Plus One by Scarlett Parrish
Erotic Contemporary Romance
November 18, 2010
Carnal Passions
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: “This is the last second,” he whispered, “that I will ever not have been inside you.”
It’s hard for Lydia Waverly to interview for jobs, mostly because people stare at her bright pink hair, rather than take her seriously. But she is in need of money, so she marches forward. She finds herself at a university interviewing for a librarian position. Before she can even get into the interview, a very handsome, older man barges in.
Dr. Spencer Flynn, professor of Applied Mathematics, needs help translating short-hand notes for an upcoming lecture. And guess who is proficient in that skill? Lydia offers to help him, in hopes that this will give her an advantage to securing this job. As she translates his notes, she finds herself staring at this very attractive man and this confuses her. She assumes he is a stuffy older man (he is 42) while she herself is a young 23. But she also notices he can’t stop looking at her either.
Spencer likes to have everything in order and an answer for everything. A reason he pursued his math career. The spunky, teasing, potty-mouthed Lydia is chaos, and he doesn’t understand what draws her to him. But after a kiss that surpasses all expectations, they realize they can’t get enough of each other. But soon, their casual fling will have start to have serious bumps along the road.
Plus One is the first book I have read by Scarlett Parrish and I really love her voice. The first half of the book is SO GOOD. Take this more awkward, mature math professor and pair him with a very mouthy (but not annoying) young adult who is also very nervous at this blooming romance, and their sex scenes just make me shiver. They are so well done – they are very dirty, and very erotic, but the actual characters themselves are so shy and nervous, that it is a great combination. Plus, this is a quote for Smexy if I have ever read one:
If he had a five o’clock shadow, presumably after shaving that morning, and dark hairs on his forearms, then surely his chest, too, must…..
I bit my lip, shifted in my seat as I typed.
Set in England, when Lydia hangs with her group of friends to gossip about Spencer or life in general, it very much reminds me of Bridget Jones Diary, and her friends in a pub scene. They are all foul-mouthed (which I love) and had me cracking up in every scene. They love to tease her by calling Spencer Granddad and making as many jokes about old people as possible.
So this book sounds fab, yes? Smokin’ sex and funny friends! It is, until the second half. James starts acting just a bit too controlling for me. Now, there is a big twist towards the end, which does account for some of his behavior. But – his apology, or I should say his attempt at apology fell totally flat for me. And actually his actions were just not controlling (telling her not to drink so much, or that she should dye her hair) but just kind of creepy. And I don’t know if you can forgive creepy. Plus they have this whole I hate you but let’s have sex, and then as soon as the sex is done they part ways. I’m not a fan of that scenario. And like I said, when the book ended, I was not satisfied by James’ redemption. At all.
So – the first half of the book, is an easy B+. Second half of the book, made me frown. So for that reason, I’m dropping my rating down to a C+. I still recommend this book, because there are some great scenes. I definitely like Scarlett Parrish’s voice and will be seeking out more of her books.
Rating: C+
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Thanks for the review, Mandi.
Phew, you don't know how nervous I was about being 'Smexied', but that wasn't too painful at all!
Glad you liked it; I'll take on board your comments regarding the second half. It'll give me something to work on and clarify in future books, making the reader understand WHY the heroine loves the hero so much.
(It tickles me you like potty-mouthed characters, too. Swearing is something I can do. A lot)! :D
Great review Mandi. I do love a potty mouth.
I LOVE potty-mouthed people! LOL
Srsly Scarlett, you write good sex. zomg.
Ooo I want to read this. Sounds really good!
If you like this you, you must read her other stories. Long Time Coming, and my personal face, By the Book. Be forewarned though, BTB has M/M smexiness. But that is why I love it.
Bells – you would love this one
Satori – I'm reading By the Book soon!!! I love M/M genre…LOVE. :)
Lol, I would read it cos of that cover, love the hair! I always wish I could have dared to have funky, would have been so cool
I love that cover. I think I'm definitely going to have to read this one. Sounds like my kind of book.
I like the older man younger woman scenario! This sounds very promising. Will have the check it out. Great review.
What a pity the second half didn't live up to the rest of the book. I did love that line that you quoted!
A pink haired aspiring librarian and a sexy older professor? Definitely sounds like a promising scenario :) I might have to check this one out.
Argh! I hate it when a book starts off brilliantly and then fizzles at the end. It does sound good though, I may give it a go ;)