We are happy to have Thea Harrison guest posting today!
My Casting of the Elder Races Heroes (to date)
When I sat down to write this posting for Smexy Books, my thoughts naturally turned to what I find smexy about the heroes in my Elder Races series. Then I thought almost immediately about pictures. So the following is a list of my personal casting for the heroes in the series (so far).
Dragos, from DRAGON BOUND. Now I have to admit, I’ve spun around and around trying to cast this one. Daniel Craig isn’t big enough. I’m sorry, I want him to be because I really think he’s got the capacity to pull off Dragos’s sharp-edged “machete” smiles, but he just isn’t. For a while I was really happy to go with Jason Mamoa (MOOBS!) as Dragos. But then I saw Joe Manganiello in an episode of True Blood, and I haven’t been able to shift from him since. I think he would make an awesome Dragos!
Tiago. Everybody who has read STORM’S HEART by now knows that Tiago looks like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, “only meaner.” I’m not even sure my own brain has the capacity to imagine that, as Dwayne Johnson looks pretty darn scary when he’s got his mad face going on.
Rune. I will always have a special spot in my heart for Rune. He’s just got something. The following is an excerpt from Rune’s POV in SERPENT’S KISS: “Not only did Rune like chick flicks and women’s fashions, but he also knew how to stop and ask for directions when he was lost. Plus he was secure in his masculinity. He might be one of the world’s only four gryphons, but he figured if you added those qualities up with all the rest, it made him unique as all shit.” Like when I saw Joe Manganiello in action, as soon as I watched some excerpts from Game of Thrones, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau became Rune in my mind. You can watch him in action:

In the Game of Thrones, the actor plays Jaime Lannister, who is not a sympathetic character—Lannister has an incestuous relationship with his sister and is capable of killing a child. But even with all of this firmly fixed in my mind, I just can’t believe Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is evil when I watch him. The YouTube trailer captures something really pretty spectacular that I keep seeing as Rune.
Gideon Riehl, Detective, Wyr Division of Violent Crime in NYPD. Samhain Publishing will be putting out an Elder Races novella in December of this year, entitled TRUE COLORS. The novella is set outside the main storylines in the books, so someone can read and enjoy it on its own. In fact, that is how my Samhain Editor first read the story. I adored writing Gideon’s story too, and I swear to you, it is not just my liking (obsession) with Daniel Craig that makes him such a good fit to portray Gideon’s character! Daniel Craig, 5’ 10”, is still shorter than Gideon, but everything else is such a perfect fit, I’m willing to forget all about that!
And then there’s Khalil, the hero for book four, ORACLE’S MOON (scheduled release in March, 2012). Khalil is something altogether different—I adored writing his character and I hope the readers enjoy him just as much. The reader gets a very brief look at Khalil in STORM’S HEART: “Long raven-black hair whipped around an elegant spare, pale inhuman face. Narrowed crystalline diamond eyes showed through the strands. The rest of his body solidified. He was as tall as Tiago but he had a lean graceful frame that matched his face.” One of my roommates, while she was reading the draft, started sending me photos of what she thought Khalil might look like. I know that Gandy’s been used for some BDB fan casting, but I think what my roommate found fits Khalil beautifully!
So there you have it folks—my ideal casting for all the Elder Races heroes! Now all we need to do is get the actors to sign a deal with a major TV or movie studio, and we could get to see them in action!
What actors do you see portraying your favorite characters from other books?
Thanks Thea!
I happen to have an extra brand new copy of Serpent’s Kiss to give away today. Answer Thea’s question above to enter. Open to everyone through October 8th.
When I read Dragon Bound, I pictured Dragos as that guy who played in The Mummy. I’m sorry I have no clue as to the actors name. He was hot though :)
I do not care what book it is – Josh Holloway (Sawyer from LOST) can play the lead anytime. Name the part – he can pull it off.
Hi Mandi, thanks for having me today! I had a blast creating this blog post!
All the best,
I 100% agree with Joe being a great Dragos, or maybe even Jason Momoa. Either way complete & utter hotness!
I absolutely agree with Joe Maganiello and The Rock. Love them both!
Jason Mamoa and Dwayne Jonhson in any man characters will be awesome!
But for another book… maybe in JZ Barron in the Fever Series of Karen Marie Moning …. MMMMMM! OH YEAH :)
Thanks for this giveaway!
Oded Fehr from the Mummy, yeah he would work but might be too old. I’m not sure Joe could pull off Dragos or not, he doesn’t seem to have that mean edge to him, he’s too nice. Jason Momoa for looks definitely. I think the Elder Races would make a great HBO series.
I haven’t read this series yet so I don’t know how I’d cast the characters but Dwayne Johnson and Daniel Craig look very good;)
LOL, for some reason I see Joe Manganiello as the lead in almost anything I read that has big, hot, and hulking! Most recently he was Ed in Dance with Me, but he shows up a lot!
Have to agree with that….he shows up a lot in the books I read too
If you want a more likable Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, check out the brief series NEW AMSTERDAM, he played the lead. Very excited to see that there will be a novella coming out so I don’t have to wait until March for more Elder Races.
You know, I really stink at these kind of questions. I’ve got nothing, but I hope that I can still be entered. I am dying to get my hands on this book. Love the series! Thanks for the giveaway!
I totally love creating ‘dream casts’ or avatars for my reading. Though usually it involves The B’s (Bana, Butler, Bale) LOL.
Those are some good choices! I totally see Joe as Dragos because that’s how I pictured him, too.
One of my favorite characters is Roarke from JD Robb’s Om Death series. I totally picture him as a young Pierce Brosnan. I also cast Tegan from Lara Adrian’s Midnight Breed series as Gabriel Aubry in my mind.
Definitely got my vote for Jason Mamoa.. Though for some reason I can see Edge playing someone.
I would love to see Josh Halloway plat Rhage a.k.a. “Hollywood” from Black Daggered Brotherhood.
Wow! finally a cast list that I can agree with!
I’d like to see Arnold Vosloo cast as Raphael from Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series.
I could see Victor Webster or Joe playing as alpha shifters. They are so Hot!
Hmmmm…Karen Moning loves him as Barrons, but Eric Eteberi would make an AWESOMELY HOT Drago’s!!!
Oo I hate questions like this. First, I rarely watch tv, secondly, I am bad at remembering names. I have been a fan since childhood of Don Johnson and Patrick Swayze. Just picture them younger (and alive of course), can’t they fit one of the parts?
I love this series, and am looking forward to reading Serpent’s Kiss.
auriansbooks@gmail dot com
I try not to think about fantasy casts and I stay away from books-to-movies- I am not capable of just enjoying the film as it is and get caught up in bad casting. However, Joe is a wonderful Dragos! And one of the posts suggested Eric Eteberi as Dragos and I heartily agree! The man even has goldish eyes in some lighting!
I have always had issues with this. I have trouble picking only one actor for a part in the books Im reading. Its always a bit of a mixed up combo of them.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I really don’t know actors very well so I can’t really contribute other than to say I agree with your choices for Dragos and Tiago. I think Josh Holloway would make a good choice too Kendra.
Oh yes I love Joe M. wow that would be a spicy cast that you chose ;) I have a hard time sometimes with the actors that play characters from books in movies, although JM played a hawt Alcide so I can agree there.
Thea writes an amazing series. I cannot wait to read KISS !
I love your series. Actually think Daniel Craig would make a great Jack Reacher. Far better than Tom Cruise lol
Great post! When I read JR Ward’s first book “Dark Lover” I pictured Vin Diesel as Wrath…probably because of movie “Pitch Black”.
Joe as Dragos! *melts into a pile of goo*
I love casting book characters, and I do it all the time while reading. Currently, I’m hoping Jason Momoa will be cast as Barrons! I would die!
Thanks so much for the yummy visuals and the giveaway.
missie at theunreadreader.com
I suck at casting! but I agree with jayhjay Joe Manganiello is super sexy!
This was fun! I can’t wait to read this series and see who I picture!
I don’t really picture actors when reading. My dream guy (who exists only in my head unfortunately) is usually who I picture, no matter what the description of the hero is.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
LOVING your choice for Dragos, as Joe M. is the hottest dude on the planet (sharing the spot with Jason Momoa, of course!)
So excited to read about Rune and Carling!
I always pictured David Boreanaz as Bones from the Night Huntress series.
I usually do not picture people as the characters because I want the descriptions to allow me to form my own picture. I do agree with your choices for characters thought. I cannot wait to read Serpent’s Kiss. Thanks for the giveaway.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
I have to admit I never picture any real life person as the characters I read in books! I’m pretty hopeless that way.
I recently read Dragon Bound & loved it. That was my 1st PNR & it’s gotten me interested in this sub genre. I can’t thank you enough!
I think Angelina Jolie looks like I picture Phedre from Kushiel’s Dart by Jacquline Carey. I can’t think of any men right now.
I liked the casting for the Elder Races series.
I’d love to see Matt Bomer play Finn, Clive Owen as Owen Grayson and Kate Beckinsale as Gin Blanco from Jennifer Estep’s Elemental Assassin series.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
I can definitely see Josh Holloway as a Rune… But for Dragos? Shane Brolly. When he’s scruffy and nice. :D
Great picks! I actually never picture actors as characters when I’m reading a book, but it’s still fun looking at other people’s choices.
I like your choice for Rune!
Are you planning a book for Graydon? He’s my favourite of the Gryphons (having only listened to Dragon Bound so far) so I’m hoping he gets a story too!
I tend to use the same actors to imagine my heroes – Gerard Butler, Hugh Jackman are two of my faves. I had pictured Jason Momoa for Dragos but I had to age him up a little. I thought Jason had the build and the height and he’s not hard to look at! But, in the end, Dragos just became himself – I pictured not so much a person but a set of characteristics – oh, that probably doesn’t make any sense except in my head!!
hankts AT internode DOT on DOT net
Ooh, I would love to see this movie made. I’m a big fan of shirtless Jow Manganiello. I don’t often picture real actors as the characters in the books I read, but sometimes my mental images are slightly varied forms of a real person. The hero in “When Beauty Tamed the Beast” by Eloisa James was kind of like Hugh Jackman but darker, Toby in Tessa Dare’s “A Lady of Persuasion” was a little like Hugh Dancy but more golden, and the alpha wolf in Gail Carriger’s “Soulless” was a cross between Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Josh Halloway.
That’s a tough question. I don’t ever imagine actor portraying any of the characters I read about. Even those I visualize are non-existent. Rather they are a mash-up of faces with a tad of my own imagination. Even when I crush on a fictional hero, there’s no real actor that he is based from. Usually when it comes to casting, I just leave it alone and wait and see if it’s to be on screen.
Jensen Ackles from Supernatural as Tohrment from J.R Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherood and Jason Behr in the movie Skinwalkers as Vishous! BDB-aholic I am.
Great actor choices!! Joe is so HOT!!!! ;-) I picture Channing Tatum playing Zsadist in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series!!! YUMMY!!! ;-D
I like Gerard Butler as Dragos…..
but he’s like Joe M. He works in all the rolls.
Love the idea of Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Rune. Can totally see that.
I am so bad at thinking up actors to play my favorite book characters. From the reading, I get a very definite picture that I don’t base on real people.
I will say Daniel Craig with blonder hair and ten years younger would be a good Curran from Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series. Dwayne Johnson would have been a great Ranger from Evanovich’s Plum series. Joe Manganiello could play any character as long as he had his shirt off ;-). Actually, if he kept his shirt on since Joe isn’t quite so built, he’d be a closer look for Joe Morelli in the Plum series since I see Joe as a dark Italian type versus the hunky Jason Omara, who did get the role, and doesn’t look the part to me.
Thanks for the giveaway. I picture Michael Madsen as Jess in Retribution. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book. Tore923@aol.com
I always have answering this kind of question because I usually have a vivid picture of the character inside my head and most actors do not match that image. What I will say that some of the suggestings in the comments are really interesting and I see myself watching those moview with those actors (its all about the man candy)!
I can picture all those guys in my head, but usually everyone looks like Gerard Butler in my reading, even if they are blond!
I usually use model for my pic cast of characters I’d read, even I know most of them can’t act.. Sadly
My favorite pic cast, of course David Gandy, who I used as Roarke =P.. For Elder Races series, I can see Joe M will be a good Dragos, for Tiago, since Tricks once said he like Dwayne Johnson, I agree with her. Josh Holloway can be a perfect Rune!
This is hard, I really can’t picture just anybody as any of my favorite characters. I can picture Viggo Mortensen, Johnny Deep, Orlando Bloom and Vin Disel as members of the Elder Races. Channing Tatum is another person that I can picture playing one of my favortie characters, I just can’t choose which one.
I actually can’t pick any actors I know as the characters in the books I read. I tend to just use a composite from the author’s description.
I usually try to picture the characters following the author’s words, but Joe Manganiello is who I think of when reading about a shifter. He is so hot!
Well I haven’t read the other books, but I really like your picks for who could portray the characters… I really need to get reading this series now!
What about Daniel Cudmore for Dragos? He’s a bit younger but he’s certainly got the height (6’7) and build. And he’s hot!
I picture as Dracos= Mark Wahlberg
Tiago-Sam Worthington
Rune= Alex Pettyter *check out “Beastly”
Thanks for the giveaway!
Cindy Bailey
I am the worst at coming up with cast for books…but I think that Jessica from True Blood (not sure her real name) would make a great Cat from the night huntress series.
Most actors do not live up to what I envision when I read.
Joe Manganiello yummm, I’d cast him everywhere just so I can stare and drool :)
Ahhh Gandy! I lovers him. He’s my Roarke and my Barrons actually. And Joe is how I picture Manny Manuello from Lover Unleashed. I think he’d make a good Malkom Slaine from Kresley Cole’s Demon from the Dark as well.
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I haven’t had a chance to read these yet but really want to. I think all of these men are fabulous enough to cast! Love the Rock and Joe….dayam! I couldn’t cast any differently until I read these but I think these look pretty spot on from the descriptions.
mljfoland AT hotmail DOT com
Well as somebody else said – Joe Manganello for all.
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