Welcome to the Bloodfever Discussion! Book two in Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series. In Bloodfever, we dive deeper into the dark streets of Ireland, and all the secrets they hold. Mac learns more about her past, and Barrons becomes more of a mystery. There is also a hot make-out session in a cave! Score!
Although there are two subsequent releases, we are going to pretend we have not read them and just focus on facts learned in Darkfever and Bloodfever so no one is spoiled!
Go HERE to see the previous Darkfever discussion.
Note: Direct quotes from the book are in italics.
Fae Facts:
● Legend has it there are multiple cuffs, each with a different purpose.
● Only royal castes can regenerate
● The Amulet – The Unseelie King himself fashioned that trinket; it’s one of the four Unseelie Hallows. At the end of the book, Lord Master ends up with it.
● The amulet is one of the gifts the Unseelie King fashioned for his favored concubine. She was not of his race and posessed no magic. He wished her to be able to weave illusions for her amusement, like the rest of his kind,
● Fae: Extreme longevity has an unfortunate and inescapalbe by-product:madness. When they feel it approaching, most choose to drink from the Seelie Hallow, the cauldron, and wipe their memories clean so they can start over. They retain nothing of their former existence and believe they are born the day they drink. There is a record – keeper; one who scribes the names of each incarnation each Fae has borne, and maintains a true history of their race.
● If a human person eats Unseelie flesh, they can see Fae, but then can’t touch the Hallows. They also have super-human strength.
● Silvers are one of the Unseelie Hallows. Most believe the first Dark Hallow the King created was a single mirror. A few of us know it was actually a vast network of mirrors, linking dimensions, before they evolved to the point where they could travel by thought alone, although some say they were created for a more personal purpose of the dark king’s that history failed to record. At some point in the Fae timeline, this Cruce we keep hearing about cursed the Silvers.
Mac Facts:
● "Dreamy-eyed guy" (who was at museum when she stripped) meets up with her by chance. (or is it?) He works at Ancient Languages Department at Trinity College (where Alina attended). When asked if he is irish he says "Little of this, little of that. Nothing special." (Mandi doesn’’t buy it!)
● Mac still convinced Lord Master killed Alina – Barrons points out marks on her were Fae, Lord Master is not Fae
● Mac confirms she is adopted. Her father says they had to promise that her nor Alina would ever enter Ireland.- her parents hit a dead end with locating her biological parents. Her adoptive father says he assumes her biological mother is dead.
● Barrons gives Mac a cell phone – His number, IYCGM (If You Can’t Get Me, which goes to Ryodan), IYD (If You’re Dying – at this point we don’t know who that calls) (whimper)
● Meets Dani, fellow sidhe seer – refers to a council overseeing them. She has super speed. She also can use the sword, although Rowena keeps that in her possession. Rowena (same woman Mac met twice in Darkfever) is head of sidhe seers – Grand Mistress.
● Supposedly I’m one of the most powerful sidhe-seers ever born. Not only can I see the Fae, I can sense their sacred relics that hold the deadliest and most powerful of their magic. I can find them. I can use them.
● Mac has the look of Fae – Patrona, who once presided over the council. She was killed by Fae.
● Barrons had tattooed Mac in Darkfever (to locate her).
Barrons Facts:
● Barrons drivers license (for what it’s worth) – Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Height: 6’3. Weight:245. Birthday – Halloween. 31 yrs old. Middle initial "Z".
● Barrons tells Mac there is a vault in his garage three floors beneath the floor. Mac has no idea what is in it. Later, when Mac breaks into the garage, she hears something “baying” and feels a rumble deep below.
● Barrons knows O’Duffy (the police inspector in charge of Alina’s case) is dead before Mac has a chance to tell him. We do not know who killed him.
● "Is English your second language? Third?" Barrons – "Fifth."
● Barrons moved Alina’s stuff out of her apartment. He was her landlord but he claims didn’t know her. (Tori is not buying it.)
● Dani and Rowena say there is no such thing as a male sidhe seer – Barrons can see them though. Barrons is evasive when questioned by Mac.
● Mac calls the IYCGM button on cell phone. Meets Ryodan for first time. He alludes to Barrons being called many names through the years. Won’t tell her his real name.
● As Barrons and Mac kiss, she retrieves this memory from him: Alone in a desert beneath a blood-red moon. War everywhere. Always war. A breath-stealing sirocco sweeping down over treacherously sifting sands. A cave in a cliff wall. Sanctuary? No sanctuary left anywhere.
● (When Mac was dying) "This isn’t what I wanted," Barrons was saying. "This isn’t what I would have chosen. You must know that. It’s important you know that." (<—What do you mean Barrons?????)
V’Lane Facts:
● V’Lane takes Mac to fairy for their one hour talk. In this incarnation he is 142,000 yrs old. Time in fairy does not correlate to time in the human realm. Mac gone for a few hours in fairy turns into a month on Earth.
● And you were such a sweet thing when you got here. Mac – How do you know what I was like when I got here?" I demanded. "How long have you been watching me?" V’lane says nothing.
● Later… We learned of you because we were watching Barrons. Your sister, who we’ve since become aware of, did not know Barrons.
Christian Facts:
● Mac was suppose to get a package from "Elle Masters" she is not there. Instead meets 4th yr student "Scotty" Later we find out his name is Christian. He is also a son of Drustan’s relatives that let him sleep for 500 years in the “Kiss of the Highlander.”
● When Mac meets Christian MacKelter officially, she lets him see her journal. He knew Alina.That is all we know at this point.
Barrons Quotes That Make Us Do a Dirty Swoon:
● (After kissing O’Bannon) "It was like being owned."
"Some women like that."
"Not me."
"Perhaps it depends on the man doing the owning."
"I doubt it. I couldn’t breathe with him kissing me."
"One day you may kiss a man you can’t breathe without, and find breath is of little consequence." (Kiss me Barrons!)
● For a moment there he hadn’t looked dark, forbidding, and cold, but dark, forbidding and…warm. In fact, when he’d laughed he’d looked..well…kind of hot.
● If he’d been any other man and I’d been any other girl, I’d have said Barrons was looking for some action tonight.
● Nice tan, Ms. Lane. So where the fuck have you been for the past month?
● Yes, I have loved, Ms. Lane, and although it’s none of your business, I have lost. Many things. And no, I am not like any other player in this game and I will never be like V’lane, and I get a hard-on a great deal more than occasionally.
● “Whether I see the Fae, or whether I’m a man. I believe I’ve laid your mind to rest on the former;shall I relieve it on the latter?" He reached for his belt. "Oh, please." I rolled my eyes. "You’re a leftie Barrons." "Touche, Ms. Lane," he murmured. (<–Mandi’s FAVORITE Quote)
● "He told me you weren’t coming." Barrons-"And you believed him? No don’t answer that. I said don’t talk. Just be still. Fuck. Mac. Fuck."
● I know you’re the ones with boobs! They’re in my fucking face every fucking time I turn around!
● I’ll bring it on, Ms. Lane. But remember you asked for it.
Mac Meter – Her Progression from Rainbow Girl to Savage Mac
● Well done, Ms. Lane. Just when I think you’re all useless fluff and nails, you show me some teeth.
● My only fashion concern was making sure my clothes were baggy enough to accommodate weapons concealed beneath them.
● Inside me was a Mac I’d never met before. I couldn’t dress her up. I couldn’t make her take a bath. She wouldn’t mix in pleasant society. I couldn’t corral a single one of her thoughts. My only hope was she wouldn’t suddenly sprout a mouth. She was a bloodthirsty, primitive little savage. And she hated pink.
● That savage Mac inside me still hadn’t found an audible voice, still wasn’t speaking with my tongue, but we spoke the same language, she and I, and agreed on critical things. We would kill my sister’s killer together.
● Savage Mac was squatting in the dirt, stabbing her spear into the ground, nodding and saying, Yesss, finally, some real power! Bring it on!
(Mac Meter: 1-Rainbow Girl, 10-Savage Mac) Score: 7
Favorite Wordless Conversation:
● I didn’t say, You are such a stuffy asshole. And he didn’t say, If you ever burn one of my quarter-of-a-million dollar rugs again I’ll take it out of your hide. And II didn’t say, Oh, honey, wouldn’t you like to? And he didn’t say Grow up, Ms. Lane, I don’t take little girls to my bed. And I didn’t say I wouldn’t go there if it was the only safe place from the Lord Master in all of Dublin. “You might reconsider that one day.” His voice was low, fierce, on the verge of guttural. I gasped. “What?” Intrinsic to our wordless free-for-alls was a tacit agreement never to elevate those conversations to a verbal level. It was the only reason either of us was willing to participate.
Discussion Time:
Clearly Barrons wants Mac. (Jealously, hard-ons etc.) Why does he fight it?
What about Christian MacKeltar? Based on what we know about the MacKeltars from the Highlander series, what do we think he is up to?
Mac learns of Rowena and her many fellow sidhe-seers. She has the opportunity to join with them – but eventually refuses. Is her mistrust well placed? Barrons has proven he wants her alive, but he is also very evasive. Who do you trust?
At the end of the book, the Lord Master simply walks away from Barrons, after Barrons demands Mac stay with him. What is the Lord Master’s place in all of this? He is not Fae, but doesn’t necessarily fear Barrons.
As stated above: Mac is still convinced Lord Master killed Alina – Barrons points out marks on her were Fae, Lord Master is not Fae. How are you feeling at this point? Do you feel like the Lord Master killed Alina or are you looking in another direction?
The next two books end with cliffhangers that will give you an ulcer! Faefever will be discussed 12/20 (slight change of date) See you there!
The first note I made was the rumble under the floor. WTF?! Is it? Obviously Barrons doesn't want her to know about the vault down there or whatever he keeps in it. So many questions. lol
First of all, every quote you wrote here makes my knees weak and my pulse rise. I LOVE these books! LOL
I often wonder why Barrons is holding himself back when it comes to Mac. Is he worried that she'll lose focus on their mission or is he concerned by their age difference (because even though we don't know what the hell Barrons is for sure, there is no way he is human and he has to be OLD) or is he just frightened by the depth of his feelings for her? Okay, I know it's most probably not the last one, but wouldn't it be nice to think of Barrons as a vulnerable little man who is just so taken by our little Mac. *sigh*
Rowena bugs me. That's all I have to say about that.
And I still want to know why the hell Barrons wants the book in the first place. I mean really…
I'm still leaning towards the Lord Master being around while Fae killed Alina…but why I'm not sure. Has the Lord Master mentioned he wanted the book before? I suddenly can't remember. He wants the amulet and OOPs but has he mentioned the book? Brain block…
Bells – I always guess that it is a hunter down there….but then something changes my guess at the end of Book 4…*ZIPS LIPS* – course it still could be a hunter….I DON'T KNOW!!!!!
Julie – when Mac is dying and he says "THis isn't what I would have chosen" – makes me think someone else is calling the shots…maybe he would pursue but he is "not allowed"
He might also realize Mac has extreme distrust of him..and can't screw up his relationship with his OOP detector
Yes, that "THIS isn't what I would have chosen" really throws me off. Would he have her die after they find the book? lol wth?
I actually never even considered someone else calling the shots over Barrons. I guess I always assumed he was on his own in this. Your idea shows merit though…
And I never even considered it being a Hunter under the garage! My oh my… I just never knew and left it at that…until book 4 of course. I figured there is so much more to focus on I thought I'd worry about what that thing is making that sound in the garage later. lol
And V'Lane in this book. I like how he is trying harder but boy or boy does Karen do a great job letting us know that he is not a human trying to be more human for Mac's sake. I really like that part.
Julie–I am dying to know why Barron's fights his attraction to Mac. DYING. As Mandi said, because of the quote it seems like maybe there is a big reason Barrons is fighting it.
"boy does Karen do a great job letting us know that he is not a human trying to be more human for Mac's sake."
I've never been fulling on team V'lane. Of course he has his ulterior motives like everyone else in the game but he really makes me nervous. And he wasn't there for Mac when she really needed him in the cave.
At the end of BF, I am not a fan of V'lane. I didn't like him giving the illusion of Alina…
Favourite part! Fiona is no longer around! Woohoo!
I can't believe she tried to kill Mac! I hope she doesn't come back.
I'm getting quite fond of Savage Mac but I do miss parts of Rainbow Mac and was glad to see her try and be Rainbow Mac for a little while!
Oh my god Barrons! I think he totally has feelings for Mac something other than as his little oop detection device. He likes picking out her outfits for her. He tattooed his middle inital onto her. Claiming her in a way. And when she went missing, he knew she was in Faery but still trashed the shop and went mental! Even recking her room! Oh and he's so jealous and posessive with Mac about other guys especially V'lane. Which I think does show he is from another era as he thinks it's ok to behave that way and that he has to look after Mac in other ways than just saving her life!
Loved this book but the beginning was a bit slow. Sometimes I wish we got some of Barrons thoughts but I guess that would ruin it.
Dying to read Faefever now! :D
I've never been a huge fan of V'Lane. I will never be on his team. But I like how he tries. It's funny to watch. But he's too creepy for my liking! lol
Maybe Barrons fights his attraction to Mac because…Oh my goodness. I have so many stupid reasons going on in my head and they all end with my slapping him and saying "What is wrong with you?! Just do her! Or me!" …oh wait. That's not part of the book…
Oh right. Fiona. She's a bitch. I'm glad she's gone. That is all. :)
I'm getting quite fond of Savage Mac but I do miss parts of Rainbow Mac and was glad to see her try and be Rainbow Mac for a little while!
Mac's evolution in this series is quite extraordinary. It nice to have a bit of rainbow Mac here and there though.
Ally – I LOVE that he trashes the store!!! When I read for first time I also wanted more Barrons ;)
Here's a question I wonder… Barrons obviously doesn't need the store since he's loaded and trashes it and all. So why does he have it?
I think Barrons fight his attraction for Mac because of who or what he is. War is coming and he has and will do things that are not very nice. lol I think he feels that it's better Mac dislikes him and stays alive then they get together and and something happens.
Julie-I think it's just a cover and a way to get to know collectors.
I think the bookstore is just a cover…plus he has however many lower levels with who knows what…
I never got around to reading the Highlander books that include Christian's ancestors. Do you get any hints really from those books, or are they cool to read but no real help when it comes to understanding the many mysteries of the Fever series. Would Christian be 'more' to me if I'd read them first?
Julie-The highlander books are so good. You get some clues. I honestly don't remember Christian being mentioned in that series.
We don't get anything from Christian in the Highlander books…but – we get a lot from his uncles – Drustan and Dageus. Actually – I'm pretty certain KMM confirmed the people who were also at the old man' house to steal the amulet…was Drustan and Daegus.
Christian shows up on pg 380 in Kiss of the Highlander.
Mandi-It's been so long since I read them. I may have to re read them too.
Drustan, Dageus, and Adam Black *swoon*
I have all the Highlander books but after reading the first two, I thought they were just too historical for me to get into.
So, on page 380 when Christian shows up in Kiss of the Highlander, is it present day?
Julie–It's the last three books I think, where you get the good stuff.
For a while after this one I was convinced Barrons was a vampire since in the scene before she eats unseelie he's all nuzzling her neck when he says this isn't what he would have wanted for her. I thought he was going to bite her/turn her to keep her from dying. He also refuses to say how to kill vampires so I thought maybe he just didn't want Mac to know how to kill him. But now that seems like too easy an answer so I'm back to not knowing what he is.
I'm not convinced the Lord Master actually killed Alina though he obviously played some part in her death.
And I think I would trust Barrons over some of the other sidhe-seers. Though he's a bastard and he withholds information from her, he cares for her on some level and wants her to be safe. Plus, I'm in love with him so I'm a little bias:)
I like V'lane but that may be biased because of later books. The weirdest feeling I get from the first 2 books is that everything happening has already been predetermined…if that makes sense. That is way Barrons seems so unworried at times. But things are changing because of fae bleeding into human world and that was what Barrons meant when he told Mac that "he never meant for this to happen." He is getting the vapors (lol) because the "script" is not longer being followed and he is in the dark as much as the rest of us.
Tori, what you said about things being pre-determined makes some sense. I wonder though, if that's true, how did Barrons know what was to be?
Tori–So you do you think Barrons time travels so he knows how things should go but he's nervous because things are not going as they should?
Julie and FV-I think Barrons is a high druid or part druid with something VERY powerful mixed in. I think he know somewhat of what will happen but unsure how. I'm thinking more precog then time travel myself or I have another theory but it comes from later books. Yes, he's nervous because the future is changing though he really should have know that would happen once others (Mac) where tossed into the picture. I think he pushes her hard to follow the predetermined path but she is reviling him in strength and choosing her own path therefore changing the future. AND what irritates him towards her also attracts him. He needs a strong woman and she is slowly becoming that.
Oh Tori, great theory. I am on board with that one!!
Tori – You brilliant mastermind you! I really think he could be druid, it would explain a lot!
I'm also glad that everyone prefers Barrons over V'lane. He kind of reminds me of a child in someways with his behavour but he does bring some nice light entertainment ;)
Yes the Druid theory makes sense especially after reading the following books. More on that later though. :)
Tori I agree with the others. Great theory. Although I've always been a little confused at what exactly a druid was. Another reason I'm glad I'm re-reading these books…maybe I'll get to pay more attention this time around. lol
And Ally, I like how you say Barrons is childlike. He's like the spoiled single child! lol
I DEF think Barrons is a druid..especially with the tattoos on his torso
BUt what else is he?? Hmmmmmmmmmmm
I like Tori's theory on why Barrons is so sketchy about Mac.
Me too..I had never thought of that
Hello Fever friends!
I've been looking forward to this discussion. Sorry this is so long. I meant to come by earlier but the day got away from me.
Once again, you've all done an outstanding job at listing all those quotes, details and insights to the characters and plot! ^5
It's pretty clear that Barrons cares for Mac by now… and not just so he can "use" her as his personal Fae-object-detector. I think he's definitely attracted to her and not just physically. I think he finds her amusing and I also think deep down he admires her resolve to avenge her sister. His reasons for not showing or acting on these feelings are complicated, which is part of his appeal and keeps their relationship captivating to us.
While it is aggravating to Mac (and to us!) that Barrons doesn't share all that he knows about the Fae world and everything that's going on, I think he has good reasons for doing so. Yes, some of it may be self serving because he wants to stay in control of things and in particular, maintain Mac's loyalty because she's useful, but I think it goes beyond that. How, I'm not sure… LOL. I also think he's really trying to do right by Mac as much as he can. I don't think he's actually lied to her yet, do you? Okay, maybe we can count that he put the tattoo on her and didn't ask permission or tell her he did it as a lie… but everything else he did or didn't tell her about anything has been a lie.
I agree with what Tori said above (comment at 12:30 pm) about Barrons appearing unworried about a lot of big things going on with Mac, like he expected a lot of what was going on. YET… I think he's surprised about some more recent things… implying that maybe things are going "not as planned" now. Very interesting. It's good for Barrons to not be in control of everything all the time, though. We need to see him shaken up over stuff.. humanize him a little, make him vulnerable.
I also thought it was very curious how Lord Master just walked away when Barrons simply said "She comes with me." with regards to Mac at the cave. Do you think Lord Master and Barrons could be the same type of "being" for lack of a better word? Or maybe Barrons is more powerful or just higher up in hierarchy or something like that, that made Lord Master just walk away?
The way Barrons had destroyed the bookstore and living quarters and the way he looked so distraught when Mac finally came back from her time with V'Lane AND that he had "fired" Fiona was one sexiest things in the first two books.
CORRECTION: That one line should have been:
"…but everything else he did or didn't tell her about anything HASN'T been a lie."
I bought the first one intending to catch up but I haven't. Hopefully I will be able to join in the dec discussion.
Christine, wow. I just assumed that the Lord Master eats Unseelie Fae… But now I'm wondering about your theory. Could Barrons and the Lord Master be the same 'species'? Lord Master has been telling people to eat the Fae, but do we know for sure that he does himself? Hmm…
I have to go back and reread the things that Barrons said to Mac about Lord Master. There could be some small detail there that could debunk my theory, but it is rather curious that Barrons and Lord Master kind of "know" about each other, yet neither says anything about themselves…
Great discussion! I am just enjoying reading everyone's thoughts and comments. My only comment is that while reading Bloodfever, I was convinced that The Lord Master was not the one who killed Alina.
I don't know if Barrons and LM are the same being…but they MUST have a history – right? LM…respects…Barrons….right?
Book Pimp – I agree…
@ Christine and Julie-I won't mention who the Lord Master is since we don't actually find out his name till the third book (I believe), but he is in the Highlander series also. I think it is The Immortal Highlander.
Tracy – yep…we learn more in the next book….:)
Okay…How come I don't remember about finding out who the Lord Master is? Seriously, I'm posting my review of BF tomorrow and I mention that I can't believe how many things I have forgotten! I didn't even remember the amulet!!! I mean really!!!
Mandi and Book Pimp – Do you guys think the LM was there when Alina died?
I don't know…based on what we see of him in Highlander series…I might say no….
Really?! Well then. A: Maybe I should have kept reading the Highlander series…and B: Whao. I think there is more information in those books than people let on…lol
That is just my guess!! He is evil in Highlander…but…I just have a feeling…of course, I haven't read highlander in FOREVER..I should prob reread the last four.
Yes Mandi, you should read the last four Highlander books real quick and let me know. :) lol
This series is going to kill me I just know it.
Yes FV, I second that. Mandi should read the last Highlander books and let us both know…no, she should let us all know about them. It's not like she's got anything else to do…just a blog and kids and a hubs and the blog again and family and cookies to bake and BFlow music to listen to and fawn over and a hot tub to lounge in. That's all though. She could totally read them 'real quick' as you put it. ;)
The last 2 books are Spell of a Highlander which is Adam Black's story and I think reveals to us who LM is. Everyone says Adam Black will be in the Fever series but I find it hard to believe. He is human and he's cannot be made fae again. I am verra confused abt LM because if he is who I think he is he was cursed by the seelie queen in away that cannot be reversed.
Into the Dreaming was the last book. We find out A LOT abt the Unseelie King, his champion, and the Seelie Queen. Seelie Queen.
The Highlander books tell us exactly what the Lord Master is…
Also, Christian and his twin sister appear in the highlander books as teens (I forget how old). I heart Christian sooooo much – I really want KMM's spinoff series to be about Christian although I'm not holding my breath *coughDanicough*.
I always questioned what Barrons was going on about when he found Mac in the caves – "This isn't what I wanted…This isn't what I would have chosen. You must know that. It's important you know that." (pg 249) Is he just talking about her dying or alluding to something bigger?
It has to be someone pulling his strings…he is alluding to someone else..but who? Tell me PATTI!! I can't take it! ;)
First of all, Tori, you're so smart. All your theories and points make so much sense.
Second, you know you can say who the LM is. Just whisper it here. LOL
I can't remember what his name is but if he's LM(I really need to re read that book) then he's human. So why are the fae following him? How does he do the "voice"? LM would walk away from Barrons because Barrons is much stronger and protected by the tattoos and I believe the Seelie Queen.
Of course, I could just be speculating out my arse and completely off the mark. lol
I'm late but better late than never, right? I've been locked up reading the Fever series for the past few days and I've just finished reading Dreamfever last night.
I wonder what Barron's real name is…?
I don't know why Barrons fights it but it's driving me mad!! He has such constraint.
I trust Barrons more than I do Rowena. Rowena left Mac twice. At least Barrons is trying to keep her alive. I want to trust Barrons 100% but of course I don't. He's so mysterious.
Why is everyone afraid of Barrons?? Very interesting.
BV–What I don't get is since so many 'players in the game' seem to fear Barrons or at least keep a respectful distance, they must know who or what he is. Why does no one ever say?
Either Barrons' has something on EVERYONE or he's VERY powerful and everyone fears him. I think a little bit of both.
FV – You're right! Why does no one say?! Maybe it's like Rumpelstiltskin and if you say what he is you vanish or grow grass for hair or get a purple nose or something… Actually, I had never thought about it like that where they all must know what he is.
I'm not sure who mentioned it but someone remarked that they stopped reading after the first two Highlander books….you HAVE to keep reading, lol. The first two are very historical but all the others are not as much. I am following along your discussion but I decided to reread from the Highlander books so I went waaaay back.
With how gruesome Alina's death was I believe it was something personal. At first I was thinking it was some random Fae that realized that she was a seer but as the books go along I think it is someone who was fully aware of who and what she was. I believe, in my humble opinion, that Rowena has something to do with it. She seems too invested in things and has such strong personal feeling against Mac and I would also guess to venture, Alina. But, that is just me. Who knows!!!!
Although I know these books wouldn't be as fun with Barrons' point of view I really miss that about KMM's writing. I loved being in all the Mackeltar's heads and I would kill to know what Barrons really thinks!!!
FV – Why DOES no one ever say? BV – I agree.
Anon – what is up with Rowena…she is bitchy – but does that mean evil? I'm kinda loving your guess about Rowena and Mac. Especially after that thing that happens at the end of FF – the unexpected event where all the sidhe-seers live? Yeah..we can talk next book :)
This blog has got some extremely helpful info on it! Thanks for helping me!