10. My week – I survived a field trip to Washington, D.C with the second grade class. Besides the very long bus ride to get there, it was really fun. We went to the American History Museum and my seven year old was in heaven. He could have stayed there all day looking at each exhibit. Best of all, I didn’t lose any children! Hooray for me!
9. Men Under the Mistletoe Anthology with Josh Lanyon, Harper Fox, Ava March and K.A. Mitchell. HO HO HO Hookers! Smexy can not wait to read this anthology – out 12/5 with Carina Press. Last year they did a similar m/m anthology, His for the Holidays and I enjoyed it SO much! Plus I spy with my smexy eye a beard on that cover.
8. I listened to the Dear Bitches, Smart Authors podcast, and they discussed Sandra Hill’s next release and new series, Kiss of Pride. It’s a Viking Vampire Angel Book. o_O <— my eyes really did that.
But wait!! You say, you can’t beat a viking vampire angel book. But oh yes Sandra Hill can. Because in October 2012, book two comes out and that one, Kiss of Surrender will be – a Viking Vampire Angel Navy SEAL book. *I fall down dead* And y’all know I’m going to be checking this out.
For more info, visit her site.
7. Penguin’s Berkley/NAL is launching a new eBook Imprint called, InterMix. In their words:
Continuing Penguin’s ongoing commitment to bring writers to readers in a variety of formats, the eBook imprint will introduce original works from new authors as well as publish favorite titles from beloved authors—such as Nora Roberts—that are available as eBooks for the first time. InterMix will be focused on eBooks, though some titles might also eventually be published as physical books.
InterMix will launch in January 2012 with the release of eleven classic books from Nora Roberts—titles that have never before been available as eBooks, including such popular series as Cordina’s Royal Family and The Donovan Legacy and several novels featuring fan favorites the O’Hurleys. Additional Nora Roberts eBooks will be published throughout 2012, with the second group—including seven of Roberts’s beloved novels about the MacGregor family—available in April.
The eBooks published by InterMix will encompass a wide range of genres, including women’s fiction, romance, mystery and thriller, and science fiction/fantasy. Every InterMix title—whether brand new or previously available in print—will receive fresh cover art, newly designed interiors, and creative marketing, publicity, and advertising campaigns.
6. GayRomLit, “retreat for readers and writers of GLBT romance” just ended, but I’ve found a great blog from Marie Sexton and Heidi Cullinan where they have posted many pics from the conference. I was following tweets all last week and it looks like a good time was had by all.
5. New cover for Tangle of Need (out May 29th)
I think it is better than the old cover:
But still……
4. Paula Deen (or as I like to call her, “Daula Peen” more funny, yes?) has Buttered Flavored ChapStick. Oh Daula!! You so cray cray!!! Is the chapstick deep fried too? *crosses fingers*
Put a little South on your mouth y’all!! (link)
3. Hide your daughters! Tattoo Barbie is here. There is much drama. I for one don’t think it is that big of a deal. Who doesn’t want tatts and pink hair? Plus that’s a killer outfit. The big question is – WHERE is Tattoo Ken?? Riding up on his motorcycle, with chest hair? One can only hope.
2. Check out these cute, and really easy cookie pops you can do for Halloween. They just took Vienna Fingers or Nutter Butters and opened them up to put the stick in –
And then just used green and black candy melts to decorate. I’m doing it with my boys in the near future. We’ll see how they turn out! Go HERE for full instructions.
1. This weekend I’m finishing up Some Like It Hot by Louisa Edwards and starting The Virtuoso by Grace Burrows. My kids don’t have school today, so we are off to see Johnny English Reborn. I think I’ll have to sneak my kindle into the theater ;) Happy Friday!
Bottom cover of Nalini Singh’s book looks like he is supposed to be a gold statue, like one of those folks who dress up in all gold and silver body paint and stand real still?
OMG, can tattoo Ken have nipple piercings too? If so, we need him!
And yes, I agree, butter flavored lip balm is INSANE! I’d feel like my lips were all greasy from popcorn all day. But so Daula!
OMG.nipple pierced Ken. Please let this happen!! Maybe other body parts too? ;p
Prince albert? That is hard when he has no genitals tho…
WOW! This is quite the week!!
– I feel it’s only fair we get tattoo ken – it would help his street credit so much. With all the super hero toys, my girls firmly reject the pansy that has become Ken!
– I feel like that Nalini Singh cover is just awful!!! ugh. WHY must it look like hot guy is wrapped up in grandma’s homemade quilt?!
– Viking Vampire Angel Navy SEAL book – in 2013 perhaps we can up that even father to add Highlander (and viking, I know, dinnae seem possible lass – but we can dream! mayhaps he is 1/2 viking?)
– THANK YOU for the class halloween treat idea!!! love!!
And sheik! Don’t forget sheik!
I think the vampire-Navy SEAL-angel-viking-highlander-sheik should also be a Duke, because a book like that has to be a Regency novel, right?
Well sure if we add time travel! And maybe secret baby?
Don’t forget pirate!!!!
OMG….secret baby…yes. This NEEDS to happen ;)
Viking vampire angel Navy SEAL?
[Slowly orgasms to death]
I know, right? I will be reading this book – no worries there. The big question is…what type of heroine will be able to handle the viking vampire angel Navy SEAL??
A NUN….obviously
Is it me or does that look like David Hasselhoff on the cover of Hill’s book??
I’m having major envy of your DC trip! Glad you had fun and didn’t loose anyone!
Buttered favored chapstick? Oh Paula…
And thanks for the cookie pop idea! I need to make those…
LOL – yes..it does look like Hasselhoff – if anyone can pull off that combo..it is him ;)
I think Tattoo Barbie looks fierce! Loving the pink bob. And I love her little doggie. At least she’s not Stripper Barbie with her very own pole and lucite heels. I’m just saying.
I remember those days of field trips. My son is 13 and in middle school and I told him that I refuse to go on any field trips. A bus load of newly turned teens on the edge of puberty? I don’t think so. Give me the munchkins any day!
I’m sure enough little girls strip their own Barbies ;)
Oh man – a bus full of 7 and 8 year olds is enough for me!
Oooo, The Virtuoso, my second-most highly anticipated book for November. November is promising to be hideously expensive.
And love the cookie pops idea.
Oh really?? I haven’t heard anything about Virtuoso except reading the back cover. It looks interesting!
I haven’t heard much beyond the blurb, either, but I really, really liked Valentine in The Heir and The Soldier, so of course I’m waiting impatiently for him to get his HEA – especially after what the blurb says happens to him.
I just finished – I really like it. I’m going to have to go back to read the other two books!
Aaand….it just showed up on kobo a week early, so guess what I’m doing tonight. Unfortunately The Black Hawk didn’t release early, damn.
YAY! Hope you enjoy.
And I LOVED The Black Hawk!!!
Good, and I’m really looking forward to your review of it. Next week?
Tangle of Need cover is still…bad. It just is. I love those cookie pops!! I was going to put them in Random Friday but the Skip To My Lou blog was down when I did the post. So I found some other cute Franken-Pops. :)
Darn it Skip to my Lou!
I hope to make them this coming week!
Thanks for a the info on the new books. I’m SO looking forward to the holiday anthology! And Viking Vampire Angel? I.AM.SO.THERE! lol
And I bought the Tokidoki Barbie because she looks awesome! I had to have it the moment I saw her. I don’t know what the big fuss is about. It’s a COLLECTOR Item Barbie, not a doll you would normally buy to give to your young daughter. I mean, you could if you want, but that’s up to you. There are other things to be worried about than whether Barbie has tattoos. :P lol
I know – on CNN they were like – what if a collector buys it and then gives it to a kid? *gasp*
Really? Aren’t there other things in the world to be worrying about?
I’m ready for some m/m holiday lovin’ – just sayin!
YEA to not losing kids on field trip. Schools frown on that for some reason. *go figure*
I don’t like Tangle Of Need cover. Period. His face looks funny.
Butter lip gloss? LOL Better then this one.
Which I may or may not have bought at one time or another.
I think Tattoo Barbie needs a Biker Ken and Bisexual Skipper for a threesome. :)
OMG..did you really just link to CHICKEN POOP LIP BALM?
*dies of laughter*
As amazing as the Psy-Changeling Series is… I kinda feel like Nalini got jipped on her covers. :(
I would totally buy a tattoed and pierced Ken doll, for myself. :D
I know..and her Guild Hunter covers are SO awesome. Sigh.
I like the changes made to the cover for Tangle of Need but it’s still…..just ok.
Good for you, not to displace a child ;)
I hope those ebooks won’t get new titles, Nora Roberts already has too many doubles. But I love most of them.
I still don’t like the Nalini Singh cover. Why does that quilt or what is it have to be on it? And that after that awesome cover of Kiss of Snow. On fantasticfiction the UK covers are visible, all the same, a guy’s head, with scars/blood running down his cheek. Hate them.
Butter flavoured chapstick? Wow. You crazy Americans.
I like that Barbie though, my stepdaughter plays with them, but I never did.
I’ve been wanting to read the Louise Edwards book, looking forward to your review. Best wishes for enduring that movie …
You are right – what is up with the quilt on the cover? Thorns because of “tangle” I dunno.
The movie was pretty bad. And by that I mean – VERY BAD
Way to go on not losing any kids on the field trip.
I saw the butter flavored lip balm story earlier in the week and still can’t really wrap my mind around it. Gotta agree with your cray cray statement.
I have Some Like it Hot in my crazy TBR pile. Can’t wait to read your review.
It’s stressful being in a crowded place with children who are not your own. LOL. Made me sweaty! ;)
OMG! I can’t wait for the Josh Anthology!!! The Sandra Hill book has my Eyes popping to. That is to funny. I am going to be reviewing a snake shifting M/M!
what what what? A Snake shifter? which one?
Oh, I just read a snake shifter – Snakeskin Boots. Review is up on monday @ Joyfully Jay. Is that what you are reading?
The Singh cover is the guy half of Lori Leigh’s Midnight Sins, isn’t it?
SIGH!! YES. That is totally a copy. I hate when they do that. I think she said they did a new cover because the original pose was already done twice.
Where do you find this stuff Mandi?!?! Butter flavor chapstick & Tatoo Barbie…this blog is so informative! Lol
I’m addicted to the internet – Twitter actually ;)
I saw Tattoo Barbie on CNN though – that is how much drama there is surrounding her
I totally want tattoo barbie :D Lol, she is cool.
And a vampire viking, sure never heard that before.
I want one too!
Maybe they’ll make it so you can tattoo chest hair on the tattoo Ken.
They have a motorcycle Ken, with leather pants and a tattoo. There’s even one with a beard. :) I saw the leather pants Ken at Toys R Us a while back. Took lots of self-control not to buy him.
So want to read Sandra Hill! Viking Vampire, wonder if he’s virile too? ;-)
The original cover reminds me of late 60’s SciFi… Very retro. I like the new model a bit more.
Thanks for an entertaining post as always!! I’ve missed reading your posts.
I may have to check those Christmas anthologies out. Have a great week.
Is it possible to tell me just what the largest snake is, my brother thinks it is a boa constrictor.