The Darkest Secret (Lords Of The Underworld #7) by Gena Showalter
Paranormal Romance
March 29, 2011
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “Take me out of your address book” -William
Blurb: Keeper of the demon of Secrets, Amun can manipulate the darkest thoughts of anyone nearby. But when new demons possess him, the immortal warrior must be chained and isolated to protect those he loves. Death is his only hope of release—until he meets Haidee, a fellow prisoner whose beauty and hidden vulnerability draw him into a reckless test of his loyalty…
Haidee is an infamous demon assassin, raised to despise Amun’s kind. Yet how can she hate the man whose touch sets her aflame? But to save him, she must give herself body and soul…and face the wrath of a powerful adversary sworn to destroy her. (From Goodreads)
When Amun went into hell with Aeron and William to help save Aeron’s demon Legion, he unwittingly absorbed hundreds of demon minions. Now Amun lays in torment and pain as his mind and body is ravaged by the thoughts and memories of these minions. Strider arrives back at the Fortress and he brings with him Haidee, also known as Ex, a deadly hunter and enemy of the Lords who is responsible for Baden’s death. As Strider fights his insane attraction to her, he places her in a cell next to Amun’s. When Haidee hears Amun’s tortured cries she assumes he is a fellow hunter and fights her way into his room. She is shocked to see a man who looks just like her boyfriend Micah. So much so, she assumes it is him.
When Amun sees Haidee he sees the child/woman he has dreamed of his whole life. As she begins to take care of him, he feels her love and sympathy roll over him like a cool hand-healing his injuries and subduing his inner demons. But how can she love him? She doesn’t know him.
Or does she?
When they are told that the only way to save Amun from going insane is to go back into hell, Haidee agrees to go with him to keep his demons at bay and him sane. As Haidee and Amun battle their way through hell, the past and present collide and the only way to survive is to die.
The Darkest Secret tells us the story of Amun and Haidee. I have always wanted Amun’s story. He is the quietest and the most gentle of the group. This storyline was more emotional and serious then Showalter’s usual storyline. Haidee and Amun have been through so much as is shown to us through their back story and it’s heartbreaking what you read. While I was prepared to dislike Haidee from the beginning, I found myself unable to do so. I found her strength and loyalty to be commendable. Even though she was raised to hate all the Lords, once you read why, you don’t blame her. She is as much a pawn as they all are. Suffering at the whims of others.
Amun is, well Amun. Quiet and determined with an inner core of strength that is admirable. He’s not as “in your face” like some of the other Lords because of his demon. We get an intimate view of his and Haidee’s thoughts and feelings through special bond they share and that gives us much insight to their feelings for each other. Feelings that they shouldn’t have.
The chemistry between Haidee and Amun is very sensual. Softly spoken words, little touches, and the tension between them had me racing for the “scene”. And the scene does come, but late in the game. All of it is added to by the knowledge they are enemies and this attraction is forbidden.
While the other Lords aren’t as prominent as usual, we do get some little tidbits to what they are up to. More insight into William’s history and his “relationship” with Gilly. He’s so going down. We catch a glimpse of Paris and Sienna. Strider is certainly going to get his soon. Defeat will finally be defeated. The vacation scene is hilarious and added some nice humor to balance the emotional heaviness of the storyline.
The ending comes smoothly but with some shocking twists that will have you gasping as you race towards the end. I really enjoyed the flash of temper that Amun has at the end. For being so quiet, he really lets loose and makes the everyone stand up and take notice. The Darkest Secret is a fabulous addition to the Lords Of The Underworld series and I look forward to the next book in the seres-The Darkest Surrender- releasing September 27th, 2011.
Rating: B+
Harlequin is hosting a contest to giveaway TWO copies of the Darkest Secret! As part of the fun, we were able to ask Gena Showalter one question.
Q: What do you have in store for William?
A: All kinds of goodness. Or maybe a better word is badness. He’s been naughty, my William, and secrets about his past and his curse are at last going to come to light. Like what will happen if he ever falls in love and who exactly his father is. Juicy tidbits, I tell you.
Thanks Gena!
To enter, leave a comment and tell us what question YOU would ask Gena if you had the chance.
Open to US/Canada through Saturday April 9th.
I would ask which lord was the most fun to write? Great review mandi! Pls enter me :)
Dhester23 at yahoo dot com
Great review Tori! I really need to read The Darkest Lie but I like building up a series so I can buy a few at a time otherwise I tend to forget what's going on. Especially with the Lords series.
Really looking forward to Strider's story and Williams. However I'm undecided how I feel about getting Paris story in 2012!
Looking forward to buying this book now, thanks :)
I understand that some characters speak louder to authors than others. Which LOTU hounded you the loudest until his story was on paper?
Which LOTU would you most like to have dinner with?
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Don't enter me in the contest. I just wanted to say I finished reading The Darkest Whisper last night and LOVED it. Another great LOTU story. And I can't wait for The Darkest Surrender. The winners won't be disappointed!
Which of your heroines is the most like you? Which one would you like to be for a day?
I'd love to be Anya!
How about: When you started writing the LOTU did you have a clear ending in your mind, is it still the same or has is evolved as the series has? Ok so it is kind of a two parter…
Thanks! mmafsmith(at)gmail(dot)com
Finally I'm able to post again. *doing happy dance*
I would ask her:
How she decides whom to write next?
Thank you! :)
I'm in Brazil, so no giveaway for me. My Kindle says I'm 72% done. A LOTU book is always a great treat but so far, I must say I keep hoping that the next chapter is about the guys vacay trip, so maybe I'm not that intrigued by the main couple? I don't know exactly why that is, but let's by the end of it, maybe the twist in the end will win me over…
I love Gena's books! Great giveaway! Which character was the hardest to write thus far and why?
Thanks for the giveaway! ;)
Katiewalthall AT ymail DOT com
Have you ever thought of a great storyline, but then just couldn't make it work?
I would love to read the book.
I'm so excited for this one!! I think I'd ask Gena if I could be a fly on the wall the next time she and Kresley Cole get together. Those two are hilarious together!!
I would love to know how many books you plan to have in this current series and if you have other series planned. Thanks!!
Hollybwright at
I would ask her how she comes up with all her marvelously creative ideas! I love her Atlantis series and can't wait to start on this one :-)
smaccall @
Oh wow! I would ask what inspires her, keeps her writing and imagining.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
My question would be was there a lord that kept pecking at u to write his story while u were writing another lord's story?
I actually have thus on my nook but I would love a physical copy. Love the cover!
I love this series and am so excited for Amun's book.
My question is whether Torin will ever get his own book. He seems the hardest to write, with the no touching and all!
I would ask Gena is she sees an ending to the Lords story yet.
I would ask Gena which is her favorite Lord.
Thanks for the giveaway!
jcross719 at yahoo dot com
I just finished reading this book and I have to say it might be my favorite of the series. Amun was always the quiet one and I wanted him to have a good story and he did. I can't wait to hear how Strider's story plays out. I have to say I think my favorite characters are the harpies. Will the oldest Bianka get a story?
I would ask her where she comes up with all of her ideas. She seems to have a lot of stuff going on all of the time.
I would ask her if any of her Lords haunt her. Did she do them justice or perhaps they're not finished>
sweetpeg at gmail dot com
I still have book 1 to read..soon…soon
Please don't enter me into the giveaway.
Great review Tori! I thought the book was great and there were so many funny scenes between the guys. Strider and William going on vacay with Paris was pure genius! And I loved the quote that you choose!
I'm so happy that you asked her about William. I love him and can't wait to find out more about him!
I'd ask Gena for which lord would she be the heroine if she were a character in the series.
I know this doesn't have anything to do with her LOTU series but is she planning on writing anymore Extraordinary Girl books. I love Rome & Belle!
If I had the chance then I would ask her who will Paris end up with? *Hoping is Sienna*
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
I would ask when William will finally get his book.
Thanks for the giveaway.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I would ask if every LOTU is going to get a book! Because I sure hope so! :-)
I was wondering about what you had planed for Torin? He's my favorite of the Lords. His story to me would be the most tragic, and if he gets his happy ever after, then the most romantic!
I would ask Gena if she has a definite ending in mind for this series.
I've just started reading the LOTU recently and am loving it so far! Thanks for the giveaway!
I would ask Gena how she can bear to torture her Lords so much, the poor things. They go through such hell with their demons, it's so sad. And she's made each one really earn that happily ending, that's for sure.
I love this series, and the LOTU story I'm looking forward to is Paris'.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
I would ask: What's been your proudest moment as an author?
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
My question for Gena would be, when is William getting his book? I really want to know about his connection to Hell and that curse of his.
are the rest of the lords getting their own story as well? i'm really interested in reading about torin's HEA
Is there a genre of books that you don't read? Why? I don't like reading history. It kind of puts me to sleep :)
If I could ask Gena one question? Hmm. How about this one. Have you ever looked back on a book and said, I should have done that different, or I should have paired him with someone else?
Chelsea Sawyer
I have no questions yet. I just need to get started on this series, ASAP!
asiancocoa94 at aol dot com
Gena – If you were a character in the LOTU series who would be your lord?
April 6, 2011 1:56 PM
Nice insight, Tori, And, oh – Dear William! I cannot WAIT for his story.
I have a question for Gena: Do you have a favorite character if so who, and if you could take ONE person from this series and make a spin off series who would it be on and why, also would the Lords be in it as "special guest stars"? Thanks for letting me ask.
My question is how involved are you in creating your book covers; they are wonderful.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Ahhh, I had three questions floating in my head and they've been asked already. All great questions btw. Ok, thinking……………..Is there a certain character that meant the most to you?
What fictional character from TV or someone else’s book would you like to spend the day with?
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
All of the LOTU leave me tingling, but Gena, where can fans see you next?
hey great review
umm my question would be why would you gena pair Strider<3 up with Kia?!
I think I would ask her…Do you talk to the Lords like some authors do? I find that fascinating.. Do they tell you what to write? etc…
EMail is
I would ask her if she could tell us more info on Torin. Love him.
If given a chance to ask Mrs. Showalter a question it would be, "Where did you get the tattoo idea that you use for each of the Lords Of The Underworld?"
Do you plot your books beforehand and if so how?
Thanks for the giveaway!
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
When do the movies come out?
I would ask Gena if she will write more continuing story with each Lord. For example I would love to have a book 2 of Maddox.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I got all the answers I wanted so I wonder who is your favorite character from your books! Great giveaway thank you!
just wondering will you be doing any atlantean books anytime soon. Love those and your aliens
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
Sounds great.
I would ask. Does she base any characters traits on people shes knows in real life.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I have not read the LOTU series as of yet, but have heard so many great things about it.
My question to Gena is: “Which one of the LOTU hounded you or spoke the loudest to get his story written?
rjofus AT gmail DOT com
I would ask her if she has a set end in mind for the Lords and how difficult it is to write to around that end while the Lords and their lady’s change things in the world around them? By asking this I in no way want this story to end! I LOVE this series!
Thank you! mmafsmith(at)gmail(dot)com
What question? Can I haz all your books? Not that I’m greedy or anything… lol I just got into this series and I’m addicted!
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com
Very good review, Tori, thanks! You put a good spin on things that I didn’t necessary like – like Anum’s outburst near the end – I felt it was “out of character.” But I’m with you – I admired Haidee’s dedication and willingness to make a go at their connection. Thanks!!
I would ask if she was born with her amazing stories in her head? Also I would ask if her parents encouraged her imagination as a child.
Please enter me.