10. My Week – I went to my favorite used bookstore this week. It’s always a special treat to go to. It is owned by this very eldery man and last time I went, I dropped off many books, some brand new, some only read once – and he gave me about $.68 cents for the entire bag. I love him so much. LOL. You can find awesome, awesome deals in this store. The above picture is only one aisle of romance books he has. There is another side to it. Heaven.
9. It’s time to gather around Auntie Smexy again boys and girls. Big news from JR Ward. I had a total Twittergasm over it yesterday. JR Ward put two comments on her facebook page yesterday. First she said:
O.M.G……… the next hardcover BDB book after Tohr has just been decided upon- and I’m not allowed to announce until the spring (please please PLEASE someone ask me that first at the Cinci signing????) but all I can say is my editor, my publisher… are the SH*T!!!!!!
So I of course immediately think QHUAY. But I think…wait, wait..I don’t want to jump conclusions. But then I find another comment that JR Ward makes in the thread – she says:
I just didn’t even hope this would happen, you know???
That HAS to mean Qhuay….right? Why would she say that for a book about Lassiter, or Xcor or whoever else?
QHUAY IN HARDCOVER? Can it be true???? How will we wait until next April to have this confirmed? Thanks to Kate for the heads up.
8. Cara McKenna has a new release this week – Curio. A Parisian male prostitute is hired by a 30 yr old virgin, American girl (living in Paris). This novella is mighty sexy. MIGHTY SEXY. There is much build up to the sex – like pages of the hero pleasuring himself. *gulp* This book is also, warm and sweet. I really enjoyed it. My full review is on Goodreads. Right now, it is only available at Ellora’s cave. I recommend.
7. Cover Alert! About That Night by Julie James. I ADORE her release this year, A Lot Like Love (Which she is giving away 3 copies on her blog right now!). About That Night will be Kyle’s book, who is the brother of the heroine in A Lot Like Love. All of her books are wonderful…funny, sexy and smart. If you aren’t reading her, you are missing out.
I also can’t help staring at the male model’s boner on the cover. Yes I said boner. There is some tent action going on in those pants. But hey – I’m “Team Boners” so it’s cool with me. For the blurb and more info, head to Julie’s blog. This book comes out next April. Can’t wait! Thanks for the heads up Bells!
6. A new series alert, Phoenix Rising, I found over at Leontine’s blog. The first book, Fever is due out next Marc. Brief blurb:
When Dr. Alyssa Foster is taken hostage by a prison inmate, she knows she’s in deep trouble. Not just because Teague Creek is desperate for freedom, but because the moment his fingers brush against her skin, Alyssa feels a razor-sharp pang of need…
A man with a life sentence has nothing to lose. At least Teague doesn’t, until his escape plan developes a fatal flaw: alyssa. On the run from both the law and deadly undercover operatives, he can only give her lies, but every heated kiss tells him the fire between them could be just as devastating as the flames that changed him forever..
There is a much extended blurb on Leontine’s site along with blurbs for the other two books in the series. They look fun!
5. Big news from Amazon – they are coming out with the Kindle Fire. Like the iPad, but smaller and only $199. Pre-order is open! Ships mid-late November. I’m getting one. So excited!
Also – the regular Kindle is now just $79!!
AND – they now have a Kindle Touch for $99/$149.
4. Has everyone just instinctively put their hands over their girly bits? The Haunted Vagina..And her vagina is ACTUALLY HAUNTED. ….the blurb….
It’s difficult to love a woman whose vagina is a gateway to the world of the dead…
Steve is madly in love with his eccentric girlfriend, Stacy. Unfortunately, their sex life has been suffering as of late, because Steve is worried about the odd noises that have been coming from Stacy’s pubic region. She says that her vagina is haunted. She doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal. Steve, on the other hand, completely disagrees.
When a living corpse climbs out of her during an awkward night of sex, Stacy learns that her vagina is actually a doorway to another world. She persuades Steve to climb inside of her to explore this strange new place. But once inside, Steve finds it difficult to return… especially once he meets an oddly attractive woman named Fig, who lives within the lonely haunted world between Stacy’s legs.
O.M.G. I laugh every time I read that blurb. It never gets old. Ever. Dare I say..I’m a tiny bit..intrigued? Amazon, Goodreads. Thanks to May for the heads up. Via – The Bookish Snob.
3. You know Chris Hemsworth who played Thor this summer? He is going to be The Huntsman in the new Snow White and the Huntsman movie out in June of next year. Kristin Stewart is Snow White with Charlize Theron the Evil Queen. Thanks to May for the info! She gives me all the good stuff!
I’ve missed Thor and his mighty hammer. But now I have the Huntsman and his mighty axe. RAWR!
2. Oh what fun this is. A sexy calendar of male librarians!! Hellllooooo. Can someone point me to the libraries where these gentlemen work? Even better – ALL proceeds of this calendar go to the It Gets Better Project, which helps LBGT teens get through their hard, young adult years. A favorite organization of mine to support.
Go HERE to get your “Men of the Stacks” calendar. This will make a fun Christmas gift to give. (Thanks to Elyssa Papa for the link!)
1. This weekend I’m reading Dragon Actually by GA Aiken (I actually think I’ll be reading book two and three as well…loving so hard. There will be a blog post about this series next week!) and To Seduce an Earl by Lori Brighton. Happy Friday!!!!!
That Haunted Vagina blurb will stay with me forever. I’ll never be free of it. My eyes just kept getting wider and wider the more I read. That can’t be serious can it? *dies*
And QHUAY!!!!! Please be Qhuay. I can’t imagine she would be that overjoyed and shocked and whatever else if it wasn’t them. Of the people we have left, I think they are the ones whose story we’ve waited for the longest, so it would only seem logical that it’s the one she’s talking about. I hope:)
I know right…that vagina will haunt my dreams o_O. But the blurb…oh the fun with that blurb :)
*fingers crossed* for Qhuay!!!!
So much exciting news! Qhuay! Don’t want to get my hopes up!
Team Boners? LMAO
New Kindle – sweet! I just wish my Kindle showed the covers of the books in my library – I like to stare at them :)
Haunted Vagina? Hmmm….
Chris Hemsworth – I like him in hair dark, such a hottie!
And I am so buying that calendar, especially since it helps a great cause!
Dragon Actually and To Seduce an Earl – two of my FAVORITE authors (especially GA Aiken) I hope you adore them as much as I do. Annwyl – Oy…gotta love her!
Have a great weekend!
I meant dark hair…LOL
Isn’t that calendar cute?
I just started Dragon last night and Earl today- both are good so far!
GASP!!! A sexy calendar of male librarians?????? Expedited shipping please!!!!!!!
I know, right???
*dies laughing at Haunted Vagina* I HAD to send that to my gf Dina! ROFLMAO! priceless!
And pleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE Let it be teh QHUAY! *fingertoeseyescrossed* lol
I’m still LOL’ing at the Haunted Vagina!
The Haunted vagina, LOL! And how on earth did she survive him climbing inside,? Nightmares.
* looking at the boner* Damn you mandi ;)
I still can’t get over the fact that he climbs inside her vagina to explore..and then doesn’t want to leave. SNORT.
The boner is just sticking out there for all of us to stare at! LOLOL
Chris Hemsworth is on my list. That is a mighty fine picture of him.
If this the Qhay book, I will suspend my angst over Tohr getting a book too early. I have been foaming at the mouth for these two to get together.
I am still laughing on The Haunted Vagina. That’s one of the best things I have seen EVER.
OMG..I’ve never seen your list before. Add on Brandon Flowers, Jason Bateman, and James McAvoy and oh yeah…that is an awesome list! ;)
Awesome list. I can’t believe you have Tom Welling on there. I watched Superman only because he was on it! Nobody ever knows who he is. He has the bestest lips!
I could get on board with Team Boners. Can we get a badge? LOL
And I will say I thought Kyle looked like Sawyer from LOST? The cover model does not a Sawyer look-a-like make.
Yes – we all need a boner badge!
Oh right! That was one of my favorite parts of meeting Kyle is that she says he looks like Sawyer! That isn’t Sawyer at all!
oh well – he’ll be Sawyer in my head when I read it :)
Sawyer with a boner that is.
Sawyer with a boner…. *cue Beavis/Butthead moment*
Boner Badge!! That’s awesome. :)
Dear god let it be Qhauy :crosses fingers:
I love me some Cara McKenna so going to buy this one once little Fierce is in bed.
I hope you enjoyed Curio!
Hahahahaha the The Haunted Vagina!! OMG that’s so amazing, thank you for sharing that.
LOL :)
If the next book is not Qhuay I’m revolting. it must be Qhuay. I will expect nothing else!
Curio sounds right up my alley.
It has to be Qhuay, right?? RIGHT?
Simply fabulous! I knew it would be the pick up I needed!
I want to read the Haunted Vagina book-it’s just too weird not to! Very excited for Chris Hemsworth-I hope Kristen Stewart won’t ruin it. How is it that she keeps getting prime parts??? Love the calendar-super good cause….why aren’t all of them naked? ***smirk***
JR Ward is a mean woman. Her taunts are just cruel.
I want a Boner badge too!!!
LMAO…damn Kristen Stewart ;) How dare she invade our movies.
Don’t worry – there will be boner badges for all! ;)
Mandi, I love your site so much!!! I think that I live near you — would you mind telling me where that bookstore is that is your #1???
I emailed you :)
Thor, Boners and Haunted Vagina’s. Bahahaha!!
You, Madame have made my night.
Those three things are all you need really ;)
QHUAY!!! pleasepleaseplease that would be awesome! *fingers crossed*
Have I seen a “boner cover” before? I don’t think so…maybe she’ll start a trend ;)
Of all the things that are so wrong with the Haunted Vagina, I fixate on the fact that he finds another woman while he’s inside her haunted vagina. WTF?
Oh Patti – I fear if we start analyzing the motives behind the haunted vagina, we will get sucked in as well. Proceed carefully!
Oooo I need to visit that bookstore! All those lovely books looking for a loving home! The other news is great as well of course ;)
I wanted to take all those pretty books home with me. I did!
All I have to say is that I love librarians. I love the first guy telling us to shush. He is hot. Their are no librarians that look like that at any of the libraries I go to. Other wise I would be there all the time. Just reading and looking.
I’m right there with ya. I think we need to go on a road trip to find those fella’s!