The Secret Guide To Dating Monsters (Secret McQueen 0.5) by Sierra Dean
Paranormal Romance
July 19, 2011
Samhain Publishing
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “Girls who think boobs are their most distracting assets haven’t been watched by a vampire.”
Secret’s best friend, Mercedes, has the perfect man for her. Secret’s life doesn’t lend itself to many possible romantic interests so she decides to accept the latest blind date offering. When Secret meets her blind date, the luscious Detective Tyler Nowakowski, she decides that perhaps the Gods are finally smiling down on her. But Secret should know by now that her life is far from easy so when her handler, Holden, shows up with a job from the Tribunial, Secret does her best to keep her date and her life.
The Secret Guide To Dating Monsters is the prequel to Ms. Dean’s wonderful and already released novel-Something Secret This Way Comes. Set approximately 1 year prior, we get a taste of what life is like for Secret McQueen from a relationship stand point. We are shown what happens when you date monsters-from a ‘monster’s’ point of view. Humor and caricature blends perfectly with heavy action and some intriguing romantic interludes. A fast paced storyline engages you quickly as you watch Secret go into action securing her target and her date.
I found Secret to be as energetic and engaging in this novella as I did in Something Secret This Way Comes. She comes across as more mature and decisive here, which I enjoyed. She handles Holden and her date with plenty of snark and humor which leads to some pretty humorous scenes in the story. I look forward to seeing more of Holden and her date in the future.
The ending is right on target and I cannot wait to see what Ms. Dean has in store for us and Secret in her next book, A Bloody Good Secret, set to release September 2011.
Rating: B+
Recent Reviews:
The Book Pushers – B+
Fiction Vixen – B
Book Lovers Inc – 5/5
This was my first Sierra Dean read and I really enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to more.
I really like this series. Secret is great and Ms. Dean just keeps upping the ante in this storyline.
Ohhhh good to hear! :)
Great review Tori! =)
Thank you! :)
Thanks for the wonderful review and the lovely comments, ladies.
That said, I I just stopped by to stare at the picture of Matthew Lewis on the side bar. *drool*
Isn’t he purdy?