Very happy to have Tori St. Claire at Smexy Books today. She is celebrating the release of two books, Stripped and Immortal Hope under her pen name Claire Ashgrove. Let’s get to it.
Who is Tori St. Claire? Give us the low down.
Tori St. Claire — well, that’s me! I’m an author, a mother, a sometimes website designer, and a horse-lover. I have a small farm with way too many animals: horses, dogs, cats, bird, mouse. When I’m not writing (hah!), I really like to cook, watch movies with my boys, and I’m a video game addict. We also spend a great deal of time doing stuff outdoors when the weather’s nice — I like to play at planting flowers and the like but inevitably kill them all. I’m obsessed with chocolate, coffee, and I love the color purple.
Under your other pen name, Claire Ashgrove, you are known for historicals, paranormals and contemporaries. How did Tori St. Claire come about and what made you turn to erotic suspense?
Erotic suspense was an accident that turned into good fortune! I wrote a very hot romantic suspense and it was shopped as an intended Claire title. I went to the SOLA Conference last spring, spoke with Alexis Walker and Delilah Devlin, and began to contemplate doing an erotic title. When I left the conference, the plan was try that once I finished the novella I was working on. However, before I managed to get started on that endeavor, Berkley wanted the conversion of my romantic suspense to erotic, which posed a nice challenge for me, so I accepted. The second pen name came as an attempt to create a clear divide between subgenres. I have no problem with people knowing I write as both, but I didn’t want readers expecting one thing and getting something drastically different. So to alleviate confusion along those lines — or perhaps shocking surprise — I chose to create a second pen name.
The heroine in Stripped, Natalya Trubachev is a pretty bad ass character, that has to really look deep within herself to perform her duties as an undercover elite CIA agent. Give us some insight into writing her.
Natalya is a tough write, in all honesty, even though the book itself flowed naturally. She peforms some pretty heinous deeds. Giving her enough heart and substance to make her likeable despite that, so that I could effectively redeem her in any fashion, was challenging. The parts with Brandon were pretty easy, but separating her off and looking at just *her*, required some creativity I hadn’t tapped into previously. In the end, I had to accept that as a Black Opal, Natalya is never going to be a "Sunday school teacher", she’s never going to have that layer of innocence that are found in most heroines that make them people we want to know. Her story is her own. Her flaws are real and can’t be erased. Accepting her "as is", and acknowledging that she can’t be 100% good, made everything finally click. Then, as the entanglement with Brandon developed, I was able to pull out her soft spots and crank open her heart, which made her, I believe, more human overall.
There are a lot of characters in this book with secret connections to each other. I assume you must have planned the whole story out? As you wrote did any character or scene surprise you?
I. Plot. Everything.
I have spreadsheets for characters, plot aspects, and you name it. Then all that gets transposed into a detailed outline. I won’t put a single word to the actual story down until I have the plot concreted in that outline. And unlike a lot of authors I am close to, my characters do not get to take-over the manuscript. Otherwise all that plotting is for naught.
All that said, sometimes there are surprises in the planning. Places where I thought initially I’d take it one way, but lightning strikes and I want to go another way (which means backtracking and replotting sometimes). In STRIPPED, one of those places was an argument between Natalya and her partner, Sergei, in the club Fantasia, where they are arguing. What he says there… yeah… that line kinda took me by surprise.
Also, when Natalya is looking for her car keys, that was a plot aspect that struck in the middle of things.
And. Opie. How to put this without saying too much…? The scene in the bushes? He was not supposed to be there in the initial design.
Our hero, Brandon Moretti is a very smexy character. What actor do you think would best portray him?
Laugh! Everyone is asking me about actors, and I can’t express how clueless I am about them! I can probably count on one hand the number of actors I know by name. Who’s the actor who played the Terminator in the newest Terminator movie? I think he’d suit quite well.
I’m so excited to read the next in the Black Opals series, Lie to Me. What can you tell us about it?
Mmm. I REALLY like Lie To Me. Though I wish I hadn’t put anything up on my website about it, because now I find I want to keep it secret until the last minute that it’s Alexei’s story. Alexei was a character who I knew "Came next" but I had no idea what I was doing with him until I had to develop a proposal. And then, boy did he come to life! He has some very strong demons chasing him. Things from his past that have broken him (in his opinion) beyond repair. Pulling him back together, pulling that heart of his out into the open… I loved every minute of it. Sasha, the woman he kidnapped has her own skeletons in the closet. And the two of them came together like fireworks.
Lie to Me will bring the same type of building plot that is multi-layered. What you see, isn’t always what you get. There’s some continued storyline with Natalya interwoven that I find entertaining and I think you’ll get a good chuckle over. And, we meet new characters as well, one of whom, in particular, has my beta readers in fits.
One thing to note — while the surrounding activities still involve the basis of the plot from STRIPPED, this book isn’t dependent on having read STRIPPED first. The subplot is pretty self-contained, and although there are smatterings of something larger going on, LIE TO ME can completely stand alone.
Writing as Claire Ashgrove, you also have a new release the same day, Immortal Hope. Tell us about that book.
Ah, Immortal Hope. Happy sigh.
You know, having two releases on the same day is really hard because I can’t like one book more than the other. And I don’t suppose I do, as they are both totally different from each other, from style to tone to subgenre. But, Immortal Hope was the dream project. It was what I shopped to my agent in hopes of publication, it was the project I spent a year researching before plotting. So I am particularly attached to Immortal Hope and that series overall.
Back to what it is:
It’s a dark paranormal romance about cursed Templar Knights, demons, archangels and the most unholy, Azazel’s ascension to the highest throne. It’s based on a lot of historical fact, then I employed speculative fiction on gaps in history. Unlike the Black Opal series, IMMORTAL HOPE is epic in design and The Curse of the Templars series really is a true series. Each book builds on what happened in the one previous.
I think the back cover copy describes this book far better than I can in condensed version:
Templar knights defied the archangels and unearthed the copper scroll, revealing the gates to hell. Cursed for their forbidden act, they forever roam the earth protecting mankind from evil. But darkness stalks them, and battles they fight bring them ever-closer to eternal damnation. One promise remains to give them salvation – the return of the seraphs.
Embittered by his purpose, Merrick du Loire must honor an ancient pact and bring peace to his cousin’s soul. When he stumbles upon history professor Anne MacPherson, he discovers she possesses a sacred artifact that marks her as a seraph. Duty demands he set aside his personal quest and locate the knight she’s fated to heal. As he struggles with conflicting oaths, Anne arouses buried hope and sparks forbidden desire that challenges everything he’s sworn to uphold.
Anne has six weeks to complete her thesis on the Knights Templar. When Merrick takes her to the Templar stronghold, he presents her with all she needs—and awakens a soul-deep ache, he alone can soothe. Yet loving Merrick comes with a price. If she admits she’s destined for him, her gift of foresight predicts his death.
Did you do anything special to celebrate release day?
I went to the bookstore only to discover that the ONLY Jan 3 New Release in romance that had made it on the shelves yet was Maya Banks’ new KGI book. The manager wasn’t entirely open to finding mine, or the ones I went in to purchase in the back either, so I left with only accomplishing one book on my BUY list and getting STRIPPED on the shelves, before I decided I better vanish. I’m not entirely certain what she is doing with a job in customer relations.
After that I went to lunch with my mother and my boys :)
What is up next for both Tori St. Claire and Claire Ashgrove?
With Tori, it’s LIE TO ME in July. Fingers crossed we’ll see acception of a new proposal that continues the Black Opals. I also have a historical project I’m working on.
With Claire — a whole bunch of things. The Curse of the Templars continues later this year as well. Meanwhile I’m concluding a series of short novellas, Inherited Damnation. I have a project with a fellow author co-hort, and I’d like to piddle around with a fantasy project I began a while ago.
Thanks Tori! Today, we have a copy of Stripped to give away! To enter, just leave a comment. Open to US/Canada through January 12.
I don’t think I have ever read a story where the heroine had so far to go in order to be redeemed. You have piqued my curiosity in how that happens and what motivated her to make the choices she has made.
Little Lamb, I know I haven’t read anything like that — which was part of why I went down that path. Hope you enjoy the story!
Stripped sounds so good. I really want to read it
I just added this to my TBR list after reading some great reviews. Would love to win a copy.
How did u come up with the pen name Claire Ashgrove? And I love secret agent stories :)
email: cruz042 at
Sounds excellent, and is now on my TBR. I’d love to win a copy.
I would love to read this book so thank you for the opportunity to win a copy! Mandi here at Smexy Books gave a very positive review so thats good enough for me! I’m sold! Also I like the cover. I didn’t notice the silhouette at first.
This book sounds so intriguing! Can’t wait to get my hands on this one. Thanks for the insight of your characters and story.
I love the idea of a grittier heroine. It seems like we often get a hero who takes a lot to redeem but is clearly driven by his convictions. It is rarer to find those same risks taken with a heroine. This book sounds really good.
This book is now added to my TBR pile. I would love to win a copy though! Sound s great and I have not read any books by this author.
Sounds like an excellent read.
I have to say that Stripped has really caught my attention. It is an interesting plot with challenging characters. Very dark and erotic, which is just what I crave sometimes. I’m looking forward to reading it!
Hi Tori,
I’ve only read one of your Claire stories so far, with more on my wish list. I have been hearing great things about Stripped, so thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Looks interesting:)
I can’t wait to read this!
I love characters who aren’t perfect, so I’m truly intrigued about reading Stripped. Immortal Hope also sounds really good – I have a thing for Templar Knights. Congratulations on both releases.
Feisty cover!! Sounds good.
Sounds so intriguing! I love it!! Can’t wait to read it. She did a great job on it..
You are sure one busy lady these days, with 2 different blog tours going on. Congrats on the releases. I am very eager to read STRIPPED and love that it is the first book. Will there only be 2 books of the series or will there be more?
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Maria and Lauren — thanks for joining in today! You’ll have to let me know your thoughts.
Arianne — interesting question. When I was in my early 20s, I worked with a woman who I very much admired. Her name was Claire, and it was the first name that came to mind when I needed a pen name. Ashgrove — I couldn’t begin to tell you. All I knew was I wanted an “A” last name, and it just hit out of the blue.
Hi Cayenne and Olivia! My stop here is separate from my blog tour, but I’m on tour with Stripped. I’d love to see everyone join in there too. You can win an Amazon Gift Card to spend on Stripped, if you don’t win the copy here!
Stacy — It took me a little bit to notice the people inside the silhouette myself. I really like this cover.
Erin, I definitely took a risk with using a heroine in that fashion. But I couldn’t resist and wanted something a little different. It seems to be working. Fingers cross it continues to work.
Dawn, Estella, Katherine, Adelle, Paige, Karen, Natasha, Kay — Nice to “meet” you. Thank you for dropping in today and I hope you do enjoy STRIPPED.
Cathy, which one, if you don’t mind my asking?
June — I hope there’s more than 2. The proposal is on my editor’s desk. We’ll see how it turns out.
This is the second review I’ve read on this new book and I can say I’m intrigued that the heroine is a little darker & the hero sounds interesting, as well. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.
Jennifer — (oh look I just figured out ‘reply’ – flail) She’s a lot darker :) Very non-standard. But entertaining, in a wicked sort of way.
This book sounds very interesting. I would love to have a chance to win it. I have it in my wish list of books to buy.
It sounds so good- and all the reviews I have read said it was great!!!! Thanks for the chance!!!
This sounds great ! I’d love to win a copy. Thanks for the giveaway.
Stripped sounds like a really good read. Please enter me in contest.
Olá, você já ouviu falar do salvador da terra Katipsoi Zunontee? O cara é demais! Ele irá nos salvar do fim do mundo em 2012 sério mesmo se quiser saber mais sobre ele clica no link que cadstrei nesse comentário!! BEIJAO!
I’ve read reviews and excerpts of Stripped and it sounds fierce! Hope to read it. Thanks so much for the giveaway.
CONGRATS Tori on the release of two books!!! They both sound amazing and are definitely on my wishlist! I’ve already seen some really great reviews for Stripped… can’t wait to read it!
Why have I not read you until now? Stories sound like my kind of books. Thanks for the introduction, now off to find a few. Thanks Debbie
Your books sound so interesting!