The Real Werewives Of Vampire County by Alexandra Ivy, Jess Haines, Angie Fox, and Tami Dane
Paranormal romance
October 25, 2011
Reviewed by Tori
What happens when four queens of the paranormal literary world get together to write a book? You get plenty of drama, laughter, scandal, and fashionista advice.
"Where Darkness Lives" by Alexandra Ivy
Having read most of Ms. Ivy’s Guardians Of Eternity series, I was thrilled to see we would get an up close and personal view of the self proclaimed Queen Bitch Of The Werewolves herself-Sophia. All her daughters are now safely married ands he gets an unexplained urge to move closer to them, but not everyone is happy she has moved into the neighborhood. When too many close calls has Sophia hiring out for a bodyguard, she is unprepared for Luc. A gorgeous alpha werewolf who wants to do alot more then just guard Sophia from harm. The fur starts flying when Sophia is kidnapped and finds out that Luc hasn’t been completely honest with her.
A fun fast paced story with plenty of action and steamy loving to keep you thoroughly hooked. Sophia and Luc generate so much sexual tension you practically have to towel off while reading.
"Murder on Mysteria Lane" by Angie Fox
When Heather McPhee’s alpha’s ex wife is murdered, he commands her to go with sexy vampire detective Lucian Mead and pose as his trophy wife to solve the crime. Talk about opposites…Lucian is a magnum of Dom Pérignon and Heather is a Papst Blue Ribbon beer. The woman of Mysteria Lane remind me of supernatural Desperate Housewives. Each has a secret and they are sure Heather is there to out them. As Heather and Lucian work to clean her up and solve this “who dun it”, they find that opposites do attract and maybe this fake marriage isn’t all that bad.
An enjoyable mystery with a dramatic flare that has you rolling your eyes and laughing at these crazy diva trophy wives and their penchant for alcohol. Engaging mystery that kept me guessing till the end.
"What’s Yours is Mine" by Jess Haines
When Tiffany Winters moves in to the exclusive gated community of Stillwater following her divorce, it’s not because of the view. She knows it’s home to one of the most dangerous werewolf packs in the state and she wants in. The werewives want her too, but something about Tiffany is wrong and until they figure it out, no one is biting. When Tiffany’s secret comes out, the Stillwater pack finds out that sometimes a dog’s best friend is man.
Loosely, very loosely, based on Jess Haines’s best selling H&W Investigations series. In here we find Ms. Haines trademark snark and humor as Tiffany conjoles, wheedles and outright threatens a very diva and dangerous group of werewives into accepting her…or else.
Smooth writing and great characterization had me laughing at their antics. I admit that Tiffany’s reasons for wanting acceptance seemed strange in beginning but the ending wraps it up nicely and leaves you with a surprised chuckle.
"Werewolves in Chic Clothing" by Tami Dane
Christine Price thinks she has found her Prince Charming with fiance Jonathon and his son. She moves to his home and soon finds herself accosted by his late wife’s best friends. Best friends who think Jon killed his wife and made it look like suicide. As Christine begins an informal investigation, she finds more then she bargained for with insane cats, demon children, and midnight dancing neighbors.
Fast pacing and multiple eccentic characters has you scrambling to keep up with all the twist and turns in this supernatural “who dun it.” I got a little lost here and there with the fast scene and POV switch ups. Plenty of laughter and off the wall antics keep you in stitches as you and Christine wander through this Monte Python version of the suburbs. The ending comes and clears up the confusion and the murderer is someone I never would have even suspected.
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Ooo nice one, I want to read this.
Its a good one I think.
Hey Tori, great review. The only author I know is Ivy-but right now I can’t remember who Sophia is. It’s great when all the stories are worth reading!
Sophia is the mother of the three missing pure bred female wolves. I wanted her story for awhile.
Great review Tori! I got this one too, haven’t decided yet if I want to read it though. I’m NOT a fan of the real housewives shows on TV (ugg they annoy the crap outta me!) is the book similar to that in a lot of ways?
I don’t watch any of that so I don’t know. I think it’s more an exaggeration of their behavior. They aren’t the main focus.
great review! I stopped reading Angie Fox… don’t recall why! Think I need to check her out again…
Thank you. I stopped reading Fox and Ivy and not sure why either. Gah. So many authors, so little time. :)
Lol, what a fun anthology :D Yes I am sure I would enjoy this one
YEA! Yes, they are fun, cute stories. Lots of laughter.
Ok, so I confess the only author I’ve read in this antho is Jess Haines and that’s enough for me to want to pick this one up. Sounds like a good one!