10. After months of our toilets gurgling every time they are flushed, we decided we might have a septic problem. And we are talking big time gurgling – I mean those suckers were angry. So now we need an entire new drywell. Awesome. I can’t wait for my back yard to be dug up and spend a ton of money on..septic. Who wants to spend money on septic? *cries* You are also probably asking, who wants to TALK about my septic problems on top ten? Not, sexy huh? Unless there is a romance writer who wants to write a septic hero….*grins* Let’s move forward.
9. Lauren Dane revealed two new covers this week. Tart looks like it will be a m/f/m and I’m looking forward to reading it! You can read the blurb HERE. Comes out this November. Tart will be book two in her “Delicious” series. Book one, Sway will come out in August as a duology with Maya Banks. It will be BDSM and a spin-off from her Brown Siblings series. Oh yes, Smexy is there.
Speaking of the Brown Family, Lauren Dane has a novella coming out, Laid Open. This will be coming out in September and will feature Ben, Todd and Erin from Laid Bare.
8. Thanks to Has, I was alerted that Patricia Briggs has posted the first chapter of Fair Game (Alpha & Omega #3) on her website. OMG! Go read it. I love this series, but I’m also a Bran stalker and chapter one has some good Bran parts. If you haven’t read this series, it takes place in the same world as her Mercy Thompson books, but follows Charles (Bran’s son) and Anna (The omega). I’d say there is more romance in this one than the Mercy series. Both are fab. Fair Game comes out March 6th!
7. Ava March released the cover of Thief, her first in a new trilogy with Carina Press to come out this March. I love Ava March books! Can’t wait for this one!
6. Currently, Sourcebook had The Lady of the Storm by Kathryne Kennedy (Kindle, Nook) and The Making of a Duchess by Shana Galen (Kindle, Nook) priced at $1.99 through 2/6/12.
I’ll remind you, but at the end of the month they are putting Warrior by Cheryl Brooks on sale. If you haven’t read a Cheryl Brooks book, you must. You must be introduced to the Snard. Can you guess what snard is? *giggles* (hint – it comes out of men).
5. Yesterday, and for the next few days, Kresley Cole is on a big book signing tour AND she has with her the cover model for Lothaire, Paul Marron. OH REALLY. A few lucky bloggers got to go to the sigining Wednesday night. Above is Chelsea from Vampire Book Club (with Paul Marron). He must be wearing the same leather coat from the photo shoot.
A pic of Kresley Cole with “Lothaire” from Eva. Thanks! Also, Eva has a great video on her site from the singing. Go HERE to see it.
It looks like a fun time. I’m jealous. Chelsea has the remaining spots of her tour with “Lothaire” on her site.
4. Speaking of models….Samantha introduced me to Raphael Lazzini. Oh the scruffy goodness that comes from this male.
He also looks mighty fine in his underwear (shocking, I know!) Check out this pic (tiny bit NSFW)
3. This is my new discovery this week. The Man Crush Blog. The name speaks for iteself. Hotties galore. You must check it out. You can also “Like” their Facebook page and get hottie updates all day. NOT that I do that. *ahem*
2. My friend sent me this article The Uppers & Downers of Parenting (Or, Coffee & Wine) by Amber Dusick. This is my life! The kids wake up at the crack of dawn ready to assemble a 5,000 piece lego set. COFFEE FIRST. But then after that first cup you are ready!
But the same cycle starts in the evening, right? After screaming and playing all day.
You get that blessed glass of wine and all is right with the world
1. Today my eldest turns 8. So we have big birthday celebrations planned (pokemon themed of course since he is obsessed) The Ravens also have a big playoff game this weekend. It should be a fun few days! Happy Friday!
Coffee and wine makes everything right in the world.
True words
And chocolate.
Well at least you don’t have a feet of snow and three kids under the age of five to contend with when your septic goes out! Sorry about having to spend all that money on poop! However, the kids will LOVE the whole enterprise!
Have fun with your Pokemon. My two youngest (girls – now 10) are hugely still obsessed and went to the B&W movie in theaters. Sure you did too!
Since I’m a Steelers fan I won’t be wearing purple this weekend… LOL However I do wish them luck since we are now out of the running…
I do look forward each week to the top 10!
oh no! That sounds horrible! True..the kids are very excited for the backhoe in our backyard..LOL. But it paying for shit problems sucks so bad!!! ;)
Steelers had a rough game last week – I hope the Ravens don’t give me that kind of stress! :)
Probably not… Ravens don’t usually take it down to the last second. Seems that’s what Steelers do! LOL
Oooo, hello Mr. Lazzini. Google image search here I come!
Have fun ;)
Look at that picture of Paul standing next to KC. Do you see it?? How he is standing has to be the hottest thing EVER. I need a cigarette.
Sorry about your backed up turlets. Home ownership is such a money sucker.
I KNOW. Gah!!!! He is smexy!
If you could count daily hits on your blog I think I would account for 50% of them for today. I keep coming back to look at that picture.
I MAY save these types of pictures to my iPhone so I can bring them up anytime. ;)
OMG, seriously is he the hottest thing ever? I love how he just stands there behind Kresley and looks hot for 15 minutes. So yummy in that jacket.
I know. I find it so funny that he is touring with her. Nice move in the PR department!
I grew up with a septic tank so I know of what you speak. Very nasty business. Good luck with that, and yeah, sorry about the $$$.
I’m kicking myself that I never read Kresley Cole and therefore cannot read Lothaire with you all. I can, however, enjoy Mr. Paul Marron’s gorgeousness! (soccer game today…maybe I’ll get that picture!)
Stupid question, but–should I be reading Ava Marsh? I’ve seen her name come up more and more recently??
Enjoy Pokemon–I don’t get it, but that’s probably cause I’m old!
First of all, you would love Cole’s series.
And YES! You need to read Ava March!! Start with Convincing Arthur! Or actually, any of them!! So good!
(Did I use enough !!! ?) ;)
Congratulations on your sons birthday! And wow, to meet Paul Marron! He is on so many of my favourite book covers! Talking about yummie! Just wish he took of that coat …
I wish I could meet him. They need to come north :)
LOL, not safe for boyfriend behind me either ;)
ahahahaha. I warned you! ;)
Note to Self: Buy “Warrior” by Cheryl Brooks when it goes on sale at the end of the month…I want to know what “The Snard” is!!!
Go Ravens!!! Caw Caw!! ;)
It’s totally over the top…keep that in mind. Silly, but enjoyable.
I am so looking forward to Ava’s new book. I gave her a try and then gobbled everything else she’s written up like crack. So yes, @helyce you need to read her work. My only complaint is that they’re too short. I believe (without checking) they’re all novellas.
Yes..they are all novellas. I THINK her new trilogy with Carina are going to come out quick though. Love her books :) I just gifted Convincing Arthur to Helyce through Amazon. *grins*
Septic tank…maybe we need to send in Mike Rowe for that Dirty job. Have fun with birthday party :)
He would be the perfect man for the job! LOLOL.
This made me smile!
I’ve waited all week to see Rafael Lazzini on here! Yay! Very excited for a novella of Ben, Todd, and Erin too. Brown Sibling series is one of my favorites. Brody Brown…*swoon*
Thanks for the hotness this week!
GASP! The cover model for Lothaire is the same one who did Rhev’s in JR Ward series!!!
Yeah, Paul Marron really gets around. He has done a ton of covers
Maybe he will be another BDB hero and go on tour with Ward. I would SO be there!
I support this plan. Really, I like the idea of cover models touring with authors in general.
PAUL MARRON!!! You already know of my obsession with that man! I wish I could have gone to one of the signings! Pam looks adorable!
And Rafael was one of the hottie of the weeks on the blog. I posted that SAME PIC! So so sexy. Gotta love all that scruff!
Watching Eva’s video was a tough one. I had to divide my attention listening to KC and ogling PM.
I know – Pam is so cute. Such a good picture.
LOL – that is a good picture!
I have an 8 year old and he’s Pokemon obsessed too. That and girls…
I LOVE the cover for Tart, it’s just so whimsy!
How can you not have known about the Man Crush Blog? You must follow their tumblr page. It’s dirty and sexy and dirty and sexy. Did I mention it’s a little dirty? *wink*
Mmm, Man Crush Blog — strong enough for a man, but I like it too! lol That is a guilty pleasure.