In The Company Of Vampires (The Dark Ones #8) by Kate MacAlister
Paranormal Romance
November 2, 2010
Paperback, 334 Pages
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “Virgin goddess! Isleif is getting our ale and Eirik is using the privy, but he will return soon, unless his guts are bound up again. If that is the case, then he may need to purge his arse. You will have ale with us.”
Francesca Ghetti told Benedikt that she could not be his Beloved until she knew she loved him on her own and not because of the bond. So Fran stayed in the US and tried to get on with her life. But fate never makes life easy. When Fran’s mother Miranda turns up missing, Fran travels back to Gothfaire for answers. What she finds is 3 weasel gold using McDonalds pillaging viking ghosts, crazy werebeings, necromancers, and Benedikt consoling his broken heart by burying himself in the cleavage of another woman.
Some days it just doesn’t pay to leave your bed.
In The Company of Vampires is # 8 in Kate MacAlister’s Dark Ones series. We first met Fran and Benedikt in Confessions Of A Vampire’s Girlfriend-a YA novel. Here Fran has grown up a bit. She is 21-22 years old. 5 years have passed since she met Benedikt and it hasn’t gotten any easier. When Ben and his sister continuously pressure Fran to accept the bond and join Ben as his beloved; she says ENOUGH and gives Ben the old “buh-bye”. Fran loves Ben, make no mistake about that, but she wants to make the choice herself. When Fran cannot get a hold of her mother Miranda, she fears Loki is up to his old tricks and is extracting his revenge by kidnapping her mom. Then the three vikings show up with orders from Freya so Fran decides to heads back to Gothfaire for some answers. But many surprises is waiting here for her. The most shocking is Benedikt isn’t “grieving” like he should be. Oh no. Ben has found a new squeeze and Fran is furious and hurt. But also resigned because she did tell him they were over. But in all this time Fran should have learned that nothing is ever what it seems.
I have never laughed so hard as I did in this book. Fast pacing and a smooth flowing story line with plenty of action, humor, and romance grabbed me up and held me hostage for the whole wild ride.
Fran shows more maturity here but you can still see the child in her with some of her responses and actions. I love the fact she doesn’t always censor her thoughts or comments and gives as good as she gets. The alternative cuss words do get a little annoying at times but it is part of her charm.
Ben is Ben. MacAlister does such a wonderful job on all her characters but she really captures Ben well. Sexy, controlled, and very much in love with Fran. At 300 years old, I find his reserved nature to be a perfect foil for Fran’s enthusiastic personality. I did hate him for a little part of the book. Fran’s hurt over his supposed betrayal breaks your heart. But we see a lot of growing up for both of them in this book and I enjoyed seeing the results.
The smexy scenes between Ben and Fran are HAWT. Smoking HAWT!! Makes me want a Ben. Or a viking. Or both. ;)
The vikings are back and better then ever. Full of unintentional mischief, these three will have you crying tears between the weasel gold, wenching, and viking ninja helmets.I love how protective they are of Fran. It gives them depth and makes then oh so much more adorable.
"He’s shacked up with a woman who told me he was hers now. And he agreed."
"Then he will die," Eirik said simply, reaching for his hip. He swore when he remembered he’d had to leave his sword back in Oregon.
"Aye. He will." Finnvid said, looking around the trailer.
"Ah. What is this? It looks like stone grinder." He pulled an old-fashioned egg beater from the drawer below the tiny microwave.
"That’s an egg beater. It wouldn’t be effective on stones at all."
Finnvid’s lips quirked. "It would on a man’s stones. I’m willing to bet." He spun the handle around vigorously a couple of times.
Isleif crossed his legs. "You cannot kill a Dark One by grinding his stones."
"No, but we can make sure he doesn’t rut with anyone but the virgin goddess," Finnvid answered.
The multiple story lines run parallel and are each given equal time to allow development. Nothing is sacrificed. They twist and turn together to keep you guessing with little clues given along the way. New and old characters are abound through out and we are assured that this is not the last we see of Fran, Ben, or our beloved vikings. This can be read as a stand alone but I really recommend reading Confessions Of A Vampire’s Girlfriend if you want Fran and Ben’s back story.
All in all I found this a delightful comedic Paranormal Romance that will be a sure hit for anyone who wants a little of everything in their romances. I will definitely be continuing with this series.
Rating: B
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A list of the book in this series can be found HERE.
Not nice to be pressured but still she just gives up on the love of her life and leaves, I would not want her back after that
Blodeuedd- LOL There are very good reasons for all of it explained in this book.
I need to read some Katie MacAlister, I've heard her books are wonderful. Glad to know I can read this one as a stand alone and won't be too lost even though it's book 8 in the series. So many books to read Tori, so many.
Jenny said- You wont lose anything by reading this one alone. Though I do rec. reading the first one to this one-Confessions Of A Vampire's Girlfriend. It really helps you understand Fran and Ben's story.
Thank you Mandi. A few years ago I discovered Katie MacAlister went on a bit of a gloom. I really enjoyed her green dragon series. However, ATM I'm just not feeling the rom com vibe (if that makes sense?). Hopefully one day I will and then I can go on another gloom :)
I think I need to read this author :) She sounds like my kinda voice.