Christmas morning I opened my present from Adam and Shay (my brother and sister in-law). I saw the cover for Blood Lust and plastered on that fake smile. Yay, some unknown vampire book. But Adam and Shay said, no, no, no – take a peek inside.
My eyebrows shot up. Dedicated to me?? From Smexy Claus?? And then I turned to page one:
LOLOL!!! Yes, Mandi (me) and Kevin (my hubs) are the hero and heroine of this book (174 pages). It totally cracks me up. Apparently Adam and Shay had to answer tons of questions about us so it is personalized to match us. Everything from what type of car we own to what color lingerie I prefer. And it is erotic. Hello ménage – Hell, I even have swaying breasts!
I’m the star of my very own paranormal erotic book! Adam and Shay did end up getting me the perfect gift!
Go HERE to see where they ordered it from.
In return, I bought them the perfect gift too. They are expecting their first child this summer – so of course I had to buy this onesie:
Aunt Smexy is so excited for the new baby. We will have matching shirts!
I crack myself up! I do!
That is so unbelievably AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing!! (can I borrow sometime!) LOL
OMG Love it! And Woo Hoo on the swaying breasts…even though it's a gift from your brother. LOL
This is so cool! I'm sure you were like "uh ok" when you first opened it ROFL!! Two thumbs up and a snap for the "swaying breasts"! LOL
This is beyond cool! Best gift ev-ah!
*stares* Coolest thing ever! :D Do tell if your books is good
Jen – LOL…yes, I can loan it out ;)
Julie – Let's hope it was Shay that answered most of the questions ;)
Dren – I was very confused at first!
Penny – it is! it is!
Bloeuedd – I will let you know! hehe.
You and Kevin can act out the scenes together ;)
Great and hilarious gift. Also a great idea, your bother and SIL rocks!
Now you guys have to enact it :)
OMG Mandi! Your brother rocks! lol What a totally awesome gift!
What an awesome gift!
That is the perfect gift!! Haha I love it!!!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
OMG that is the BEST Gift ever!
That is the bestest gift EVEH!!!
So in actuality, your brother and SIL gave you swaying breasts for Christmas. Awesome. ROFLMAO!!!
What an awesome gift and I love the Bflow onsie. :)
Holy shite! That is the most unique gift EVAR! How rad. :)
LMAO!!!! I love that it is a menage
Haha, awesome! Does the hubs approve of it, too?
Hubs is staying far away from it ;)
What a cool gift! I'm laughing at you and your fake "what in the world have they gotten me?"
LOL! That is the best pressie!! Also love the onesie! Next time you'll have to get Brandon's piccy on the onesie too!
That is fabulous!!!
Whatta pressie!!!!
in Germany
Wow Mandi, what a fantastic gift. Totally awesome! :)
That is freakin' awesome!!! And it includes a menage with swaying boobies. *g* Oh, and I see you have 'powerful thighs'. LMAO!
Oh. My. GOD!!!!!
That's amazing!
Best gift ever?!
*gigglesnort* Oh, man. I have a couple people in mind for this gem of a service… *g*
So at first the cover kinda freaked me out… But what a GREAT IDEA!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stop giggling!!!
That really is the best gift ever!
HAHA! This is so awesome! You're family is a lot of fun!
Bestest gift ever!
Man, this stinks…none of my comments post right…or they get deleted! Anyway, I really love this book idea that you can personalize what an awesome gift, and the shirt is wonderful.
What an awesome present. Hope you had fun reading it….
Ok – that's one of the coolest books ever. The fact that they took the time to find something like that is the best!
You got the coolest XMAS gift ever!! Lol, how does it feel to be an erotic superstar??? {hee, hee!}
Nocturnal Bites
Too cute – Hope you had just the best of holidays..
Love the baby out fit – and WHY am I not surprise…
just too cute…