10. My Week – It’s been quiet – Yay! It snowed *flips mother nature the bird* but otherwise, and uneventful week.
9. The virtual signing is now open for Lover Unleashed. Go HERE to buy your copy (will be shipped on release date of 3/29) The signing closes on 3/24.
8. I found Peeps chapstick in the dollar aisle of Target. This excites me greatly. I went with the strawberry marshmallow cream, but they also had a blue cotton candy.
6. Warning! Stare too long at Brandon Flowers and you will be spontaneously impregnated with his love child. *stares*
5. I’m currently 30% into Half Hearts by Sherri Desbois. See those two guys on the cover? They are cowboys. Giddy up. They made a pact when they were 18 that they would never have sex with a woman without the other man present. Giddy up. Our heroine, Charlie meets Trevor at a bar and there is instant lust. Trevor is ready to take her home to meet his best friend Kegan, when Charlie realizes Kegan is the man that broke her heart several years ago. Oooh..drama! So that is where I am at – the book has a very erotic feel to it – I’m pretty sure there is dirty, dirty smex ahead – but I like that we have decent plot to start the book. Oh – and Trevor has “tree trunk sized thighs.” Haven’t seen the goods yet, but if the thighs are that – sturdy – we can only hope other parts of him are as well. I’ll post my review soon! Goodreads. Amazon.
4. I’m guest blogging over at That’s What I’m Talking About to help Jen celebrate her first year of blogging. I’m talking about the heroes I would take out to dinner with me. For example:
Salad course – Oh the salad – the raw, crunchy course – who else could eat my croutons than Terrible (Stacia Kane). Terrible seems like he might need a few vegetables and vitamins in his diet. I would even wipe the salad dressing out of his mutton chops.
Go HERE to see my other choices :)
3-2. Thanks to a surprise present from Kate (aka Katiebabs aka KT Grant) I received Shaving Fun Ken!!! I have been obsessing about this doll for quite some time now after seeing him at Penny’s Romance Blog and Ava March’s blog (who very humorously blogs about Ken quite often) – Kate is totally awesome for sending him my way. Y’all know I like a scruffy dude – and as the box says, Help Ken get ready for his big date with Barbie! So of course I had to play!
Here is Ken in all of his scruffy glory. He has his razor and towel and he is ready for a good shave! But wait!
First we need to check out Ken’s chest. Does he have a hairy chest to match his hairy face. NO! FAIL KEN!
Then I decided to take off his clothes and put him in a short towel for shaving. It seemed more appropriate. And I’m weird.
Now the shaving begins…one thing I learned is that Ken’s 5 O’clock shadow fills in in about three seconds. He likes to be scruffy! Alright Ken!
I tried to give him a goatee…..
And of course a ‘stache. But you had to be super speedy!
When all was said and done, Ken enjoys being scruffy. And I’m okay with that. Maybe I will doodle on some chest hair. Maybe I already have.
1. This weekend I am going to finish Half Hearts, start Invitation to Ruin by Bronwen Evans and start a reread Lover Mine! I’ve only read it once so I am very excited to do so! Durty durty John Matthew and Qhuay. Happy Friday!
LMAO! I just knew you would end up with that Ken doll! I bet you even checked under that towel for hair! You smutty girl!
So how far along are you in your pregnancy from staring at Mr. Flowers? We all know you have been staring at this post for hours now!
OMG Katie sending you a Shaving Ken?!…Genius! And I love your play by play. LOL
Yay for all the Ken pics! LOL
Amy – he has plastic undies on! WTF? ;p
BFlow and I are very excited about our pretend baby. LOLOLOL
Julie – Katie is awesome! :)
Bells – I may have horrified my children….;)
OMG! I just read your dinner menu! No Barrons on the list!
*shakes head in disappointment*
I guess I will have to take care of Barrons and maybe invite V to my dinner as well. They are deeply hurt by you ignoring them.
Amy – I left Barrons at home nekkid in bed…
That is one deeply disturbing book cover and summary for Dark Haven and yet….I'm headed over to read the excerpt.
You are a brave woman Karen.
"Maybe I already have."
I laughed sooooo hard when I read that. I truly always enjoy your blog.
I am so freaking jealous. JEALOUS. I want Ken. STAT!!
I am LOLing right now about that Ken doll!! Not that there's a shaving Ken doll but all the things you've done with him. Like the goatee :)
…yup, he is totally pleasuring himself there
How nice of you to cover Ken's nekkid bits witha towel.
I take it you and Ken spent hours of quality time together?
lmao-Shaving Ken. I didn't think he was real for some reason.
That cover freaks me out a little. I don't think he's getting off but he sure sees something interesting down there doesn't he?
Pie and Cake – hahahahaha
FV – You can't have him! He is still nekkid laying on my dining room table. I took a lot out of him yesterday.
BV – I HAD to shave him! LOL. It was harder than I thought though!
Blodeuedd – something is going down….
KB – HOURS. He is worn out!
Tori – I didn't think he was real at first either…the things they make.
Smexy, You're a nut. LOL
I almost asked if there was a chance Shaving Ken could be a BDB wanna-be with no body hair below the neck but then I realized that he is sadly lacking behind that towel, so that killed that question.
I've never read Mandy Monroe… and after that cover and rating description… I'm actually going to admit to being scared.
Inez – those brothers would eat him for dinner. Ken has on plastic undies that say "ken" on the waistband.
Nicole – LOL..it's…different
I adore you. It's your fault, since you write these insanely funny posts.
That Ken doll is funny as hell, but I agree it's a fail with no chest hair. Teehee. That towel, could it be any shorter? Now I feel weird for talking about a doll like that. Thanks!
Why do so many dudes in erotic romance make pacts to do their women together? Security/mom/dad issues?
I CANNOT stare at Brandon Flowers. I'm done with having kids. ;)
That rating/warning for that guy-on-the-toilet leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. Party poopers. Oops, bad choice 'o words. Please go look at Brandon Flowers to erase that.
Ha ha ha haaaaaaa…..Oh, I am beyond jealous. I should have bought that damned Ken doll when I had the chance. But my daughter was distracting me w/ her squinkies! Maybe Ken will grow some chest hair eventually.
Already ordered by LU copy through the virtual signing. I've already put the word out that things will be coming to a stand still once I get my copy in.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Kmont – aww..thanks! I don't quite get the pact yet. They are very adamant they are not gay – just committed to each other..hmmmm.
I'm done have real kids myself! Only pretend bflow babies from now on!
Penny – I'm waiting for the Chest Hair Ken barbie….WAITING
PH – *nods* Dying for this book
Bwahahaha I chuckled over Ken. Too funny.
I'm confused with the blurb NO male on male action, anal penetration, Does the no only apply to the boys (and really, do you NEED to capitalize it? Like it's something so awful we have to make sure you know there's no touchie of the peepees between the boys) or does the no pertain to the anal sex as well. And if it doesn't, maybe the boys would like to try it. That's totally unfair of that chick to limit their fun while she gets all the good parts, tree trunk thighs or not. She's a selfish bitch and they should toss her over and come find me. I'm much more open and concerned with their pleasure. And I like to watch. /rant
OMIG – you got Shaving Fun Ken!!! That's freakin' awesome! LOL. You definitely need to add some chest hair. I bet a black sharpie would work good. ;)
Thanks for the chuckles over scruffy Ken! :D
That guy looks like he is checking out his package on that one cover.
my, my, my, how Ken has changed ;)
That cover is freaking mesmerizing.
And Great. Now I'm preggers with multiples.
How will I ever explain this?
Saving Fun Ken is Hawt!
Tam…LOLOL..yeah – the bold, "No" is a little much. I am one for the m/m/f action (or no f at all) ;)
Ava – I know! I'm on it!
Janna :)
Smokinhot – He is doing something…
Sharon – for the worse? LOL
Missie – I warned you!!!!! ;) Lucky girl.
Tracy – :)
Mandi: Can I just say that I love your sense of humor and cannot wait to meet you in person? thank you for the shout out and another great week of Top 10!!
I so look forward to your top 10 on Fridays and girl you freakin outdid yourself today! Thank you for the laugh! 3/29 cannot get here soon enough-I cannot wait for Manny & Payne (and Qhuinn and Blay please). That book cover, OMG-I can't take my eyes off of it. The tattoos alone….and Shaving Ken-OMG what will they think of next! Have a great weekend!
I love the drops of water left on the chest of Shaving Ken. Oh so sexy!
LMFAO…the shaving ken doll! Man I couldn't stop giggling! I'm surprised you didn't leave him completely shaven with how much you love hairy men! :-P
BTW, I did place Half Hearts on my TBR list…I love cowboys and I love horses and I love this cover plus some romance…can't wait for your review!
Give me Qhuay!
Warning! Stare too long at Brandon Flowers and you will be spontaneously impregnated with his love child. *stares*