10. My Week – The first full week of the kids home from school for the summer. When are they going back? We had a lovely time together. If nothing else, they make me laugh. Hard. Even when they are being bad, I have to bite my cheek so hard to act stern. I fail. LOL. They have the best sense of humor. And no, I’m not biased.
9. First of all, the second Deathly Hallows trailer has been released. Woo and Hoo! But – big Harry Potter news from yesterday – JK Rowling has announced – Pottermore, a new “online experience” that officially opens this October. The big news is that the Potter books will be available in e-book format through this site! (Formatted for many devices). She has also written some new material (about 18,000 words) about the characters and world etc.. For the full article – go here.
8. Last week I said I was going to read AJ’s Angels by L.A. Witt – and guess what – I did :) My mini review:
I don’t think I have a firm stance on cheating in books – sometimes I loathe it, other times I’m okay with it. In this book, the infidelity happens prior to the book starting. We meet Seb and Luke, four years after they Luke cheated on Seb (several times). They have not had contact in all of those years, and Luke comes in for a tattoo. From here these two struggle with their intense attraction for each other and of course, deal with their messy past.
It’s a pretty short novella but does a good job dealing with the cheating and moving forward. I think I would have liked it a little longer and maybe have gotten to know Luke better. But I also am satisfied with Seb’s acceptance of Luke’s apology. The epilogue one year into the future is nice too. Very hot smex :) Will definitely be reading more from LA Witt.
7. This week’s M/M read – Hot Head by Damon Suede. Firefighters…oh Smexy likes. I’ve read the first few pages. Griff, one of the heroes is in a kilt. A firefighter in a kilt. *bites lip* He has red hair and is 6’5 *bites lip harder* In one scene he has “morning redwood” *giggles* I’ll report back. (Amazon, Goodreads)
6. Thanks to a heads up from Smokin’ Hot Books, I found the cover to Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt. This is book three in her Maiden Lane series. I have LOVED both previous books, Wicked Intentions and Notorious Pleasures. Scandalous Desires features Silence and the river pirate Mickey – both who we have met (or at leastseen) in previous books. So excited to get their story! Releases this September.
5. Final Moob Update: Spoiler if you are not current with the tv series/book.
Besides that dark period, I loved this entire series. LOVED. Tyrion, played by Peter Dinklage blew me away. What a great actor and he had the best lines. I can’t wait for season two to start. I just downloaded book two onto my Kindle. Plan to read it nice and slow this summer :)
4. The Killing is over too! And wow – was not expecting that ending. Not cool producers! Who killed Rosie Larson? Well gee – you haven’t told us yet! My bet is on (spoiler)
Or are the setting us up yet again. SIGH! And HEY! The final scene with Detective Holder – WHAT? There better be a good reason for that scene. *bites nails*
Speaking of Detective Holder, aka Joel Kinnaman…hello Mr. Swedish accent. Man, I love him on this show. He better be around next season!
3. Kmont likes to tweet me delicious recipes that make me drool and run to my kitchen. Caramel-Filled Snickerdoodles…hell yes. Recipe.
2. Have you ever been walking around and thought- Gee, I wish I had liquor hidden in my shoes so I could sneak a drink? Well, you are in luck. The Flip Flask is now available. For $30, you can pour your favorite drink in your stinky shoes, and then take a sip. Good times, especially after you walk in public bathrooms. YUMMY! ;)
1. This weekend I’m going to the beach. I will be gone all next week. Don’t fear though! We still have reviews, we have some guest posts, an announcement about new reviewers, and Tori is doing her version of the top ten list next Friday! Yay! I’ll try to think about y’all as I’m sunbathing on the beach with my Flip Flask staring at the lifeguards ;)
Have I ever mentioned that once I had to be pulled out of the ocean by a lifeguard? I was in college, and in the ocean (in the Atlantic it is too brown to see your feet) and all of a sudden I had this horrible pain in my toe. I started screaming that a crab was attacking me (what?) but really I had stepped on a big fish hook, that went through the bottom of my toe, all the way up through my toe nail. Gross. And owie. The lifeguard dragged me out of the ocean and drove me to the clinic on his little atv. I tried to convince him I had inhaled water and needed some mouth to mouth but he didn’t go for that.
Let’s see what gross, dirty thing I can step on this year! LOL. Have a great week!
I love that you tried to get him to give you mouth to mouth. I take it he was a HAWT firefighter??
I’ll miss you next week!! But have a blast at the beach! *hugs*
Haha..I may have fibbed that part. GIGGLES! *looks at husband* LOLOL
I’m 100 pages away from finishing book 2 of GoT… I’m not going to spoil you, but so far I haven’t seen anybody with potencial moobs… *sigh and shakes head*
When I was like 17 years old I decided to go to the beach without breakfast, guess what, after 40 minutes of sunbathing I decided I was hungry and should go back home. I took 2 steps and fainted … Woke up with dozens of people discussing what they should do with me… =S The lifeguard guy gave a soda but also refussed to do basic CPR…
I didn’t think there would be potential moobs in bk 2. SIGH.
A soda and no cpr? How dare he! ;)
Wasn’t Game of Thrones awesome?!?! I’m with you, Tyrion is def. one of my favorite characters… and he is an amazing actor. I’m enjoying some of his fabulous one-liners again while reading the book! I don’t think I’m going to read Book 2 yet, though…. I kind of liked the shows to be a surprise to me… then I followed it up by reading that part in the book, kwim? Love your top tens! :)
I know – I might want to be surprised with show – but I don’t think I can wait that long to see what happens next! Decisions, decisions!
I love this “Your moobs rocked my world. They were epic. They were moobtastic” Mandi you are too much!! :)
I’ll have to try that recipe, those snicker doodles looks yummylicious!
Is the moob love over the top? HAHAHA
Wait…what?? Khal dies??? WTF? See I only watch this show through your posts and I was looking forward to more moob posts and now we won’t get them? I am going to pout in the corner!
LOLOL. It’s over AMY! Damn it! *sobbing*
No idea what I will blog about in the future!
It’s Jason Momoa. I’m sure he’ll be shirtless on another show soon. Maybe he was without shirt in North Shore, that cheesy show where he played a bartender in Hawaii. Or Baywatch. Man is too hot to stay shirted. Conan the Barbarian’s about to come out, too. You know he’ll be shirtless in that movie.
What? A damsel in distress and he wouldn’t give you mouth to mouth? Jeez, that’s harsh :)
Hope you have a good time at the beach!
I know..what is up? LOL
FAB top ten Mandi. Caramel snickerdoodles-OMG! My daughter will be in heaven! So sorry about Khal on GOT. Wonder if he’s going back to Stargate Atlantis now??? As for The Killing-I’m not thoroughly convinced that Darren is the bad guy-though boy is there strong evidence. Who was in the photos that the other candidate brought to Gwen? Was it Darren and Rosie? I may have to watch epi again. And Holder; well, that just a huge WTF! Didn’t know he was Swedish. ;) The flip-flask slays me. Just another get rich quick scheme I didn’t think of. Have a wonderful time at the beach and while I wish you many gorgeous eye-candy lifeguards…I hope no one needs any CPR!
Gah! I can’t believe The Killing ended like that! WHO is in the car with Holder? When will Holder call me and speak Swedish? All of these very important questions.
I need to watch the old Stargate shows to see Momoa…oh yes!
No more SGA, ever. Sadly. *sadface* Not even a movie. *shakes fist of rage at Bridge and MGM* Curse you, bean counters. Curse to the depths of Wayne Knight naked singing I’d Do Anything But I Won’t Do That in your dreams!
I miss Ronon’s grunts and amusement at the inept Earth people that keep running into traps while he just goes and eliminate the problems with a blaster gun. Cause he’s awesome that way. (Okay, fine, and how both Pegasus members of the team snickered at the odd, odd ways of the Earth peoples.)
You’re going to the beach! Why do I suddenly hear the theme song of Baywatch ;) Have fun there and if you see some beachcake…snap a pic for all of us :)
I’ve got Hot Head on my iPad as well and looking forward to meeting this firefighter *waggles eyebrows*
PS; that recipe is an invitation to carb sin!
We’ll have to talk after you read Hot Head. I’m about 1/4 in..so far so good :)
Thanks for the Harry Potter info Mandi, I keep hoping she will write some new books. And have fun at the beach!
‘moobtastic’ – LOL! Love that word. And so sad about Mr. Moob :(
Your description of the Atlantic is perfect! I went to the NJ beach every summer as a kid. Jellyfish, seaweed, those little crabs that pinch your toes and even horseshoe crabs (big freakin’ suckers) – *shudders* Well, the adult me shudders. The kid me didn’t care about all that stuff. Ah, those blissful uncaring kid days. lol
I mourn for the moobs. They were a sight to behold. It should be illegal for that man to wear a shirt. Srsly, I think we should start a petition.
Also, weren’t the final scenes with him and Dany just HEARTBREAKING. I swear I spent the whole of the the last two episodes of GOT crying my eyes out. I also have a teeny, teeny crush on Tyrion. He pulled me in when he slapped Prince ‘reason incest is illegal’ Joffrey and I fell at his Goonies style confession at the Eyrie.
Still we shall have more moob sightings this summer when Jason Momoa is CONAN! OH yes, more sweaty moobs.
Have a great trip. If you come back into service and get hit with a gazillion messages all I can say is…oops. :P
*sniff* Since I can’t fully appreciate the Kahl moob fest (no cable) but I support you all out of love. I do have the book but I haven’t started yet.
I cannot WAIT for Scandalous Desires!! Is it bad I want Silent to both smooch on and beat Mickey?
After last sunday I googled ‘life size posters of sexy Khal Drogo’. I needs his moobs on my closet door!
PS Joel Kinnaman —> Oh my god he’s swedish?! He just became that much hotter to me.
Man, I was so *pissed* about ‘The Killing’!
And the producer said that the ending wouldn’t have changed, regardless if there was a second season commissioned or not (so if the show wasn’t picked up, fans would have just NEVER known who the murderer was?! WTF?!)
Luckily for me, I have bought the original Danish version from Amazon UK (22 episodes – with a promise that we know who the killer is by the finale. YES!)
RIP Moobs – totally agree. I must start reading these books, ASAP.
You’ll love how hairy Griff is, I bet. ;) I fell for his kilt too.
Have a great time at the beach, Mandi! Try not to drown while seducing another lifeguard to do mouth to mouth *g*
Come back Khal! I need more moobs! Conan can’t come to theaters fast enough for me!! I can’t wait til next season. Love that show! I just downloaded the GoT books too, can’t wait t read your review. Enjoy your vacay dear :)
kilted firefighters? OMG! you have sold me…
I cry at the loss of my moob man. I want him back. NOW.
Ugh fishhook!
Aye *sad face*
No more GoT for a while and I still got lots of eps left, but hey I know what is happening so I can wait
Mandi, I have shoes that have a hidden compartment for umm…something like a bill of money or umm something plastic with something green. Not like I’d use it but its there
…I must admit to not watching GoT. I’m a bad, bad fantasy fan. I know. But I got kinda squicked out on episode one. Plus, I didn’t wanna see my beloved Hottie McHot die. I didn’t want my lovely man to be taken away…again.
Heroes in a kilt. Now I’m imagining Ba’al in a kilt. Darn it.
*ducks flying objects* I haven’t seen The Killing, either.
Those flips had me laughing, especially once you joked about the public restrooms! Hope you are having fun at the beach!
Boy! If you think you cannot get enough of Khal–and he is gone–take a look at some of the clips of Conan. Jason Momoa who plays both characters is mighty fine to look at. Hope he is a fine person as well but he sure has it in the looks department.
From meeting Momoa at a con? Up close, like speaking him outside the panels, he’s an utter sweetheart. I found out that he wears glasses because he can’t wear contacts for some reason. He was in awe of my contacts I’d bought in the dealer room. That was the second time I’d met him. First time, I squeaked when he stood up. But he’s really quite lovely, treats his fans with respect and as individuals, full attention. I wish he was going to be there this year again, since Flanigan’s coming back. Watching them act like friends, almost family, makes you respect him more.
Hey Mandi! Thanks for the shout out. :) And for the bitten lip… LOL I hope Griff and Dante did right by you…
I’m giving Game of Thrones a try since there is so many great reviews on the HBO series. I don’t like to see a series before I read a book. So far the first book is awesome. There is like three million characters and I had to make a STUDY GUIDE to keep up but other than that it is awesome so far! YAY!! I need a series to jump into.
Oh yay! In this instance, I read the book while I watched the show – they did a great job following so closely!!
And I agree – so many characters. I should have made a spreadsheet! ;)
Let me know how you like it!