Wolf Town by Joely Skye (Wolf Town Trilogy #1)
M/M Romance
June 15, 2010
E-Book, Novella
Reviewed by Mandi
Scott Lund has been living a very lonely existence for the past nine years. A Minder, he has psychic abilities that allow him to manipulate others minds. He is able to push thoughts into people to make them do his will. Scott was abused once when he lived in a pod, with other Minders. Never wanting to experience that again, he has been on the run for years – trying to stay one step ahead of those who hunt him down.
Rory, a werewolf has been tipped off that Scott might be in danger. Being a wolf, he is unaffected by Rory’s mind tricks. His mission is to just be an invisible bodyguard, but after a few days of just being bored, Rory makes contact. Scott is extremely wary and skittish, but he recognizes Rory as not a threat – and there is also an attraction between them.
Wolf Town is a pretty good novella that introduces us to Scott and Rory and we get to see just the start of their relationship. Scott is so scared of being found and forced to live in a pod with other Minders. He is also not used to being around people – so Rory baffles him. There is definitely trust issues throughout the book which I liked. But I do question why Rory initiates sex with Scott the first night they meet. It didn’t make sense that Rory would make this step and Scott would let it happen. It felt very rushed to me. But, after this scene – Scott definitely keeps his distance and Rory respects that and from here I really enjoyed how their relationship unfolds. It is very complicated and I can why this is a trilogy. Their relationship will grow throughout all three books. Rory is lovable and patient, and I like them together.
Although we get a brief glimpse of the Minders who are the bad guys in this book, I really wish we would have seen more of them to understand Scott’s fear. I love how his fear is portrayed, I just wanted to see more of why he acted that way.
Rating: B-
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Push Pull by Joely Skye (Wolf Town Trilogy #2)
M/M Romance
July 26, 2011
Reviewed by Mandi
Push Pull starts a few months after Wolf Town ends. Scott is still leery of his place in Wolf Town, feeling more like a burden to Rory and his family. He tries to make up for feeling out of place by doing a ton of chores and trying to make everyone happy – but he is failing at making himself happy. He is opening up more to Rory, and their new relationship is coming along. Scott has taken a job as the mailman, and just when he does, he starts getting threatening postcards. They are sent by Garrett, who Scott used to live with in a pod many years ago. Scott escaped that life, and now Garrett wants revenge. Too afraid that Rory will get hurt, he decides not to tell him what is happening and plans to just up and leave. But his new found friends have a different plan.
In this book we definitely get the presence of the villain a lot more, and the threat against Scott felt more realistic than book one. Scott though is still pretty down on himself in this book. For a time, I started to question Rory’s attraction to Scott. But this is a trilogy, so hopefully by the end of book three, their relationship will feel complete. To me, it still feels like he is holding himself back from Rory and I’m looking forward to seeing the real Scott come through.
I’m still a little unclear with the Minders and exactly their place in this world. Are they all evil? Obviously Scott isn’t. Is he in the minority? Can they be allowed to just roam around influencing everyone’s mind? I think more backstory to them would be beneficial. Otherwise, I’m curious to see how this trilogy is wrapped up and I’m looking forward to more of Scott’s journey.
Rating: C+
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I hav ethos series on my list. Thanks for the review. I will definitely pick them up soon.
Lovely review Mandi. I think I have another book by this author I haven’t read…I will have to dig it out, and look for these. Thank you :)
Skye has a minder series (I haven’t read it) but it has a book in it called Minder. Maybe this is a theme she has going through her books? IDK. :)