We are happy to have debut author Heather Snow at Smexy today!
Who is Heather Snow? Give us the low down.
Well, I’m a historical romance author with a chemistry degree who discovered I preferred creating chemistry on the page, rather than in the lab! I’m also a wife and mom of two boys, known affectionately on the web as The Heir and The Spare. This is, of course, some historical romance author humor, and not an actual reflection on how we view our children ;). The boys are 3 ½ years old, and 6 months. As you can imagine, that makes me a little crazy at times…I’m imagining that will pass…in 18 years or so…
I’m also a movie lover—a lake girl—prefer water skiing over snow, despite my name—and love solitude, though I rarely get it with young children.
Sweet Enemy is your debut book. Tell us about your road to publication.
a. Sweet Enemy is my debut book, but also my first completed manuscript. When I started writing it, I expected it would take me years to learn the craft. I anticipated that if I was lucky enough to get published, it wouldn’t be until about the time my children went to school (I only had the Heir at the time…he was a toddler, but knew I wanted more). Still, I entered it in Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart® contest in 2010, as well as in the Daphne Du Maurier and Romance Through the Ages contests—just to see what would happen. It became a finalist in them all. Needless to say, I was shocked. That year, at the national convention, my soon-to-be agent actually offered representation in front of an entire room of people at an award ceremony for one of the contests I won. It was very exciting! She sent the book out, and three weeks later, SWEET ENEMY sold, at auction, to NAL. It was quite the whirlwind.
You have a chemistry background and your heroine in Sweet Enemy has that passion as well. Tell us more about how you developed Liliana.
I attended an interesting museum exhibit detailing an event that occurred during the Regency period (Sorry to be so vague, but I don’t want to say what exhibit, lest I give away part of the mystery! It is explained in the author’s note when you finish the book). However, I can say that scientists were involved, which started a “What if?” in my mind. I then started to create characters that would fit the story idea I now had—Liliana’s father had to be a scientist, and therefore I wanted her to be one as well…but what kind?
My decision to make her a chemist really came from the “write what you know” adage first time writers hear all of the time. Having a chemistry degree myself, I thought I could lend my voice well to her character—or at least be able to get into her head. It took a bit of research to nail down exactly what she might have known in the early 19th century, and then give her personal goals that were intuitive and yet attainable in that time period. Over the course of the book, she bloomed into a wonderful character, and her unique way of seeing the world drove a lot of the love story. She meshed nicely with my “political activist” sort of hero. I found ways to use what she would know scientifically to move him closer to his goals to better the lives of the common Briton, as well as to bond them—and to use her curious nature and unique knowledge to get her into and out of some tight situations.
I saw the very smexy romance trading card on your website featuring the hero, Geoffrey Wentworth. Did you create them? Was it hard to find models who resemble your characters as you seen them in your head?
I wrote the copy on them and chose the photos, then had them designed at www.HotDamnDesigns.com . Kim has a wonderful array of stock photos to choose from. Liliana was perfect…red hair, the quill and book that make her look so smart! The Geoffrey on the trading cards is quite smexy, and mostly how I envisioned him in my head. But the true inspiration for Geoffrey was a model in an Armani ad from 2008ish…it’s still pinned to my board in my office, because he’s SO scrumptious. I tried to find a copy of the ad on the net, so I could share it with you, but I was thwarted. However, he closely resembles this guy:
In fact, I’m pretty sure he IS this guy, just posed differently…SMEXY!!!
*fans self* Yes, He is very smexy!
I love the quote from your website by Carl Jung: The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances:if there is any reaction, both are transformed. How sweet. What are some of your favorite fictional romance couples?
I like Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, mostly because Darcy smolders. Smol-ders! And really… “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” Gotta love him. I also love Derek Craven and Sara Fielding from Lisa Kleypas’ “Dreaming of You”. Derek is such an unconventional hero and Sara the only women for him. I adore Evie Jenner and Sebastian St. Vincent from Kleypas’ “Devil In Winter,” another great anti-hero meets his match in an unexpected woman. And who could forget Arwen and Aragorn, from LOTR…she gives up eternity for him…that’s love!
How did you celebrate release day?
Well, after a barrage of congratulatory tweets, which I read whilst grinning from ear to ear, I moved onto a day of dishes, diapers and laundry…LOL. However, that evening we got a sitter and my husband and I dashed to our local bookstore to see the book on the shelf. Some friends met us there and we took tons of pictures. A stranger noticed all of the commotion and bought the book right there and had me sign it. Now, he was an older man who preferred mysteries, and I tried to tell him there were “kissing parts”, but he bought it anyway!
Then we moved onto dinner, where we’d invited people who’d been on the journey with me—critique partners, beta readers, etc. We had a lovely meal, lots of wine and a SWEET ENEMY decorated cake!
When the manager of the restaurant saw that and asked what we were celebrating, she ran into the back and brought out her Kindle and bought SWEET ENEMY on the spot…so, I guess to celebrate, I sold two copies to complete strangers (and a few to friends!)
I read an amusing interview with your husband, who was interviewed by Lilia DiPasqua on her blog. It appears while writing Sweet Enemy, you had a newborn and a husband who was in school. Have you found time to sleep yet? *grins* Do you have a set schedule or do you get your words down when you can find time?
Ha, sleep? It’s 2:30 a.m. as I’m writing this blog, and while the baby may sleep in a little in the morning, the Heir will be up with the sun (sigh). I used to have a set schedule, and that worked really well for me. Eventually, I’d like to get back to that. As you can imagine, the boys don’t let me have much time at the computer. Besides writing, so much other stuff is done at the computer as well…blogs, e-mail, updating website, facebook/twitter—all things I try to keep up with for my career, but it divides my attention. When I finally do get a second, so many computer “to-do’s” are flitting through my mind that I have to work really hard to focus on the writing. But, I’ll just have to keep it up for a couple of years until the Spare starts pre-school J
What is coming up next in your Veiled Seduction series?
Thanks for asking! I am SO excited about the next book in the series, SWEET DECEPTION, coming August 7. Again, we have a smart, science-savvy heroine. Emma is sort of a Regency-era Temperance Brennan from the TV show, Bones, who gets mixed up with the equivalent of a Regency-era James Bond. There’s a bit of treason, a bit of murder, and a faboo tag line: “But when deception, however sweet, is the name of the game no one can be trusted, and every love—and every life—is at risk.”
It was interesting writing SWEET DECEPTION because it’s so much faster a story than SWEET ENEMY, given that the mystery in Enemy is older and needed some set up, whereas the mystery in Deception is so much more immediate… there’s an active missing person’s search in Chapter One and it just takes off from there.
It will be followed up by a third book in early 2013.
Thank you so much for having me!
Geoffrey Wentworth, a war hero and rising political star, never wanted to be the Earl, but when his brother dies, he knows his duty—take up the responsibility for his family’s estates. His mother’s definition of duty differs from his, however, and can be summed up in one word—heirs. When Geoffrey rushes home to answer her urgent summons, he finds himself host to a house full of women, all vying to become the next Countess of Stratford. But his love is Parliament, where he wields his influence and reputation to better the lives of ex-soldiers, until a tempting houseguest and a secret from his past threaten his freedom…and his heart.
Liliana Claremont, a brilliant chemist, doesn’t want to be any man’s wife, much less a countess. If she had tuppence for every time she’d been told her place was filling the nursery, not experimenting in the laboratory, she could buy the Tower Bridge. However, when she receives a coveted invitation to the Earl’s house party, she trades in her beakers for ball gowns and gladly takes on the guise of husband hunter—for the chance to uncover what the Earl had to do with the murder of her father.
Liliana believes the best way to get the answers she needs is to keep her enemy close, though romance is not part of her formula. But it only takes one kiss to start a reaction she can’t control…
If you’d like to read the Prologue and first Chapter of Sweet Enemy, you can find it here.
Please visit her at www.HeatherSnowBooks.com, on Facebook or on Twitter
Today, I have a copy of Sweet Enemy to giveaway! To enter, just leave a comment. Contest open to all through February 15th.
this looks like a good book! Can’t wait to read….
Hi Kathy! Thanks so much. Hope you find it has just the right chemistry :)
sounds exciting….I love that the heroine is a chemist.
Hi Erica! People are really loving that Liliana is a chemist…I, of course, thought she would be terribly interesting to write, but I wasn’t sure others would think so when I wrote her! :)
I love that the heroine is a chemist. It really appeals to the science geek in me. I would love to read the book.
Hi Debbie, thanks! The back cover blurb doesn’t mention that Liliana is a chemist, so I’m hoping to get the word out via the web and word of mouth, because I really think it’s one of the things that makes Sweet Enemy different and interesting! Hope you love it.
I love unusual heroines! This reminds me a bit of some of the old Amanda Quick heroines (always a good thing), so I can’t wait to read it!
Rebe, isn’t Amanda Quick AWESOME? When I came back to reading historical romance after college, I discovered her stuff and devoured it!
Thanks a lot for this giveaway! The interview was great and now, I’m eager to have the chance to read the book!
Thanks Zendastark — I hope you enjoy Liliana and Geoffrey’s story!
Thank you for the giveaway. If I don’t win a copy this is definitely going on my TBR pile!
CK, thank you! Either way you get it, I hope you love it!
The book sounds interesting, would love to win it :)
Thanks Sarah! Good luck.
Oh, this book sounds good! Thank you for the opportunity!!!
Hi Janie. Thank you for commenting. Good luck in the contest.
I applaud your tenacity! I remember when my kids were little and I could barely remember my name, much less write a book! Would love to read this!
Hi Sooz, believe me, it is a close thing some days! I was pretty certain when I turned in the second in the series, SWEET DECEPTION, that is was a pile of sleep-deprived crud, but my agent and editor insisted it was not (it was written during the first 5 months of my youngest’s life!)
This sounds fascinating! I love the idea for the chemist heroine!
Hi Jennifer~ I am thrilled how well people are responding to Liliana. I only wish the fact that she is a chemist was mentioned on the back cover copy, so people who were looking for something a little different would have an easier time finding her! I was at a booksigning over the weekend and people really responded to that aspect of the book that they might not have known if I and the bookstore owner weren’t right there to tell them. Hopefully readers will hear word of mouth!
I love unusual heroines in historical romance. Am impressed with your ability to write with very young kids. I remember when mine were little mites and the sleep deprivation my husband and I suffered.
Little Lamb — me, too. I am loving writing this series :) Yes, the sleep deprivation wreaks havok, doesn’t it?
Hi Heather. Congratulations on your debut book. Sounds amazing. I love the cover.
Thank you very much, Crystal! I loved the cover, too…and I’m head over heels for the one for SWEET DECEPTION. Can’t wait until I can share it!
I read the first chapter and now I really want to read the rest of Sweet Enemy. The cover is beauftiful too. Thanks for the giveaway. :D
Hi Paula! Yay! I’m so glad the excerpt intrigued you. I DO love the cover, as well…and I’m excited about my next cover as well. Good luck in the giveaway.
Don’t think I have read a book where the heroine is interested in science.
Sounds really good.
Hi Estella! There are a few out there, but it’s definitely not the norm. When I decided to write Liliana, I wondered if anyone else would find her interesting or if I was just writing a character I would like. I’m thrilled to find out it’s just not me :)
Wow, I love love that cake :D I wish they made cool cakes like that here. And no idea how you found the time to write
Hi blodeuedd! Thanks for stopping by. Apparently, that is just edible paper with the picture printed onto it. We had it made at our local grocer, so it may be easier than you think!
I have no idea how I found time to write either…I’ve blocked most of that period out…LOL
Congratulations on your debut Heather!
What a great spin on the typical historical heroine! As a female electrical engineer, I really love atypical heroines.
I think that is the best publication celebration story I have ever read: full of the mundane and sublime. I love the celebratory dinner.
Thanks Katherine! How interesting…do you know, by percentage, how many electrical engineers are female? (always curious, me).
I had a fun time, certainly. I really think my favorite part was the manager of the restaurant pulling out her Kindle…LOL. If I ever find the time to download the pictures from my camera, I’ll post them on my Facebook page… :)
Congrats on the release. It seems like my kind of book. I really like that your heroine is intelligent and independent. Your next book sounds like it has a great premise, too.
Thanks LSU! SWEET ENEMY will always have a special place in my heart, since it wasn’t just my first published novel, but my first completed novel ever. But SWEET DECEPTION was SO fun to write…maybe I’m just a “love the one you’re with” author… :)
Sounds like an awesome read. Can’t wait to pick it up !!!
Thanks Tanya! I hope you love it…I’m always honored when a reader takes a chance on a debut author :)
Great journey to being published! Congrats :)
Thanks, Arianne! It was a fun time, for certain. Now, I’m hoping just to keep learning and growing as a writer so that I can become a favorite :)
Congrats on your debut release, Heather. I do adore science savvy heroines.
Thanks, Jane! I’m so glad so many people are looking forward to my science-savvy ladies!
Ooo, ooo, ooo sounds so good! Can’t wait to read it. :)
Thanks Samantha! I do hope you love it :)
Oh pick me! This is definitely on my reading list. :)
Jen ~ I’m so glad you’re looking forward to it! Good luck in the drawing :)
I’ve got Sweet Enemy on my wish list, it sounds like such a fantastic story with a very different heroine. I can’t wait to read it.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
Hello again, Barbara :) I hope you enjoy Liliana’s story!
I can’t wait to read this book. It has to be great considering everything I have heard about it, and the way the agents and everyone was after you and you getting so many offers on your very first book. Congrats on the release. And good luck trying to get some sleep, lol.
June M…thanks. I tell you, with two now, I’m afraid I might never sleep again :) It’s like the Spare has radar and knows when the Heir is sleeping…that way, he figures he can get me all to himself
I’m really glad you are highlighting that the heroine is a chemist because that’s what got me interested in the book. It’s too bad the blurb doesn’t mention it. Maybe the publisher thinks that would scare people off? Best wishes on the release.
JenM ~ I think that was likely the case. I’m a brand new author, maybe they didn’t want people to shy away, thinking it was too heavy a read for them. Not sure. Hopefully, the people who would love a chemist hero will hear about it word of mouth, and others will be happily surprised :) Thanks!
Yes, Chemistry in the pages of romance novels is SO much more interesting and fun than playing with chemicals and such! Thanks for letting us get to know you a little bit and thanks for the chance to win.
LOL, yes it is more fun…and generally safer! Thanks for taking the time to read about me and my story…should you decide to try SWEET ENEMY, I hope you find it has just the right chemistry :)
That looks like such a sweet cake. I hope there are many more in store for you Heather!
Thanks, Na! It was SO good…after one bite, I decreed I shall have a cover cake for every book :)
Congratulations Heather on your release! Just like Mandi, I love that quote on your website, and agree with your favourite literary couples *sigh* And congrats on the yummy cake and starting to sell right away ;-)
I so can’t wait Sweet Deception!! :-D
Hi Stella!!! Lovely to see you here :) Thanks for the congrats…I’m really hoping word of mouth helps sell my little chemist!
It’s kind of weird to have people who’ve read ENEMY and loved it waiting for DECEPTION…lol. I’m thrilled you are, though!
Thanks for the fantastic post and giveaway!
I’ve had book lust for this title ever since I read the blurb and found out it “starred” a female chemist :) I love historical romance, and especially if there’s a twist, like this one :)
H Erin — book lust. I love it! Like you, I’m a huge fan of historical romance, but definitely like to see it changed up a little. Hope your lust for SWEET ENEMY turns to love :)
What a beautiful cover! I would love to be entered to win a copy of this delicious sounding book :D Thanks for the interview and the giveaway!
Hi Julie! Yes, I did luck out in the cover department :) I love the detail in the background, the gorgeous blue, then quill and book as an homage to Liliana being a smart heroine. Good luck in the giveaway!
Congratulations on the book! It sounds very good.
wow, it’s a really smart couple! :D
Politician and a chemist… Must be have good chemistry! curious about that!
Congratulations for your debut, Heather.
Wish to read it! ;)
Hi ladymilano ~ I do love them as a couple…I really wanted them to both be passionate about their work, but also give him a career that she put at risk by the secret she has and just by being an unconventional heroine that he couldn’t possibly marry without being laughed out of Parliament. Makes for great conflict :)
Thank you for stopping by!
Hi, Heather! Congratulations on your new book! It sounds fantastic!
Thanks, Chelsea! Appreciate it.
I would love to read this book. It sounds very good.Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
Thank you, Victoria. Good luck in the giveaway.
I’m so excited about the Veiled Seduction series… I’m definitely reading all of them!
Thanks, Yadira! I’m excited that you’re excited! I’ve been thrilled with the response to my smarty, mystery solving heroines :) Hope you love them.
Trading cards? How awesome! Especially when it features a guy like that. I can’t wait to pick this one up.
Congrats on your debut, Heather! I really look forward to reading Sweet Enemy!
With the internet creating lots of buzz around the world,
it has to be noted that certain sites have children too as the members.