One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost (Night Huntress #6)
Paranormal Romance
August 30, 2011
Reviewed by Mandi
One Grave at a Time is book six in one of my favorite paranormal series. What I love is that Jeaniene Frost has given us a series where the hero and heroine has had a very strong relationship since book one. Okay, maybe they had some time apart between book one and book two (four years, but who is counting?) but for the most part these two have been a couple. They have had their ups and their very big downs, but Jeaniene Frost has made their relationship fresh and engaging in each book. She has shown that six books into a series, you can still be rooting for a couple and it doesn’t get old. Of course, they are extremely hot together, and as individuals really fun characters.
Cat’s good ghost buddy, Fabian has learned of some disturbing news. Fabian’s ghost crush, Elisabeth tells them that centuries ago, Heinrich Kramer was a witch hunter now turned ghost. And every October 31st, he is able to manifest a solid, physical form, where he rapes and tortures three women before burning them at the stake. Elisabeth, having known Heinrich all those years ago, has been pursuing him ever since. But trying to kill a ghost, when you are a ghost yourself is not an easy thing to do. So Elisabeth pleads to Bones and Cat for their help.
Cat still has some residual magic that lets her call to ghosts after drinking the voodoo queen of New Orleans blood recently. This power lure ghosts to her and she also can strip their free will – something she will gladly do to Kramer. But once they meet Kramer, they realize they are up against an extremely violent threat. Kramer can throw physical objects at them with extreme force, yet he can’t be grasped because he isn’t quite in a physical form. But they refuse to let him win and continue to harm more women, so with the help of some old and new friends, they pursue him.
One Grave at a Time presents a very evil villain. One that just keeps coming, and coming. He never gives up and really gives Cat, Bones and friends a run for their lives. They are truly stumped as to how to either kill or permanently trap this ghost. In terms of villains in this series, he definitely tops the list.
Bones and Cat are now in a point in their relationship where they will only move forward. They are past the trust issues and all the messy stuff. Last book they both really started to appreciate what they have, and even though they are immortal, there are still ways one of them could die. They lead very dangerous lives. They recognize the fact that what they have is so, so good – and they are going to live each day remembering this. Even in this book, Bones reminds Cat that although he would love to track Kramer down and give him his due, they might fail. They might never catch up with him or out maneuver him. And that is okay. Living an immortal existence, Bones doesn’t want to spend the next 100 years chasing this hard to catch ghost. You don’t hear the big alpha in urban fantasy books talk about failure much and I really like that Bones is going into this dilemma with that on his mind.
While they have some intimate moments in this book, we only get one sex scene. I kind of wish there had been at least one more, What? I’m a Bones hussy. He is such an awesome hero – I wanted to see him naked more. I’m not ashamed! Plus the sex scene we get is a little…crazy. I wanted to see them in a more intimate setting.
The plot in this one is okay. I did love the villain, but at the same time it just wasn’t my favorite storyline. While I definitely recommend this book, I never had any “OMG this is so good” moments while reading it. I guess on the other hand I wasn’t disappointed. It’s good, just not my favorite of the series. But I love these characters so much and this book is fun.
While we miss Vlad and Mencheres in this one (and only get a tiny bit of Tate who is a favorite of mine!) we do get a good bit from Ian. We also meet a new character Tyler, who is a medium who helps out Cat and Bones. He also is very much attracted to Ian
“Tyler, meet Ian,” I said without bothering to turn around.
“Daddy like,” Tyler breathed.
He straightened his shoulders, fixing his most winning smile on his face as he all but pushed me out of the way. The jostling turned me enough to get a view of the other vampire. ian leaned against the doorframe, his auburn hair rustling in the breeze and turquoise eyes watching everything with his unusal devilishness.
“I thought Bones looked like a little slice of heaven, but you’re the whole cake, aren’t you sugar?”
Tyler might not be my favorite character, but he has a few cute lines. We also meet Jason Madigan, who is now in control at the secret Homeland Security that keeps the public safe from supernatural threats. While Cat’s uncle Don used to run that operation, he is now a ghost and Tate was suppose to have taken over. Let’s just say tensions run very high with Jason. He doesn’t like Cat or Bones, nor Tate, and Don (who is still with us in ghost form) seems to be keeping secrets. Very interested to see how this all plays out in future books.
Rating: B, maybe B-
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That ONE sex scene was definitely not enough and NOT in the place that I would have chosen! Glad to know I am not the only one with the same issues involving this book. LOL
Although, I did love the fact on how Tyler zeroed in on Ian!
I have grown to love Ian – he has some great lines and scenes in this book!!
Only one scene of naughty bits?! Alas. This fellow Bones hussy is a little disappointed in that, but I’m sure I’ll get over it by daydreaming about Vlad’s book coming out…
Only see the naughty bits once *sob* ;)
Very excited for Vlad’s book – plus at the end of this one is an excerpt for the upcoming Christmas novella with Bones and Cat…looks cute.
I didn’t LOVE the last book but you know I’ll still be reading this one too :) Thank you for the review!!!
I think you will like this one better :)
I agree with everything you said in your review. I was soooo disappointed by that sex scene. No bueno! Hopefully Frost will make it up to us in the next book. I loved Tyler. He cracked me up. And I’m glad that Ian had a bigger role in this book.
There is a lot of time focused on their relationship, but I wanted to see them in action more….LOL.
Tyler grew on me throughout the book, although I really like (or love to hate) Jason. Can’t wait to get more from his character
I just had to come back and see if their was other hussies out there like us Smexy!
We are so bad and corrupted! LMAO
*giggles* No, we just like our Bones smut!! He is only one of my favorite heroes…EVER
I only discovered Jeaniene Frost and this series this year. Agency-pricing be d***ed, I bought and I inhaled all of the books. I eagerly await this one to arrive on my Kindle tomorrow!
I think I discovered this series on book 3 – and yeah – didn’t do much for a couple of days but read this series! LOL. So fun. Hope you enjoy this one!
ONLY ONE SEX SCENE!?!? NOOOOOOOOO! I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! Even if it’s not the greatest in the series, I’ll still be reading this one.
LOL..I know, bummer right? Still a fun read….
Kinda just skimmed because I want to read this one soon. I look forward to Bones and Cat each and every time!! <3
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts :)
This is another series that I have heard so much about and yet have not gotten into. This is book six now…I’ll never catch up!
I liked this one. Tyler was hilarious and Ian was his usual glorious PITA self. LOL I liked that Bones and Cat seemed more serious about their relationship. I did think the ending was abrupt. I wanted to more.
Cat’s uncle Don is starting to get on my nerves (story wise) and I really want Cat or Bones to slap him repeatedly.
Kitty :)
Ok, lol, I’ll try to forget about the cute kitty on the cover. Great review as always