Where the Heart is by Elizabeth Silver and Jenny Urban
M/M/M Erotic
November 2010
Loose ID
Reviewed by Mandi
Steve, Chris and Jason have been best friends for twenty years. All gay, they have never initiated a physical relationship between them all this time. But, they secretly each have feelings for the other two. However, not wanting to upset the balance of the friendship, they each push their feelings away.
Many years ago when Jason’s parents passed away, the trio started the tradition of going skiing over the Thanksgiving holiday. On this trip though, tensions rise. Steve, who is tired of pretending not to have feelings for his friends, admits to wanting to leave Santa Fe to pursue a teaching job in Boulder. Chris and Jason are both hurt – but can’t do anything about it when a blizzard rolls through knocking out the power. Now all three stuck in cabin, their true feelings come out – and well, what else is there to do when you are snowed in with no power?
Where The Heart Is is an erotic male/male/male love story. This novella definitely delivers the sexy sexy times. Once the boys admit to each other they all want a physical relationship let the sexy times begin. I give this one good marks for the erotic romance portion of the book.
I think the authors do a nice job with each character – I really felt like I got to know each one in such a short time. Jason is the more type A man, Steve wears his emotions on his sleeve and Chris is there to keep everyone together. While I believed in their three-way attraction, I also think they dive into the sex and into the happily-ever-after future together without really defining each one’s roles. I mean, it is a big revelation to each of them that all three feel exactly the same way – they have been friends for TWO decades. So a little more emphasis on how exactly it is all going to work out would have been nice.
But like I said – going into this book you know it is about three dudes trapped in a cabin – and the expected romance scenes definitely met my expectations. I’ll be checking out Elizabeth Silver and Jenny Urban again.
Rating: B-
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haven't read a m/m/m yet. Guess this might be a good time to try
Oh the friends to lovahs troupe, I like! Even better with three dudes trapped *waggles eyebrows* May just save this one for a rainy day. :) Nice review Mandi.
I really heart the best friend turned lovers theme.
Sounds like a hot one, and I love that trope too. It reminds me of Snowed In by Madeleine Urban & Rhianne Aile, which is also about three friends in a cabin while on vacation. Very hot as well.