Deliciously Sinful by Lilli Feisty
Erotic Contemporary Romance
November 22, 2011
Reviewed by Mandi
I’ve read two previous books by Lilli Feisty and I liked them. They had a very sexy, bdsm vibe to them – the kind of books that are very entertaining and fun to chat with about with your friends. Deliciously Sinful though didn’t quite live up to the fun and sexy.
After Phoebe’s aunt and uncle died, she inherited the Green Leaf Café, a successful organic restaurant in northern California. Problem is, while Phoebe loves to grow organic vegetables at her small farm, she isn’t the greatest chef in the world. So after some advertising, she discovers Nick Avalon.
Nick is from LA, where he was a very successful chef, until his attitude and choice of women he slept with got him fired and blackballed. Drinking, smoking and having sex with a different woman every night is what his life is. He is also one of the best chefs in California. Originally from England, his visa only allows him to work in California, and he knows he needs to lay low until this drama in LA passes. So he decides to head to the town of Redbolt to take the chef position at the Green Leaf Café for a year – and then he can get back to his exciting life in LA with hopefully a new job.
But Redbolt is nothing like LA. He has entered a very hippie, new age town with many vegans and organic lovers. And his new boss and him clash immediately.
Right from the start I had a hard time believing why Nick would be so attracted to Phoebe. Now, we do know that Nick sleeps with a lot of women. But we also know he is used to the blond hair, fake boobs women of LA. Phoebe wears very plain clothes, flat sandals and has frizzy hair. Maybe just being so different attracts him to her, but I think it is a hard sell. They also bicker – constantly. Which is cute but also, she is always on him for something. Again, why would he be attracted to someone with this attitude?
The sex in this book is pretty hot, and explicit. There are fun whisk spankings in the stockroom, a hot sex scene in the restaurant bathroom, and some “let’s tie your arms behind your back” scenes on a beach. These two like to get it on in non-bedroom locations.
Besides the blooming romance, Phoebe has to be able to let go of always wanting to be in control, and trust that Nick will come through as a chef. And Nick has to let go of his pre-conceived notions of this “bumpkin” town and come to embrace what Redbolt has to offer. Which is some peace and a better way of living than what he was doing in LA.
The end made me scratch my head a bit. Nick’s actions seemed to come out of the blue and didn’t make a lot of sense. And the whole ending felt very rushed and forced. The declaration of love needed much more time.
Overall, this one is just okay. Not as good as her earlier books. If you want to try Lilli Feisty, I recommend, Bound to Please.
Rating: C
Recent Reviews:
Reading Between the Wines – 4/5
Love to Read for Fun – C
This book is being promoted all over the blogs. I had rather hoped it was good because everyone seems to be saying good things about it. Since I have been wanting to try her work I will take your recommendation and get Bound to Please.
Yeah -there is a big blog tour for this one. The romance just didn’t work for me. Bound to Please is a memorable book that turned me onto this author. Her others haven’t quite lived up to it – but I’ll keep reading her :)
Totally agree with your review. I could not understand Nick’s attraction to Phoebe. And the bickering was cool but started to wear thin. I hated that the beach scene fades to black. Like you, I will continue to read her books.
This one seemed like a fun read..but I think I’ll start w/the one you mentioned.
This makes me sad…
Thank you Mandi! So, I’m guessing the author didn’t sell the why so well? As in why Nick was attraced to Phoebe and vice versa? That’s the bit I need in a book. The whole lust thing is all well and good, but there needs to be more to it than that IMHO :) Might try Bound to Please when I try this author – thank you for the rec!
Phoebe acted bossy and flippish and I didn’t understand why Nick would be physically attracted to her.
And I love that photo of Mr Flowers!
Thanks for the review! I’m dissapointed because I was truly looking forward to this. Do you think it’s worth a library read?
Sure – I think it would be a good library read
Nice review, and i normally love books about chefs. This one does not make my wishlist.
I’ve had two chef books in a row that didn’t do it for me
I’m going to snag it from the library then. I really enjoyed Dare to Surrender. The bondage was intergrated realy well into the story line although I did’nt think the epilogue was needed. It’s really rare that I’ve read a bdsm novel without the obligatory “club” . Let’s hope this one was just a hiccup.
That’s true…not a club scene. It was a really nice book. This one isn’t anything like that one. But I’ll def keep reading her…