I’ve been in the mood of an erotic contemporary for awhile but was having a hard time finding one. Yesterday I was blog hopping and read an article at Romance Around the Corner about Brie’s take on erotic romance and she happened to mention Broken by Megan Hart where she says, “Broken is one of the most complex and even romantic -in a very unconventional way- romances I have read.”
Brie and I have similar tastes in books and I know Helyce, Tori and Sophia (who give me many recs) all love Megan Hart. So I grabbed my Kindle thinking I would read this book here and there over the week as my “fun book.”
Yeah. No. I started reading and literally did not put the Kindle down until the very last page. This book is one of the most dark, intense, erotic books I have ever read. It has completely wrecked me (in a good way).
I decided not to do a normal review of it because I’m so emotionally drained and affected I don’t think I can properly write down my thoughts. I will say it’s the story of Sadie who by chance meets Joe one day as they share a bench for lunch. They start talking and get into the habit of meeting on this bench for lunch the first Friday of every month. Joe loves women, and has numerous one night stands. When they meet, Joe tells Sadie in detail about one of the women he recently had sex with. This is how each chapter starts out – as I said, this book is so erotic as we get intimate details of Joe in bed with a different woman each chapter. It might sound sleazy, but it is done very well. This author can write a sex scene like no one else.
Although Sadie and Joe don’t share many other details about their lives, Sadie is in love with Joe from these stories, and likes to imagine herself in the role of the random women Joe sleeps with. So you think you have the story figured out and then all of a sudden she goes home to her quadriplegic husband. OMG! He is paralyzed from the neck down from a skiing incident four years ago.
From here the story plays out as we watch Sadie and Adam go through extremely painful times, Joe and Sadie go through extremely painful times. No one is perfect, everyone is flawed and it is done so well. I loved the ending too. I loved everything about this book. Everything. Sadie is just desperate for someone to touch her. Her husband can only move his head. And while she truly loves him, and has devoted her life to him, what they are both going through is so hard. The fights they have are so, so painful. And the addiction she has to Joe – AHHH. This book is so complex I could spend pages just babbling about it. But I’ll spare you.
I’m at the point where I want to read every single book by Megan Hart, (as this is my first) but I also need to wait a little bit. I’m not ready to let go of this one yet. It was too emotional for me to jump into another one right away. But soon.
I can see this book not working for some though. It is not an easy book to read. Have you read Broken? Did it work for you? What other Megan Hart books do you recommend?
Run out and buy Dirty. That was my first Hart (Broken was my second). I’ve read others by her, and while they are very good – Dirty and Broken have made the biggest impacts for me.
Fiction Vixen told me to read Dirty next too. I’m all over it. And Helyce gifted me Stranger so I’m set. But like I said…this one has to settle. It truly made a huge impact on me. :)
COSIGN! Dirty and Naked are both favorites of mine.
She has such a great grasp of how romantic and dark the erotic novel can be and every time I read one of her books, I’m in shock and awe.
I have not read any of her contemporary erotic reads as of yet but I have them on my tbr list! I have read her Order of Solace series and enjoyed most of the books.
AMY! You need to read one. From what others have told me, Broken is the most emotionally torturing..but I hear they are all erotic. I think you would like.
I follow her on Twitter and she has been in my TBR forever, but this has pushed me to trying her sooner than later. Thanks!
Yay! I curse myself for waiting so long. I think I’ve read a few of her novellas in anthologies but this was what I needed. ;)
Wow. That sounds really heavy! I’ve only read one Megan Hart book, which was Collide, and I really enjoyed it. It looks like I need to check out some of her other titles.
It is heavy…you need to be ready for heavy
Haven’t read it yet, but I did buy it last december for a really great price, one of those 0.99 Kindle deals I think… WIN!!!
oooh..awesome deal!
I’ve read a few Megan Hart books. She is an amazing writer to be sure. One of the best. 100%. The problem with the books I’ve read is that there never seems to be a HEA. Just desperation and sadness. I’ve read only 3 of her books (not this one) so I am by no means an expert. I just have to be in a certain mood to read her books because they are not “enjoyable” in the romance sense. They are heavy, emotional and never seem to be a light read. However, one of the most gifted authors I have read.
Well I can’t speak much since I’ve only read one – but same with Broken. There isn’t a totally wrapped-up HEA at all at the end. You kind of have to assume things in your head.
And with this one it is so dark. Which is why I can’t pick up another one quite yet.
One of my favorite things about this book was Adam. In any other book he would have been the evil villain who keeps the heroine unhappy and it’s one-dimensional and plain. However, his anger and his personality felt so real to me that it was almost painful to read about him and them as a couple. I don’t mean that pitied him, because he wasn’t that type of person regardless of his disability, I never felt sorry for him, but I found him so complex and interesting, I’m not sure I can truly express how I felt about him. This is how you do love triangles, IMO.
I second, third, etc. Dirty. That’s another winner and it’s just as intense but for a whole different set of reasons. Just like Wendy said, those two books are the ones that made the biggest impact for me. Another good one is Stranger. She also has a series that’s more fantastic, but I haven’t read it. Overall her style is one to savor, I don’t think Megan Hart is the type of writer that makes you read all of her books back to back and just inhale her backlist, her stories are emotionally exhausting and you need to take your time and be in the right mood for it. So you should definitely take your time!
Adam – oh Adam. I know. I didn’t want Adam to be out of the picture, but at the same time, I wanted Joe IN the picture. But at the same time, I didn’t want Sadie to be unfaithful. But at the same time..yeah. LOL. It killed me. Really. Sadie and Adam’s huge blowout fight where she was in his face screaming nearly did me in. I was in that room with them. It felt so real.
I just found out Elle is the heroine in Dirty. zomg. I’m so excited.
I am beyond excited that you like Megan Hart. I would have pushed her on you before now, but her stuff really is different and certainly not for everyone. You have to have an open mind. What I love about the books too is that while NOT considered a series, characters show up in small roles in a lot of the books. You should read Dirty first, because my very favorite character, Jack, has a cameo in it, and then he has a bigger part in Stranger-which as you know I am dying for you to read! Take all the time you need, but hurry up! :)
Ok…Dirty then Stranger! Got it.
Be ready for 3am emails Helyce!! ;)
To read Megan Hart’s contemp’s, you must be strong emotionally and a hanky ready. Her books are an emotional roller coaster, that won’t let you off.
Maybe I’ll be more emotionally prepared for the next book. *whimper* :)
YEA!! So glad you finally came over to the dark erotic side. lol I find when I read Megan’s books I need a few days to recup. I’ver read most of them and whew-they are though provoking and emotionally exhausting. Especially when you realize that she keeps it so real that you are never sure if they are or will ever by happy.
You MUST read Broken, Tempted, then Naked. They will freaking DESTROY you. *sobbing while swooning*
Ahh…you must read Broken, Tempted, Everything Changes, then Naked.
Hold me Tori. I’m a mess. ;)
Actually-forget Broken. Just readed Tempted, Everything Changes, and naked. Then call me and we will hold each other and sob while listing to Brandon Flowers and eating bacon.
I love when books have this kind of impact on you when you read them. It doesn’t happen very often. With that said – there is no way I could get through reading this book. I am not someone who can go that deep into my emotional reservoir without being permanently effected. Thanks for the “review,” it works really well for this book!
It rarely happens, which is why I’m a little freaked out :) But in a good way.
And yes, this book is definitely not for everyone. But wow, it had a huge impact on me :)
It took me awhile to recover from reading Broken. Megan Hart goes to some dark places and uncomfortable places but I so love that about her. The sex is steamy for sure but the emotion and relationships written behind them are so well done that it haunts you for good long while after with “What would I do?” if in the same real life scenerios. Good stuff. You should try out Tempted/Naked. Alex Kennedy is faboosh.
I loved going to those dark places…omg. So good!!
I have read one of her books, a short story, and it was good. I think that is all I got by her, it was a freebie
I’ve read one or two of her shorter stories. This one though is a must read!
Hiya Mandy!
I’d recommend trying out Collide. It’s got a time travel bent to it, but it’s SO not used as a gimmick. In true Hart fashion, her emotional connections between characters are key. This one might be a good followup to Broken because, while it’s intense in so many ways, it’s got a measure of levity to it. The “impossible situation” trope is not the same as in Broken or some of Hart’s other works…or, at least, it’s not the same type of impossible situation. Gahhhh justgottareadit! ^___^
Cool! Thanks for the rec. They all sound good! LOL
I enjoyed Collide as well. (**sigh**) Loved Johnny and his accent!
My first MH book was Naked, which I liked well enough, but I think I should have started with Broken. It sounds amazingly good.
I hope you try it :)
okay adding this to reading pile …Great review and never have read her yet :)
Yay! :)
This.This.This!!! I am a total Megan Hart fan girl and I am so glad you finally had the chance to read one of her erotics. They are so different than any other erotic I’ve read and they are amazing. So many times erotic love stories are based in fantasy but Megan Hart does a wonderful job basing her stories in (harsh) reality and somehow making it work really well.
I should have listened to you years ago!!!
I hope your email is ready for more omg messages ;)
What Brie and Super Wendy said.
I cried and cried in this book, for Sadie and for Adam. *sigh*
I’d definitely recommend Dirty next. There is also a sequel novella to Dirty called Reason Enough which I liked too. I think you will find the endings in these 2 to be at the happier end of the scale. :)
Oh I didn’t know about the sequel. I’ll have to see where I can find it!! Thanks for the heads up.
I think it might be a Spice Brief.
I read this a few years ago. I’ll never forget the feeling of finding out about her husband. Never. Forget.
I will never forget it either. No words.
I have a “Megan Hart” file on my Kindle. The number of books in that file…16. Yep, I’m a huge fan girl. Of course I’ve liked some better than others. Dirty didn’t work as well for me as some of the others have said. I think I had a hard time getting close to Elle, the heroine. But then so did Dan, so perhaps that’s the way it was supposed to be. Read Tempted and see if you don’t fall head over heels in love with Alex Kennedy. It’s impossible not to. Then you must read Everything Changes, which is a short novella of Alex’s point of view from Tempted. And then you must read Naked, wherein Alex finally gets his HEA with Olivia, who I also adored.
One of her lighter contemps that’s not first person POV, and I believe a re-issue/re-work, is Bachelor Number Four. I also liked it a lot.
She’s a very emotional writer in that after you finish one of her full length novels of the Broken variety, you feel wrung out, and like you said, Mandi, in need of time to process. That’s how a good book should make you feel.
Thank you! I think I will do Dirty next because I am interested in Elle from Broken. But I want to work my way through them all.
Im taking the Megan Hart plunge. Dude, her hubs is wheelchair bound!!!!
He is paralyzed from the neck down..so he can’t even use his arms. It’s serious stuff man. So glad you are taking the plunge!!!
It sounds like everyone who has read it loved it. But for me, the emotional cheating is just as bad as the physical cheating. I don’t think I could like any of the characters after that. :(
Normally I’d be right with you on that. I didn’t really know anything about the book going in, which is probably why I read it. I don’t think I would have picked it up otherwise. But, having read it, it doesn’t feel like it’s so horribly wrong in the context of the book. I’m probably not explaining this very well, but it was like Sadie and Adam were just SO sad. Sadie loved Adam and would never have cheated on him in any way but for his accident. But, he is now a quadriplegic and any kind of physical intimacy is extremely problematic. The other part is that her life is just so awful. She cares for him when she’s not working and this is a constant job. She does it willingly but she’s just so TIRED. The brief moments with Joe are little sparks of happy/fantasy which don’t hurt Adam at all. If anything, they help her keep going. Even so, she does break it off with Joe because she feels guilty about her “betrayal” of Adam with Joe.
What I’m trying to say is that it didn’t come across to me as “cut and dried”. Maybe if you try it, you will still think she’s a cheating cheatypants but I found myself just feeling terribly sad for everyone involved. Which, given my default view of cheating, goes to show that Megan Hart is a darn good writer!
I agree – there is a huge gray area and the author treads very lightly with the cheating…the way she writes it – really makes you think.
Okay now I hate you lol!! I’ve always heard good things about Megan’s books but this had me wanting to buy it NOW!
You can buy it now! ;)
I read it…and have a question…for ppl who read it…
~SPOILER…. (don’t look….)
“From the first time you laughed with me, all those months, and all those stories,” Joe said quietly.
“They were all you, to me. All of them were you.”
So all these stories…Are they true…or just some of them? Did he sleep with all these women or just make it up to entertain Sadie? Or he is pretending these women are Sadie (..like Sadie pretending to be those women…)….I am quite confused…
Very emotional book…i must say….someone posted that the next book…they were briefly mentioned as a “married” couple…. If anyone finds that part…plez post it or send it to me…I am very interested…hehe…
Well, that’s the big question. You never really know for sure. The reader gets to choose what works best for them. That’s my take anyway. Personally, I found it more romantic if they were all fantasies, but they could have happened I suppose. :)
I think they are all true….I think Joe is saying by the end – I wish they had been you. Or that by the end he was acting out more because he wanted to be with Sadie.
At least that is my take. I also found out the first girl he sleeps with, the virgin, is the sister of the heroine in Tempted. So he definitely slept with her.
No..they are true.
Ahh, there you go then! I haven’t read Tempted yet.
It didn’t bother me. Joe and Sadie weren’t “together” and it wasn’t like he was cheating on Sadie or anything. Sadie wanted Joe to have something to tell her. Whether it was all or part imagination or all true, didn’t really matter to Sadie I think.
I’m not sure whether I want to think that after the first time he spoke to Sadie about his sexploits he was only thinking of her because that sounds a bit assholish to the women he was with, while at the same time being kind of romantic for Sadie. So, I guess I just wont’ think about it LOL!
I don’t usually do contemporary novels, but this sounds SO good. I really think I might have to give it a try. :)
OMG, I read Broken several months ago…and it just about KILLED ME! One of the most emotionally draining reading experiences I’ve ever had. I love that there are no real “good guys” or “bad guys” in this book. It leaves you with much more to think about–for example, would Adam and Sadie’s marriage have fallen apart even if it hadn’t been for Adam’s accident? Would it have fallen apart sooner?
I’ve read a few other Hart books. I liked them all, but none of them affected me nearly as much as Broken.
I know! That is the biggest thing for me – the open ended questions. She does such a great job with putting all of these questions in your head. Ahhh!!! Love so much! :)