10. My Week – Isn’t this the coolest picture of a bubble popping? It makes me smile. Otherwise all I have seen this week is rain. Rain. And wait – rain. And worms. Hubs made me plant some flowers. Pretty sure I touched a worm. I’ll be over it soon. I have indoor hands. They are not equipped for nature.
9. Lothaire News! This is a week old, but I didn’t have a chance to talk about it last week. Lothaire’s heroine will be – Elizabeth Pierce. We don’t know a lot about her. She might be mortal. She might be on death row (that would be awesome). I say “might” because Cole is teasing us with some of the information. I really thought his mate would be Nix, but Kresely Cole says Nix and Lothaire have some secrets – and we will learn them in this book! You can see Cole’s announcement on her facebook page.
But wait – I’m not done. May 24th at 9am Cole will reveal Lothaire’s cover! There is quite the build up to this cover, it better be awesome! I will say – After reading her previous book, I totally fell in love with Lothaire. And looking at that red eye. Oh baby. Bring. Him. On.
8. Thanks to a heads up from Katiebabs, we have a cover for Heart of Steel (Blurb), book two in Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas series. If you haven’t read The Iron Duke, get to it!
7. Did you hear the Tohr’s book in JR Ward’s Blackdagger Brotherhood series will be titled, Lover Reborn? Makes sense, right? Can we handle another heroine from the other side – No’One? No more “verily” please. PLEASE – I’M BEGGING!! I’M VERILY BEGGING.
6. Hey – Dreamspinner Press is celebrating its birthday. All this week they have been giving away a free book each day. Yes, I realize if I did my Top Ten on say – oh Monday – you could have reaped the benefits all week. But at least you still get today (above) and tomorrow’s. And they are having a big sale. Check it out.
5. Nalini Singh is posting a Quote a Day from Kiss of Snow until May 31st (release day) Need to catch up – here we go:
Quote 1: Indigo gave him an easy, dangerous smile. “I know all you have to do is snap your fingers and women throw themselves into your bed—” She held up a hand when he growled. “I’m not saying you use your position, but the fact that you’re alpha, the reason why you’re alpha—your strength, your speed, your sheer dominance, that’s potent stuff. Not to mention your pretty face.”
Quote 2: A faint smile that made every tiny hair on her body rise in quivering attention. “How fast can you run?” A wolf’s question.
Quote 3: “Your pelt,” a lazy voice drawled as he walked into the clearing around Lucas’s home, “would make a nice coat for my mate.”
Check out Nalini Singh’s Facebook Page for all the quotes!
Hawke just makes me swoon. This book is so awesome. You can also enter to win a copy at Fiction Vixen’s.
4. Oh Rune, you smexy beast. I am dying for this book! Serpent’s Kiss is book three in Thea Harrison’s The Elder Races series. If you haven’t read Dragon Bound..dooooo it. I got a sneak peek at book two, Storm’s Heart and it is pretty damn good. Tricks will have you laughing out loud and Tiago is badass. Oh yes.

3. The writers of Lost have a new show coming out this fall, Once Upon A Time, and it looks FAB!! It looks like Ginnifer Goodwin (the main girl in the trailer) will play a version of Snow White, and there is an evil queen and a Prince Charming. Can’t wait.
2. Apparently the end of the world is coming tomorrow. The Rapture is coming. For reals. It’s been a good run y’all. But before this all goes down, my parents are having their annual Preakness (horseracing) party. Which means, we eat, we bet on the race, and we drink lots of my father’s mint juleps. Since it is the end of the world, I’m going to wear my “I <3 Brandon Flowers” Shirt and maybe clutch onto some JR Ward books. Boos, B-Flow, and Smut – bring on the Rapture! ;)
1. This weekend, besides the end of the world, I’m also reading No Turning Back by Kaylea Cross. I’m about 25% in and really enjoying this military romantic suspense. Very intense so far. And then I have a little book about a mighty Lion and a girl with a big sword :) Happy Friday!!
Spazzing all over the place!!!!! LOTHAIRE cover!!!! Heart of Steel blurb!!! Kiss of Snow quotes!!!! Serpent’s Kiss cover!!!!!!!!!! This week has made me VERY VERY happy in book news :D
Wheee…spazzing!! ;)
Love that bubble photo. Can’t stop looking at it!
Cannot wait to see Lothaire’s cover. Can’t wait to read the book!!!
Still haven’t read Iron Duke. :(
I agree, no more verily. No.
I can’t wait for Lothaire!!! He intrigues me
I saw the trailer for Once yesterday and I was all for it :D I hope it will be as good as it looks!
And I have listened and shall read Dragon Bound this coming week
Where’s my sexy scruffy Jax pic? *sniff* I see how it is…
I’m not usually a fan of men with long hair, but Rune… *sigh* Yes please!!
*gasp* I forgot. I have failed the scruffy lovers out there. Next week damn it!
“And worms. “
Noooooo. For some reason at my work when it rains hundreds of worms crawl onto the big sidewalk I have to take to get from my car to the street. One day I honestly considered walking an extra 10 min. just to avoid them. I have walked up on the edge of the curb like an 8 year old rather than step ONTO the sidewalk. I just get the heebie jeebies thinking about it. I never used to be this bad. I never liked them but this year it’s a full blown freak-out.
Oh and I loved that bubble pic. Have a great weekend and enjoy your julips.
LOLOLOL…I feel you! Worms…UGH! I dissected a frog just fine in highschool..then she asked me to dissect a worm. NOOOOOOO. Gross.
The world can’t end this weekend. That totally doesn’t work with my schedule! Seriously, I just discovered Elizabeth Lowell and her beardy historicals, so I have a lot of reading to do.
Oh really? Did you say beardy??? *perks*
Loved Iron Duke, can’t wait for Heart of Steel! Thanks! And I never tire of Nix’s foolery; plus she can’t be with Lothaire, she’s saving herself for Mike Rowe!
(Verily I beg you, please stop!!!!)
hahaha…I LOVE that she has a thing for Mike Rowe. I hope he is mentioned in her book ;)
Don’t we all have a thing for Mike Rowe???
“No more “verily” please. PLEASE – I’M BEGGING!! I’M VERILY BEGGING.”
HAHA I second that!!
oh that show looks awesome
great cover for the 2nd book in the iron duke series
It does look awesome :)
Ohhhh the trailer for Once upon a time looks awesome! YAY new fall series to watch *g*
I know..I’m ready for something new!
As usual, awesome top ten! Bubble pic=cool! Too many new authors-geesh never read Meljean or Cole. Dying for Kiss of Snow-so the world can’t end before I read about Hawke and Sienna. It just can’t! Is Jax a book character or are you talking about the guy from Sons of Anarchy. He’s scruffy too! Inquiring minds wanna know…Have a great weekend! I got a big Bottle-O-Cosmos in the freezer getting cold–just pour and serve. Enjoy your juleps! Hey are you keeping up with The Killing? I’m trying, but it’s gotten kinda boring….what say you”?
We are talking Jax from Sons of Anarchy. I actually don’t keep up with the show buy my hubs loves it!
Cosmos are one of my favorites!!!
You NEED to read Cole. I will make you :)
I am loving The Killing – ready for some answers though!
The picture of the bubble popping is awesome! The rapture news is just interesting! I love seeing the books you feature even though it means I will be even more stressed thanks to mroe books being added to my TBR pile…but I do believe I will survive. LOL. I hope you have an awesome weekend, enjoy the party and I want a picture of your outfit and the books and such you are clutching for tomorrows huge day! :-P
LOL..I will take a picture with my smut and drink just for you ;p
My 13 yr old called from school telling me it was the end of the world tomorow and she wanted me to pick her up early so she could enjoy the rest of her day. I just couldn’t argue with that kind of logic. Oh… and I can’t verily wait until Hawk’s book comes out, it’s what, 10 more days?
Verily Alert! Verily Alert! ;)
Yesssss…10 days!
So looking forward to Storm’s Heart!! The excerpt from it in the back of Dragon Bound had me all – no! Don’t make me wait until Aug!
And Once Upon a Time looks awesome! Since I live under a rock, I wasn’t even aware it’s a new show coming out on ABC.
I only saw the show through facebook. If it’s not on FB or Twitter, I have no idea ;)
Dragon Bound arrived yesterday, and will be read very soon. I have read nothing but raving reviews about it. I loved the picture! I don’t mind worms, but then, I use them for bait when fishing. I prefer them over maggots, as my boyfriend uses. Now those are gross!
I am also looking forward to the latest Nalini Singh, and those quotes are also on her blog. But I think the Elizabeth Lowell historical quote about bearded, meant they are old. I love everything Elizabeth writes, and can’t really remember bearded men. In some of her older contemporaries there are men with a beard, as that was the fasion back then.
Yes – I believe the Lowell books are not recent – just new to Penny.
I hope you like Dragon Bound!!
Maggots…I just gagged!
I CANNOT WAIT FOR LOTHAIRE…..Kresley Cole is killing me…..
Today is the day, Beth! :)
I talked to Meljean about the Heart of Steel cover about a month ago and I guess that might not be the final cover but I sure hope it is… the cover model reminds me of a young Ron Perlman. Can we say me-ow? Sexy! Can it just come out already? *impatient sigh*
Oh really? Well I hope it is the final cover too..I love it!
I hope Once Upon a Time is good because Snow White and Prince Charming need to be redemeed on TV. I still remember the sitcom from the 80s, The Charmings. It was ok, but way too over the top. This show looks better.
The Charmings? Do I need to YouTube this show? ;p Not so charming, huh? :)
I can’t WAIT for Lothaire’s cover!! And then I’ll have to wait EIGHT months for the book….The world is a dark place.
Nat @ Reading Romances
Small Blogs, Big Giveaways
LOLOLOLOL. Dark indeed