Wild & Steamy by Meljean Brook, Jill Myles, and Carolyn Crane
Paranormal Romance
August 3, 2011
Self Published
Reviewed by Tori
The Blushing Bounder by Meljean Brook
An Iron Seas novella. The search for a killer puts Detective Inspector Mina Wentworth’s life in danger and her assistant, Constable Newberry, in the line of fire. But Newberry faces a danger of another kind: to his heart, by the woman forced to marry him. What will it take for this prudish bounder to convince his wife to stay? (Goodreads)
I adore Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas series and liked learning more about the ever repressed stalwart Constable Newberry. This one takes place before The Iron Duke so no fear of being lost or what not. I found the intertwining story lines wonderful with plenty of action and intrigue though I admit to being more in enthralled by the mystery then the romance. Ms. Brook gives us quite a bit of information about London and the attitudes of the New Worlders.
Vixen by Jill Myles
A shifter novella. Miko’s denied her were-fox nature for far too long and turned her back on her vixen heritage. But when she meets two very sexy cat-shifters, she has to decide if she truly wants to give up on her frisky side, or embrace it. Because the were-fox in her doesn’t want to choose between both men…it wants them both. (Goodreads)
Ms. Myles writes a erotic enjoyable ménage story about a young woman who would rather be alone than at the mercy of her promiscuous fox nature. When her mother sends two gorgeous men to act as bodyguards Miko realizes that she can be faithful with the right incentive. I enjoyed the seamless way the romance intertwines with the mystery with no over the top entanglements or angst. I did feel that Miko got over her issues a little quick but maybe that’s why she was hiding in the woods in the first place. No willpower. :) It ended a little abruptly for me. I wished to stay longer and see more of their relationship together.
Kitten-tiger & the Monk by Carolyn Crane
A Disillusionists novella. Sophia Sidway, Midcity’s most dangerous memory revisionist, seeks out the mysterious Monk in the wasteland beneath the Tangle turnpike, hoping for redemption…but it turns out that the Monk is not all that pious, and the turnpike is no turnpike at all. (Goodreads)
I have read and reread Ms. crane’s Disillusionists series and cannot WAIT for book 3. Which unfortunately isn’t out till December. Sophia has an unusual gift-she can “revise” people’s memories. After years of doing this, she is tired and realizes that she has caused more harm than good and wants to be rehabilitated. Doing so requires the help of one of the most dangerous disillusionists in the city-Monk. I liked seeing Sophia finally realize the harm she has wrought and having her deal with someone who not only knows what she is, but can beat her at her own game. Ms. Crane continues to create and evolve characters who aren’t the nicest within a world of illusion and betrayal. Plenty of action and revelation that goes far in explaining the past and the future of this world.
Overall rating: B
Recent Reviews:
Fiction Vixen – B
Smart Bitches Trashy Books – A
Book Girl of Mur-y-castell
I can’t wait for the next Iron Seas book :D
And wohoo I still got Crane 2 to read
Me neither!
I liked this Antho. Very excited about the next release in the Disillusionist series and looking forward to reading more from Jill Myles and Mejean Brook.
I want Meljean’s and Carolyn’s new releases so bad!!!
*raises hand* I have a question.
I… err… *gulp* …I haven’t read any of Meljean or Carolyn’s work yet (OMGPLEASEDON’THURTME!!! D: !!!). However! I did buy this antho. Would you say that their stories work for someone who hasn’t read the series that their stories are based on? Will they make sense to a newb? Or should I start with the series and then read the novellas?
BAD GIRL! lol Just kidding. Actually you could read it now with no problem. Meljean’s takes place before her first book in the series (The Iron Duke) and even though Carolyn’s is set between her 2 & 3rd book of series it’s a stand alone story. Jill’s is a stand alone that doesn’t connect to any of her series books as far I know.
Can’t wait to read this one! AND to get more full lengths from all of these authors!
@Jess: I bought this antho on the basis of the shiny SBTB review–I hadn’t read any of the three authors before–and ended up loving the world Carolyn Crane built in just that short story. I’ve since gobbled up the two Disillusionist books and am anxiously waiting for the third. I liked Meljean Brook’s story well enough, too. Shapeshifting is still a tough sell for me :)
Oh, and, er…I’m delurking for the first time here, I think, so… Hello!
Thank you, everybody! Turns out Binah has Carolyn’s first book. I’ll read it after her and also grab a copy of Meljean’s first book soon.
Thanks for the review. I picked this up and need to make time to read. I love Iron Seas!
For Carolyn’s novella: I haven’t read her series, but plan to read the first book next month. Will the novella be a spoiler?
Not really.