Author’s Cut Special Edition Dark Prince by Christine Feehan
March 8, 2011
Hardcover, 484 Pages
William Morrow
Blurb: Enter the enchanting world of the Carpathians, where dark adventure, mystery, and love await, and the desires of two daring hearts unite in one irresistible passion.
A telepathic hunter of serial killers, Raven Whitney helps to catch some of the most depraved criminals. But her work keeps her from getting close to others, and has drained her body and spirit. In need of rest and rejuvenation, she embarks for a vacation far from home.
Mikhail Dubrinsky is the prince of the Carpathians, the powerful leader of a wise and secret ancient race that thrives in the night. Engulfed by despair, fearful of never finding the mate who can save him from the encroaching darkness, his soul cries out in loneliness—until the day that a beautiful voice full of light and love responds, softly soothing his pain and yearning.
From the moment they meet, Raven and Mikhail are helpless to resist the desire that sparks between them. But just as fate unexpectedly brings these life mates together, malevolent forces threaten to destroy them and their fragile love. Yet even if they survive, how can these two lovers—Carpathian and human—build a future together? And how can Mikhail bring Raven into his dark world without extinguishing her beautiful goodness and light?
Dark Prince by Christine Feehan is being rereleased in hardcover as a special author’s cut edition. 100 extra pages that were cut when the book was first published back in 1999 are now included.
This was one of the first paranormal romance books I ever read. I found it at a used bookstore and picked it up on a whim on the way to a weekend wedding. I remember laying in the hotel room absorbed in this book as my husband tried to pry me away to actually go to the wedding. It was dark, and different – the idea of a “lifemate” is a very prominent theme in this series.
I have to admit, I am not current with the series – I’ve only read about the first eight or nine and I believe there are about 21 or 22 books out to date.
Has anyone read this entire series? Was Dark Prince an early paranormal read for you as well?
Today I have one hardcover copy of this Author’s Cut Special Edition of Dark Prince to giveaway. To enter, just leave a comment. Open to US/Canada through March 5. Please leave a valid email address.
I have a couple of Christine's books in beautiful hardcover! I have not however read them yet. Honestly there are 22 books!? I had better get reading.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I have! I have read every single book in the series! Ya-hoo for Carpathians! :^) This was also one of the first romance novels I read, too. I think the whole concept of a "lifemate" is so romantic…I just love it!
I wanna win! Pick me, pick me!!!!!! 100 bonus pages of velvet sheaths and creamy skin!
Wowza. I haven't read Raven's and Mikhail's story in years. I've read all but the very last one. I cannot even IMAGINE doing a re read on this series. LOL Srsly-I need the whats her names story-Skylar-soon or else. (not sure what the else will be but it will be awe inspiring-lol)
I have yet to read anything by Christine Feehan, but I've had my eye on her for awhile. I wasn't sure where to start, har har.
I've never read this but it sounds wonderful and how cool is it to get an extra 100 pages!!!
I have not read this series but it sounds very intense! The cover is gorgeous too. The blurb sounds like a book I would really like.
user1123 AT comcast DOT net
I have read every one of Christine Feehans books, all her series and loose stories. I love them all. Yes, Dark Prince was one of the first paranormals for me too, and thank you for the news about this special edition. I will be sure to find it somewhere.
Alas, as I live in Holland, I am not eligible for your contest.
I have read almost all of the Carpathian stories. It was the second series I began after getting through Kenyon's DHs. I loved this series. I haven't read anything since they started coming out in hardback, but I want to catch up. It's just so hard to fit ALL the books I want to read in. How wonderful to have more of Dark Prince.
I have not read this series, but would love to. Thanks for the giveaway!
I have not started on this series yet. But I love her others. Looking forward to this one too. Need to start it soon.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I love this series. I am almost caught up. I love her other series as well.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I love this series…and the Drake Sisters…and the Ghostwalkers…and the Sisters of the Heart had a great first book. Oh, and I can't forget the leopard series, either. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!
I've read every book in this series that's including the anthologies. I've also read all of the books in her other series. She is one the authors that I'm always waiting on her next book. Although she's not the one that got me hooked on paranormal books. I've read Dark Prince a couple of times.
I have been waiting to find this book….wool!!!
I have yet to read anything by Feehan, but have seen her books everywhere. I did look her up and knew there were many books in this series but was feeling a little overwhelmed. I would love to win this and be able to pick up her book and start in the world she created. I'm sure once I get started I'll devour her books
I haven't read any of Feehan's books but she's been on my wish list. Would love to read this and see if I'll like the series!
This was one of the first paranormal series I ever read. In fact, I have read all but the most recent book in this series. (However, it is currently sitting in my to-be-read pile.) When you think Carpathians, think velvet sheaths, hot lava and narrow ribcages. :)
I'd love to enter to win a hardcover copy of Dark Prince, as my original paperback copy with the caped, open-shirted guy with a mullet cover art on it is looking worse for wear.
cmhogan13 (at) gmail (dot)com
I have read this series from the begining. It is one of the series that had originally gotten me into the genre. I would luuuuvvvv to win this book. Thanks for the contest!
I've read the whole series from start to the next to the last book (saving this one for the next snowy or rainy weekend to read).
I cut my paranormal romance teeth on Feehan's Carpathians and would love to get my hands on this book. All other vamp books I read are compare to her series in my mind.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
I haven't read any of Feehan's books yet, but I would love to. The series looks great!
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
I read about this series on line months ago and sought out this book, but it was not able to buy. I have been waiting for it to come out again! I am super excited to give this much loved author's books a try!
This is also one of the first series I read. I never did finish it. I believe I got to the 6th book. But this was one of my favorites in the series I have read so far.
I've been waiting FOREVER for this book to come out so I could begin reading the series (because I'm an anal bitch like that)
I can't wait! (Ashley)
I started reading the about the Carpathians series about 5 yrs ago, and now looking for the old novels to read.
I would love to read the prince story.
Lin W
This would be a new series for me. It sounds really good.
I have not read any of this series yet but they look and sound good.
manning_j2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com
You know, this is one of those series everyone suggests but then you see there are so many books!
I'd still love to read this one, though. ;)
chelsea AT vampirebookclub DOT net
Haven't read any in this series yet. This would be a good place to start . I did read one of her's about a shape shifter.
I have read every one of Christine Feehan's books. Not a one did i not enjoy. I don't remember how i found this series but it took me a good long time to read thru them all 21 one of them. I have turned several friends on to them and they are now working their way to them. This one was always one of my favorites.
I'm dying to see what's been added.
Lisa B
Modokker at yahoo dot com!
Haven't read this series yet but I'd like to :-)
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I "LOVE" this series…this would be lovingly read, place underglass…with a signed plate royally stating "nee ner, nee ner". LOL would love to win. Thanks!
I would love so much to have this book. Looked for it everywhere in paperback. Love the series.
Thank you for the consideration.
Love Ms. Feehan's work. Please count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I have been meaning to read this series! It sounds good! Thanks for the giveaway!!!
I have read all of Christine Feehan's "The Dark Series", except the latest "Dark Peril". However the books were loaned to me. Therefore,I want to get copies for my library. My daughter-in-law in California shipped them to me at an expense of over $50.00 with the promise that I would return them to her. I did ship them back to her and she was happy. I was extremely happy to read these books and to read them all in sequence even though I didn't get to keep them.
Christene Feehan is one of the first PNR authors that I read. I love her books. I've only read the first 4 Carpathian books in her Dark series.
I started reading this series yrs ago, and still have most of the original paperbacks.
What hooked me in was the vampire life mate thing. It was one of the first books to show a shape shifting vampire, as more than just a bloodsucking killer.
Still one of my all time favorites…but, why in hardcover???
mhm…. so hav 2 pik this series up at library :D
no matr how long count me in!!!
Very good book. I have read twice. I can recommend it to everyone. Although we cover a little bit different.
I haven't read 1 book out of this series, but this one sounds good!
I have not read any of the series but would like to.
manning_j2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I haven't read this series, but after reading the blurb and your recommendation (as well as the comments others's have posted) I'd love to.
akbabcock at gmail dot com
I've read and loved all or at least most of Christine's books. I've tetras the paranormal ones a few times, okay maybe more than a few, too. I'd love to have this one.
Dark Prince was one of my first PNR reads as well. Like you, I only got through the first 10 or so.. One day I hope to revisit this series.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Yes DARK PRINCE was one of my first paranormal reads. It helped hooked me into this type of romance.
little lamb lst at yahoo dot com
Ohhh my!!! I remeber when I read this book a few years ago! I got so hooked that I`ve been reading every single one of the Dark Series and I gotta say I love them. I would be the first one in the bookstore as soon as her books were released! I would love to win this…if not congrats to the winner! =)
Thanks for making this giveaway!
I've been reading this series since the beginning and I've read all of them more than once. It was one of the first paranormal books I'd read. I reread them all quite often. I work for a major Canadian book company and I've recommended the Dark series to many customers over the years. I would love to win a H/C copy.
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