Reign Fall (Demon Princess #3) by Michelle Rowen
YA Paranormal
E book
January 1, 2012
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “Oh, go point that thing somewhere else, you idiot!”
In Reign Check, the second book, Nikki took a field trip to Hell and almost dies…only to be saved by her crush, Michael. Reign Fall picks up three weeks later. Nikki hasn’t seen Michael in all that time so when she is summoned to her father’s castle, she prepares to give him an earful. When she arrives, she meets a young boy who speaks to her in riddles, hinting at secrets that only she can reveal and solve. Nikki senses something is different with Michael and her father confirms it. Michael asks Nikki for a favor which results in Nikki having to negotiate with Rhys. Rhys is now dating her BFF Melinda but keeps making references to their getting married to fulfill the prophesy. Nikki is honest that she is on the fence with Michael and Rhys. Each of them different and appealing in their own way, I don’t envy Nikki having to choose. As Nikki tries to help Michael and avoid Rhys, something stalks her in the night, eager to end Nikki’s problems once and for all.
Michelle Rowen’s Reign Fall is the third book in her light hearted fantasy YA series that centers around a sixteen year old girl who just found out she is a half demon princess. It has a soap opera feel to it that is cute and engaging as you follow Nikki from one adventure to another. A normal sixteen year old, Nikki balances high school and learning about her demon heritage with plenty of humor and snark. The story line is steady with witty dialogue and personable characters though certain scenes dragged while others seemed rushed.
Ms. Rowen does a nice job of bringing you up to speed from Reign Check to here in the first few chapters. While there is a fourth and final book that will wrap this whole series up, I enjoyed that this book is as viable as the last two. Often a four series trilogy or would you call this a quad-ilogy? Hmmm? Anyway, there will usually be one book that is nothing more then a filler. We don’t get that in here. Ms. Rowen moves through this story with purpose as she begins to wrap up loose ends and answer important questions to prepare us for the end.
I did hope to see Nikki mature more then she did. She acted much younger at times. I also didn’t like what she did to Michael. I realize this series actually takes place in a relatively short time but Nikki’s avoidance of conflict continues to annoy at times. Her scene with Michael left a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t want to expand upon it for fear of spoiling but honestly, I wanted to smack her for that.
The ending is solid, wrapping up the main conflict nicely while leaving us with some raised eyebrows as new sub plots are opened and previously marked upon avenues are expanded upon. I look forward to book four and seeing how Ms. Rowen wraps this up.
Overall Rating: C+
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I am not really into YA, but some authors sure make me curious to pick up their series. Thanks for the review! I’ll keep this in mind.
Dunno if I would buy it, but I would still love to read it cos it sounds fun :)