Slow Ride by Erin McCarthy (Fast Track #5)
Contemporary Romance
October 4, 2011
Reviewed by Mandi
I’m not a car race fan in real life, but I do like the idea of this series that follows these drivers lives. However, this one just doesn’t quite rev my engine.
Daniel “Diesel” Lange first meets Tuesday Jones at her father’s funeral. Diesel was her father’s favorite race car driver, until Diesel got into a horrible crash which crushed his knee. Unable to drive anymore, Diesel now restores vintage race cars and leads a pretty quiet life. Tuesday writes a very popular blog gossiping about the lives of the drivers on and off the track.
Devastated by her father’s passing, she still is on shaky ground when she goes to her best friend’s wedding a few days later. Unintentionally eating a piece of coconut cake, which she hates, she accidentally ends up spitting it out…in Diesel’s hand. Diesel is amused by this very verbal, outgoing woman. Tuesday turns to lots and lots of champagne to get her through the evening, and Diesel, being the gentleman, makes sure she gets home safely and that nothing happens between them that night. But these two are very attracted to each other and they start to pursue a relationship.
It is kind of hard to write a longer summary for this book because there really isn’t a lot that happens. There is no real conflict – just Diesel and Tuesday dating, having sex (a lot of sex) a little fight, and then a happily ever after. I kept waiting for a conflict, something to push this story along, but nothing ever comes about. Throughout the book, Tuesday is working through her grief over her father’s death. This leads her to drink wine, to a somewhat excessive amount. She gets tipsy more than once, and embarrasses herself towards the end of the book. We are led to believe this is a big deal – and Diesel is always very disappointed when she turns to the wine. Partly because Diesel doesn’t like to see Tuesday act drunk, but he also can’t have sex with her if she has been drinking and that is just a downer! The drinking angle just didn’t do it for me – if she is really going to have a drinking problem, to the point she needs counseling and to give up alcohol all together, her few times of getting drunk in this book didn’t live up to that.
Speaking of sex, wow this book has a lot of sex in it. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. The sex scenes are not only plentiful but drawn out. One thing I enjoyed in this book is that Diesel has a very serious knee injury, and in every situation in the book, Diesel is always reminded he can’t quite function fully with it. It puts a little doubt in his head – sometimes embarrasses him when he winces or he can’t put full weight on it when in bed with Tuesday, or even in just a normal circumstance. Diesel likes to be in control in the bedroom and Tuesday, while she says she likes to submit, she is pretty feisty herself. The sex scenes are done well, but I think with the lack of conflict, they just go on and on and sacrifice the plot.
I also think the argument at the end, and how things are resolved, is really rushed and felt forced.
What it comes down to is that I didn’t love Tuesday. She has her funny, sarcastic moments, but I don’t think she is fleshed out well or that we really get to know her. I connected with Diesel a little more and the sex scenes are erotic, but without much else pushing this story along, this isn’t one I can recommend.
Rating: C-
Recent Reviews:
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I loved the first few books in this series. But after the last book, it seems like things are maybe on a downward spiral? :(
I’ve read this series since the beginning and I agree, the early books do draw you in and had much better plot points than what you describe here. Interestingly-the early books all focus on drivers, even the last one where both were drivers. In this one, there is a huge difference in plot focus. I’d enjoyed Tuesday in previous books. She’s funny and mischievous. Bummer her story is so lacking!
It kind of feels like the faults in this one was the faults I had problems with in the last book. It was ok and all but some things annoyed me
I was looking forward to this one but I’m seeing some “meh” reviews. It’s on the shelf but we’ll see.
Okay, a book where nothing happens but drinking and sexing. Not my kind of thing, I want a real story.
I’m reading this book now, and I wondered if anyone felt like Ms. McCarthy threw a minor character (yet one who caused MAJOR drama in the previous book, The Chase), Sara, under a bus. I was really surprised by that but I don’t know why, given the timeline inconsistencies from The Chase.
I was very surprised by the outcome of the Sara situation in this book. It was like – oh. That’s it? After all of that drama in the last book? And it was just plopped in there in the middle of this story.
I’ve discovered via Goodreads that Sara’s story was included in one of Lori Foster’s recent not-for-profit anthologies. But still, for all the “Yes you are!” declarations by Sara in The Chase, I was surprised by how easily and nicely that baby story wrapped up for Evan and Kendall Monroe.