Somewhere Along the Way (A Harmony Novel-#2) by Jodi Thomas
Contemporary Romance
November 2, 2010
Paperback, 368 Pages
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote:”Well if I’m not dead then you must have come to call, and I’d better tell you Tyler Wright, I’m to old for you and even if I was willing to take a chance with you I wouldn’t.
You see, I kinda like being a widow. It’s easier to spell then divorcee and I don’t have to share the bathroom or remote with anyone.”
Welcome back to Harmony. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. Come on down to the Blue Moon cafe and sit a spell. I’ll fill you in on everything that’s happened since your last visit.
2 years have passed since the last time I saw you here.
Ah, I see you noticed Reagan Thurman. Well, she decided to stay after the fire that almost destroyed her uncle Jeremiah’s farm last year. You remember that don’t you? That nasty boy who wanted to be a hero decided to take nature into his own hands and almost killed us all.
Jeremiah is still a ornery as ever but between you and me I think he dearly loves that girl.
Reagan and Noah McAllen are still thick as thieves but something seems to be coming between them. They are drifting apart and it’s hurting Reagan something fierce.
She’s working a shift for Edith. Bless her heart. I wouldn’t wish Ms. Edith’s husband on anyone…but things may be changing. Lloyd sure seems to be having a lot of accidents lately.
But that’s ok, if Ms. Edith needs help, Liz Matheson is back in town-fresh from law school. Setting up her shingle over the hardware store. She hasn’t any real experience but she sure seems be getting a lot of late night company *wink-wink*. I swear it looks like Gabe Leary but that couldn’t be right. He never comes to town and when he does he speaks to no one.
Liz’s brother Hank Matheson , the local volunteer Fire Chief, isn’t happy about his sister living in town alone but he has his own worries. He and Alex McAllen, the town sheriff-I swear, you don’t remember a thing do you? *sigh* Well, they have been engaged for 3 years but have set no date yet.
I have to wonder…is it her? Or him?
Stella McNabb says there is an old woman who is haunting the local cemetery but Tyler Wright says it’s just a lonely old soul looking for answers to the past. Tyler sure seems a little down lately. Perhaps it has something to do with the Major we saw him with 2 years ago.
Ms. Stella also has predicted that a shadow as dark night will creep from Old Harmony and spread it’s poison like a gas through out the town. Her husband Bob thinks it’s the Mexican food they ate the other night but I’m not sure.
She was right the last time.
Somewhere Along the Way picks up 2 years after Welcome to Harmony. Romance, friendship, and change are the foundations of this story. It centrals around Reagen and her place in the town. Reagen Thurman has settled into her new life with ease. Having found the love and acceptance she always craved; she worries when things and people around her start to change.
Smoothly written with an engaging steady pace, this compelling 2nd installment sweeps us back into Harmony and the intricate relationships of it’s founding families.
There are 4 story lines that blend and intertwine; each circling back to Reagen. Reagen’s relationship with Noah is changing and she is not sure where she stands in his life or if there is even a place for her anymore. When she takes on the Wednesday night duties of a waitress at the Blue Moon, she soon learns that everyone in the town has a story in them.
As her own day to day actions interact and and ripple through the town’s residents, Reagen and the others soon learn that change is inevitable, but with love and friendship, can be embraced and celebrated.
Ms. Thomas has such a gift for creating memorable and witty characters who’s not so perfect lives transcend the book and become friends of our heart. She writes with such intimacy that we are instantly drawn back in as if we never left. She gives voice to old and new characters in this story and all play an important part in the town’s and Reagen’s life. Martha Q. has to be one of my favorite characters in this story. A wild unapologetic multiple time widow-she just wants to help.
Regardless if you want help or not.
Ms. Thomas gives a lot of background into her characters lives without overwhelming you.
A strong character driven arc, it’s rather like coming home and catching up on all the town gossip. Steady and humorous dialog keeps you entertained and laughing throughout the book.
We are given a little suspense and mystery through out the book that brings some strong emotions to the table and resolves in heartwarming satisfactory way.
I do admit there is one storyline with Carol Matheson that that developed awkwardly. It is very slowly revealed during the book but becomes a major issue at the end and it threw me off.
I didn’t really understand WHY she is the way she is. Her background doesn’t led credence to her cruelty. At least not yet. Hopefully we will see more of her and her situation in the next book.
Even though this could be read as a stand alone, I recommend reading the first in the series, Welcome To Harmony. This is a continuation and is written as such. All in all a delightful contemporary romance that continues the Harmony saga and I cannot wait for the 3rd book-set to release in 2011.
Rating: A-
Recent Reviews
Book Binge – 5/5
Rundpinne – 5/5
My Reading Room – 5/5
This Series Includes
Welcome to Harmony
Somewhere Along the Way
I'm in a 'snuggle-in-front-of-the-fire-and-read-mode' and SATW is the kind of book that fits my mood :) This is the kind of town I like to venture in to meet all these lovely characters.
Leontine-It's a great story that I enjoyed. Ms. Thomas's books have a fab way that grabs and holds you till the end.
This is one of those series where I see the cover and move on. But I always see good reviews that make me want to reconsider. Nice review Tori.
FV-It's a comtemp in the truest since.
I have seen the BEST reviews for these two books. Seriously..not a bad word…will have to check them out.
I love the way you review these too :)
I'm with Fiction Vixen on the cover, I would have breezed on by this one without a backward glance, but it seems that would have been a mistake. I love the character driven stories and this one seems to have some truly memorable ones so thanks for this review Tori!
Mandi-Thanks. They are really good. A nice break from PNR/UF and, umm, my little m/m addiction. lol
Jenny-I love contemps.Especially when filled with such unforgettable characters.
Can you read this one as a stand alone? Or should I start with the first one…
It does sound very sweet and nice, but starting at the beginning would sure be best :)
Smokinhotbooks-I recommend reading Welcome to Harmony first. This book picks right up and continues on.
Blodeuedd-Yep. Start with the first one or you'll be lost.
Nice review! I love this series and can hardly wait for the next one!
Thank you Tori!
Christina-It's a great series
orannia-no, no thank you. :)
I recently reviewed this book myself, and loved it. I can't wait for the next installment in this series.
Your review was really cute by the way!
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