Twilight’s Dawn by Anne Bishop (The Black Jewels #9)
March 1, 2011
Reviewed by Tori
Blurb: Anne Bishop’s Black Jewel novels have enthralled readers and critics alike with their mixture of fantasy, intrigue, and romance. Now in Twilight’s Dawn, Bishop returns to the Blood realm with four all-new captivating novellas that provide us with satisfying conclusions to some of her most beloved characters.
Twilight’s Dawn is a beautiful ending tribute to the world the Anne Bishop created and held us spellbound with for years. Four novellas; each offering its own unique farewell to a series that captivated and broke my heart on so many occasions. After I read this I felt at peace and comfortable with the choices Ms. Bishop made in how she ended this series. I know many readers are disappointed with the ending but there is really no other way to end it. We knew Daemon would outlive Jaenelle and I like that Ms. Bishop gives him a chance at his greatest dream. Plus, I wanted his second chance to be with “you know who”. While she wasn’t his epic love, he has always loved her. If you had been paying attention, Ms. Bishop gently tells us in previous books how this would all end.
Also, this is NOT a stand alone. If you read this without reading from the beginning then the characters nor the story lines will make much sense and I fear you will be disappointed by the overall conclusion.
Winsols Gift is our first story. A humorous and delightful tale about Daemon’s and Jaenelle’s first Winsol that they are able to plan and participate in together. Daemon learns all about the time and effort that goes into preparing for Winsol and that when someone tells you to stay put-you need to stay put.
Rating: B
Shades Of Honor brings Lucivar, Falonar, and Surreal together for a showdown that has been needed for years. Falonar has never accepted being ruled by Lucivar so when he rises to challenge him, only one man can walk from the killing field alive. Surreal also deals with her past concerning Falonar and the haunted house where she almost died.
Rating: A
Family takes us back to the darkness in the SaDiablo family and what it means to cross any of them. Centers around Saetan and his former love Queen Sylvia. Dark, foreboding, and suspenseful.
Rating: B
The High Lord’s Daughter is the most heartbreaking yet heartwarming story in the book. Here we see the end yet out of the tears rises a dream that has been in the making for years. A dream for Daemon and the rest of the high court.
Rating: A
Twilight’s Dawn is a wonderful ending to an epic saga and Black Jewel fans will not want to miss out.
Overall rating: B +
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Babbling About Books and More – A/B+
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I’ve only read first 2 or 3 of this series..but I know people are freaking out by the last story. It makes me want to catch up big time! Either way, I really enjoy this author’s voice. :)
I am freaking out about the last story and i haven’t even started these books yet
Mandi-The series is a must re read for me every year. Im so sad it ended by she does it justice here.
High Lord’s Daughter still hurts me. This was the book where I laid to rest my Bishop crack, mainly because of the last story. The BLT books are not the same without 2 main characters that are the heart and soul of these books.
Never read Anne Bishop. I am such a novice it’s embarrassing.
KB-Your right, which is why this ending worked for me. I know there will never be anymore.
Sophia-LOL You should start. It’s like crack. Once you start, it’s hard to stop. Umm, not that I would know about crack or anything. JUST SAY NO!! lol
Thank you Tori :) I haven’t read the book (yet – I’m placed a library hold), but:
We knew Daemon would outlive Jaenelle …
See, that I have no problem with. But…I’ve always been a huge Surreal fan. To me she has always deserved a HEA…with a male who can love her completely. And I’m worried that Daemon can’t. I can accept a different love (as in he will love her differently from Janaelle as they are different women), but…not less than. She deserves more. Do you think Anne Bishop addresses that?
I have always been a Surreal fan myself. Maybe a novella in the future concerning how everyone is doing but I have a feeling this is it.
Sorry Tori. I meant, do you think Anne Bishop address in the novella that Daemon loves Surreal equally, just differently, from Janaelle?
After skimming this review (because of the spoilers) I went to the author’s site to see the blurb on the first book. After that I downloaded a sample to my Kindle. After that I ordered the first book and now am on crack. I need to do other things besides reading – like eating- but I can’t stop!
I love that I don’t have to wait for another book to come out because the series is complete.
*hears credit card groaning*
Thanks for bringing Anne Bishop to my attention. You now this of course makes you a crack pusher, right?
LMAO I have been called many things but never that. When I first started this series the first 3 were already written. I bought the first one then went back the next day, bought the other 2 and spent the whole weekend in a happy reading haze.
Finished the third book this morning. It has left me wanting more! Is there such a thing as reader’s high? These books really are crack!
They really are. As I said earlier. I re read them all the time.
I love Anne Bishop of a passion of a thousand burning suns. I don’t think this is the end of the series, though. On her forum at LKH’s board, she said it was just a break. It must be emotionally taxing to write such heartwrenching scenes. Especially since Cassidy’s stories aren’t over, I don’t think. I’m so happy about it, too. I want more Tersa stories about her boy(s).
I’ve been reading the series since the first book. The dark, twisted worlds that are lightened by simple things like a High Lord left quaking in his boots when the Circle comes to call. I also want more “kiss kiss” stories. So much left with Karla to explore. And Jaenelle’s sister.
I loved this as a companion piece to Dreams Made Flesh. I think, somehow, it managed to finish up the novellas well. If you were to read them both.
“High Lord’s Daughter” was amazingly sweet. Sad, in the beginning, but so sweet to see and hear what goes on. Because a dream has left doesn’t mean it’s faded. There’s so so special in the way it’s done, the interwoven bonds of family and love. I can’t wait until it’s in paperback so I can add it to my library.
In Novak’s auction last year, I won some several signs copies of her books. I was so thrilled. I paid a small fortune for something I already owned because it a) benefited my disease and b) was something to cherish and treasure because of love and memories.
Of her three series, this is the most loved on by me. Something about watching the unfair world be reshaped inspires me.
I hope that’s true because I too felt Cassidy’s story was incomplete. And I want more of Surreal and Daemon.
I want more of everyone in the Blood world. The world-building and characters seem to leap off the page.
I emailed Bishop, asking her about clothes and what they looked like (since some are of importance) and the only thing is Daemon is in the equivalent of Armani. The rest are dressed as you envision. The covers used to confuse me since it wasn’t exactly Queenly Weeding Wear.
Twilight’s Dawn discussion