Beg Me by Shiloh Walker
November 19, 2010
Erotic Contemporary
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: “Come here, Superman. My man.”
Tania Sinclair not only has lost her husband three years ago, but she went through a brutal rape by her husband’s twin brother a year later. Tania likes her sex rough and she loved to play out rape fantasies with her husband. Obviously her husband never hurt her and it was all just a game in the bedroom. But when her husband’s mentally unstable brother gets wind of the kind of stuff Tania likes, he forces her to have sex.
Two years later, Tania is still struggling with moving past that experience. Drake Bennett was Kyle’s best friend and he still looks out for Tania. She trusts him and turns to him now that she knows she must move on from the rape. And in order to do that, she needs new memories. She needs someone to have sex with, someone who can play out the fantasy she needs, and someone who will not hurt her.
Drake has been in love with Tania for years and when she propositions him with sex, no strings attached, he knows he is the man for the job. As he gives her what she needs, being slow and gentle or hard and rough when needed, he can’t keep his love buried.
Beg Me is the second rape fantasy book I have read recently (the other being Willing Victim by Cara McKenna) but the difference in this book is that the heroine loves rape fantasy, but unfortunately gets raped. And I think Shiloh Walker does an excellent job describing the horrific incident and struggle Tania has gone through, yet still keeps the book very sexy and romantic.
Although Tania likes rough sex and rape fantasy, and she knows she needs to get back to that point in her sex life to move on from the actual rape, there is also a very fine line Drake has to walk so he doesn’t push her too hard too fast. Once Drake gets a feel for how much Tania can handle..oh man does he become a dirty, sexy hero.
Drake is such a gentleman, and loves Tania so much. He takes the responsibility of having sex with her very seriously, which might not sound romantic, but really it a very sexy thing to do. The best thing he does is give Tania back her control. And in the process, he gives her so much love that it is impossible for her to not accept it.
Beg Me is a very intense, hot book but offers romance and for a shorter book, takes you on quite an emotional journey. I really enjoyed it.
Rating: B+
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Stacy’s Place on Earth – 4.5/5
I saw this on Stacy's site and now you love it too! Sounds like a good read and yet another title to add to my ever growing wish list. Nice review!
I like this author :)
thanks for the review, Mandi…glad you liked it!
Very well said Mandi. So romantic & intensely sexy. Another favorite of mine :)
Shiloh – :)
Stacy – Intensely sexy sums it up very well!
This book may be one of the best I've ever read from Shiloh.
I've only read this and Broken..both I love. I need to glom her backlist!!!
I loved this one too. Very intense, but very sweet at the same time! Great review!
I read this w/my eyes closed. lol I have it all ready and waiting on my reader. It sounds like a winner. :)
Nicole – I love the sweet vs. intense – well done :)
Tori – Let me know what you think!
It does seem like a really hard line not to cross in this one, and I am glad she manages to stay on the safe side
I like Shiloh Walkers voice and I am very intrigued by this one.
"The best thing he does is give Tania back her control."
This is what clinches it for me. Nice review Mandi.
I'm not going to lie I get a little ascared when I see rape fantasy, but if an author can pull it off I'm game to read.
Nice review.
I've been hesitating on this one. But after reading your review, I'm going for it. I like Shiloh's work.
I hope you enjoy :)
Thanks for the review. I read Stacy's review as well, and I've heard such good things about Shiloh's writing. I am going to add this to my wish list. The idea of rape fantasy is an interesting one, and it sounds like Ms. Walker does a very thoughtful job exploring it.
I enjoyed this book too. I agree – Shiloh Walker did a great job handling what Tania went thru. I've read Broken and The Missing and fell in love with walker's writing style. (Broken is my favorite read so far.) I have a couple of her books sitting on my shelf and I can't wait to read them.
Nice review Mandi!
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