Welcome to the Dreamfever discussion! We’ve made it to book four and we only have a few short days until we get our hands on the very coveted Shadowfever. We can barely stand it!
Since this is the most current book, we can now talk about EVERYTHING. So please be warned that if you are not current with the series, there are big spoilers below.
Also, thanks to a very generous offer from author TJ Michaels, we are giving away TWO copies of Shadowfever (to be pre-ordered). Read on to find out how to enter.
Facts regarding the night Mac is raped/Walls come down:
Mac is raped the by three Unseelie Princes. However, there is a fourth person present who doesn’t show his face. Mac guesses it is the Unseelie Prince of War, but it is not confirmed. Why does he hide? V’lane had no idea a fourth Unseelie prince was present at Mac’s rape. Mac couldn’t swear the 4th was Fae, just intensely sexual. Darroc says – "the fourth Unseelie Prince was killed hundreds of thousands of years ago, in battle between the queen and king."
Barrons tells Mac – IYD would have worked on her phone that night even with all cell service down. She didn’t try it.
"Him. He’s here. The one who killed Alina. Please, please don’t let him touch me." (Mandi & Sophia believe Darroc when he says he did not kill Alina, so who is this? Is Mac referring to Darroc? Or are her overloaded, Pri-ya senses telling her the 4th rapist is the one who killed Alina.)
Darroc was able to block ALL Fae magic the night the walls come down. V’lane is unable to sift during that time. He had to physically carry the queen, which is the excuse he used for not being there to save Mac.
Now IFPs "Inter-dimensional Fairy Potholes" are popping up everywhere, taking you into Fairy.
V’lane is at the abbey sifting Rowena around – however, he iced her the night Mac disappeared looking for her.
At least two billion people have died since walls came down. (Mac’s parents are alive)
More Fae Facts:Iron interferes with Unseelie power..and if you have enough, can trap them. Detective Jayne, and his men discovered this. They are also eating Unseelie flesh and fighting the Fae. They are keeping some Fae in iron cages.
Barrons taught Darroc Voice (as an exchange for information). Mac is immune to Darroc’s voice but not Barrons.
Darroc has Cruce’s amulet. Unseelie fear it – keeping him safe from them. Barrons says Cruce is dead. (see more about Cruce below)
The Keltars believe they are “the five” related to the Haven Prophecy – Drustan, Daegues, Cian, Christopher and Christian.
So there are two separate parts to the Silvers. One is a collection of possibly infinite mirrors that connect to other dimensions, worlds, and times, from the main airport in the Hall of All Days. The other is a sealed-off smaller network that’s where the concubine lived.
His [Cruce] curse will never die. It corrupted the Silvers irrevocably. What was once as easily navigated network is now a place of complete chaos. Now some Silvers take you to the Hall, but others don’t. Worlds and dimensions are fractured and are splintered with IFPs. …The Hall of All Days collided with the concubine’s realm, with parts of Faery, and some of it even crashed into the Dreaming.
[The Dreaming] doesn’t belong to the Fae. The Dreaming is far older and belongs to no one. It’s where all hopes, fantasies, illusions, and nightmares of sentient beings come to be or go to rest, whichever you prefer to believe.
[The Silvers] are no longer a realm of the present, but hold the residue of the past. Some say they’re also projections of all the possibles, that they really have become the Hall of All Days that have ever been and ever will be.
Barrons comes to the rescue with 8 other men similar to him. "They all move sleek and strange. Ooze arrogance like Fae, but they are not Fae."
When Dani and Barrons are rescuing Mac, an Unseelie Prince sifts in to Mac’s cell, but he is more scared of Barrons than he is of Mac’s sword.
Barrons (and the 8 others like him) can catch or stop Dani when she is in super speed.
Mac retrieves a memory from Barrons – He is in a desert, alone..so alone. Surrounded – he wonders "Have they gotten to her? Does she know? Will she denounce us? Turn her face away? She is our world….Will she love us now? We who have never known uncertainty or fear now know both in what is absurdly the moment of our greatest strength. (read pg 32 for entire quote)
Mac continuously refers to Barrons as "beast" while she is in pri-ya state. She also refers to the Book as the “beast.”
According to Christian, Barrons and Christian both disappear in Scotland while performing the ritual the night the walls come down. They ended up in the Silvers, being thrown from landscape to landscape, until eventually, Christian lands in the Hall of All Days and Barrons went somewhere else (no one knows where.) All we know is that Barrons comes back to Dublin four days later..
Pg 133 – another Barrons Memory – he is having sex wtih a "Fae" princess. He spent months in her bed, studying the seelie court. See pg 133 for entire memory. On pg 134 – Barrons kills the princess – so they start to remember how to fear.
V’lane cannot kill Barrons, but Barrons can kill Fae. We know this because he killed the Princess. Mac wonders if he how he kills Fae. Does he have a weapon?
Pg 264 – Mac "sees" a memory of Barrons holding a child (at least we assume it is Barrons and his child) and the child dies in his arm.
Fiona and Barrons – "Why are you here, Fiona. To show me you have a new lover? To beg to return to my bed? It’s full, and always will be. To apologize for trying to destroy the one chance I had by killing her?"
(Mac) "The one chance you had for what?"
Fiona looked at me sharply, then at Barrons, and began to laugh. "Ah, such delicious absurdity! She still doesn’t know. Oh, Jericho! You never change, do you? You must be so afraid – " At this points Barrons stabs Fiona to shut her up. (What are they talking about?)
Our Favorite Quotes about Barrons:
“Look at you. All stalky and badass.”
“Stalky. Do you think that is a word, Ms. Lane?”
"He comes hard, shuddering. I match him, bucking with each shudder. When he comes, he makes a noise deep in his throat that is so raw and animal and sexual that I think if he merely looked at me and made that noise, I might explode in orgasm."
"Open your eyes and say my name." I squeeze them shut more tightly. "It would make my cock hard to hear you say my name." My eyes pop open. "Jericho Barrons."
"Say my name when you tell me to fuck you."
"Fuck me, Jericho Barrons."
"You’re leaving me Rainbow Girl." (Mandi sobs at this point)
Now that Mac has beaten Pri-ya – she is immune to V’lane’s powers (Fae glamour)
After seeing the Book – "I hadn’t actually seen a thing. It had all been illusion, glamour. Which meant the Sinsar Dubh had somehow skimmed my mind and plucked from it the images it believed would draw me in, keep my occupied. Ryodan tells her maybe the Book is tracking HER, and not the other way around.
Mac can us Voice now.
Nana O’Reilly (97 yr old woman) tells Mac her mother’s name is Isla O’Connor. She used to carry the Spear, and was Haven Mistress. Nana says there are two prophecies: "One promised hope. One pledged blight upon the earth and more. Both hinged upon a single thing." (Nana doesn’t know what that "thing" is) Nana says rumor is Mac’s mom removed the book from the abbey
(Mac and Dani) And, honey, sisters forgive each other everything.”
“Really, truly everything?”
As we walked out of the electronics store, I caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror above the door. It was bleak. (Did Dani do something she hasn’t told Mac about? See Discussion)
(Ryodan) “Special rules for you, Mac. You don’t get to kill anything in my club, Fae or human. Your fight is outside these walls. And if Barrons’ belief in you is unfounded, there won’t be anyplace you can hide. Every last one of us will come after you.” (Why?)
(Ryodan) We stared at each other. “Black looks good on you,” he murmured. “Has Barrons seen you like this?” (Why? Is she suppose to remind Barrons of someone?)
Dreamy-Eyed Boy
Dreamy-eyed boy (who we first meet at Trinity College in a previous book) is at Chester’s (bar owned by Ryodan). "The dreamy-eyed boy was reflected in the mirror below them. I stared. He didn’t look the same in the mirror. He was…blurred around the edges and …wrong, very wrong.
In this "form" he says "Don’t talk to it, beautiful girl. Never talk to it." Mac doesn’t know what "it" he is referring to, but when he unblurs, he says he didn’t say anything. (Sophia’s theory – maybe dreamy eyed guy has been taken over by one of those fae that take over peoples bodies? Maybe dreamy eyed guy is good and battling the fae that inhabits him?) (Mandi nods)
Darroc has Mac’s parents tied up at their house. At the end of the book, we do not know their status.
Mac says: "If I understand the Silvers, they all show destinations. And you expect the LM’s to show a destination, too. So why does your Silver show a pathway winding through what looks like a graveyard haunted by your demons? That’s not a destination." Mac guesses his Silvers connect to what is under his garage.
Because Mac opens the bag of stones inside the Silvers, they convulse, and she ends up in The Hall of All Days. There are BILLIONS of choices. But after walking for some time, she sees Christian in a mirror. Although he tells her not to come, she does anyway.
Christian is injured as they change realms, (by opening the stones) and she feeds him unseelie. He recovers, but his tattoos start to swirl. Based on what Barrons did the night of 10/31
Per Christian (why the stones are an anathema to the Silvers) "Cruce hated the Unseelie King, for many reason, and coveted his concubine. He cursed the Silvers to prevent the king from ever entering them again. He planned to take all the worlds inside the Silvers and the concubine for himself. Be king of all the realms. But a curse is an immensely powerful thig, and Cruce cast it into a vortex of unfathomable power. Like most things Fae, it took on a life of its own."
Stones are trying to get back to where they came from – the Unseelie Prison
Mac and Christian become separated in different realms. Mac calls "IYD" nothing happens at first. But suddenly "an enormous gray beast suddenly exploded in a blur of horns and fangs and talons from nowhere." The beast picks up her stones and her sweater and keeps her protected. It makes the same sound as the thing under Barrons’ garage.
Ryodan then finds her and tries to save her but the creature starts to fight him. He eventually gets thrown off a cliff. But during this fight, Mac stabs the beast with her spear.
"For an awful suspended moment, I could have sworn I saw an accusation of betrayal in its gaze, of disbelief at my foul duplicity, as if we’d had some kind of agreement, an unspoken pact between us. It stared at me with reproach; its yellow eyes burned with hatred for my treason."
The beast dies, and starts to morph into a human. "No!" I screamed. I’d thought I’d lost everything. I hadn’t. I stared at the person who lay dead on the floor of the forest. The person I’d helped kill. NOW I’d lost everything.
Who is the beast at the end? Who matters that much to Mac that she has “now lost everything?” Is it IYD? Barrons? Christian? Is the person altered because she is in a different realm?
Who is the 4th person present at Mac’s rape? Is he the one who killed Alina (as referenced by Mac in the book).
Why was Dani uncomfortable and concerned with Mac’s forgiveness? Has she betrayed Mac in some way? (See the discussion under “Mac” above)
[…]And if Barrons’ belief in you is unfounded, there won’t be anyplace you can hide. Every last one of us will come after you.”
Why will they (Ryodan and friends) all come after her. What do they think she is or has the potential to become? Who are these 8 men that are similar to Barrons?
The book is titled Dreamfever. How do you think this relates to this story? Is the time Mac spends in the Silvers a dream state or reality? Barrons mentions “The Dreaming” (see above) How does this all relate?
Why doesn’t Barrons tell Mac he was “lost” in the Silvers for four days after her rape? And that is why he couldn’t rescue her (this is per Christian). Or is Christian misinformed? Or did Barrons escape the Silvers much quicker than 4 days and do something else?
Giveaway Details:
Author TJ Michaels has recently “caught the fever.” To celebrate this fun series, she is offering to give away TWO copies of Shadowfever. (US/Canada only. No P.O Boxes. Copies will be pre-ordered Hardcovers)
To enter, leave a meaningful comment below.
Winners will be chosen at random, Friday January 14th, at Noon EST.
Visit TJ Michaels site at tjmichaels.com. Thank you SO much, TJ!!!
Holy smokes! Am I really the first? I guess this is what I get for being up early with a baby.
Anyway, can't wait for Shadowfever. I wish I had some speculation to add to everything! The only thing that I'm about 90% sure of is that the beast isn't Barrons. Okay, well maybe less than that. Remember when they were standing in the garage after one of their late night escapades and the they both heard the the beast baying beneathe the garage? I can't possibl conceive how Barrons could be the beast, make that noise but still be standing in front of Mac all at the same time. I'm sure that someone smarter than me knows though!
I too got a little weepy at the "You're leaving me Rainbow Girl" comment. I hope that once Mac finally pulls her head out of her butt and realizes Barrons is everything to her that the Barrons at the beginning of the book comes out again. Oh, how I loved the Barrons that danced aound naked and sang at the top of his lungs!
I can't wait for Shadowfever, and I hope every single one of our questions is answered!!
OMG! That damn beast! I remember the first time I read this book, I finished it close to midnight. I believe I screamed out loud! Then I ran to the basement and kicked Jason off the computer (we only had the one back then) and went to the message boards searching for people's theories. But no one really had any! I could hardly sleep that night.
You would think the beast if Barrons, but it really doesn't make sense. The logic points to him, but the clues don't. But I can't start to tell you who I think it is…
Dani is for sure hiding something, but I haven't decided if it's a big deal for real or a big deal as seen from they eyes of a tween.
In one of the last discussions it was mentioned that Ryodan was to be in future KMM books. Was this fact? Because if it is, then we know he's not dead. (not part of the discussion, but I've been wondering this for a while…lol)
I still think the dreamy eyed guy is good forced bad. I think he's like the LM's wing man or something. I believe he was there when Mac was raped but I don't think he killed Alina. And now I'm convinced the LM didn't kill her either. But who did?…not frickin' clue.
That should be the sub-title for this series. Fever series, a.k.a. No Frickin' Clue.
Ever since people mentioned him in the last discussion, the dreamy eyed boy has bugged me. Why mention him at all? What role does he play in the scheme of things? Is he just there as a link to Macs past?
Colette – Dreamy eyed boy a link to her past? Explain please. lol
There is just so much to talk about in this book that I don't know where to begin!
Oh I know…CHAPTER 4! WOOOOO! Yeah Barrons you are the man! Say my name! Loved it all! I felt bad for Mac, but at the same time, she was having a good time. ;)
I loved it when Barrons came to break her out of the cell. He was not playing around and I love that he and the other men were strapped! Dani took one look at him and knew she wanted to loose her virginity to him. LOLOL!
Caitlin – I was disappointed in the lack of trust or thankfulness Mac shows Barrons after she comes out of pri-ya- he spent months SAVING her and she is all pissed….he wanted her to stay with him in scotland etc..so I wish she would have been a little more gracious]
Caitlin and Julie–The beast…it can't be Barrons, it just can't. I refuse to entertain the thought. But Mac was so devastated when she saw who it was I'm thinking maybe it's Christian since he's the only one she ever semi-trusted through this whole thing. Plus all kinds of weird things started happening to him when Mac fed him the unseelie flesh. (eye changing etc)
ABGR–I wonder if dreamy eyed guy has been inhabited by on of the fae that takes over bodies? That's why he blurs for Mac etc. In the bar he told her, never speak to it. I think that DEG said that but the Fae inside him is in control?
Julie – I think Ryondan has been confirmed for future series but I am NOT sure…
I like Sophia's theory that an Unseelie is "inside" Dreamy-Eyed boy and maybe controlling him?
But Colette – yes – why is Dreamy-Eyed boy a character? What is his purpose!!!
Bells – LOVE when Barrons and his friends break out mac. Hot men dripping in weapons…SWOON
Mandi / Caitlin. I agree with thinking Mac should be a little nicer to Barrons. I know she needed someone to be mad at and he was there, but still. I also wish Barrons wasn't such an a** about it…rubbing it in her face all the time. Um…*g*
Mandi–Maybe after what she'd just been through, and feeling betrayed by everyone she was just not feeling grateful? She's pissed off Mac at the moment.
Oh I agree she deserves to be pissed off…and I love her new savage Mac attitude!
I also love Barrons and want them to be an HEA. LOL. So that is where my frustration is stemming from.
Is it Tuesday yet?
No clue what dreamy eye boy plays in this story. Barron's telling Mac to say my name and I'll F U. Oh boy. I;d say that name 100 times fast. lmao
No clue to Dani's secret but I have a bad feeling it's going to come back and bite Mac in the "petunia".
Only thing that bugged me about book was Barrons consistently bringing up Mac's rape and the fact he saved her. Couldn't figure out if he wanted to make sure she didn't forget he was the one who saved her or just didn't want her to forget THEM together.
I think Barron's is the child of the Unseelie King & his concubine.
I think Ryodan has his own agenda concerning Mac that doesn't include Barrons.
And I really want to know why Christian told Mac is was bad that she slept with Barrons. Because he's Fae??? Hmmmm??
V'lane is still a fav of mine and I really like he is showing more and more human emotions.
No clue to beast. Have bad feeling it IS Barrons but the Silvers distort reality so….
Mandi – I know! Her attitude after coming off of Pri-ya was the first time I really disliked Mac. I know being in that state of mind and the rape that led up to it were quite the ordeal, but she could have been nicer. Barrons obviously has deeper feelings for her than as a director to OOP detector. *sighs* Why can't she realize that? There's also a reason why he keeps going back to him.
Julie – Love your subtitle idea… it totally fits!
Talking about the beast…it may be easier to say who we don't think it is. I've heard Alina but that's a no. It's not Dani (another theory I've heard) nor her parents (that's another one I've heard). Have you guys heard strange and unlikely 'beast' theories?
Tori–I think Barrons just didn't want Mac to forget THEM together. He has to be assy about it, he's Barrons but he loves her, I know he does.
Fv and Tori – I agree too. Not forget them together because it rocked his world! woot! lol
And Tori…Ryodan having his own agenda…interesting. Or his agenda somehow linked to Barrons because he said "if Barrons' belief in you is unfounded…every last one of us will come after you."
Caitlin and others–I don't know, I just think that after being repeatedly gang raped for four days and having your soul shredded and turned inside out it might be hard to be grateful to anyone. I think the first reaction would be rage and then put on the tough exterior. Maybe the gratitude will come in time?
I find Mac's attitude towards Barrons afterwards to be believable. While he does save her….she's embarrassed, mortified, cheesed off to the extreme. She wants to forget and he won't let her. I felt like V'Lane and Barrons both wanted her to suck it up and admit that in a small way it was needed to push her to the next level.
Plus, Barrons was a tad a holeish with the constant need for a Thank you from Mac.
FV – You're probably right. I'm sure I'd react the same if I were to ever be gang raped and then lost my memories and state of mind for awhile. Just hoping they both soften a bit in Shadowfever and have a HEA.
I loved that V'Lane tried to dress like Barrons. HAHAHA! Barrons telling him to get his own fashion adviser was hilarious and when he told him "Maybe you thought if you were more like me, she'd f*** you, too." My mouth dropped open when I read that part.
I agree FV. Mac just needs time. I think Barrons does love her and she loves him but it's really not the right time. I wonder too after the Rainbow comment if Barrons doesn't regret that he had to literally to, ummm, F, the innocence out of her.
Hi Mandi:)
I gave this series a try based on your recent Darkfever discussion along with everyone talking about Barrons. I was intrigued and I'm so glad I decided read the books.
The theory that most people seem to believe about the beast, that it's Barrons or a form of Barrons. If you remember, his middle name "Zigor" means "punished/punisher," so is this beast a part of Barron's curse/punishment?
As for the 4th person present in the church, I have no idea who that could be other than Dreamy-eyed boy. He seems to be possessed by something, could that be the fourth unseelie prince War?
Dani is hiding something and I wonder if it has to do with Alina's murder.
Based on the prophecy and Mac's unknown background, maybe she has the potential to turn evil. Ryoden made a comment to her about good/evil,a coin being tossed in the air and not knowing what side you land on.
If I remember correctly, while in the silvers, Mac says she feels as though she's in a fevered dream. There are also a couple of dreams she has in the book that are re-occurring. And she wonders if her dreams are prophetic.
All of the realms did crash together in the silvers including The Dreaming. So I do question whether or not the events at the end of Dreamfever are an illusion or dream that Mac is having.
I can't WAIT for a smack down between V'Lane and Barrons. You just know it's coming.
Does anyone have a theory on what happened to V'Lane and where he disappeared to? I was actually really worried about him!
Bells –
"Maybe you thought if you were more like me, she'd f*** you, too." My mouth dropped open when I read that part.
Me too!!!
Anonymous-That's a fab theory. I would like it all to be a dream.
There was a Shadowfever excerpt released that has V'lane in it, so I think he's okay. Just not sure what happened to him
I'm so happy to be able to participate (even though I haven't finished re-reading Dreamfever LOL!).
I would love to know what the deal is with dreamy-eyed boy. Is he the 4th Unseelie Prince? I thought so until the bar scene. Now I have no idea who or what the hell he is.
Can you have a moment of silence for the awesomeness of Chapter 4. *sigh* That chapter is better the second time around. And when Barrons said "You're leaving me Rainbow Girl" I literally sighed out loud. Poor Barrons. I loved seeing the softer side of him.
I think Mac's reaction afterwards is totally normal even though I was kinda pissed off at her. I'm like, he saved you be grateful!! But I can understand that she's horrified, embarrassed and their relationship is not easily defined. So I cut Mac some slack.
I am not a fan of V'Lane and I wish he'd go away! LOL! Go back to Faery land Fairy boy!
The Beast can't be Barrons BUT who the hell is it?!?!? It has to be someone Mac cares about, has worked with in fighting the Unseelie. Then I thought maybe Ryodan but why would she be so upset about hurting him? Their relationship is non-existent.
Aargh!! It's all so frustrating and I love it! Come on Tuesday!
Tori and Anon—no, no dream. That's too easy. I think the dreams definitely apply here but I don't want it all to be a dream. I'm going to be seriously pissed if that's the deal.
Okay…the Ryodan thinking Mac can go evil and the prophecy and all that… Here is what it says in the Shadowfever commercial:
"An ancient compact is broken. Dark fae are free. One woman can stop them, but will she want to?"
Oh whoa, will she WANT to? hmmmm
Fiction Vixen- Thanks! I don't want Barrons to be dead and I refuse to believe KMM would do that to us.
Mac and Barron's relationship has been so hot and cold that I wonder if it's possible to have a believable HEA, one that isn't rushed. There would have to be a drastic change for one of them to admit how they feel. And even then, there is so much ground to cover.
FV – I KNOW! I've listened to that commercial many times and it just hit me now. "Will she want to" wtf?!
Fiction Vixen–No I don't think the whole thing was a dream, just the events leading up to the beast being killed.
I think she will want to. In the "Note to Readers" at the end of Faefever, KMM reminds us all that Mac told us in Bloodfever that this was going to be a story of light. So while it may be dark now, I think that things will all end well in Shadowfever.
Sorry my previous comment of "thanks" was for tori!
I pulled up the quote… "..Your joy can fill you only as deeply as your sorrow has carved you." Hoping that means that there will be a HEA.
Anon–yes that is very possible and that wouldn't cheese me off at all LOL.
What if the "good side" killed Alina? No one KNEW ALina had a sister so if they are all thinking she was the who could save or defeat them then seeing her with Darrac may have made them think she had already gone over to the dark side. Maybe that is Dani's guilt. She found out something that will send Mac ballistic. If I found out the side I'm working for killed my family by mistake or such I'm not to sure I would want to save them either.
Anon – I LOVE your theory that maybe Dani knows something about Alina….love it! That would def fall under – forgiving her for EVERYTHING.
OMG! KMM just posted on her blog that first two chapters of SF have been leaked and you can read them if you want to! Whoa… I don't know if I'm ready for that! lol
"I can't WAIT for a smack down between V'Lane and Barrons. You just know it's coming." I agree with tori on this one . I haven't read the fever books since the last one came out (soooo long ago). Now I wish I had. I have forgotten so much. I think after I read Shadowfever (will be at the door of Borders foaming at the mouth) I will reread them all then.
I'm not reading any spoilers. I want to be fresh and spazy come Tuesday. lol
You guys are killing me… this made me want to go back and read all of them this weekend, which I can't do — so I am going to read Shadowfever, and then go back and re-read the others. That makes sense, right? ;)
And does Barrons have a weapon…? (snicker)…. of course he does. *G*
Tori–Oh me too. No spoilers for me. I will be in a cave with my book until I'm done. Others will read faster than me and I don't want to read their updates or anything! lol
I really must be missing something, or am just a freak. But I don't find the appeal of Barrons.
Someone please tell me why he makes most female readers swoon?
Any speculations about the shadow figure outside of the church when Dani came to rescue Mac?
Anon – Yes, at first I thought a shade..but I don't think so…who/what is shadow thing???
I'm totally reading first two chapters..it tells you who beast is,.
I won't say here!!!! promise.
First off, thank you to TJ for an awesome opportunity to win a copy of Shadowfever!
Second off, I forgot my notes at home (NOOOOOOOOOOOO) so for right now my ideas and theories or going to have to come from memory as best as possible.
I know that people think the beast can't be Alina at all, but maybe it is. Maybe the reason Mac reacted so strongly is because she through she had lost her sister and then realized that in the end her sister had been alive and she helped in killing her. Also, I don't have the book on me but didn't Ryodan kill the beast and smile about it, wasn't he happy that he had "finally" killed it?? I thought that was VERY strange!
As for Dani hiding something, I really felt while reading it that she was just having an insecure moment as a teen. I mean, she has been surrounded by all of these women that treat her like a little girl and finally Mac comes around and treats her a little better. Maybe she is just afriad that she will one day do something that Mac will not approve of and then turn her back on her too.
I can't believe that Mac's parents knew the entire time! I mean, I thought they had an idea but I can't believe they knew EVERYTHING!
I think the reason Barrons didn't tell Mac that he was lost in the mirrors was because he always wants to have control and not having control, to him, is a sign of weakness.
Has anyone ever thought that maybe Barrons and the other 8 are a cross between Unseelie and Seelie?? I know this is weird but my idea is coming from the Underworld movies. (You know the vampire and the werewolf blood mix together and all of a sudden you have something that is stronger then either of them). That could be why Barrons gives off a Fae sense and also why he can kill the Fae without a weapon…
Ok I'll shut up for right now.
I think there are points where Barrons is an ass. But, he's showing her how to survive and maybe because of that there's no room for emotion.
Maybe because Barrons is not human, or so I think give him the excuse to be so cold?
He irks me like you wouldn't believe.
I forgot to say, Barron's behavior in the beginning of Dreamfever I think shows his real self.
I can't say enough good things about this series. Moning really did an exceptional job making the characters so intriguing and some so mysterious that I have become very invested in them and finding out who they are and what is going to happen to them in this last book that I'm been going crazy waiting for the release. This is a series I recommend to everybody who enjoys anything paranormal, be it romance or not. It is also a series that I will be reading again once I'm through Shadowfever.
The cliffhanger at the end of Dreamfever had my heart ripping out of my chest with worry. Who could it have been, my worst fear would be that it was Barron's but in my heart of hearts I know it isn't. It can't be. I'm so anxious to get my hands on Shadowfever and the wait has been killing me.
Here's to hoping I nab one here! Thanks for the giveaway!
babyfro97 at gmail dot com
You really have to read between the lines with Barron's actions.
Also, if you haven't read Dreamfever there are some things you learn about Barrons, glimpses of why he might be the way he is. Don't want to spoil it for you!
Anon-I agree. Dreamfever brings to light a lot of POVs and emotions.
I also agree that the Barrons we saw at the beginning is the normal Barrons that we would have met if the world weren't coming to an end!
Great discussion! I'm lurking for now. In the midst of re-reading the series. Of course, I'm trying to time it so I'm done just as my Kindle version is delivered overnight.
deannalynnc-Yea, it's hard to find time for candles and romance when your being handed your arse on a platter. LOL
After reading the end of this book I was devastated. I couldn't stop thinking that Mac had killed Barrons. I'm glad to see all the reasons why that can't be. I could not deal if Barrons is dead.
Deanna – I know..WHO is Barrons and those men?? Gah!!! I need to know!!!
Babyfro – Yes – LOVE the mystery..how she knows just to give us so much to keep us intrigued yet keep us in the dark!
Jazz – I'll be staring at my Kindle all night
CK – I know! Me neither!
First, let me just say only 5 more days!!! Okay, now that that's out of my system, I can go on with the discussion.
Who is the beast? That is THE question I am dying to get the answer to. I don't think it's Barrons. He can't die at the end of book 4. He can't! And he wouldn't have killed Ryodan. I do believe it's the same beast that was under Barrons' garage. But who could it be? My only guess, a man of much important to Mac, would be her adoptive father. Or maybe it was her biological father! But how would she recognize it being him when she's never met the guy….?
Not sure who the 4th person was.
Mac is something, that's for sure. She is definitely something very important in this game. Barrons knows it and Ryodan recognizes it. But what is she?
Regarding the mirrors that Barrons used to bring a woman over – I really think the woman was Barrons' mother (I believe this theory was brought up in the Faefever discussion). He is her secret child. He time traveled back to catch her right before she killed herself to save her. Which would mean the Seelie King is his father. Maybe this is why everyone is afraid of Barrons. And Barrons needs the book to save his mother. And maybe he wants to overpower the Seelie King (and probably kill him) and he needs the book to do so.
I seriously cannot wait for SF to come out. I need answers!!
Oh crap, I think I got confused. Was the concubine that of the Seelie King or the Unseelie King?
What I meant in my comment about the woman from the mirrors is that she is Barrons' mother and whichever king she was with is Barrons' father. I just can't recall which king that was…
@Mandi – it tells you who the beast is? Oh man, I think I might budge and go read it!!
I don't think the beast is Alina or Dani. The beast is/was a male, right?
Book Vixen- Yes, Mac describes the beast as "obviously male."
I personally think the beast is Barron's, or a form of Barrons. His middle name "Zigor" means punished/punisher. Beast form is maybe part of his punishment?
Help me Mandi.
Yeah – I think she says obviously male, but also calls it "it".
I have no idea who he carries through the mirror…lol. So many questions to be answered.
I'm number 22 in line at my library for Shadowfever..lol. I couldn't help myself,I had a moment of weakness and read the first 2 chapters.
@anonymous – Well, if Barrons is the beast, then he would want the book to break this curse. And maybe Ryodan and the other guys are cursed too and are looking to Barrons to help them too. That would make sense. But I'm still not sure that that particular beast is Barrons. I mean, would KMM really kill him off? That would just be cruel!
@Anonymous That is a good point there with the Zigor name.
@The Book Vixen The concubine was for the Unseelie King. I thought that too, that the woman was his mother. We have been saying this since Faefever, that he might be Royalty indeed.
I haven't read any of the comments yet, but I have just got to say DUDE!!!
(Okay, back to finishing Dreamfever…)
I'm not reading the leak. Too much has been done to try to avoid this from happening yet spoilers came out anyways. I'm not going to let the leaker 'win' by reading it! lol
@Julie I love that idea. I just hope it isn't actually Barrons. Has everyone read Moning's newsletters? In one of the later ones, she calls it Barrons Beast. This could mean he possess the creature but isn't the creature? I would like to go back to thinking it is the dreamy-eyed guy, but I do believe he is bad :(
Julie- I agree I think that's why Barron's has been hunting the book for so long. I think the beast is an aspect of Barrons, maybe killing him in beast form breaks the curse?
Remember when Barrons and Mac were hunting OOP's? She said she looked over at him and it seemed as though 99% of Barron's was elsewhere. Like he can be in more than one place at a time.
Anonymous – Makes lots of sense. So do you think Barrons being a beast or linked to beast has anything to do with killing the princess?
Book Vixen – The unseelie king is the seelie king, he turned unseelie when he started messing with things he shouldn't have been messing with!
@Anonymous That isn't the first time that was brought up in the series. In Darkfever there was talk on how sometimes Barrons seems a coimpletely different person. I definitely believe that he is cursed and that might be a result. Now if Barrons is the son of the UK, maybe the UK punished him with this curse as a way of shunning him? The UK definitely seems like a major bastard.
@deannalynnc Ooooh, I like that. That makes a lot of sense. They never mention an actually Seelie King, ever! There are so many things the Fae need to explain. I hope they do in Shadowfever.
I also wanted to talk about that part in the beginning where V'lane called Mac a Princess. Now if she is some sort of Princess, exactly what kind of princess. I don't think she would be a Fae princess, that is just too weird. What if she is part-Fae or something else entirely?
Julie- No in regards to the princess. If you remember in that scene when Barrons is in bed with her, he's already spent a long time hunting the book.
He talks about the fae not recognizing him, that have drunk from the cauldron too many times and have forgotten. "As if forgetting eradicated the sin."
Barrons says at that point that he would make them remember fear. I think this ties into what Barrons is, and some event in the past that the fae have forgotten.
Offbeat- Do you remember the part about the Unseelie King acutally starting out as Seelie mixed with a race that was feared by the fae? This was brought up either in the Fever series or Highlander series.
Do you think that Barrons originates from this race? Would explain why he can kill fae and shades are afraid of him.
I have no willpower, I read the teaser chapters. So I'm going to leave off my previous speculations about the beast.
I too almost cried when Mac was coming out of her pry-ia fog. It was like Barrons could tell he was going to loose a piece of her, that things were going to go back to a place he didn't want them to go. *SOB*
I was somewhat frusterated with the way Mac treated Barrons, but she also had reasons to be crazy, and so I think it was somewhat understandable.
I'm debating taking Tuesday off work so that I can read it once it downloads to my nook.
Because I have no self-control, I read the leaked chapters. I suck. But I am a person that reads the end of book before I start reading it. Hahahaha!
I am a spoiler whore.
Marq, I have to wait about 6 weeks before I can read Shadowfever. I'm getting it from the library. I read the chapters too.
@Anonymous I thought that too. It seems Barrons might be older than all of them and he is against all of the Fae. What if he is the actual real Seelie King? Maybe that is why he is never mentioned, they can't remember him and left before they could? Far fetched, but still.
I will go through all the comments in a second (four year old trying to ride the dog is a little distracting) but I really wanted to comment on something.
It just occurred to me that I believe Mac will not end up with Barrons (I actually cried when this came to me, lol) But after thinking about it, the Mac that we know now (after the rape) would never, never, really accept anything fae or "other" in her life. We know that Barrons is REALLY old. Can you see Mac either accepting that she will one day grow old and leave him or actually turn immortal herself? She is so full of anger and hate that I just can't imagine her doing that. If she somehow turns into an immortal somehow I don't believe she would be truly happy and I just can't see KMM leading her in that direction after everything she has put Mac through.
I think Barrons is the beast that died at the end and somehow or another she picks up the pieces with someone else. I think KMM gave us their moment in Dreamfever and that is all they will ever have. It makes me so sad thinking about that but I just can't see any way around that. Unless Barrons somehow turns mortal. But again, I don't see how that is possible.
*Sigh* I think we will be put through the ringer with this one, I hope I am wrong. I think if I go in with a bleak outlook then hopefully I can be surprised and proved wrong.
Based on Barrons memories in this book, what did he do to become such a "monster" – and why did he want to instill fear back into the Fae…
How can he kill the fae? What did he use to kill v'lane's princess?
I'm going to read the first two chapters since KMM posted it on her site. I can't wait to find out who the beast is!
And thus, I will no longer be able to discuss that part of the discuss with y'all as I do not wish to spoiler it for those who choose to wait.
Maybe that has to do with the race that Barrons comes from. There was an original race that caused the fae to run from their home Danu.
@Anonymous I forgot about that part. I am halfway through with the re-read. But that would explain a lot. If Barrons is from that race, than it would explain why they are so scared of him. Also would explain why there is more than one of them, given when Barrons went to save Mac, there were more vicious badasses with him and also Ryodan. I will keep this one in mind. I like it :)
Offbeat- My other theory is that Barrons is part of the Draghar(sp?). The ones that the Keltar's summoned on halloween night.
I can't help but feel that the beast is Barrons. At least that's how I felt when I first read it. My heart kind of broke.
I also am worried that there will be no HEA for Barrons and Mac. After all, Moning keeps reminding us this is not a romance.
I keep wondering if Mac is somehow going to sing the song of making thereby unmaking the last year and she will be the only one who remembers.
I know I'm rambling. Just had to get my thoughts/worries out.
That said…Can't wait for the 18th.
Anon – oooh..the Draghar….awesome thought.
snethet – I am hoping for a HEA too :)
@Mille But remember what Barrons said? Don't ever think something is dead until you after you wait three days and then burn it to be sure? Maybe Barrons was really hinting to something here
@Anonymous I like the Draghar idea. Maybe that might explain how the other men like him are around now. He never mentioned them before. Then again he is a man of few words :)
What if the beast is Dani?
Dani is keeping something she is scared to tell Mac.. maybe she is the beast and when Mac stabs her she transforms back into herself.. now I know the beast is a boy (because of it‘s um.. territory marking), but why can't it change from boy to girl if it can change from beast to human??
And I don't think I could even be paid to go read the first 2 chapters without having the whole book to consume. :D
Oh, thought of something else. Did anyone read the JZB interview on KMM's website. It took place during or after Dreamfever.
There are some physical changes in Barrons appearance during the interview. Eyes changing and tattoos disappearing. Is he becoming human or is his "curse" broken?
@Pie and Cake I hear what you are saying, but why choose to look like a boy in the first place? If that's the case, Mac wouldn't recognize who it was and it definitely seemed she did recognize the guy. I don't think I would be able to read just two chapters without running away with the rest of the book to finish it. It is too tempting .
Offbeat: I was hoping someone would prove me wring in some way. I don't want to be right! But even if he is not dead, can you really see Mac happy with him after EVERYTHING!?!?
I think she truly loves him but an HEA? Even when Barrons was with Mac in her pri-ya state he says something like
"We are not. I've told you that before. Never make that mistake. We meet in lust. But we are not the same. Never will be."
When I was re-reading Dreamfever, this part was where I started to think it wasn't going to happen for them.
@Anonymous I read that so long ago, I didn't remember that. But that is a good thought. If the Beast is Barrons (I still hope it isn't) maybe stabbing his Beast breaks the curse somehow since it was the spear. And why he was scared to touch it in the first place. He only touches it once. But then that doesn't help with why he needs the book still. Ahhh, what a vicious cycle.
@Offbeat.. Maybe it's a curse and she has no control of it. But I think that since she thinks of Dani as a sister, and she would feel like she was losing her sister all over again if she had stabbed Dani. That look of betrayal from the beast is what makes me really think it. Because Dani wants/needs Mac to love her for her no matter what.. But IDK… Every time I read these breakdowns I go a little bit crazier waiting for Shadowfever. lol
Mille- Barrons current state could be tied to the reason he's been hunting the book for so long. If he finds the book, could he undo what happened to him? Therefore allowing an HEA?
@Mille But remember, he tries to fight his feelings throughout this series. I don't think he wants to admit it to himself and Mac doesn't want to admit it to herself either. I remember Ryodan in Bloodfever when he said not to judge Barrons by what he says, judge him by his actions.
Any ideas on why Barrons had blood on his cheeks and hands after Mac's interaction with the book? It was never explained, but by mentioning that detail, it seems significant.
What if for Barrons, emotion= weakness/vulnerability. Because of what's at stake, he hides what he feels for Mac. The memory he allowed Mac to see, of him(at least we think it was him) grieving over a child, shows he's capable of emotion.
@Pie and Cake That is a good point, but man I couldn't imagine how Mac would take that if that is the case. If that's true how did Dani make it there in the first place? Also wouldn't that mean Dani has been helping Barrons this entire time? It didn't seem she knew him until the beginning of this book when he snatched her out of superspeed. Or maybe it is something just discovered?
@Anonymous Remember Barrons is superfast, maybe he was fighting something nearby that she couldn't catch with her eyes. I don't know, but there's a reason for sure. I agree
@Anonymous I like that. I think he is capable of emotion. Remember he is super old. He has had plenty of time to practice masking it. There is a reason he hides I believe. I hope we find out soon.
What about that part when Mac meets Jayne fighting the Hunters? Remember what one of the Hunters said:
"We will hunt you until the end of time, sidhe-seer. We will eradicate your line."
Why did they say end of time? What if Mac is possibly immortal? Then it says eradicate your line? How can that be if she is the last in line? Is it possible that there is another family member yet discovered or someone she thought was dead might not be? Any thoughts?
Offbeat- Good question about Mac being immortal. If you read the author's note on amazon for Shadowfever, KMM questions the same thing, what if Mac really isn't human? On the cover, the woman has a tattoo of black wings, like the Unseelie King.
Anon–I don't remember the UK having black wings. He has black wings or a tattoo of black wings?
@Anonymous That is so true, I forgot about the wings. I think I said this before, but what if Mac is the UK daughter? I mean that might explain why Rowena hates her so much. She knew Mac's mom and possibly knows who her daddy is. Might be why she doesn't trust her.
Anon – I think Barrons had blood on him after the book incident either because he was fighting to get to her or the same reason Mac and Dani cry blood when staring at Unseelie Princes…your body can't process what it is seeing?
Offbeat – I agree, Mac is more than just a sidhe-seer right? What/who/where is her real dad?
Fiction Vixen- He has black wings. I know for sure it's mentioned in a Shadowfever excerpt. The other place it may be mentioned is Highlander series.
Offbeat- Mac is so certain that she's good. It goes back to what Ryoden said about the book. Why is it elusive to everyone else but Mac? Can't remember if Mac or someone else used the word "kindred" to describe Mac and the book.
Forgot to add, KMM has said something to the effect of Mac's biological dad is not important in the series or he doesn't really factor in.
Does that cancel out the theory that UK is her dad?
Mandi-But this wasn't the first time Barrons and Mac encountered the book. Remember the time he was almost under its spell or whatever?
I thought she said the opposite..like don't discredit Mac's real dad…
Or maybe she said does Mac have enough room in her life for another dad besides Jack Lane..so maybe you are right..
True..I don't know…LOL!
I just finished reading the first 3 (yes, 3) chapters and I'm screaming inside.
That's all I'll say.
I just want to say that Anonymous, you have really given this stuff a lot of thought and have definitely done your 'research'. I really like your theories and they are going to cause me more headaches…but in a good way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
We can talk all about SF next week ;)
And I agree- I'm loving your thoughts and opinions Anon :)
Book Vixen- I know!!
Mandi- I checked about the biological father. Karen's response to this question: "Does Mac's biological father have any significance in the series?
KMM: "Um, not anything hidden or cryptic, really, no"
Lol, I guess that can be interpreted in different ways.
Oh..I had not seen that!! I agree then – Mac's dad is not important. Thanks!
Hello! New here, but I can't resist throwing my 2cents after re-reading the books one after the other this week!
(Please don't care too much my imperfect english)
I have only two choice for the beast at the end of the book: Barrons, 'cause he is everything to Mac now, or Christian 'cause she feeded him Unseelie and she feels responsible for his changings caused by that and his post-ritual effects.
When i read DF for the first time, I thought Ryodan wasn't really him but someone else who took his appearance, someone who wanted Barrons (the beast) dead but couldn't kill him himself and used Mac. So, Darroc, or more probably someone who works for him.
But this time I'm not so sure.
I think Barrons, ryodan and the other seven are vampires. Since the beginning they're mentioned and Barrons knows a lor about them. Yes, he knows about almost everything, but he says Mac to hope Mallucè's not 'cause vampires are impossible to kill…
And do you remembre when he comes to save her in the Burren? He "sniffs" her neck (and he does so other times, she notices) and says its' important that she knows that he didn't wanted things to go that way(Blood fever, pg.284-286). I think he was about to bite her and transform her as the only way he saw to not let her die, but when she mentions eating Unseelie he considers that better 'cause with the vampire hing there's the beast form.
I think the beast form is consequence to a curse for what he did in the past.
I think he and his comrades assume that form in determinate occasions and when in beast form they're contained in Barrons'vault (that's why Mac hears one of them while together with Barrons).
The cuffs may be useful to retain human form longer or to control the bloodlust?
I think they cannot be killed and that's why Ryodan slits the beast's throat: Mac notices a big scar at Ry's neck and says he has a scar from a wound that would have killed most men, so maybe he went through the same steps…
Mac's their only/last hope for breaking the curse…
The dreamy-eyed guy… If it's not possesed by a "Gripper", he's a reincarnation, some sort of form for the 4th Unseelie prince and I think it was him the 4th during the rape.
Nobobdy sees the 4th Mac mentions, Darroc says the 4th prince was killed, but the shadow Dani sees before going to save Mac should be that 4th.
Maybe some part of hime "survived" someway, he didn't disappear completely and now uses a human body/took human life…
I like the theory about Dani witnessing something involving Alina's death. I'm not so sure that Rowena is too blatantly against Mac to be on the Evil's side… As someone already said, I also think she has something to do with Mac's mom's death, and, probably – for omission or commission – with Alina's too.
There's so much in play, and the series is so captivating that I'm a little scared (and sad a lot) all will be revealed and finished with the next book!
Julie- lol, thanks! First time that a series has driven me a little crazy, like you can't seem to put all the puzzle pieces together :)
Mandi- I meant that you could also be right about Mac's father. Maybe Karen is saying the answer to that question is obvious and not hard to figure out :)
Elenariel – I've heard others say vampire…I think he must play in with the Fae somehow..but who knows…maybe he is some odd crossbreed..LOL. He does like sniffing Mac's neck a lot ;)
I think something big is up with Dreamy-Eye guy….and I agree with the Dani/Alina theory..she knows something….I really wish it was the 18th now!!! :)
Is anyone else feeling jittery and anxious? LOL
@FV – yes!!!!! Especially after reading the first 3 chapters. OMG.
I'm trying to write a review for a different book right now…I can't focus..LOL.
RE: The Dani/Alina thing. I wonder if Dani could have saved Alina but didn't?
Maybe she was under orders not to..and she listened instead of helping?
We still don't know who tore through Alina's apartment, right? Could it have been the other sidhe-seers, and Dani knows?
And we don't know who has Alina's journal. There could be lots of answers in that journal.
I am feeling anxious too. I'm just worried someone will slip something! And these discussions turn me into the worst daycare lady ever! lol (Don't worry, I can see the kiddies. They are climbing on my couch. It's all good…) I think I need to step away for a bit…
Mandi–You know how Rowena would sacrifice one to save 100's? She told Mac that early on, that was her excuse for not helping her when she first met her. She has taught the SS's that and I'm wondering if Dani saw what was happening to Alina and didn't want to betray herself so she didn't save her. Because she is holding something back for sure.
Does anyone else think that maybe the Unseelie King IS the book? Barrons keeps mentioning something about "it's true form" maybe it's true form is the Unseelie King and the reason the book goes to happy people with family and friends is because the King is not happy and wants others to suffer like him…
I agree with Fiction Vixen.
I am so excited for the new book to come out. I love the entire series and I'm not going to peek at the leaks. Tuesday, I'm taking my book and curling up to read! The boys can make their own dinner! haha
meredithfl at gmail dot com
Julie- I read the chapters, but I promise I won't slip. That's why I stopped talking about that particular topic all together. I totally understand the fact that people don't want to know. I wouldn't want someone to ruin it for me :)
@Fiction Vixen I really do believe there is a Dani/Alina connection as well. I truly do believe Dani has the journal. Whenever a page shows up, Dani always seems near and remember, it is her job to deliver things. Dani said she knew things that Mac might kill her for, remember? Maybe she took Alina's journal to hide it from Rowena?
Fiction Vixen- I agree about Rowena. Did Dani even know Alina was Mac's sister? I can't even recall them discussing it? Did Dani inadvertently take part in Alina's situation?
Offbeat Vagabond–Oh good point! I really need SF, this discussion is killing me slowly. lol
Anon–I don't Dani has ever said she actually knew Alina but I'm wondering if she happened upon the attack and didn't want to betray herself. I'm sure she knew who Alina was after the fact though.
Offbeat- If Dani has Alina's journal and she's worried Mac would be upset about that why not deliver the whole journal anonymously to Mac instead of page by page?
LOL…too many questions and no answers yet!
Also, (I can't remember her name right now) but do you think the leader of the sih-de seers (my spelling has completely gone out the windown today) was the reason that the book got out in the first place and she killed Mac's Mom to keep her from telling everyone how the book got out? The reason she hates Mac might be because of the hatred she has for her Mom (kinda like Snape with Harry Potter, sorry I keep relating to other bookk)
Deannalynnc- I got the impression Rowena knew Mac's grandmother Patrona, she never mentioned anything about Mac's mother. Maybe she didn't know Mac's mother was pregnant? Also, Rowena said she didn't know Alina, there seems to be a missing link of information there.
Hey Fever friends!
I'm just catching up on all of your fabulous comments–but it's taking me a while here. LOL. In the meantime, and forgive me if someone brought this up already and I haven't yet seen the comment, but there's something that happens in Dreamfever that has been driving me batty and I couldn't wait to bring it up…
It's from the scene in which Mac is at the abbey and she goes off to see the old lady who lives near the abbey? And the old lady keeps falling asleep on them, but Mac keeps asking questions to learn more about her mother? Well, the old lady calls Mac 'Alina.' I think that's VERY important. Mac's parents know from the prophecy that one daughter was potentially good and the other evil, right? And it is been implied that Alina was the good and Mac the trouble… well, I think somehow the girls names were switched when they left Ireland or something like that in order to protect the one who was going to be needed for good and that is actually Mac. She's going to have to decide to believe it's her and that she has the power to do the right thing and save the world.
Yes? No? Maybe?
… back to reading the comments…
Oh that's good!! I like this theory!
Oh wow Christine! I hadn't even thought of that!!!!!
Christine- That is something that never even occured to me….
Oh my brain is going to explode with all these speculations!!
I like that theory as well. But now I'm confused why Ryoden would talk about all that good and evil stuff with Mac. Why does the book seek her out and is elusive to everyone else?
Great comments and ideas, everyone! Wow. So much to digest.
It seems every time I think I have this great revelation about these books… it all sounds great, except for one little detail that throws it all to the wind. It's incredibly frustrating …. but oh so much fun at the same time, right?
Deanna, I have wondered the same thing–that The Book IS the UK.
But then the next minute I think maybe The Beast (in the garage) is the UK.
Then in the end, I decide I don't know what the heck to think. LOL
Oh yeah… and who the hell has Alina's journal?
For crying out loud. Driving me nuts.
p.s. I can't stand it … I'm going to go read those chapters.
LOL Christie. ;)
Christine, I forgot about that! And it makes sense, in the first books The Book affects her because she is good. And when she is "less" good she can get closer to The Book, but not enough to touch it. That theory makes a lot of sense.
Do you think it means anything that more than one thing is called "beast?" Mac calls herself and Barrons "beast" when she's pri-ya, then the two beasts under the garage, and also the book is referred to as a beast. So confusing!
My mind is reeling with all the speculation here but I'm loving it! As far as the beast. I keep going back to Barrons but I don't think he's dead. I considered Christian for awhile but I remember reading KMM said he was getting his own book at some point so I don't see her killing him off. I also considered it could be Alina in some other form but after reading the teaser KMM put out I know that can't be true. She said Alina would walk on her right and this person on the left of her memory. I'm so anxious to find out who it is!
I never considered Dani had something to do with Alina but it makes total sense all things considered.
Sondrae- I agree about Christian, I think he'll be coming back in the next series. KMM also said Ryoden would figure in as well, if not in Fever, then in the next series.
@Christine That is a great thought hon. I wish I thought of it. It might be possible if Alina chose LM, that makes her the bad one.
@Anonymous Maybe Dani was sending them page by page to give Mac a taste of how Alina was like. Trying to see if see wants to read more or not. I know that is a little weird, but you never know. It could be a coincidence by it is so strange nonetheless.
Also what about that thing that was hovering over Mac when she was outside right after being turned Pri-Ya? Dani said that it was moving so fast, she couldn't catch it. Possible spy for Barrons, something we haven't seen yet? I think whatever it is was the thing that ruined the wards around Mac's cell for Barrons to get in.
I might be wrong about the details because I don't have the books in front of me to double check, but…
Wasn't the book released from the abbey around the same time Mac and Alina were shipped to the US? Maybe their bio mother or Alina (who would have been a few years old already) was responsible for the book getting out. And, based on Christine's earlier comment, maybe that's what would make Alina the 'bad' one in the prophecy and Mac the 'good' one.
I think that Mac and Alina must be in some way descended from the UK. Maybe they are the embodiment of the UK's two sides- the side that loved his concubine, and the side that was vengeful. If KMM's statement about Mac's bio dad not being important is true, maybe her bio grandfather? Maybe that's why the one shade was so enraptured with her. And it could explain the comment about the UK could be in Dublin, and could be anyone…
Sorry these aren't fully formed theories, but I'd love to hear some reactions to them.
I think Dani definitely has a connection to Alina's murder. Why would she ask Mac if sisters could forgive each other anything?
I love the theories popping up here — thanks everyone! Theorizing will make my library hold time (I'm #12) go by quickly.
Ooo! My theories…
Dani killed Alina (why she is hiding it from Mac, because Mac won't understand).
Mac and Alina are the daughters of the UK and the concubine. There's a time-frame gap mentioned in Dreamfever (that is slipping my mind) that said that Alina was with their mother for a while but Mac was not, and it was right after Mac's birth that they both got shuffled to the states or something. I'm probably remembering wrong.
I think Barrons's curse has something to do with Mac. He's had this big goal of making her 'darker' to save her, and I think that's part of his job. I also think (like someone mentioned above) that Mac's going to have to choose between saving her sister and saving Barrons/the world at some point. Time is always mutable/changeable in KMM's storylines.
Dreamy-eyed boy = Unseelie King (and I am speculating that he is Mac's 4th rapist…though that would make him her dad. Gross!)
What if V'lane was the rapist? He's a prince, right? He's not unseelie…or rather, maybe V'lane is the Unseelie King and has been lying all along.
*head explodes*
Offbeat-The shadow thing hovering outside the church with Mac, it made me think there is a connection to the point when Barrons and his men come to the abbey. Dani was going super speed and said something was in her space and grabbed her. Was the shadow another form of Barrons or was it Ryoden? Also, Ryoden says to Mac to never forget that Dani is the one that saved her. Did he say that because he was the shadow figure hovering over Mac outside the church and saw Dani?
And had all of you seen this deleted Dreamfever scene?
Another thing to think about is Mac's re-occurring dream centering around a woman. Mac remembers having this dream since she was a little girl. The woman is sad, something is wrong with her and it's always really cold in the dream. The cold indicates unseelie, maybe?
Is Mac re-incarnated concubine(woman in the dream)or is that woman her mother?
I couldn't wait till the 18th, I read the first chapters. Now I can't wait for more!
@Sara I like your theory. I thought the same thing. How odd that the escape of the Book coincides with the ages of Alina and Mac. I agree, I think there is a bigger reason everyone wants her to find the book. She might really be the only person truly connected to it. Also remember the Book also knows Mac's name which is strange considering it doesn't seem call to anyone else in the series really.
@Mrs. Hanson Now that thought scares me. I don't think Dani would have done anything like that on purpose, but still. If that is the case, there is a big piece of the puzzle missing. But that definitely has my heart racing.
@Jill Myles I agree with Barron's curse. I think all this is him testing her to see how far she would go. That has been brought up before. That Mac will have to make a big decision between Barrons and her sister. If that is the case, I am scared.
V'lane is a lot of things, but the UK, I don;t think so. If that is the case, why is he so afraid of Barrons? Wouldn't the UK by the main player and I can't see V'lane on LM's side. He doesn't seem to like him like everyone else.
Again, my first main theory with dreamy-eyed guy, he was the fourth. I can't erase the feeling he is a bad guy. Maybe not as bad as the others, but I think he is playing a game of sorts. Maybe wanting power so he went to LM for it. Would make sense if he was hiding his face from Mac during the end of Faefever.
@Offbeat — I don't mean to suggest that Dani murdered Alina, more like she knows more than she's sharing with Mac, or perhaps she doesn't realize the impact of what she may or may not have discovered.
Well what if Barrons is the beast, and both he and Ryoden planned for Mac to to kill it, therefore releasing the "curse?"
Barrons says to Fiona that she almost killed his one chance, meaning Mac.
Oh, God, I am at work and don't have enough time to read the comments and write something really thoughtful–but I totally cried at the "You're leaving me, Rainbow Girl" line. Literal, tears streaming down my cheeks, crying. I know, I know–I am such a dork.
I can't-can't-CAN'T wait for Shadowfever to show up in my Kindle library!! *sob*
Jill – I don't think Dani KILLED Alina (her killing was so brutal) but I think she knew it was going to happen and didn't stop it.
I don't know what to think of Dreamy-Eye boy – maybe 4th rapist..maybe somehow inhabited by an Unseelie who is controlling him? Why was he all blurry at Chesters?
Dani only made that comment about forgiving and sisters and stuff after Mac 'came back', so I'm inclined to think that something happened while Mac was um…preoccupied and that's what's bothering her. That's what I got from it.
And the name thing with the old lady. I think you guys are right. I hadn't given it much thought but it's obviously important or KMM wouldn't have slipped it in there.
Seriously though, how is KMM keeping all her facts straight while writing these? lol
When Mac was pri-ya and in the cell at the abbey, somebody splashed black paint all over the cell walls where the protective wards were. One of the Unseelie Princes flashed in, so was this person helping the unseelie get Mac? If so, is this same person responsible for Alina's murder?
EM – so glad you brought this up. Who did that…was it Rowena? I don't know if she would be in league though with the Unseelies…..I have no idea..
Mandi, I was thinking that too. Like maybe she didn't kill her but she saw the head sidhe-seer do it (What was her name, Rowena?) and so she's hiding that. I think if Dani did it, it was by accident of some kind or she was under the influence, to where she had to do it, not because she chose to do it. She is obivously conflicted.
Mandi- I thought Rowena too. Yet she seemed willing to work with Mac later on in Dreamfever. Is she just good at pretending?
Jill- I'm pretty sure Dani was surprised to see the black paint, and that's why she protected Mac or went for help(can't remember).
So many good theories here. I am officially overwhelmed and wanting shadowfever even more. *thud*
Jill – yes..something big is weighing on her.
EM – To me, I feel like KMM is setting up Rowena to be evil, but deep down she has good intentions…just mistrust of Mac. So if that is the case, who made it into the abbey to paint over the wards, if not one of the girls?
Jill- LOL…sorry I think I misunderstood what you were saying. You meant that Dani saw who killed Alina?
Yes..Jill meant Dani either saw the person who killed Alina or was there at the murder or something like that….
I believe that Darroc didn't kill her – did the book kill her? Dreamy Eyed guy?
EM – yeah! Like maybe Rowena killed Alina because Alina was working with the Lord Master and therefore 'evil'. Rowena killed her and Dani was there with her, and Dani knows Mac is wanting to destroy whoever killed her sister, but Rowena is the only mother figure that Dani has ever had, no matter how much of a jerk she can be.
I keep trying to figure out V'lane as much as the others. He has a big question mark on him. He has some sort of motive, but I'm not entirely sure what it is. I think he is lying about things to Mac, but I haven't figured out his piece of the puzzle yet.
(Oh, who am I kidding? I haven't figured out ANYONE.)
Mandi- This series can be headache inducing, in a good way! So many theories to think about.
All of these details don't quite fit together yet, but they were important enough for KMM to mention. So it must mean something?
(Oh, who am I kidding? I haven't figured out ANYONE.)
This totally sums it all up for me LOL.
I have to say though, that I want bigger things for Mac. I want her to be something BIG and IMPORTANT. I will be disappointed if KMM is all "Oh, Mac is a MacKeltar!"
And not just because Mac MacKeltar sounds silly. ;) I want her to be something so impressive that my jaw hangs open when I read it. ;)
I can't wait till the 18th ahhh I want to know who the beast is? How does Mac get home? Does she get home? Or does she keep using the stones and ends up in the unseelie realm? What happened to Christian? Ahh so many questions how is KMM going to answer all of them in just ONE book when it took 4 books to get us where we are now, which is really confused! lol
Jill- I wonder if Rowena sent the sidhe-seers to do her dirty work? Not knowing who Alina was at the time, just a that she was a sidhe-seer working with Darroc.
When Mac confronts Rowena and asks if she knew Alina, Rowena says no. I think Mac even describes what Alina looked like, and Rowena seemed to genuinely not know her.
Yes! Mac should be something big and important. If I ever had a worry about being disappointed with Shadowfever, it would be that it doesn't deliver as far as answering all of these questions or the explanation for all that happens is lame.
Also, I'm a little afraid of being disappointed with Mac and Barrons HEA. I love the overall story of this series, but will there be enough romance in Shadowfever?
Where the heck is the third chapter?
Didn't Alina mention in either her voice mail or one of the pages of her journal that she was going "to kill HER" the next day or something…
I just can't see Rowena or any of the sidhe-seers killing her as violently as she was..maybe they handed her over to an Unseelie or something..
is the HER Rowena?
I think they took down the 3rd chp…I can email you the deets if you want it
EM- That is my whole fear and where my theory stems from. How great can their HEA be after everything that has happened?!?!
UGH– This is driving me batty!!!!!
@Mandi — Yes, Alina notes in her journal that she's going to kill her. She's writing about killing for LM, how she did it tonight and will do it again when she kills her.
I don't know what to think about Rowena. I believe she has good intentions but she keeps a lot of secrets from Kat, Dani, others, and is very negative toward Mac.
Mandi- You're right, I do believe she said that. I don't think they killed her, but like you said played a part in it by handing her over.
Barrons did say to Mac that whatever killed Alina was fae, I think because of the type of wounds on her body.
Millie- I do think a good HEA is possible, but it will matter how much of the book is devoted to the other storylines rather than Barrons and Mac's HEA. I'm just a tiny bit worried there won't be enough romance because there is so much else going on.
Any thoughts about why Mac is able to heal so quickly?
What if the HER from Alina's voice mail is Fiona? Doesn't she go from Barron's bed to LM's? What if she has always been working with LM? Or maybe has been working both sides of the fence the whole time.
I still think someone from the abbey killed Alina thinking she was the "bad" one and they would stop the bad prophesy in it's tracks. And they made it look like something else killed her.
I honestly don't think anyone in this book is really "good" -just less degrees of evil.
I think KMM said on her message board – in so many words – that there will be a HEA. I really think she will do it…soooo many people will be upset if not.
Mac heals quickly because of eating Unseelie, right?
Tori – ooooh..Fiona!!!! hmmmmmm…me likes.
Anon–Didn't that start with the eating of the unseelie flesh? And then after she was turned priya and brought back I thought it was part of her newer, better self?
I think that Barrons is the beast and that he is dead. But if I remember correctly at one point in the books it says the Fae have lost the ability to travel in time. They have also lost the book. I think Mac will have to find the book and then it will be the key for her to go back in time and save Barrons
Tori- Wouldn't Barrons have suspected if Fiona was working with Darroc the whole time?
EM- I thought about that but I don't think he would care. Barron's would more then likely use her to spy on LM without her knowing he knew what she was doing. lol If that makes sense. Im still lost on how Darroc got powers back. Is it from eating the unseelie flesh? Because dang it, I know the Seelie Queen made him human and she said it was irreversible.
@tori aka ggs_closet I didn't like Fiona from the beginning. I agree, I think she was in between them both really. I said that once before as well. I really do believe someone form the Abbey plays a big part in the death of Alina and/or their mother. I am not saying that makes LM innocent, but I get the feeling one side is definitely more on one side than the other.
I also think it would be freaking FABULOUSO if Adam Black appeared in SF. He was my fav in the highlander series.
I like the theory about Fiona…
How awesome was it when Barrons stabbed Fiona to shut her up! loved that..
Offbeat Vagabond-Never liked her either. I thought it was telling that he tosses her out when she tries to kill Mac because I didn't get that sense of care from him abt Fiona. And that REALLY cheesed her off. I don;t think LM killed Alina. I get the sense he may have really loved her.
The "shut up" stabbing of Fiona was epic.
Mandi & Fiction- I wonder if the healing thing has to do with eating unseelie and recovering from pri-ya alone. Since we still don't know Mac's background is it possible she's not completely human?
Barrons voiced Mac after the encounter with the book and said "what are you?" Does this imply that no one has ever survived something like that?
Mandi–How awesome was it when Barrons stabbed Fiona to shut her up! loved that..
YES, I'm totally going to start doing that when I want someone to shut up. LOL
Goodness, where to start?
First, thanks to everyone who is commenting – good luck in winning the hardcover copy of SHADOWFEVER.
Okay, here we go:
Rowena – total bitch. I don't like the way she's treated Mac from their first meeting. I wonder what she's hiding – and what I mean by that is the book was lost on her watch. Why? What the hell was she doing, or not doing, to lose something so dangerous?
Next, I was pissed at Mac for awhile after she came out of being Pri-ya. She was so ungrateful to Barrons. He could have left her in that state, or worse, used her in the state until he tired of her. He would have lost his OOP detector, of course, but he had choices OTHER than save her. And she was a bit of a brat to him, which annoyed me.
And why did Barron's kill the Fae princess anyway? And who was that princess? Wasn't he in Fairy when that happened – what was he doing there and how did he get there?
At the end, I'm tripping out over who the beast is!!
(SPOILER ALERT!!!!!) I read the excerpt from SHADOWFEVER on KMM's site and I'm wondering how the two sides end up opposing each other…and Mac is glad to be like the Unseelie? What the hell?
Can't wait to find out what happens *tj squeeeeing like crazy*
EM – yes..due to her eating Unseelie she can heal fast.
I don't know what Barrons meant by that…I didn't catch that he asked her that
I have to say though, I'm with Jill… If Mac doesn't turn out to be something that just totally blows my mind, I think I'm gonna be a little let down. There is just too much about her for her to be a normal human.
I also might be a little let down if she and Barrons don't get their HEA. I want pink Mac to get a fairytale… ;)
Mandi–How awesome was it when Barrons stabbed Fiona to shut her up! loved that..
FV–YES, I'm totally going to start doing that when I want someone to shut up. LOL
I think it's kind of romantic…in a really strange and twisted way! lol
@tori aka ggs_closet That is a good point, how is it that Darroc still has powers? He would have to know who are Fae in order to eat Fae. Maybe he found a bigger player in this series to give him power? So true, even if Fiona was messing aorund with them both, he wouldn't care because well Barrons is Barrons and Fiona seems heartless anyway.
Dude. Here's a crazy thought, moving more along with the whole KMM time-is-mutable sort of thing.
What if future-Mac killed her own sister because she knew Alina was evil? And that's why no one will tell her and she can't find out the bad guy. Because maybe the world is so much WORSE if Alina lives than if she dies.
And maybe Barrons's goal is to make Mac dark enough to be able to kill her own sister in order to save the world. That's why he's so cruel to her all the time but we see the flashes of caring.
That would totally blow my mind, but if anyone could pull it off, KMM could.
Mandi–How awesome was it when Barrons stabbed Fiona to shut her up! loved that..
FV-YES, I'm totally going to start doing that when I want someone to shut up. LOL
*note to self-NEVER pizz FV off*
Though that would be a great tag line-"Shut up-don't make me stab you"
Mandi- Yes, loved that part too! Also when Barrons says to Fiona his bed is full and always will be…hmmm does he mean Mac ;)
@Jill – That is EVIL and cruel and twisted and something that probably only KMM could pull off.
PS: Did you die your hair? Love the red!
Jill-OMG that is brilliant. And my head just hit maximum fullness. LOL I could see all that happening. But Barrons said he didn't know Alina and he seemed really surprised when he met Mac and learned about her and Alina.
Offbeat – Darroc trades favors and stuff to gain power..he kept all his knowledge of the Fae, so he is able to manipulate people to gain power.
JILL!!!! I'm flailing in my chair. My brain just went poof. KMM could do that…
I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep until I finish the damn thing
I think Barrons is "Cruce" Its unknown if Cruce is seelie or unseelie but how was Barrons in the fae realm to kill the princess? He has to be more than just a druid using the slivers to keep from aging. Cruce made the slivers so Barrons aka Cruce could travel through them with no ill side effects Right?
@Jill Myles Wow, that is an eerie thought. What if in some way all of this is some freaky, fecked up prequel. The message on the phone was sort of a strange cosmic thing that happened, to start Mac on her journey back to where it all began. Oh my God, that is crazy brilliant! I am with Mandi, my brain has been blown away and won't return until Tuesday.
@Mandi That is true about Darroc. But my point is, how was he able to pull it off? Who did he start getting these favors from? How does he goes from being a human to the one person responsible to destroying the world?
I just can't fathom future Mac killing Alina. Alina was killed viciously. Would Mac have done that? She loved Alina. Even if Mac was dark enough to go through with it she would have made it a clean kill. Alina lingered. Remember how she scratched a message in the brick?
Don't forget that Alina's body had wounds on it that only fae could make.
@FV – I tend to agree with you. I don't know that Mac could ever brutalize Aliana. Sure if she was black enough a clean kill to save the world, but I don't know about that one…
@Jenny I forgot about the possib;e Cruce angle. That is true. That's what the silvers were made for. The more I read these comments, the more I believe time is a big factor in this series. Barrons is definitely more than a Druid using them. The MacKeltars are all Druids and they don't seem to be anything like Barrons. Oooh, what if Barrons might be what Dageus was? What if he is possessed by those creatures but he is more embracing with them than Dageus? Barrons isn't a stranger to dark magic and that's maybe what the tattoos are for? Anyone read Dageus book? What do you think?
Good points about Alina…
And Cruce – what about him..someone said he was dead – Barrons? But that doesn't mean he was telling the truth. I don't think we've heard the end of Cruce yet…..
@Mandi I agree, I believe Barrons wrote that off really quick when Mac asked (I believe). We have a general history of everyone else except him.
The original race is one that the Seelie feared and caused them to flee Danu. Barrons does seem more than just druid, could he be from this original race?
But how do we know Mac is not part Fae? Or how do we know Alina wasn't fighting fae before Mac runs into her and kills her? How do we know that Mac wasn't the one that scratched that into the floor to start 'herself' on this journey?
It would be a total mindfuck. It probably wouldn't happen but OMGSOCRAZY if it did.
And that's a way old picture! I am actually blonder than ever, lol. :)
BTW – I thought Barrons was Cruce until Dreamfever. I forget why my theory changed. I think he said something about Cruce that automatically nixed him, but I don't remember what it was (and I don't have time for a reread, crap!).
OMG Jill!! My head. MY HEAD!! lol
I've thought about the Cruce theory too. Barrons makes a comment to Mac about "breaking from one's past." Could this be why he brushed off Mac when she asked about Cruce?
Was Dageus the one trapped in the mirror or the one with all the druids in his head? I read both but I'll be damned if I remember either one.
My powers of retention = not so grate akshually.
@Jill – OMG that is a totally crazy theory…. but I would think Mac would leave a little something extra for herself don't you think?
Jill- LOL…would that mean that Mac is sending herself Alina's diary pages to help jog her memory and get her started on the journey like you said?
This discussion is fun, but not good for my sanity :)
I think that was Cian trapped in the mirror…pretty sure.
zomg..this theory
Oh and another thought, the immortal elixr. We don't know if this was given to Mac at any point.
Hmm, I still wonder if Barrons was responsible for Alina's death. I think the coincidence of him being her landlord will have to come back into play somehow. Maybe he knows about the prophecy and guessed that Alina was the one who would end up causing evil (because of her association with LM?), so now Barrons is banking on Mac to be the good one, which could be behind Ryodan's comments about coming after Mac if Barrons is wrong about her.
Or, maybe Alina knew about the prophecy and killed herself when she realized she was helping the LM do bad things? I know it's far fetched, considering how her body was found… But, that could explain why she knew Mac had to be the one to come to Dublin and find the Sinsar Dubh.
Also, *if* Barrons is actually the beast at the end Dreamfever (crossing my fingers that my hunch about that is wrong), maybe there will be an epic conclusion in which the time travel stuff gets worked out again, and Mac can bring him back? I am dreading the idea of Barrons being dead.
I truly don't believe Barrons is dead. Remember "the dreaming" is where hopes and fears come to be or rest. Barrons as the beast and Mac killing him could be an illusion meant to bring her real desires to light.
Yikes, I totally forgot Mac and Barrons slept together. I think I should probably reread this….
Hi Everyone.
You guys have some seriously interesting theories and I'm dying to see how everything plays out.
Here's my take:
Firstly I think Barrons is the beast. However I think he is a creature that cannot be killed. In dark fever (I think) Barrons tells Mac that some things are impossible to kill. That one should burn the corpse, poke around in the ashes and if nothing rises after a couple of days then it's dead. This could also explain his 4 day absence.
I keep changing my mind about what Mac really is. The one I keep coming back to is that she could be the daughter of the Unseelie King and Isla. (V'lane calls her princess, the wings on her back on the shadowfever cover, her pool of power in her mind that terrifies her). But if that was the case then the other sidhe-seers would get a fae reading from her. Maybe her fae genes (for lack of better word) are dormant and will only be activated once the book possesses her.
I'm leaning toward the fourth being Ryodan. But Barrons is unaware of it.
I'm not sure what role dreamy-eyed-guy plays. I think he's linked to Barrons or Ryodan somehow. When Mac breaks into Barrons garage, she hears two sets of baying. Could one be Barrons and the other dreamy-eyed-guy? Dreamy-eyed-guy could be the one baying when Mac and Barrons are in the garage just before Fiona arrives in Dreamfever.
On a seperate note, I think that Dani's abilities are not latent powers like tells Mac. I think her father is of Barrons and Ryodan's kind. They have speed, sight, hearing, smell, and strength in common…
Only four days to go!!
Heidenkind – LOLOL..u crack me up
Natalie – oooh…Ryodan the fourth? I want to think Ryodan is a good guy…
VERY interesting theory about Dani's parents…Hmmmmmmmmmmm
This discussion is fun, but not good for my sanity :)
LMAO! Well said!
VERY interesting about Dani's parents me too!
That would make for an interesting series if the next books are about Dani.
Natalie- It will be interesting to see if Dani is part of KMM's next series and if we get to learn more about her.
Mandi – I know! I want Ryodan to be good too but he is running a club where unseelie prey on unsuspecting humans. I think his purpose was to keep Mac alive until Barrons could come for her (he gives her water and is gentle with her).
Anon – It would be very sad if we didn't see more of Dani. She's an awesome character!
And the beast attacks ryodan…if the beast is barrons..that is odd. Or maybe the beast just attacks anyone…
Or maybe Ryodan is not all that he seems?? I think though – maybe this is speculation – that the next series features Ryodan? So if that is the case (and not just rumor) Ryodan must be good…or as good as KMM heroes can be :)
Mandi- Will you be doing another discussion for Shadowfever? I think we might need a support group once we've read the book and this series comes to an end ;)
Natalie- gives her water, or immortal elixr, hence the new abilities Mac has?
When you become immortal you begin to lose your soul. Is this why Mac is "diluted" and able to be around the book?
Yes! I want to have a post discussion…but how long should I wait to post it?? I don't want to do it too soon…
I think Barrons set up IYD to invoke his beast. The beast comes in kills everything save Mac because of Barron's mark. Ryodan comes in kills the beast and get's Mac to safety.
It's all guess work really… KMM is one seriously talented author to have us all desperately trying to figure out what's gonna happen.
EM – ooooh! That's good. I never considered that.
Hmmm…Maybe 2 weeks from the release date would give enough time for most people to read it? Would that be too soon?
I'm with EM. It gives everyone enough time to get the book and I'm sure we're all going to finish really quickly :)
Natalie- I agree, to keep everyone guessing and this crazy with speculation takes talent.
I agree with you and Natalie, I'm just hoping that ALL our questions get answered,and kinda hope some don't so there is a potential for a spin off! I know KMM said she was not done with the "Highlander" Series so we might have to wait for more than ONE book to answer all! I hope that Queen Aoibheal keeps her hands out of this,but after what happened at the end of "Spell of the Highlander" I think she will be making a curtain call in "Shadowfever"
Jenny – If I'm not mistaken Christian and Ryodan will get their own books. I hope Dani gets one too.
I have a feeling you're right about Aoibheal making an exit but who will take her place????
What if she's the beautiful woman that Mac sees dying in her dreams?
I'm intrigued by Ryoden and would love to know more about him in the spin-off series. The ending of dreamfever gives the impression that he might be a traitor, but he said that Barrons was like a brother of sorts to him, so I'm hoping there is another explanation.
Natalie- Good theory about the beautiful woman in Mac's dream! I always thought she was the concubine because Mac said the woman was sad and there was something wrong with her. The environment in the dream is always really cold. Is that a seelie/unseelie connection?
She could be the beautiful woman! She said she has all 5 or her most powerful druids precisely where she wanted them. Where they could "Save" her! hmmm But Barrons isn't a MacKeltar…hmmm
I want to know who is/was Barrons "brightest star" and why was he afraid she would turn away from them for whatever they(him and his men?) had done. He said they were powerful and never knew fear until that single act.
Could this explain who he is and why he wants the book?
The beautiful woman could be the concubine. I forgot about the woman being cold and sad. But why would Mac dream about someone who is already dead?
EM – what do you mean about the seelie/unseelie connection?
Jenny – At the end of Cian's story Aoibheal said she had 3 of the most powerful Druids (Drustan, Daegus, and Cian) and two she would meet later. She doesn't say that they're all MacKelter's… I wonder who others will be? Barrons is druid trained. Who else is?
Anon – I also want to find out more about Ryodan. I don't think he's traitor. He gives make sound advice when she needs it most.
EM – I'm sure who she is but could it be that Barrons has been hunting the book to try and bring her back somehow? Maybe she was killed by the princess or V'lane and that's why Barrons killed V'lane's princess?
Natalie- Seelie can affect the temperature around them. The interactions between V'lane and Mac would be an example, the many times that the air around Mac turns cold. Also, the Shadow Realm where the unseelie are kept prisoner is supposed to be ice cold. Since the Unseelie King created the silvers and the White Mansion where the concubine resided, would it be cold there as well?
Christian is druid trained. Barrons trained Darroc is use of Voice for information, what information was that? Did we get told? I can't remember?
Mac has been dreaming of the beautiful woman since she was a little girl. Is this because Mac is the concubine re-incarnated, therefore the dreams are memories? But truthfully, I don't like the idea of Mac being the concubine, seems too easy.
So many good points my head is spinning!
Mandi – Yes, you absolutely have to do a Shadowfever discussion. Not sure if 2 wks is enough. There are so who may not be able to get the book right at release. Maybe 3 wks? Not sure…
I have loved these posts about the series and thank you for all the hard work and research and time it must have taken you to assemble all the info. It's been very interesting reading everyone's theories and tues can't come soon enough.
*head explodes* WOW, so many great theories! KMM should be so proud that this series has ppl rabidly speculating about how it is going to end.
I am desperately trying to resist reading the first 2 chapters. I've had the link up on my lappy all night but have resisted clicking on it so far. we'll see how far my willpower extends =P hopefully farther than my willpower with brownies cause otherwise I'm totally screwed, LOL!
great spec, ladies =)
All of these theories are making my heart race. I think this is the most I have ever looked forward to a book.
Me too! I'm re-reading Dreamfever now, and I just read the part where Mac asked Barron's if he was there helping the LM turn her Pri-ya just to make her stronger? And the thought of that "Horrified him" so def.Barrons was NOT the 4th unknown man soooo that still leaves alot of suspects
How long is this msg board open for? On the time stamp it says 10 pm but is only 8 pm my time in Alberta, Canada? If msg have stopped for the night and will start up tomorrow, cool I'll check back then if they are still going strong that would be cool too!
Wow, great theories! There's a lot to think about here.
I think Dani saw something during Mac's rescue and feels guilty about not taking action.
I was thinking Dreamy Eyed Guy was the beast, but now am not so sure. I also think Fiona is sending the journal pages, just to be a b!tch, not realizing Mac wants them.
I've had the tab to the 1st two chapters open but have only been able to read the first page…gah!!!
I think reading the first two chapters would be like opening a candy bar/bag of chips and only allowed to have one bite and then wait 4 days to finish! Good luck with the temptation!lol
A couple of people have mentioned that KMM has said that Mac would get her HEA, which I read also, but I think it also said it wouldn't be what we expect. So my thought is that it won't be a traditional HEA. I kind of agree with Millie that it would be really hard to have a HEA with Barrons with everything that happens. I have wondered if The Dreamy Eyed Boy doesn't play a role in the HEA. When she meets him she thinks about how in her old life he is exactly who she would date. That's prob a stretch, and I would like nothing more than for Mac and Barrons to end up together, but I guess we will just have to leave it up to KMM, and trust that whatever the ending, that is the way the story needed to be told…..
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Jenny said…
I think Barrons is "Cruce" Its unknown if Cruce is seelie or unseelie but how was Barrons in the fae realm to kill the princess?
I also thought about Barrons=Cruce: only Barrons says Cruce's dead…
I feel like the child writing from the cage could be Barrons, the concubine could have been his mother or someone he meets later and establish a relationship with (both humans, kidnapped and prisoners in fae world…)
Did the concubine loved the king back?
We know for sure the concubine's dead or not? They say she loose herself in the Silvers, if I remember correctly, and for her the Silvers were a timeless place, isn't it?
I have another question: how is that Ryodan has Mac's backpack and spear? She left them at her house at LM's order… If he went there, he had to see her parents (and darroc and his guards) and tell her about them…
If her things were sucked in the Silver and he found them inside, then… Other things/people from her house are now in the Silver, like… Her parents?
Elenariel – I believe the concubine loved the king..to a point. Until he became obsessed/desperate with making her immortal. The concubine kills herself – or so legend says.
Was her backpack inside her parent's house or inside that fleshy silver part? I have no idea how Ryodan found out what realm she was in, right? I'm confused at that part…
Awesome Giveaway!
I have been sucked in from book one, but it seems after each book I only get more questions, no answers. I definitely have the "Fever". In Dreamfever, the thing that irked me the most was the beast at the end. I have went over and over in my mind, just trying to think who it could be. The 18th needs to hurry up, I need answers now!
Where is Adam Black? Given his background as fae and having worked with the Keltar, I would think he'd make an appearance!!!!
@Mandi: yes, that part is very confused… Mac says that she put the weapons on the ground, the pouch with the stones was in her backpack so I suppose she put the backpack on the ground too… Instead she throws the spear away and says that it lodged in that sort of gelatin, and the spear was reacting to the stones or the mirror when she unsheated it…
Do you think Darroc really marked Mac during the rape? Why? If she was Pri-ya and at his command, she wouldn't try to escape and he wouldn't have to locate her…
And how? It can't be a tattoo like Barrons': she was having sex with 3 Fae Princes, i'd find very difficult to tattoo a person in the middle of that! ^^"
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