Who is Veronica Wolff? Give us the low down.
I’m a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kinda girl. I have two bickering kids, a couple of rescue dogs, a cat who meows at all the wrong times, and a snake for whom I bear a deep and abiding resentment. I enjoy walking on the beach in San Francisco and traveling to the mountains in Tahoe, too. I am a cookie fanatic. I hate talking on the phone, and so writing is my dream job. I can be both a morning and a night person, which means I steal the occasional nap. I drink my coffee black…generally wishing I had a cookie to go with it.
Your previous works are all about highlanders. What made you turn to the paranormal and vampires?
Don’t ask me why, but for some reason, vampire books are the ones most likely to keep me up all night reading. Also, I enjoy traveling through the Scottish Highlands and Islands, and something about the isolated landscape, the wind, the rocks, and the gray sky…it got me thinking about vampires. Enough so that I knew I wanted to write a book about them.
This book has been called The Hunger Games meets vampires. Do you think that is an accurate description?
Oh, jeez, honestly, I am loath to compare this to any book, especially something as magnificent as The Hunger Games. I think one reason Collins’s book has had such resonance—aside from her breathtaking writing—is its cultural relevance…the hints of a society addicted to reality TV and how the 24/7 news phenomenon has turned wartime into something that can be consumed from afar. So, no, in my mind, there is scant comparison between The Hunger Games and Isle of Night, which I feel is much more of a popcorn sort of book.
I can see, however, why some have drawn that parallel. There is a similarity in its almost gleeful, Gladiator-like approach to violence. Plus, we both have some pretty kick-ass heroines who dig deep and use their wits and unique strengths to survive. But, if anything, I think my series will ultimately have more to say about gender than it will about any sort of dystopian society.
In Isle of Night, the heroine Annelise has a genius IQ, but soon learns she needs physical strength to survive at her new challenge in life. Give us some insight into writing this heroine.
I loved writing her. I’m not very physical myself, and it was exhilarating to channel all of my fiercest fantasies. It helps that I have a petite critique partner (the fabulous Kate Perry) who doubles as a Kung Fu Master—I’ve seen first-hand how powerful and lethal things can come concealed in small packages.
Let’s talk Ronan – the very sexy Tracer who lures new people to the school. How much romance can be expected in this series or will we be teased through many books?
I’m a romance writer and romance reader at heart. To me, every story, every arc, every character’s motivation…it all comes down to the needs of the heart. So, yes, there will be romance, but expect it to be teased out. As every book will be told from Annelise’s point of view, there won’t be a tidy happily-ever-after at the end of each one.
Why make all the trainees (to eventually become vampires) males and all the Watchers (who watch over the vampires) female? Why make becoming a vampire a man’s destiny? (or is that a secret?)
Nice try, but I am so not talking! :)
Rats! Well I tried ;) What are some of your favorite books and authors?
Ooh, that’s a long answer! Here’s a top-of-the-mind scattershot list of my standouts. I’ll undoubtedly think of more the moment I send this! The Stand by Stephen King. I read and re-read Georgette Heyer. The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. Everything Jane Austen. Anything Charlaine Harris. George R.R. Martin. Robin Hobb. Jennifer Echols. Lillian Beckwith’s The Hills is Lonely. Juliet Marillier’s Sevenwaters Trilogy. The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell. Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. I adored Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson. There’s also Linda Howard, Catherine Coulter, Karen Marie Moning, Lisa Kleypas, Loretta Chase, Julia Quinn, Elizabeth Hoyt, and too many other amazing romance authors to list here…and, oh yeah, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
Do you have a favorite way to celebrate release day?
I drop my kids at school, make a pot of coffee, put my butt in the chair, and get to work. Sadly, not very glamorous!
What is up next for you?
I’m launching Sierra Falls, a contemporary romance series set in a fictional small town in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It’s something completely different for me—there are four different points of view, two romances, and a cast of all ages. I’m always going to want some sort of action, though, so there’ll be some of that too! Look for it in April 2012.
And of course there’s the next installment in the Watchers series! Vampire’s Kiss hits the shelves in March 2012, and in it, you’ll find all that the title implies…you know, there’s a vampire and a kiss.
Thanks Veronica! Check out the trailer for Isle of Night too!

Today, I have one copy of Isle of Night to giveaway! Open to US only through September 17th. To enter, just leave a comment.
I enjoyed the interview. I agree with your list of favorite books, I have many of the same ones as favorites.
I would love to read your book.
This is a fantastic Interview. Mandi I am so jealous of your interviewing talent. And this books sounds Amazing!!!!
This sounds like such a unique, good book! Now, I am totally curious why the men are vampire and the women are watchers!!!
books4me67 at ymail.com
Great interview. Can’t wait to check out the book.
Great interview. Would love to read this book!
Great interview. Would love to read this book!
So excited for this book! Loved your sneaky question Mandi, don’t you just wish sometimes they wouldn’t realize what you’re up to and accidentally answer? :) Thanks so much for the giveaway too!
This books sounds awesome. Thanks for the giveaway. :)
Great interview. I love the cover of this book. This book looks great and would love to win and read this book. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. You guys give the best book and author recommendations and will have to go check out this book.
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by, and for the fantastic comments! As for why the men are vampires and the women Watchers, well, all will be revealed in time… ;)
Wow, that’s a lot of favorite books. Some I’ve read, some I haven’t. More books to put on my TBR list. :-D
Thanks for the giveaway. I’m really interested in reading The Isle of Night. I like reading books about vampires. I think it’s awesome that every author has a different idea of what a vampire is, what they can and can’t do, etc. Keeps things interesting.
great interview! This book sounds so cool, I would love to read it
I can so relate to the kids and the cat lol. I love books that are set in my own back yard of the Sierra Nevada. Isle of Night is on my wish list, thank you for the giveaway!
Would prefer not to be in deadly situations. However, I am physically pffffttt and love the idea of training to be strong and learning how to fight. A girl can dream.
You and me both! I think that’s why I made the training a challenge for her. Originally, I had this idea that I’d start going to the gym and take on a little of my character’s intensity. HA!!! That so didn’t happen.
I love how you interview so many authors :) P.S. The guy in the cover is quite divine
Isle of Night sounds good. I lke the cover.
It sounds interesting! I can’t get enough books, so thank you for the opportunity! It’s definitely going on my TBR list.
This book sounds so interesting. Thanks for the giveaway. Either way it is going on my TBR list. :)
This sounds like a great book. Every time I think I’m over vampires, a new book comes out that grabs my attention & won’t let go. I hope I win this!
Can’t wait to read this one. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the enthusiasm, everyone! Good luck to all of you!
I would love to read this one too. I understand not wanting comparsions but I loved Hunger Games so I think it will be right out my alley.
I can’t wait to read this novel! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Please count me in!
I would love to be entered for this one! It sounds like an awesome book.
old gfc follower
Great interview, i love the variety of authors she’s a fan of.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
Thank you for sharing about yourself and I can imagine you get tired of that too..*S*
Thank you for the contest, and I’ve put your book on my must have list too…*S*
pommawolf @hotmail.com
Would love to read this! Thanks for the giveaway.
Great interview ladies, I enjoyed reading it. And of course, as much as I love reading about Highlanders as well, I am very curious about this new book. As I have not read the Hunger Games (and wont) I will not be distracted by a comparison.
The book cover is beautiful! I love to read interviews with authors, years ago you didn’t have as many interviews unless the author happened to be in your town, Isn’t the internet wonderful.
Very enjoyable interview. I can definitely relate to you – my boys won’t stop bickering (especially in the car) and I hate the phone as well :) Thanks for the chance to win the book.
Awesome post and giveaway! Thanks soo much! I’ve just recently started seeing such wonderful reviews for this book so it’s definitely going on my wishlist!
GFC ~ erin
I like a lot of the authors you mention. However, there are quite a few I’m not familiar with. I will have to look them up. I couldn’t finish The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It made my uncomfortable. I think that Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games series is destined to become a classic. It is just amazing!
Love the cover! Isle of Night sounds like my kind of reading, so if I don’t win I’ll definitely be picking up a copy!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I can never have enough books and I would love to add this to my list!!
Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. I am a follower and email subscriber. Tore923@aol.com
Thanks again, everyone! I loved every single one of these replies! I hope you all enjoy the book. :)
I’d love to win this book.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love hearing the favorite authors and books of an author! Thanks so much for sharing!!