The Capture Of The Earl Of Glencrae (Cynster Sisters Trilogy #3) by Stephanie Laurens
Historical Romance
January 31, 2012
Reviewed by Tori
Favorite Quote: “I will hold you now and forever, and never let you fall.”
When Eliza Cynster was rescued by her hero, Jeremy Carling, they watched her kidnapper fall over a cliff and deduced that he was gone for good and the whole ordeal was over. That is, until the youngest sister, Angelica, is stolen away from a ball, in the same manner as her two older sisters were. But the similarities stop there.
Angelica knew she would recognize her hero from the first moment they laid eyes on each other, she didn’t however bargain on him kidnapping her. The Earl Of Glencrae is out of time. Though he didn’t want to deal with the youngest Cynster, he must or he will never get back a priceless heirloom that can save his clan. The Earl decides on a different tactic this time around; he is going to persuade Angelica to help him. And he’ll marry her to seal the deal.
I almost gave up on this series after the second book, In Pursuit Of Miss Eliza Cynster. It’s not I didn’t enjoy the book, but it had none of the intensity I had come to love about Ms. Laurens’ novels. I was told to give this one a chance and am happy I did. Though still not as action packed as earlier novels, this one did have the trademark humor, suspense, and steamy seductive romance that drew me originally to Ms. Laurens’ novels. The Capture Of The Earl Of Glencrae is the final and last story in this Cynster trilogy revolving around three sisters. Heather and Eliza, with the help of a certain necklace, have all found their true loves. Now it is Angelica’s turn. When she spies the elusive Earl Of Glencrae, she feels the electricity flow through her, telling her that he is the hero she has been waiting for. As she flirts and charms her way at his side, she soon finds herself trussed up and tossed in a carriage. Is she afraid? No. Is she mad? Oh yes. She is furious. With herself and with him. When he finally releases her, he tells her he needs her help and will explain everything. When Dominic lays everything on the table, Angelica decides to give him the benefit of the doubt and agrees to help him win back his clan’s birthright and freedom.
A smooth plot line that delicately reveals itself along a steady paced storyline, I found it was the characters who completely dominate this story. Dominic and Angelica were perfect for each other. Both are intelligent, loyal people who complete each other-like two halves of a puzzle. Angelica takes the lead right away; helping Dominic plan their strategy, getting to know his servants, and cleaning up the house she is currently sequestered in. She has determined that Dominic will be hers and she her methods of seduction leave him both confused and enchanted. He has meet him match and Angelica leaves him adorably confused. Dominic makes the comment many times that Angelica will always lead, and he will always follow.
Dominic himself is a gentleman. The perfect hero. Sexy yet reserved, he tries very hard to control himself around Angelica but once she sets out to seduce him, he falls in love gracefully and without a qualm. This is not to say he is a push over. Oh no. But he realizes that his happiness is concurrent on hers so he does everything possible to love her long, hard, and as often as he can. Whew! Their loves scenes leave little to the imagination and their smoking hot chemistry had me wishing for a Scottish Earl all my own.
The majority of the book is watching Angelica and Dominic’s love story while they make their way to his castle in Scotland. The action picks up the last quarter as we meet our villains and watch our protagonists tighten the trap they had planned from the beginning. Of course, the Cynster males appear and much laughter ensures. Our ending is a grand adventure that wraps everything up nice and neat and we even get a wonderful epilogue showing all the sisters finally married to their heroes.
Overall Rating: B
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Great review Tori! I think Dominic was easily the best hero of the trilogy. He made this book for me.
Thank you an i agree. Dominic was wonderful.
I’m glad book 3 redeemed the trilogy!
Me too. :)
I agree with you Tori, I think this one the best of the trio, not so cooky cutter as the rest. I hope her new books will be exciting to read again.
Me too. I want more time with the Cynsters of old.