This week, the smexiest book I read was Dirty by Megan Hart. She writes amazing sex scenes.Well, she writes amazing scenes, period. I’ll give you a snippet of Dan and Elle on the dance floor, the second time they ever meet.
The crowd had become one body moving to the music’s sensual beat. One entity with us in the center of it, pressed so close I could no longer be certain where I ended and he began. His hand slid up to embrace my breast through my blouse. I blinked and saw nothing but his face shadowed with blue and green, the colors pulsing in time to the rhythm.
Nobody watched us. Nobody saw. We had become part of something bigger and yet remained separate from it. The couple next to us kissed, their tongues tangling as their hands stroked and kneaded each other. The dance floor had become an orgy of lust. I smelled it, tasted it, saw it reflected in his eyes and knew he saw it in mine. The song changed again, bleeding into the previous one without break.
Bodies all around us pressed together. Sweat slid down my spine and shone on his forehead. Everything had become heat and beat.
His cock pressed hard against my belly. The sensation parted my lips in silent reaction, and his gaze watched my mouth again, his expression tense, as though he was in pain.
It wasn’t pain that thinned his mouth. I knew it by the way his jaw tightened when another surge of the crowd rocked me against his body. The hand on my ass splayed, then stroked upward to reach the small of my back, then down again to caress and press me against his erection.
I was lost. Lost in his eyes, in his touch, in the pounding pulse of music and lust. Lost in my own desire, which I’d denied for so long and now could no longer fight.
I saw the shift in his gaze and knew the exact moment when he recognized my reaction. If he’d smiled smugly or leered, I’d have fled. Instead, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression became a mixture of determination and helpless admiration. He looked at me as though he didn’t care if the song ever stopped or if he never looked at another woman again.
His hand slid down my hip to my thigh. His fingers caught the hem of my skirt, inching it up as we danced, until he could slip his hand beneath it. He cupped me, the heel of his hand pressed against my clit on the outside of my panties.
The crowd moved us, so he no longer had to. The hand on my rear kept me secured close to him. Another shift of the crowd, and his fingers moved to dip inside the lacy edge of my panties and find my slick heat.
His eyes widened so slightly only someone staring in to them as I was could have noticed. His lips parted in an unheard gasp or groan. My body jerked as his flesh came in direct contact with mine, and a groan tore from my throat.
Wow. That’s all can say right now.. just wow.
Now, I must go find! Thanks for the rec!
Thank you!! I love Megan Hart’s book, I was little concerned the first time someone recommended me one her books,(Broken) I didn’t think erotica was my thing, but her books are so much more; always terrific characters and a great story to go alone with then.
Lucky for me a lot of her books are on audio. Next on my list is “Collide” and so adding this one to that list.
Thanks again!
I’ve never thought about listening to her books on audio..hmmm…I wonder if I would like that. It makes me nervous with the erotic factor…
Correction: ” terrific characters and a great story to go along with them”
I’m and idiot!
Great scene! I also enjoy a good Hart book, and highly recommend the audio versions. The narrator does a great job of capturing the emotional highs & lows. Tempted and Deeper are two of my favorites!!
Oh wow – I will have to check out the audio. Never thought about it.
Wow! So hot and senual in her descriptions. This is why I love Megan Hart. Her characters feel real and what they go through feels real.
yes…it feels SO real..and she blends in the erotic so well.
love this book!