****** Spoilers******
If you have not read Lover Unleashed and you do not want to know what happens in this book, please don’t read further!
Alright y’all. Lover Unleashed. What are we thinking? We’ve had a good ten days to let it sink in. Have you had enough time to soak in the brothers? Did you get your V fix? Does anyone look at a spoon differently these days?
1. Payne/Manny. I didn’t love their relationship. I wanted Payne to be more like Xhex, and not so much like Layla. I also thought Manny’s “sexual healing” (Penny said he has a “Dick of Destiny” *I die*) was a little corny. I did like that Manny’s vamp status is not resolved at the end of the book. Thoughts? Do we like them?
2. Vishous. So what did we think of the “Spoon BDSM” – Hot? I actually liked their chest to chest cuddling scene later in the book better. I thought the actual spoon scene was a little short. BUT – I though Jane/Marissa’s acceptance was well done. I didn’t feel like they cheated or anything. Does Vishous/Jane and Vishous/Butch feel complete and content to you?
What about him walking away from Jane? Would a mated vampire truly leave his mate? (Even though she did try to kill Payne..but whatever!)
3. Xcor/Throe/Zypher – Future brothers? I like Throe – I think he will be the first to come around to the “good” side. And how hot was the threesome?!? Yowza!
4. Qhuinn. Smexy is not happy about this future vision Qhuinn has. A DAUGHTER WITH LAYLA? NO! His winkie belongs solely to Blay!! ;) No, seriously, what is up with this? At her recent signing she confirmed there will be a novella for Qhuay, with lots of man loving. Sooooo…where does Layla come into play? Spaz has a nice theory that maybe Layla surrogates a child for them in future years? I like it.
P.S. – wasn’t that the saddest BJ ever between Saxton and Blay? BJ’s should be a happy occasions! ;)
5. No scribe virgin or No’One in this one. I find this odd since Payne is the heroine. Did you miss them?
6. Butch and Manny share a father. No big shock there. Now..who is it?
7. What else? What did you love? What did you dislike? This book still feel very middle of the road for me. Tohr is next. Is he ready? EEK!!
Information from her recent signing:
“Blogging by Liza” has an excellent recap of the signing JR Ward attended this past weekend. Go HERE to read the full recap. Highlights include:
– Lassiter will get a book – BDB or Angel world to be determined.
– Murdher and Xhex have lots in common
– Rhage/Mary, Wrath/Beth novellas will be in same book. Apparently this will reveal new young.
– Sympaths might become more of a threat in the future
– Not sure if Payne can regenerate Wrath’s eyes. She can’t regrow limbs.
– There will be a lot of John Matthew in Tohr’s book. (WOOOOOOT!)
– Wouldn’t answer who Throe is related to.
– We will learn more about Xcor – he has an “amazing backstory”
– Eventually Butch & Manny’s father will be revealed.
– Qhuinn’s brother is still alive, but not healthy. (Is he still frozen or whatever? Didn’t Lash have him?)
– She wouldn’t comment on the coffins…but they must mean something, right?
– We will see who the leader of the Glymera is in Tohr’s book.
– Veck (Jose de la Cruz’s partner) is the hero in Envy, the next Fallen Angel Book. (I kinda like him!!)
So there we go. Another BDB book has come and gone. Do we start a countdown to Tohr’s book yet? What will the title be? What color will he get? These are very important questions people!
To be honest this series kind of died for me at Phury's book. I was gutted by his story.
Although, I have since caved and bought all the remaining books (curse you for sucking me into your world, JR Ward!), and while I haven't loved them like I did the first 5 books, I'm dying to read the subplot about V and Butch. So I'll probably buy it just to find out what happens. Plus I'd love to get a better handle on Jane, since I didn't really feel connected to her in V's book.
I'd also love to see a HEA for Blay and Qhuinn, but that's because I'm a hopeless romantic and I can't stand to see them in so much pain all the time.
WTH re: Payne?!? She needs to be kicking ass! And yeah, that was corny about the Dick of Destiny. Heh. Great name for it.
So glad the Scribe Virgin and indepth lesser crap wasn't in the book.
Still wishing that Jane and Marissa would vanish and V and Butch would bond with each other… Definitely agree that their bdsm scene was too short.
Layla as surrogate is the best option I've heard so far. I'm just trying not to think about that mess right now, because it will just annoy me.
So… at least this book was better than Phury's book…
ZZZaye sucked my will to live, even worse than Corny and Phury wizard fetish dude.
I still can't believe Ward went there with Butch and Manny being half-brothers. Such a cop out.
Kaylea – After the massive stuff we got with Qhuay in Lover Mine I really hope she gets their novella out SOON!
Chris – I didn't mind the lessors not in the book – but I thought the SV should be in there just because it was about Payne! And V! And I'm not thinking about Layla either. *whimper*
KB – eh – I figured it had to be something like that. I'm interested to see if their father ever plays a role….
I liked Manny/Payne, kinda wimpy, but OK. But the whole Manny related to Butch seemed far fetched.
I LOVED the whole Butch/Vishous scene, I think they should ditch their mates and be together, that should be the next book…
Liked the Blay/Quinn info, but it seemed out of place with the story. I wish she wrote more with John/Xher, sadly, she doesn’t bring her previous characters back enough for me.
Really like Xcor and Throe, that should be interesting…
But thanks for the info on Veck, I wasn’t sure what was going on with him, didn’t know he was to be in Envy, makes sense now..
LOL..V and Butch together forever..I like it ;)
I like Xcor and Throe too…I'm interested to see where they go….
And Veck makes much more sense to me too now! LOL. I kept thinking there has to be something up with him!
Oh my gosh I love this series! I agree, Manny and Payne didn't really do it for me, but I love Vishous so much that I didn't really care. I found myself almost skipping through Payne and Manny's chapters like I do the lesser chapters to get back to V;) And "dick of destiny"? Seriously just spit out my soda.
I'm not a fan of the Layla vision either, though I do like Pam's interpretation of it. I can see that happening. I just don't like the idea of Qhuinn sleeping with Layla, but I did like that Qhuinn decided to give the winkie a little rest in this one and embrace some celibacy while he harbors some serious love for Blay.
Do we know when the Rhage/Mary Wrath/Beth book will be out? She said this year right?
It's been a week since I read this but I find my mind wandering to try and puzzle out stupid little inconsistencies every once in a while. I even pulled out Lover Mine to spot read and try to clear it up.
The Payne/Manny story was weak. I wasn't surprised that Payne was healing herself when she glowed. We've already seen V heal Butch and he does the full on body glow when he does that too. What was off was that her healing was part of arousal yet she could call it up to heal Manny's horse without the smexy time.
So much V and Butch-but still not enough. I thought the spoon/water BDSM was well done. I thought it was exactly how Butch would handle the situation. Still don't have any warm and fuzzies for Jane. I admit I was hoping there might be a split after the Payne/Jane incident-I should know better by now.
I like Throe too! If there's more to Xcor-bring it!
As far as the BJ, it must have been sad. I don't even remember the scene.
I agree with Lizzielvr-there was not enough interaction with previous characters and what little there was, was just weak. I mean Wrath is the freaking King and he's the one that had the initial relationship with Payne but we barely see him. And even though V and Payne are at odds with the SV-she should have been there. Even if she was secretly hovering above.
Geesh, sorry for the ramble-I better stop before I blow up blogger!
Yeah..I reviewed this today on my blog. That three way was smoking! And I absolutely can not wait for Tohr (my mate) to have his book! Thats right people! Tohr is mine! I kinda hope in a way that the cover is in green. I don't think they have used that color yet and I just think of green when I picture his cover.
I loved the spoon thing, but I loved V with the candle even more! That was hot and steamy! RAWR
I also wish Jane would go jump off a cliff as well and give V a chance to be with Butch! LOL
Here are my thoughts…
1. I didn't LOVE Payne & Manny…I thought they were just ok. My big thing was that they "clicked" way to fast. Seriously both of them were head over heels from first glance and it took him over half the book to get her to stop calling him "healer." Really?
2. I loved V & B, spoon and spooning! I was shocked that V walked away from Jane but it all worked out in the end so were cool…True?
3. Threesome – OMG-That is reread worthy. I thought Xcor changed tunes a little to quickly…
4. I am a HUGE Qhuay Fan so hearing they will get a novella for nothing but man love is great news! Here is what popped into my head when I read the vision regarding Layla…I think they will end up with a three-way mating Blay, Qhuinn & Layla. Layla is already in love with Qhuinn & while she continues to service them both she will get to know them over time until she ends up bringing them together and bam you have the three of them together. Just imagine the threesome scene from the LU but instead add Blay & Qhuinn and mix them up together some! Talk about hot!
5-7. The book felt a little off without all the others mingling about. I am glad we get Tohr next although it seems a little soon!
Still a huge fan of this series!
Jenny – She said at the signing she has 40 pgs left of Rhage's story and she still has to write Wrath's…so not sure.
Lisa – Good point about healing the horse…
I know she has A LOT of characters and they all can't get page time, but yes, Wrath should have played a bigger part.
I like Jane more now for some reason. I needed more closure with them and I feel I got it.
Amy – ooh..Green..I like :) The scene with V by himself and the wax – Holy hotness!!!!!
Maria – You think threeway with Layla? I don't know..it might be going there. EEK! I like that Qhuinn admitted his feelings about Blay to Layla..after this one I don't see an attraction between Q and L – but of course that vision. I don't know! And I really need to know! LOL.
I thought the book was great! You guys have to remember, there's NO WAY Payne is going to be like Xhex. At least, not yet. She's been living on the other side where the "norm" is a character more like Layla. Payne's bad-assness is in conflict with the Chosen standard. That's part of her character. I think in the future she'll be more like the Xhex character who's had years to shape her kick-ass attitude.
I thought Ward did a great job resolving V's issues as well as giving the readers a taste of his relationship with Butch. I agree that the wives' acceptance was great.
As for Xcor, Throe, and the others…I have a feeling that they'll all eventually come around. They've been living in a vaccuum. They have no idea what's what. It'll be long road, but Ward showed (in the 3-way scene, HOT btw, and with their treatment of Payne) that deep down these are honorable men.
I'll be on pins and needles for the next book! I love Tohr. And as for John Matthew…YUM! :)
Hi Mandi,
I loved Payne and Manny, I'm glad she's not like Xhex – I can't stand he woman, you can kick ass and still be feminine and sweet.
I'm happy with all the B/V/J situation. I always liked Jane, but I also liked the B/V moments, so I think it was a nice way to make them conect even more without … you know…
I tried not to like the BoB, but could not. Those guys are firce and need some serius loving. Yes, Throe will be the first one to jump sides. And the tha motel scene was HOT !
I have a theory about Qhuinn's vision – Qhuinns's brother – the frozen guy, what if he's Layla's mate? He probably has the eye-thing gene right?
No No'One, WTH? She did came to help Payne right? The womam didn't even visit the poor girl…
Not happy about Tohr's book, I think is too soon, and I don't like to see him fiding a true mate in someone that he knew before Wellsie…
Sorry for the mistakes, I hate the ipad when I'm typing… =S
Sounds like we need to send one collective fan letter to the Warden and tell her we need V&B together, we can call them Buthous or Vistch…LOL
So, Lover Unleashed should've been called Lover Unbound the sequel. DOn't get me wrong, I love V but this was suppose to be Payne and Manny's story. And I think their story could've been amazing if it wasn't so rushed because of the subplots. I wanted Payne to be more of a kick ass female since she is V's sister, but instead she is such a Chosen! Verily!
Finally, some Butch and V action in the penthouse! And damn, that had me blushing like a schoolgirl. And then they cuddled after. I love it! Plus, props to Jane and Marissa for letting the boys do what had to be done.
Hello new vampires! Xcor, Throe and Zypher: I am so excited to get to know them and not just because of the threesome(HAWT). Ps… I so see Layla with one of them!
Qhuinn, poor Qhuinn. I want him to go and put his piercings back in and go get his man!! Now, i don't like Saxton but I kind of felt bad for him. It's like he knows that Blay and Qhuinn will be together and he is just biding his time. Qhuay Forever!!
I was surprised that No'One was no where to be found with Payne being at the mansion & especially since Tohr's book is next.
Which brings me to Tohr… I love him, he has been my favorite since the beginning (though Z is a close 2nd) I'm on the fence with him being next, I don't know if he's ready. Though if he wants, I'm ready for him, just sayin.
So, in the end, I was kinda disappointed with Lover Unleased and think its bc Lover Mine was soo amazing! But Ward better bring her A game when it comes to Tohr's book cause alot of fans are going to be waiting for this!
I've got to remind people that Payne had never experienced the white light thing she inherited from her mother, so there had to be some big emotional moment that brings it out. Can't blame her that it was lust, come on.
Loved the Butch/Vishous stuff, finally.
I also liked the visual of a child between Quinn and Layla. You've got to remember, on children of the Chosen can become member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, someone has to have some kids with them. Why not Quinn? I am looking forward to the Quinn/Blay story though.
I was hoping for more with the Scribe Virgin though. I mean, come on, she was all over Vishous' story.
Well, I took the release day off to read it. Here is my $.50 lol
1. Payne/Manny – Loved them! Hated that I had to wait for the smexin’ to the LAST 5 FREAKIN’ CHAPTERS! Hands, fingers and tongues are nice, but I wanted tab A into slot B! I got a Phury/Cormia flashback every time he didn’t follow through. I do like Dick of Destiny though! LOL Has a nice ring
2.Vishous – Was surprised at the amount of V there was, not that I’m complaining. I have never really liked that Jane came back as a ghost and that continues to piss me off, don’t care if she can be corporeal at anytime. I still think he got the short end of the stick. I didn’t know how to react to the fact that he kicked her to the curb, even though briefly. Knew it couldn’t last though. V/Butch BDSM scene didn’t play out like I imagined it, and I imagined it more sexual. (‘cause I’m on the Vutch train!) I look as spoons differently now. Lol Loved the cuddling after.
3. Band of Bastards – didn’t really care for them. The 3some was hot, other than that, I could not make myself care for them.
4. Qhuay – I wanted to both smack and hug them both! I pulled my hair out on this, even knowing they would not be together (again) in this book. I’m ok w/Qhuinn being friends with Layla, I’m not too keen on him sleeping with her to have a babe. I vote for artificial insemination. I was sad for both Blay and Saxton, and I agree the BJ was sad. I didn’t want to like Saxton, but I do and I want to know what she is going to do with his character after the Qhuay is together.
5. SV – I also thought there would be some SV appearance. Was surprised that there was not. I thought V decide to go see her, then he shows up at Manny’s. Didn’t really miss her, just was surprise that she wasn’t there.
6 Butch/Manny as brothers – already knew this was coming way back in V’s book. This just confirmed it.
7. Verily, I was sorely disappointed in this book. I wanted way more Manny/Payne smexin’. I mean, it WAS their book, true? LOL And some might not care that the lessors weren’t there, but I would have preferred them over the bastards. I got the feeling JRW was gearing up to prolong the series with the addition of these brothers, which is fine I guess, but I wanted to see some Tohr or Lassister in this book. I was expecting HUGE things. Lover Mine was EPIC and compared to that book, this was kinda flat. I’m still excited for Tohr’s book though. I’ll probably take the day off to read that one too!
Just saw a comment from Warden on her facebook page, she said that hroe will be in Envy… YEY…:)
Opppsss… *Throe
What I missed most in this book was the jokes. She used to have some of the best off the wall comments and this time almost nadda.
I felt like Payne and Mannys story could of been a novella. It was rushed and short.
I'm surprised that Wrath didn't try to go see the SV. He's the one that hurt her.. on accident I know.. but there was very little remorse to him. He breaks her back, she begs him for a day away with her healer and he only says yes if she wipes him? He's blind not dumb and mean.
I also was wanting to skip P/M to get to everyone else's story. Granted I want some hot man loving in the story… I really like Jane. When she came back from the dead with him all sad laid up in bed and she whispers V?.. gets me every time. But I hold it against Marissa for B/V not being together, not Jane. :P
Despite the face that I felt this was more of a transition book I still stayed up all night to finish it. I love the introduction of Xcor and even though Payne and Manny didn't really have a main romance I thought their relationship was sweet. Yeah there were a lot of WTF plot holes but it's Ward and I pretty much like anything she writes.
WTF Laylay and Qhuinn have a child?! No way, no way would Ward do that to Blay (sobs).
I really loved the new bastards… and that three way was ***fans self*** smokin. They wore me, I mean, that chick out.
Payne and Manny were okay for me… wasn't very invested in their story so I was happy with what she gave us.
V/Butch drama was what made this book for me. Even though we all know they are soulmates I was glad to see a some closure with their relationship that didn't involve cheating on their Shellans. Liked Jane better in this book also.
The vision Qhuinn had totally pissed me off…. I was like: " noooooooooooo". Out of some of the ideas that some of the other readers have had as to the why and how this might come about I am liking the surrogacy suggestion better than the three way mating. I want them to mate only each other. I don't want any random chicks involved in their man love.
Great idea Mandi, Thanks!!
1) I didn't mind Payne/Manny – but felt that they were window dressing for the main story (V). The "dick of destiny" was cheesy, but I was glad her paralysis wasn't the dominate part of the book. Payne's character was a disappointment, too weak!
2) I liked that we finally got more from V, but I felt that his "healing" occurred too quickly – just one session with Butch and he's better? When he told Jane to leave, I was heart broken. But I think it fit with his state of mind and character – he hadn't truly mated her and they needed to get "all the way there." I also feel that V became a bit too cheery afterwords – just too radical of a turn about.
3) I'm not that impressed with Xcor, but we shall see.
4) I was find with the Qhuinn story, actually.
5) I was okay with them not being there, but now that you mention it, that was odd. But no Omega, so it balances. AND now that we know Tohr is next… I AM disappointed about the lack of No'one.
6) I don't care about the father. LOL
7) I enjoyed reading the book, but in retrospect, there are a lot of "issues." Eh, they can't all be winners!
I liked Payne and Manny. Okay, it's not like I LOVED them, but I liked them. I felt, however, cheated about Payne's personality. I thought Payne was a warrior – and like Darius and the other Brothers, it takes more than physical strenght to be one. So, yeah, seeing Payne alternating between 'being Layla' and 'trying to be Payne' annoyed me. Also, the scene of the Bloodletter's death seemed very anticlimactic.
I didn't like XCor. After he acknowlegded how horrible the Bloodletter was, trying to avenge his death and run around him like a lapdog was ridiculous. But I liked Throe and Zephyr – and I don't know why, but I got the feeling that at least one of the bastards is Darius's son. Okay, I know he'd never leave their children to those like daddy dearest or Hharm, but since he never mated…
What else? Oh, Manny is a cutie. I liked him a lot. His interactions with Butch were funny.
I LOVED Veck. That is a nice guy. I just didn't feel any kind of jealousy from him, so I guess his heroine is the soul Jim has to save.
Since Tohr is the next hero – and probably No'One is the next heroine – I found strange they didn't appear. Okay, Tohr did, but he entered, waved hello and didn't say a word. Like Phury after LEn. I think No'One appears in an outtake of the book, but don't know if we'll ever see it.
"We will see who the leader of the Glymera is in Tohr’s book"
Dear Virgin, let the guy be different from Lash's dad. May the man be someone like Blay's father.
Amanda – I know…I just don't like the girls from the other side. Laylan, Marissa, Xhex….Now I'm worried about No'One! ;) We shall see….
Dani – ooooh…Qhuinn's brother in the freezer….I need to think about this…
Lizzie – OMG – "Buthous" I'm dying!!
Jamie – That is why I have mixed feelings – kind of "yay for Lover Unbound sequel" but "boo to rushed M/P romance". I'm excited for Tohr!
SGoldman – I see your point. I personally just don't connect with the females on the other side. I just don't…..like them. But I will say Ward writes them consistently. I think I need another book or two for Payne to grow on me.
Mandi: I'm afraid to see who's Butch and Manny's father is.
What if it's Darius? LMAO
Ferishia – This seemed more like a transitional book. We are intro'd to possible new brothers. Things get wrapped up with V/Butch. Maybe we will get more with Tohr. Back to the romance please!!!!
Dani – Oh really?? Awesome.
ANon – I liked Jane in this one too. And I agree – M/P felt very rushed.
Ok I have a theory about the whole Quinn/Layla situation:
I think Quinn and Throe may be related. When Xcore asked Throe how many in the glymera he was related to he said 5. Also, in the scene with Kandy she thought something about his 'weird eyes'. So could Throe possibly be Layla's mate? And maybe Quinn's vision is about Throe and Layla's child and her eyes are like his because obviously it's something in their bloodline?
I'm probably way off but those two things really stood out to me as I was reading :)
Oh man, maybe I am just too forgiving (though, honestly, I didn't like Phury AT ALL or Cormia and Z's book is not my favorite so I am, like, BDB fans' worst enemy). ANYway, I DO like Manny/Payne; their inherent flaw is just that this series has gone on a while and perhaps we expect so much more out of a relationship that perhaps manifest itself?
That said, I was OK with the healing aspect (though felt it needed more justifiable info surrounding it). I wanted to see at least the SV make an appearance.
I thought the V/Butch scene was enough, though it maybe could have used one more…something. I agree their later cuddling was better.
All the Jane/V stuff ripped me to shreds. Maybe that's just personal.
All in all, better than Phury's book. Better than Wrath's. But not stellar. I can't wait to get to all the stuff she talked about at the signing though!!
*That should be "perhaps cannot manifest itself.
Smokin – I know..what is up with that vision??
Angela – I agree with Qhuay – and with Ward saying their novella will be full of m/m lovin…I'm hoping Layla will not be there :)
Jen – V did get damn cheery..but I kinda liked it. I wanted him happy..and I like Jane more now. I still wish he would have confronted the SV!
Cate – I don't like Xcor yet either- but I don't think we are suppose to yet. He has to stay the villain for awhile.
I bet someone is related to Darius..that might come back into play!
Very surprised Tohr wasn't it in it much since he is next….I hope his romance works out!!
I think Quinn and Throe may be related. When Xcore asked Throe how many in the glymera he was related to he said 5. Also, in the scene with Kandy she thought something about his 'weird eyes'. So could Throe possibly be Layla's mate? And maybe Quinn's vision is about Throe and Layla's child and her eyes are like his because obviously it's something in their bloodline?
I find it very strange that Qhuinn's parents hated him because of his eyes – I mean, just his eyes. What if Throe is his papa? It'd explain why their eyes are similar. And Qhuinn's dad was too harsh to him – the kind of thing that makes me wonder if he's really his father.
Mandi, I know – which makes me feel horrible, because I liked Mr. D. :D
But as a rule, I fall in love with every scarred hero I can find – be the scars visible or not (like Valerius from "Seize the Night"). It's my Achilles' heel when we talk about books. Tortured hero = Cate in love before reading the story. But I just felt… nothing for XCor. I don't know, but it's probably he wants to destroy one of my favorite heroes. And destroying Wrath is the same as destroying the Brotherhood, because I can't see the Brothers letting him get away with this without a good fight. *sigh*
About Tohr. I don't if it's confirmed or not, but I think No'One is the female who saved Lassiter when he was shot. The one Vishous talked to. If she was watching over Xhex, she probably did the same with Darius and Tohr.
I'v only just started this book, so I did read your post (bad orannia), but not the comments – I'll be back for those :0
I find it very strange that Qhuinn's parents hated him because of his eyes – I mean, just his eyes. What if Throe is his papa? It'd explain why their eyes are similar. And Qhuinn's dad was too harsh to him – the kind of thing that makes me wonder if he's really his father.
I like this..and then Throe and Layla could mate! YES!!!!
Cate – LOL…I love a good tortured hero too :)
And I bet that was No'One in all of those cases..I'm interested to find out more about her!
Aaaaaaaaaarg I am late to this party!!!!!!
After thinking about it, I feel REALLY BAD for Saxton :( I reeeally hope the WARDen does him right, and lets him find some happiness in this effed up triangle tragedy.
I am holding on to my surrogacy theory with a death grip. I am SO WORRIED that because Qhuinn is supplying Layla with blood and she is staying topside that she is going to go through her needing… I think I will drop JRW if she does that – Qhuinn and Blay and Layla and even Saxton have just gone thru too much of this. Give us our dang Qhuay HEA already.
I have to say this again, that three-way BLEW MY DAMN MIND. Totally unexpected, and totally awesome. GO'onnnn JR!
Anyway, now we just sit and wait for Tohr's book and any bones she may throw us further. She usually has a post-book chat room right?>> I am DEFINITELY going to be there for that.
Liza's notes from the signing ARE THE SHIT!
I am SO WORRIED that because Qhuinn is supplying Layla with blood and she is staying topside that she is going to go through her needing
Layla went throught it during "Lover Eternal". ;)
I am so on-board with any scenario that keeps Layla away from Qhuinn. My first thought was surrogacy, but then I remembered we were told that artificial insemination doesn’t work on vamps. I think this came up when Bella was talking about Mary wanting to have a baby that is biologically Rhage’s (in the Father Mine novella.) That means L & Q would still have to do the deed and I am very opposed to that.
As for Tohr’s book, I feel it’s way too soon. I always envisioned that his would be the last book in the series. He’s not ready to fall in love again –and I’m not ready for it to happen.
I’m really curious to know if anyone has mentioned the Layla-backlash to the Warden? Surely she knows about it? Has someone made the faux-pas of asking her at a book signing if she intends to kill Layla off or something?
I have no idea what Ward thinks about Layla…but she once ran a poll on her boards, and half actually wanted Layla with Qhuinn…so who knows! :)
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I actually really enjoyed this book (and I’d gone a little off BDB) even if I couldn’t really tell if it was really about Payne and Manny OR V and Jane part 2.
I’m glad JR Ward found a non-cheaty, not-too-awkward way to give Butch and V their “moment.” It’s been simmering for a while and it was dealt with really well I felt.
As cheesy as Payne and Manny’s story was, it wasn’t TOO long drawn out and unnecessary (see JM & Xhex’s story) where you feel like shouting “okay I get it, they have a lot of differences, let’s move on already”). There was just the right amount of conflict and it was nice to have a vacation from the SV. She had become kind of like a cop out to resolve difficult plot issues. So it was good not to have her in for once, especially in this story that could have had a lot to do with her.
All that being said, I am actually DONE with the series until the whole Qhuinn/Blay issue is resolved. It’s like the freaking elephant in the room. It’s gotten to the point of kill the chemistry or put us (and them) out of their misery and resolve the situation. It’s dragged on for too long and it’s spoiling the books for me. I can’t even fully enjoy the H/H’s HEA because I’m too depressed by their dumb star-crossed lover misunderstanding situation.
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The best thing about the book was V and Butch. It once again showed that those two belong together as mates. The cop was the one who knew what V needed and was willing to do EVERYTHING for him! That’s true love!!!
It also showed again how fake V’s “HEA” is. Ward changed all the history and then tried to explain it which made it even worse. Jane is awful, has no clue about V and has to poof away soon! Loved it when he threw the bag at her! Hope Ward will follow the natural course of the story and write that character out of the series.
Bombarding her with Vutch fan letters is an awesome idea! She has to know we see the truth no matter how hard she tries to sell something else.
Vutch forever!!!
Peculiar article, just what I wanted to find.