A few weeks ago, Tori did it… she asked me why.
Yes! Finally, somebody asked why!
I keep getting yelled at for ending the books as I did, but nobody asked why…
Why did you end the book that way? Was it harder to draw the mystery out?
By now, it’s no secret that I ended the first book in the Ash trilogy on a cliffhanger. Now, the romance itself, that is resolved. But the mystery…not so much. You won’t find out who the bad guy is until book 3.
I knew, going into the story, that it was going to bother some readers. I’ve had a couple of readers email me and tell me flat out that they wouldn’t bother reading me any more. L I knew this could happen. But it was a risk I had to take.
And here’s why…since Tori finally outright asked me why…
I didn’t do it as a plot device. I didn’t do it to jerk people along, I swear…*G* I’ve got twitter to tease people.
The plain and simple truth is this: That’s just the way the story played out for me.
It’s possible I could have tried to wrap it in one book and found a different way to write a book for Remy and Hope, and then put Nia and Law together elsewhere, later on down the road, but that would have been shortchanging all of them.
Their stories were too tightly interwoven to do it any other way. Hope’s life was wrapped up in Law’s life. Law’s life was tied to Lena’s. Remy’s life was tied to the entire town. And Nia…well…if you read the books, I’ll think you’ll agree I’ve put the lot of them through enough hell. Everybody was tied into the tragedies taking place in Ash.
Did I really need find another way to torment them just to give them another HEA somewhere down the road?
And it would have to be torment…contractually speaking. I’m contractually obligated to do romantic suspense. And those usually aren’t hearts and rainbows.
All of that aside, their stories were connected from the very first time this idea came to me. It would have been like trying to do the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy in the span of one movie.
Possible? Maybe. But it would have been sloppy. I wouldn’t have gotten to spend as much time with all of the characters, meaning the readers wouldn’t get to spend as much time with them.
All of them did so much growing and changing…things that wouldn’t have been possible if I’d written the stories any other way. Although I’m definitely not one of the writers who claim to see the story as ‘my baby’, I do kind of grow to see the characters as my friends. I didn’t want to short-change my friends…not just to try and wrap up the story in a neater package, all for the sake of a quicker wrap-up.
So…there ya go. That’s why I ended the book the way I did. Because that’s how it was meant to be. We can blame it on the characters…or the book. I’m just the narrator, in the end. I’ve got to write it the way I see it playing out for me.
A snippet from IF YOU SEE HER…
He had just a second to see her eyes flare wide before he dipped his head and brushed his mouth against hers. Just the lightest brush—hardly enough to even get a taste.
Still, that one taste blistered through him, rushed through him, setting his blood to boil.
He heard her gasp, felt it…and as her lips parted against his, he wanted, desperately to tease that slight opening with his tongue, see if he couldn’t coax her mouth into opening for him, just a little more.
Instead, he whispered against her lips, “I’ve wanted to do that from the first second I laid eyes on you.”
Shiloh Walker
Today I have a copy of If You See Her to giveaway! To enter, just leave a comment! Open to all through February 2nd.
Hello Miss Walker and thank you for this wonderful giveaway! At the end of the first book I thought mine was missing pages, really! I kept looking…..I’m so not kidding. I think you wrote the cliffhanger so well that you left me desperate for book two! I can’t wait to get my hands on it! I’ve been a fan of your books for years! Thanks Again!
Book 1 made me impatient to start book 2. I like cliffhangers. I didn’t think it was contrived at all. I do appreciate that I don’t have to wait years to find out the ending. Thank you for releasing the books so close together!
I love Shiloh Walker’s books- cannot wait to read this one. But must get through reno first :(
I’m normally not a fan of cliffhangers in romantic suspense books. Although, I have to say I have read very few that actually do end with one. However, I actually really think it worked in this series. I was surprised when I read the first book, but very intrigued to discover who the bad person is. In some way, it makes sense that we wouldn’t have three separate dangerous circumstances for each book. I look forward to reading the final two books and finding out who did it.
Would love to win a copy! Thanks!!
I have only read a couple of your books, but not this series. I am very interested having read the snippet. Thanks for the chance to win.
I pretty much hate cliffhangers, too, but if I know there’s an end to the story arc in the series, I’ll just wait until the last book comes out to start the series. But this series is about a serial killer, so I’m not really sure how you could have “resolved” that part of the story and still have a third book…
If You See Her sounds good. I like the cover. I am ok with cliffhangers if the next book is coming soon.
Thank you so much for the giveaway!!
I haven’t started this series yet but I am itching to. I have been a little book shy when I heard it had a cliffhanger and I am still traumatized from KMM fever series. Can’t wait until March then I will get all three if I don’t win!!
I guess it would help me understand what you’re talking about if I actually read the book.. Hmm, now I’m curious what got people upset ;)
I like how you dealt with the emails from people saying they won’t read your books anymore… I don’t know how I would deal with those things when I publish my first anthology…
Anyway, thanks for the giveaway!
email: cruz042 at cougars.csusm.edu
I am so excited for the second book!
I fully blame the characters. That is all. O.o
Hello Shiloh!! I loved the way that you left the first book as a cliffhanger!! I can’t wait to read the 2nd and 3rd books and even though I have to wait till the 3rd book to see how the killer is I will have fun trying to see if I can figure out how it is. That is one thing that I love about romantic suspense!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Hi Shiloh! I’m a long time fan of yours and the Hunters series. I have not yet had a chance to check out the ASH series yet though and obviously, I would love to! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway! bpatrick64113@sbcglobal.net
I love Shiloh’s books. She has some of the most gripping story lines. Thank you.
I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to accept cliffhangers. I guess it should seem obvious that that’s just the way to story is supposed to play out, but my need to know side wants to be able to close the book and say, well, that was a satisfying conclusion.
I think cliffies are easier to bear when at least some angles, like the romance, are resolved.
I’m glad Tori asked the question. It’s great to know more about the reasons why. And, thanks so much for the giveaway! :)
I can’t wait to read If You See Her!
I don’t mind cliffhangers but sometimes the wait can be agony! Luckily most series I have discovered late so usually the following few books are already available. Love the covers for this series Shiloh.
I have been waiting for this book. I loved If You Hear Her and thoughtn oh no how long will I have to wait? Problem solved. Thank you.
I would love to win a copy of this book! I have been looking forward to it.
Enjoyed the post. So now when I read it I’ll know why :)
Thanks for the giveaway.
A cliffhanger always makes me want the next book NOW!
The cliffhanger issue has me intrigued, I’m really looking forward to reading these. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve not read any of these books but I love trying out new authors!!
I usually don’t like cliffhangers but this one has me intrigued. I’m really looking forward to read the next one! Great storyline, can’t wait to see what’s going to happen. Thanks you for the chance to win the next one!!
I was sad that it ended with a cliffhanger; mainly because I’ve had to wait so long for book 2. I am glad you took the time (and yes by extension – gave me more to read/enjoy) and gave the characters the story they deserve.
I’d love a copy of book 2 – I hated waited to get book 1 from the library. And I didn’t really think it was a “cliffhanger” – if it’s a trilogy, you can’t expect to find out who the bad guy is until book 3. I was completely prepared for that!
This sounds like a great book that needs to be added to my TBR pile;) Thanks for having this giveaway!!
Great interview and excerpt. Sounds like a great stories. Thanks for the chance.
I’m a Shiloh Walker fan! Can’t wait to read the book.
Wow..great article..well written. I can’t wait to read the story.
areeths at new dot rr dot com
Ooh… this series is on my TBR list and I’m so excited to get to it. I’m sure I’d get to it faster if I had a copy of one of the books and didn’t have to budget for all three!
I’m a fan! I’d love to read this. Great post, thank you!
I guess it is a good thing I haven’t started reading book one yet – it is on the TBR pile. I guess I will wait till book three hits the shelves so I can read them all in a marathon. As long as the wait isn’t too terminal I don’t mind cliffhangers but I like to be warned that a cliffhanger is pending. The surprise of it drives me batty.
YAY! Now that all the books are out, I can read them. I am one of those readers who is too impatient, especially when I know there is a cliffhanger. I have really enjoyed S Walker’s books in the past, thanks for the giveaway.
I loved the first book and I really want to read the second one! I’m happy that the last one comes out only a month later and not like months later :)
I cant wait to read it. Congrats on the release and thanks for the excerpt.
Really great covers of series! Want to read the 1st of my Shiloh Walker’s! :D
I wanna read the series but I’m going to wait til they’re all out so I don’t get driven nuts by the cliffhanger/s! Not long to wait fortunately! :)
Ms. Walker, I am so awed by your writing. The chemistry between Ezra and Lena just leapt of the pages… So, so eagerly waiting for the books 2 and 3.
And, since the books are releasing so close to each other, I have no issues with cliffhangers.. *grin* Here’s hoping I win!!! Cheers…
I would so love to win a copy. I always save and read all connected books at the same time … I usually love the characters and their world and reading the books together keeps me there longer. :) Thanks for the giveaway. I’ve got my fingers crossed.
I loved book 1 so much and am looking forward to the next two. I’m really looking forward to Law’s story! What a great friend to just about everyone. I’ve a working theory in my mind of who the killer is, even though I know logically it’s way too early. I can’t wait to see if I’m hot or cold. :)
Just finished Broken and LOVED it!!!! Would love a chance to win this. Thanks!!!!
Sounds like a great read!! I haven’t read this series yet but I think I am really going to enjoy it. Thanks for the chance.
If a series has cliffhangers, I just collect them all so I can read them back to back if I want to. So, drawing out the storyline is not problem for me, most UF series do that, and I love those as well.
Thanks for the chance of winning your book!
auriansbooks at gmail dot com
I love Shiloh Walker’s books and have added this one to my list of must reads! Thanks so much for the post and for the awesome giveaway:)
This post has me intrigued… would love to be entered for the giveaway :)
Interesting… now I’m even more intrigued to read these stories and find out what people are talking about:)
I want this one so bad!! Been anxiously awaiting it!!! I know it’s awesome.
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I would love to read this series. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
I haven’t read a book by Shiloh Walker before but would love to read one. I see her mentioned and recommended so often on twitter.
I think a cliff hanger is a good thing. Not that I don’t like a HEA ending, but having a cliff hanger kind of mixes things up, makes it different than other books. By no means do I want all my books that way there are times that I want things to be finished. So when all is said and done I wouldn’t quit reading your books because of the ending.
well all I can say for these books i’ll wait to all three are out and read them back to back lol. Cause I hate to wait.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com