Reveal Me by Cari Quinn
Erotic Contemporary
January 19, 2011
Novella, E-Book
Ellora’s Cave
Reviewed by Mandi
Favorite Quote: At least she had some skills. She didn’t have a math degree like Kelly and she wasn’t a reporter on a secret assignment, but she knew how to take award-winning photos of glass dildos and give great head.
Photographer Alana MacGregor has found herself dumped at the sex club Kink. She seems to always find herself with the bad boy, and being dumped or used is not an unusual thing. She starts to wonder if maybe she is tiring of this lifestyle and decides to do something about it, until she runs into a very sexy man.
Reporter Carter Nicholas went to high school with Alana, and when he sees her at Kink, all the attraction comes rushing back. He had a crush on Alana in high school, but after she pushed him away when he tried to kiss her at a dance, he figured things would never work out between them. Now he is older, sexier, and has caught the eye of the girl he has always lusted after. What else is there to do at a sex club, then…well have sex.
Reveal Me is a super short, very hot erotic story about two people finding each other again and realizing now that they are adults, they each have something desirable to offer to the other. At first I was a tiny bit put off by Alana. She comes across as irresponsible. She dumps her best friend at the club to be with her boyfriend (who subsequently dumps her). She comes across as flaky and a bit selfish. But as I continued reading, I liked the fact that she doesn’t really apologize for who she is. She knows she is not perfect, and accepts that about herself. And I liked that about her.
Carter is all sorts of sexy. He was the more serious, nerdish student who now has a good job. At first I was confused as to why Carter would be in a sex club, but you soon learn he is there in an undercover manner for his reporting job –which makes much more sense. They say opposites attract, and he wants Alana. Their sex scenes are very sexy in this one. Cari Quinn always delivers in that department. For being a short story, I think Cari Quinn ends it on very nice note. Nothing felt rushed or forced.
I enjoyed Reveal Me and always look forward to more erotic stories from Cari Quinn.
Rating: B
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Cari Quinn really writes sexy heroes. I loved Carter. :)
I don't think I've read anything by Cari Quinn yet. This sounds like a good place to start!
Sounds very yummy. Nice review Mandi.
Whoa, one step back, award winning photos of glass dildos? Lol
Great review Mandi! Sounds like a wonderful Novella!
Thanks so much for the great review, Mandi! So happy you enjoyed Reveal Me.
And Blodeuedd, LOL, Alana's a photographer at an "edgy" newspaper. ;)