Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning (Fever #5)
Urban Fantasy
January 18, 2011
Hardcover, 594 Pages
Delacorte Press
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: Included at the end because it is a bit of a spoiler.
Note: I tried hard to write a spoiler-free review – however I failed. There are some small things that I do consider spoilers. (Especially whether Barrons and Mac get their HEA) Also the quotes at the very bottom are spoilers. I hope to do a big spoiler discussion post in a few weeks so we can discuss everything!!
It has come to an end. My most anticipated book of 2011 – I might not even feel this obsession for a book for a long time to come. Did we get answers? Oh yes. Are there still things to learn? Oh yes. Am I satisfied? More than I ever imagined I would be.
There is so much that happens in this book and I don’t want to give anything away. It feels like an impossible review to write. Mac is no longer Mackayla Lane. She is a new determined woman, ready to take on the world if that means she gets her Barrons back. Watching him die at the hands of her spear, almost threw her over the edge. But like Barrons always tells her – if you don’t spread the ashes and poke it around for three days, it doesn’t mean it is dead – and even that might not stop Barrons from coming back.
What Barrons is we don’t exactly find out, and I kind of liked that. We are not given a name to his kind. I assume in future books, this might be explored more. (Please Karen Moning write more in this world!) But we do learn about him, the things he is capable of and more about the eight men that resemble him. We learn the reason he seeks the book – and that reason very much shapes the man he is. It explains so much about his behavior throughout the series – and I never saw it coming.
We learn who and what Mac is (whoa baby!). We learn V’lane’s roll in all of this (seriously??). We learn more about Rowena, Darroc (I LOL’d at what happens to him) Alina, and Dani. At then end of the book, Dani is still unresolved. I hope to see her as an adult in a future book – she has a lot to give to this world. Christian is still a big mystery becoming someone or something he is not even sure of. I don’t think anyone is. I’ve heard rumors that Ryodan and Dani get a series, if that is true, I so hope that Christian plays a prominent role in those books.
And of course, I was rooting for Mac and Barrons – that Happily Ever After that everyone was a little (or a lot) nervous about. I was very pleased with the end. It is a very “Barron-esque HEA” in my opinion. Intense, wild, dark. He even tells her, “You’re upsetting my entire existence.” Ha! And of course my favorite quote stems from this scene:
“I was happy. I knew why you’d lied.” His dark gaze was ancient, inhuman, and uncharacteristically gentle. Because you love me.
I drew in a ragged breath.
“Let’s get out of here, Mac. There’s nothing for you down here.”
…..Barrons held out his hand. “Don’t leave me, Rainbow Girl.”
Shadowfever surpassed every expectation I had. For as many theories I have discussed, I was completely shocked at most of the outcomes. There was not a single aspect I was disappointed in. My favorite part is that Barrons and Mac stay so true to their characters. Barrons doesn’t change, or yield to Mac. And I think KMM does an excellent job with keeping him so consistent. He stays broody, and possessive, and mysterious. An excellent end to my favorite series. And this statement from Mac completely sums up the series:
The good guys and bad guys aren’t as easy to tell apart as I used to think they were.
This book gets an A++++++ from me. Thank you Karen Marie Moning for this extraordinary series.
One last quote? I have to end this review with Barrons being…Barrons.
“I watched you die. I need to fuck you, Mac.”
Rating: A+
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Thanks to Random House and TLC Book Tours, I am able to giveaway one Hardcover copy of Shadowfever! Open to US/Canada through January 23rd. Just leave a comment to enter.
For more chances to win, and to read more reviews of Shadowfever, check out TLC Book Tours Shadowfever Schedule HERE.
I'm happy you are happy with the outcome of our favorite series. My favorite line is when Barrons says Mac will find a man who will steal her oxygen, where she won't care if she breathes as he kisses her. She did fins that.
I also loved the "cameos" of the other characters from KMM's past books including Adam.
But you know very well what I've been thinking as I read this book and the series as a whole.
But I must say… douchey douche Barrons le Douche :P
LOLOLOL…oh the "douche" – I know you have big problems with this series…I'll keep douchey Barrons for myself! ;p You made me snort my coffee a bit. ;)
You can have his fuzzy handcuffs as well. But I wouldn't mind grabbing one of his hot cars.
I was so hoping he and Mac would have hot sex in or on top of the Viper.
Great review. I have not read this series, but reading all the series reviews and seeing the pretty cover for this book I think I need to catch up.
yay Smexy! Thanks for the giveaway!
I haven't read the series yet, either, but based on the reviews alone, it has certainly moved up my "to read" list…
Oh good! This series definitely needs to be read in order though!
Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever.
I mean really, this book was spanktacular. Your quote almost made me all emotional. I have to reread this one again… it was almost perfect in how she wrapped everything up. I was so surprised with what turned out with half the characters. I mean we thought we had Mac down and now her 5.0 status – blew me away. This was a great review. Thanks chick. Oh and KMM did say that she was probably doing a Ryodan, Christian and Dani book. (At the release party)
+Don't enter me in the contest. Just saying hi! I have this one already ;) +
Hi Mandi,
I loved the book too. It was like a day in a RollerCoaster Park. And Barrons… *sign*… There's no words to describe how much I adore him <3 <3 <3.
PJ – Oh cool..thanks for the info!!! I know..I got all emotional writing this..LOL. This book does funny things to me!
Dani – total rollercoaster!!! Perfect ending though :)
Sorry, Don't enter me in the contest. =)
Excellent review! I was swooning as I was reading it.
Loved, loved, loved the quotes and am so happy that you mentioned that KMM didn't change the characters! It made the book so much better.
*sigh* Oh Barrons I love you!
Thanks for the excellent review!
Great review! I agree wholeheartedly. This book had me guessing from beginning to end, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. There were times when I wanted to smack both Mac and Barrons for their behavior–and not taking their heads out of their butts. But, as you pointed out, it seemed consistent with their characters.
I loved the lines you quoted. Barrons' unexpected moments of tenderness undo me every time. But I think my favorite line, actually, was this one:
"Sleep with another fairy and I'll turn into V'lane's personal Pri-ya."
That one made me laugh so hard!
I must have been under a rock or something because I haven't read this series. I do like KMM but hadn't discovered Fever. After all the amazing reviews I bought Darkfever. So far I love it and intend to do a Fever marathon until I've read all of them.
Beth – At the beginning..when they didn't trust each other…again..I was like – oh no! But they soon resolved their There were SO many good quotes!! That quote made me LOL too!
I also loved ALL of their wordless conversations..especially "let me be your man"
Ojeda – Oh good!! Oh to be a Fever have so many good books ahead of you!!! You will have to let me know how you like them :)
Great review! I loved it too, there were so many twists and turns it was crazy. I was like, What? No! Yes! the whole time.
I want more Christian though!
Yes – we need to find out more about Christian! poor Christian.
I can't wait to get my hands on this!
So glad to hear it's living up to people's expectations!
bookfaredelights at gmail dot com
I've only bought Darkfever so far but I intend to read the entire series ASAP.
GeishasMom73 on twitter
Great review and there so many good quotes through out the book. I loved that they stayed to their characters…it was a roller coaster . I want to see more christian :)
It's damned near impossible to have a book live up to the hype like this. KMM nailed it. To the wall. Now if I could just stop using the word "douche" in every conversation, I would be all set. (Thanks a lot, KB!!!)
I love finding new authors and series. I think this one sounds really good.
Fabuloso spoiler free review Mandi.
I am on the fence with this one. I loved it because I got my answers. I disliked it because the journey was so emotionally dragged out though it.
Arrrgggg. Either way, I'm glad I got it and read it. KB's quote from above has always been my fav quote too.
yay!!! I loved it too!! It answered mostly ALL the questions but then left some hanging in the air so that you would still be interested in the future books. smart lady :)
Barrons was amazing as ever and at the end I didn't give a f%$^% what he was as long as he WAS!!
great review , so looking forward to the discussion.
Great review! I am soooo happy with how this book ended. Hope there is more Christian in the future too, would love to know exactly what happens there. And Dani too, I want to see that things end up ok with her situation.
Wonderful review Mandi! I haven't read it yet and I now I can't wait. Yay!
AHHHHHH I LOVE THIS SERIES! This book was amazing, I thought she did a brilliant job of answering our questions without spelling everything out and making the answers obvious. And even thought it shouldn't be possible, I think I fell even more in love with Barrons in this book. Those quotes you picked *swoon*
Oh, and don't enter me in the contest:)
WOW I am glad to hear it exceeded your expectations! Great review!
Great review! You know my feelings about this book and I can't wait for more!
Love the quotes and this was the part of the review that stuck out for me because it was so true: 'My favorite part is that Barrons and Mac stay so true to their characters. Barrons doesn’t change, or yield to Mac.'
Loved it!
Thanks for the review Mandi!
I've been so worried about how the series would end- after 5 years I feel like these are real people, lol. I can't wait to read it now that I know it will all be good ;-)
Those quotes alone sell the book. I want to read this because of all the great things said about the series but also because of Barrons. I'm drooling over the male and I haven't even read the book yet!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Those quotes alone sell the book. I want to read this because of all the great things said about the series but also because of Barrons. I'm drooling over the male and I haven't even read the book yet!
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway. Please count me in.
I haven't read the series, yet. Looking forWard to read this !
I just bought books 1 & 2 based on all the fandemonium. I'm late to the party but I couldn't NOT find out who this Barrons is!
Please count me in for the contest. Thank you! :)
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
Great review Mandi!! I too absolutely LOVED this one. A perfect ending to one of my favorite series!!
Don't enter me in the contest luv.
Great contest!
jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com
Great contest!
jennifer.kalman at gmail dot com
Great review Mandi. Not creepy at all! ;) I loved loved this book so much!!! And your quotes are making me want to read it again. Then again.
I didn't read the review because of the spoilers (but I'm sure it's a great review!), I have books 1 & 2 and hope to start this weekend! I know, I'm sooo far behind everyone else!
Great Review Mandi! I too loved the book – but had some issues with the overall plot. I wish Mac would have turned out "stronger" (for lack of a better word). But at the end I sighed and said "this makes me happy." LOL
Oh an the last quote had me melting! LOVE IT!
Had to finish so I could read this review, LOL.
SF had me a little teary at the end, I'll admit it, and that rarely happens. I wasn't quite sure why. I've read more emotional endings, but I think it was just. . .relief. LOL
I think it all worked out in a way that stayed consistent with the characters, satisfied me in terms of Mac's transformation (which irritated me at the start of the book, that she STILL hadn't grown up — her transformation there was still superficial, IMO), and in both answering questions while still leaving enough open for the future — but in a good way. If she had tried to tie it all up with a bow, final, it would not have worked, This works.
The story is wonderful, but as a writer, what grabs me more is the power of KMM's writing and the freedom of her imagination. Having read her earlier books, I feel, with this series, that it's like the shackles have come off, and she really just let it all go free… something every writer dreams of. And it's what makes the book so spectacular, IMO.
I haven't read the review or the comments because I'm trying hard not to be spoiled. I'll be reading Faefever (and maybe Dreamfever) this weekend. Needless to say, if I don't win Shadowfever, I'll be buying it next week.
jen at delux dot com
*swoons* Best scene in the book –> “I watched you die. I need to fuck you, Mac.”
I received the first two books in the series for Christmas. Am so glad that I can gorge myself with all fo the installments since they are available. Don't know how I would have managed the waiting time between books.
little lamb lst at yahoo dot com
I'm late to this series! The review of the book sounds so good.
Great review! I'm behind on reading this series, and am excited to read them. Please enter me in the giveaway so I can catch up! :)
Okay girl I have to win this book!!!
I have tried looking locally for it and no luck! SOLD OUT!!!
Great review and that last quote was oh so yummy!!!
Amy J
Awesome review and giveaway! I've just started this series and can't wait to plow my way through all the books :) Would totally love to win the this!
Loved this book and so glad Barrons and Mac got their HEA. Every twist and turn revealed just kept me shaking my head in wonder. I feel kinda sad now that it's over, like I had to say good-bye to my friend and lover Barrons! I will miss him. Hopefully if there are future books, Mac and Barrons at least make a cameo appearance.
Sounds wonderful. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Fabulous review Mandi! I love, love, love this book!! Love it. :) That quote from Mac about the bad and good guys is really telling isn't it?
Oh My God! I don't know how I missed this series but I MUST read it!
I have loved reading this series and can't wait to get my hands on Shadowfever. Patiently waiting for my library to call. Would love to have my own copy. Thanks.
I have loved reading this series and can't wait to get my hands on Shadowfever. Patiently waiting for my library to call. Would love to have my own copy. Thanks.
Haven't read this book and therefore I didn't read the review except where you did rating. I can't wait to read this one. But if I have to buy a copy it will be next weekend since I payday is that far away lol. Darn snow is messing with my book budget.
I skimmed the review since I'm behind on the series, but I'm so glad you gave it a great rating! Oh enter me. I can't wait!
Great review and thanks for the giveaway.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway.
2much2reid {at} comcast {dot} net
This book was just freaking awesome!!!! I really do hope we hear more from Ryodan and Christian and other characters!! I'd be thrilled if she never stopped writing about Fae :)
Thanks for the giveaway! Awesome.
I've only read the first 2 and need to get the last 3. I need to finish the series! I feel so outta the loop and need to know WTF Barrons is!!
Skipped the reveiw as I am just starting this series. Would love to win a copy of Shadowfever!
I haven't had a chance to start this series yet, although I have most of the books on my TBR shelf. I was afraid to read the whole review, but I'm glad you gave it such a high score, I know I'm going to love the series.
Lalala, can't (see)hear you spoilers, lalala! Please enter me, thanks!
I haven't stopped to get a copy of this yet and have been ducking spoilers like crazy! Can't wait to see how this novel ends and would love to win a copy!
Thanks for the great contest!!
This book looks fantastic! I just saw it tonight at Target! Thanks for the contest!
inthehammockblog at gmail dot com
So excited to read this book! Thanks.
Everyone has been raving about this book, I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.
seriousreader at live dot com
I loved Shadowfever!!! I read it in one day!!! I think it could not have ended any other way. I really hope that KMM will revisit these characters soon! Thanks for the giveaway, please enter me!
I Have Been Waiting for this book to come out for so long and now that it has I Can't aford to get it so hopefuly i Can win It.Can't Wait to Get my Hands on a copy.
KMM fan, please count me in!
I've been trying to stay away from the reviews except to see if it was liked or not cause I don't want anyone spoiling it for me. Please count me in!
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I loved this series to. I'm still kinda speechless. So much to absorb.
Great review!!
I LOVED this book and entire series! What a fantastic page turner it was!!
OMG…my friend and I have been counting down the days till SF was released for nearly a year and it was AMAZING!!!
I stayed up till 4AM last night because I had to know how it ended! There were so many twists and turns around every corner!
The last line in the book said it all! "The End…..For Now!" Now the wait starts all over again to see where KMM takes us from here. She left so many loose ends with prominent people that she could play around in the fever series for years to come!
I read the Kindle version and would love a hard copy so please incude me! Thank you!
I can't wait to read this! And that quote from Barrons is awesome!
meredithfl at gmail dot com
I haven't started this series yet but I can't wait to read it!
Thanks for the giveaway! Please count me in.
I loved loved LOVED this book. But I think I need to read it again to wrap my head around everything. And those quotes are my favorites too. Barrons being Barrons… lol I'm going to miss him. I'm sure KMM has another amazing series planned but I don't know if the mystery of Barrons can be surpassed. *sigh* Some books just make you happy, you know? =)
You summed up my feelings quite nicely in your review. I was soooo pleased with this book that I'm almost speechless. And I love that there's still a hint of mystery around Barrons. 5 stars ++++++ :)