10. My Week – My five year old graduates from preschool today. YAY for no more preschool checks. Boo for my kids getting so big!
9. The Lothaire cover has been revealed. What do we think? I don’t know. I LOVE Lothaire in the series and I’m dying for his book. But I don’t want to picture the above dude when I read about him. Sorry – just doesn’t work for me. But I will do dirty deeds to get my hands on a copy of Lothaire. Also – super excited that is the title of the book. Bring it on. (Releases in hardcover January 10th.)
8. Thea Harrison tweeted this week some Elder Races news: Book two, Storm’s Heart is Tiago and Tricks. Book three, Serpent’s Kiss is Rune and Carling (you meet her in Storm’s Heart – she is a vampire and a little crazy..love her already). Book Four, Oracle’s Moon is about people we don’t know yet, and then Book five is going to be about Pia and Dragos again!!! Hooray!! She also mentioned she is laying groundwork for a larger world in book seven and beyond. Sounds good to me!
7. A favorite author of mine, Ava March, has a free short story, Deliberately Bound. It features Oliver and Vincent from her “Bound” series.I hear it is basically one long sex scene – and Ava March writes fab sex. True story. ;) Find it at ARe or on her website. More news, Ava is going to have a story in the Carina Press holiday anthology out this December along with Josh Lanyon, KA Mitchell and Harper Fox. Can’t wait!
6. Want another free read? Conquest by S.J Frost is the free read of the week at MLR Press.
5. Jennifer Estep announced on her blog that she has sold two more Elemental Assassin books! Hooray! I love Gin, Finn and the Pork Pit and I don’t want this series to end yet! The next in the series, Spider’s Revenge is out this September.
4. Jeaniene Frost is holding a charity auction to benefit the Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Included in this auction is an ARC of One Grave at a Time, a signed copy of Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews, and a signed copy of The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook. All three books go to the highest bidder. Go HERE to place your bid.
I also just realized that One Grave at a Time is out this August! I had forgotten we were getting another one this year! Woo and Hoo!
3. New posters for True Blood (thanks Has!) Hmm..let’s see – remove Bill and Sookie, and I’ll just take Eric and Alcide. Yes…yes, I will. A girl could have a lot of fun with a vampire and a werewolf. Naked. *ahem*
And Lafayette – yes, I’ll keep you too.
And Pam is looking mighty fierce. I LOVE her. Go HERE to see bigger images.
2. I’m a big fan of Zoe Archer’s tumblr, and recently she posted from another tumblr, Sexy Older Men. Oh baby – I am in heaven. I’ve lost many hours of my life to this site. And – I’ve discovered Alex O’Loughlin. HOW have I lived my life without knowing this fine specimen of a man? Why hasn’t anyone emailed or tweeted – hey Smexy – you must check out Alex O’Loughlin? I blame you all! ;) He is so fine.
And yes, the person who owns this tumblr considers an “older man” to be 34+. 34? I weep.
1. Wheeee..it’s a holiday weekend. We are having a chili cookoff party on Sunday at our house. And the local fire station is hosting their annual carnival, so I’m sure we will hit that up at some point. I’m diving into Money Shot by Susan Sey. Happy Friday and Happy Reading!
I really liked Lothaire’s cover, the dude looks pretty close to the one I pictured in my head. Can’t wait for the book, such drastic changes, hard cover, different kind of title and picture… Maybe Lothaire’s story will be a landmark in the series? I hope so.
I was counting the days untill True Blood, now all I keep thinking is that by the time True Blood starts, Game of Thrones will be over… =( I may have to buy the books…
That Alex dude is really cute, I think I saw him before in a movie or something…
Have a nice weekend, no holiday here in Brazil… =(
I’ve finally watched the first episode of Game of Thrones! Doing a little marathon of it this Saturday :)
HOORAY Mandi! Game of Thrones and The Killing are the only TV shows I watch right now. Hope you love it :D
Oh how did you like it?
I’m not thrilled with the Lothaire cover either. Don’t get me wrong… I love Paul Marron. But when I look at the cover, I’m not thinking, “Lothaire is hot.” Instead, I’m saying “Paul Marron is hot” and “I liked his Lover Avenged cover better.”
The man has done so many covers, I no longer can see him as the character, just as the model who is so ubiquitous that I actually know his name.
I wonder if this post will make sense to anyone but me…
Jen at Red Hot Books
Aha – I didn’t know his name but I’ve seen him before. Maybe that is why I don’t love it. Oh well..I just want the book ;)
I really wasn’t suprised to see Paul Marron on the cover of Lothaire. Are there no longer any other male cover models? The man is nice to look at but not as Lothaire.
Yes! This!
OMG Mandi girl-how have you not heard about Alex O’Loughlin. Didn’t you watch Moonlight-he played a vampire. It was very short lived, but it was really good! Then he was in a show called Three Rivers where he played a transplant doctor (I think?) and lastly, he’s on the ‘new’ Hawaii 5 0. It’s pretty good, and I love seeing glimpses of home! Lots of book news! Wow! I’m not a fan of the Lothaire cover either. Have a great weekend! Love Chili! Yum!
No – I haven’t seen Moonlight or Hawaii 5-0. I suck so bad! ;) Must resolve this issue!
No, no, no-you do NOT suck! You’re busy! I’m jealous that you have seen Game of Thrones! I swear I am adding HBO today! I’ll take it out of the wine budget. ;)
No, Moonlight was pretty bad…..just look at the pretty pictures…besides, Alex is not hairy….
I was going to write about Moonlight, too. I never saw it when it was on CBS but Alex O’Loughlin is so HOT HOT HOT. I think the show should have lasted more than one season.
Oh man..I need to netflix it or something. Or maybe youtube a scene or two :)
Loving this weeks Top Ten! So excited for the Elder Races news, and YAY for more Cat & Bones this year!! The Lothaire cover didn’t really work for me either. That guy is too…. pretty?
Yes – maybe too pretty – or maybe we’ve just seen him too many other places.
Sexy older man, now I feel old soon too, lol
If “older” is 34, then I better live it up this year ;)
eek, you are an evil book pimp (as usual ;) I am SO excited for True Blood & am now following the Sexy Older Men tumblr (34+ is considered “older”? really?) just saw this pic of your beloved Gray Fox, YOWZA!
must have been after you were through with him, huh? ;) hehehe!
*giggles* The GRAY fox? I saw your second comment…silver sounds so much more…sexy.
Isn’t that an awesome pic of him all tied up. See why I’ve lost hours of my life to this site? ;p
Nope, not liking that dude as Lothaire. Although the red eyes are a nice touch.
Yay on the Jennifer Estep news, thanks for that.
I like his red eyes too…
*Silver Fox, sheesh!
I blame my faux pas on being distracted by the Sexy Older Men tumblr…I may still be looking at it =P
I think the Lothaire cover is hot, and it could have been sooooooo much worse, so overall I iz pleased, and I’m with you, I am not above dirty deeds to get my hands on that sucker either! :D
AWESOME Elder Races news! Awesome!
I think I just had a pic of him in my mind, and that is not it. Of course, it rarely ever is on a cover..that is why I like it when I don’t see a lot of the hero’s face.
Don’t like the cover for Lothaire. Yuck. Excited to read it, tho :P
Yay for the Elder Races news! Woo hoo!
Can’t stand True Blood so…..yeah
So much awesome news here. Thanks for posting!!
Can’t stand True Blood? Did I hear you correctly? ;p Sigh.
Yeah, I’m totally the odd man out. Le sigh
now you have found Alex …yummy.
Congrats on the preschool grad. I’m there but with 5th grade. Don’t toss tomatoes at me but I did watch a little of the True Blood and seriously didn’t like. Love looking at the cast pictures.
I’ll admit True Blood gets on my nerves and there have been season I haven’t liked…we will see what this season brings. Congrats to your 5th grader!
Love the True Blood posters. I’m a Pam fan. I really hope this season is better than last. *fingers crossed*
Pam is fierce. FIERCE I tell you.
Dude looks like Owen Wilson :shudders:.
Omg love love Thea Harrison’s smexy dragon series.
AHH…he does!!! LOLOLOLOL
Based on the Sookie poster, she is so going to have a threesome.
Oh that naughty Sookie
Though I love Lothaire, I’m definitely not feeling his cover. I plan on ignoring it completely while reading his delicious book.
You missed Alex O’Loughlin’s turn as a vampire? He was so hot in the series Moonlight…all sensitive, longing looks at his ladylove, but bad ass when necessary. Do yourself a favor and get the DVDs immediately.
Longing looks and a bad ass? Oh Alex O’Loughlin. You were made for me! ;)
Alex is hot in Hawaii 5-0
Sigh…I need to check out that show!
I love that Thea Harrison is doing another book about Dragos and Pia (and the Peanut?)!
I just finished Dragon Bound and I LOVED it. When I was done I was a little unsatisfied, I felt like the story wasn’t finished yet. I want to read what happens next!
Looks like my wish was granted. Woohoo! Another great series I can follow.
And the Lothaire cover doesn’t work for me. A little disappointed there. But who cares? I still can’t wait to get my hands on
himthe book.Have a great weekend!
I’m really excited that she will go back and visit Pia and Dragos again! I hope you have a nice weekend too!
Thanks for the shoutout about the Elemental Assassin books. I appreciate it. ;-)
I’m kind of meh about the Lothaire cover too. The cover for Dreams of a Dark Warrior is probably my fav. I really like the style on that one and Demon from the Dark.
And Alex O’Loughlin is very nice to look at on Hawaii Five-0. So are Scott Caan and Daniel Dae Kim. And the show is fun too. Lots of action.
I might be the only one who has not seen Hawaii Five-0. Must remedy this! :)
YEA!!! More Gin and Finn.
Kid’s grow so fast. I just realized my baby is turning 10. *gasp* I was looking at baby pictures and remembering when she thought I hung the moon. *sniff-sniff*
Alex O’Loughlin is might fine. And 34 old? Egads. I must be ready to take a dirt nap then. LOL Hawaii 5-0 is a fav show of mine.
I agree with Lothaire cover. He looks sketchy. And for some reason I always pictured him darker.
When did 34 become older Tori? LOL. This is my last year to live it up apparently ;)
Squee – Pia and Dragos are getting another book. Love Dragos!! Though…um…not loving Lothaire on the cover. He almost has a creepy vibe to him on that cover. Not smexy.
An ‘older man’ is 34+?? No, no. Because then that implies I fall into the ‘older woman’ category and that’s just not fun to think about at all.
Yeah – the Lothaire cover is just meh.
I know – 34 is old? WTH?? ;) But I will stare at that tumblr all day ;)
Lothaire’s cover is cool,IMO, and I squee like a fansgirl when see Paul Marron at that cover, LOL! (yep, it’s cool because the model is Paul Marron ;) )
Why, Mandi, you don’t know Alex O’Loughlin? I suggest to you to watch Hawaii Five O! Lot of his hotness here!
I love it that so many people knew it was Paul Marron. Y’all are on top of things!!
I def need to watch Hawaii Five-0!!!!
Alex certainly is sex on a stick. Glad you are now acquainted. :)
mmm..acquainted with his stick..I mean yes! He is sex on a stick!
I LOVE Lothaire’s cover and really can’t wait for it. January? Poo! Great images for True Blood, too. Thanks for posting those! Yup yup, loved Alex in Moonlight…too bad it was cancelled.
January is TOO far away :(
Congrats to your preschooler. Umm…I noticed you said graduates. Is there a ceremony? (Sorry, very curious :)
As for Alex O’Loughlin…the big reason I watch Hawaii Five-O! *grin*
Oh yes – they sang songs and then their names get read and they get a diploma. Very cute to watch 5 yr olds try to shake hands and get their diploma with the other one. LOL. It was cute :)