Sam had a passionate 3 week affair that ended when Zach went to war and never contacted her again. As Zach and Sam are swept into a conspiracy that corrupts the entire city; they will have confront all that happened in the past in order to secure their future.
Edge Of Sight is an exciting fast paced romantic premier thriller that grabbed a hold of me and didn’t let go. This is my first time reading Roxanne St. Claire. Having heard so many wonderful things about her Bullet Catcher series, I decided to give her Angelino series a try.
The beginning starts out with a bang, when our heroine, Samantha Fairchild, witnesses a murder. When she discovers that the murderer has her picture she goes to the police. But the Boston PD doesn’t consider her a “reliable” witness due to a situation from Sam’s past. With no where to go and no one to help her, Sam turns to the only person she can trust-Vivi Angelino. A tough as nails investigative journalist; she and Sam had once been best friends till Vivi’s twin brother Zach came between them. When Vivi suggests Zach become Sam’s bodyguard; her and Zach both balk. Even though Sam hasn’t seen nor heard from Zach since he left her after an intense 3 week affair; once she sees him again it’s like the he never left. The feelings she thought were buried flares white hot and painful.
Zach Angelino never meant to see Sam again. After their affair and his subsequent injuries in Iraq, he felt it best to stay out of her life. But he has come home to recuperate at his sister Vivi’s apartment and can not resist being even a small part of Sam’s life once again
Sam and Zach, connected with me from their first scene together. Since their affair, they have each experienced devastation and heartbreak in their lives that has changed them physically and emotionally. Their reunion tightened my throat and hurt my heart-so much emotion packed into the words they spoke and didn’t speak to each other. Their scenes together build slowly-allowing us and them to see and understand what they have each gone through. I enjoyed their exchanges. They don’t fall immediately in to bed together. They each have their secrets and Ms. St. Claire uses the revealing of those secrets to help facilitate the storyline. Sam is a very likable heroine. She doesn’t “fall” apart easily and shows intelligence, strength, and courage in dealing with Zach and her life. She is cautious with Zach, as she should be. He hurt her very badly, plus, someone is trying to kill her.
Zach is an alpha hero who has been dealt a bad hand in life. Solitary by nature; when he is wounded in war he pushes everyone away in his efforts to deal. I had a problem with him in the beginning because I don’t due tortured heroes well. But as Ms. St. Claire draws out his background and cultivates his personality-you see a different side of him and understand why he is as he is.
Our secondary characters were a joy to meet. Vivi is a trip-very outgoing, smart, and scared of nothing. She charges in where angels fear to tread. Nobody stands a chance against her. Uncle Nino bring humor, love, and a strong sense of family to the story. I enjoyed getting to know the whole Angelino/Rossi family and look forward to seeing them in their own books.
The suspense of the story was a twisted thrilling ride with enough misdirection to keep me guessing till the very end. Ms. St. Claire does a fabulous job keeping the romance and suspense running side by side without sacrificing either. Towards the end they intertwine and race towards a climatic conclusion. I will definitely be returning to the Ms St Claire’s Guardian Angelinos series with her next in the series, Shiver Of Fear, which releases Marc 28, 2011.
Rating: B
Recent Reviews
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This series includes
The Edge of Sight
Shiver of Fear – March 28, 2011
Face of Danger – April 26, 2011
Just finished this book and thought it was a great start to a new series! Great review Tori!
amy865-Thanks! Wasn't it fab? I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
Thank you, Tori! I got chills when I saw what quote you pulled. That was one of those lines of dialogue that always choked me up a little. Thanks very much for such a lovely review!
Thank you, Tori! I got chills when I saw what quote you pulled. That was one of those lines of dialogue that always choked me up a little. Thanks very much for such a lovely review!
Oh this one sounds great Tori! I love that they don't fall right back into bed together, and both Sam and Zach seem like enjoyable and believable protagonists. Looking forward to this one now!
Nice review, that quote just, nice, ;)
roxanne-SQUEE!! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Love the start of this series and can't wait for more. That quote just grabbed me and squeezed my heart. It sums up Zach perfectly. :)
Jenny-That's what made the story for me in that we got to see them work out the problems and things HAD to be said not just assumed.
Blodeuedd said-Thanks. I'd love to have someone say something like that to me. :)
Ah Tori damn you another great review! This book sounds so good and you've given it such a good grade I just have to put it on my to buy list, you're not helping me stop my book spending!
Ally-LOL I'm sorry. But you won't regret this purchase.