Blood Hunt (The Sentinel Wars #5) by Shannon K. Butcher
Paranormal Romance
August 7, 2011
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “Okay. Take a peek, but I swear if you try anything funny, I’ll beat your head in with my flashlight.”
Ms. Butcher once again delivers a dark, gritty, action packed story that held me spellbound. A smooth storyline and continuously evolving arc engages the reader and sets a fast pace. The premise revolves around Logan and Hope; two fantastic characters whose innate loyalties often overrides their wants and needs. This book is a mind blowing whirlwind to read as Ms. Butcher goes in-depth into multiple character storylines and POV’s which I loved. We don’t see a lot of our previous heroes and heroines, but we do get some staggering scenes with Sybil, Joseph, and meet some new characters that clues us into future storylines that promise this series will continue to blow us away.
Hope is strong, intelligent, and street savvy. Abandoned as a child, she grew up on the streets. She doesn’t trust many and Logan’s charm doesn’t make him an instant good guy with her. She has made a life for herself as an artist but never forgot where she came from and spends time helping in the shelter where she was raised. When she meets Logan, she sees something in him that calls to her on a visceral level but she doesn’t trust him.
Logan and his brother Tynan have spent hundreds of years, the bearers of an cruel curse, to bring together compatible mates that will ensure them a race of humans whose blood will keep them alive. When Logan chances upon Hope, he takes her blood and realizes that it is the ultimate essence and he will do anything to possess her for Project Lullaby. As he spends more time with her, he begins to want her for himself even though he knows he cannot. She must mate with a chosen. But Logan doesn’t take into account Hope’s wants and needs.
Hope is trying to find her friends that are missing from the homeless shelter. Logan makes a deal with her. He will help her find them if she agrees to testing and meeting potential mates. While Logan pushes Hope towards accepting his offer, Hope pushes back, letting Logan know that manipulation and coercion isn’t appreciated.
“Is that how you live your life? Counting the cost of your service to others so the debt can be repaid? “
“It only seems fair that if I help you, you would offer me something in return.”
“Fair. I see. Thanks for your offer but no thanks…I’m not the kind of person who is willing to strike a deal with an asshole.”
As Hope and Logan spend more time together, Hope does everything she can to understand his life and the war he is involved in. She also makes it perfectly clear that while she can not be his peoples’ savior, she can be his.
This story is rich in action and suspense. The romance blends with well with the main conflict. Sensual emotional love scenes are more plentiful-which I greatly appreciated. We see more realism in Hope and Logan’s relationship. The Sanguiner seem more modern and less ‘desperate’ acting than the Sentinels. While it is in the Sanguiner’s best interest to find compatible mates, they use more Machiavellian methods in obtaining what they want. They don’t employ the same hunter/prey tactics as the Sentinels and the Slayers do. I enjoyed the easy going and humorous banter between Logan and Hope. He doesn’t scare or intimidate her.
“Are you saying he was trying to fix me up with another guy? After that chauvinistic asshole…I’m never trusting a Sanguiner’s opinion of men again.”
Ms Butcher continues to change up and expand on the arc to ensure no repetition or boredom. What I truly love about Ms. Butcher’s books, and hopes she never changes, is her concept of good and evil. She blurs the lines. The Sentinels and the Sanguiner use nefarious means to achieve their goals as much as the Synestryns. We see lines being crossed, misconceptions capitalized on, and actions being questioned. You never know till the end how it will all play out.
Her characters are rich in depth, development, and personality. Ms. Butcher imparts diversity and individualism into her character dialogue. You are able to connect to them rather them just reading about them. Each one is viable enough for their own book. Ms. Butcher’s style of writing intertwines new and old story lines in a way that doesn’t leave you over whelmed by the sheer amount of knowledge she imparts.
The ending is a mixture of explosive action, finger clenching tension, and a mind blowing conclusion. I honestly couldn’t see how it would end in the way I wanted but Ms. Butcher once again manages to achieve the impossible. The Sentinel Wars continues to be one of my favorite series and I look forward to the next, title and release date to be announced.
Rating: A
Recent Reviews:
Wow, the way you describe this authors way of storytelling!! I must sample it ;)
I love this series.
Hey Tori-awesome review. I think I have the first book in this series in my TBR-somewhere along the way it got pushed to the bottom. Your review makes me want to dig it up and put it on top!
Thank you. :)
Great review and I can wait to read about Logan. Time to learn a little more about his “human” side-passions, love, and humor. I’ve read all the other books in the serious and know this book will offer the same “hold on to your hats (or sometimes swords) action” as the others.
Logan really comes to life in here. I enjoyed seeing the ‘real’ him.
Excellent review! I’m planning to snap up my copy first thing tomorrow on the release date August 2nd. Developing richly onward in the Sentinel Wars world from book four, Living Nightmare, this series has been getting better and better.
Each book fits snugly into the overall series story arc but at the same time is completely accessible as a stand-alone. If you start with the first in the series, Burning Alive, that’s fine — but you’ll be just as pleased if you happen to start off with another in the series and then go back to enjoy those earlier books.
Shannon K. Butcher is shaping up to be a hot, innovative writer who’ll be there for the long run, always satisfying her readers.
Thank you and I agree. Between this one and her last one-we are really going forward in the arc.
Oh sounds really good. I will start this series at some point. I always see such good reviews.
It’s really good FV.
Great review Tori! I can’t wait to read this one :)
Look at that guy..yes I like ;)
Wow I just love that 2nd last paragraph, you say it so well