10. In case you were worried. (source)
9. Nalini Singh released the cover for her next Guild Hunters book, Archangel’s Storm. This will be Jason’s book. OH BABY BABY. Smexy is excited. If you click on the picture, it will enlarge it and you can see Jason’s face tattoo. Oh yes. You bring those big black wings right over here, you smexy angel.
Blurb: With wings of midnight and an affinity for shadows, Jason courts darkness. But now, with the Archangel Neha’s consort lying murdered in the jewel-studded palace that was his prison and her rage threatening cataclysmic devastation, Jason steps into the light, knowing he must unearth the murderer before it is too late.
Earning Neha’s trust comes at a price—Jason must tie himself to her bloodline through the Princess Mahiya, a woman with secrets so dangerous, she trusts no one. Least of all an enemy spymaster.
With only their relentless hunt for a violent, intelligent killer to unite them, Jason and Mahiya embark on a quest that leads to a centuries-old nightmare… and to the dark storm of an unexpected passion that threatens to drench them both in blood.
If you are not reading this series, you are missing out. The first three feature Raphael and Elena as the hero and heroine, while book four is the VERY dark and naughty vampire Dmitiri. A favorite book of mine last year. Get to it. Archangel’s Storm releases in September.
8. This past Tuesday was a huge release day for books. Bells, from Hanging With Bells has the best “Release Day” posts every Tuesday. Go here to see this week’s and make sure you check in every Tuesday!
7. I was on Pinterest a few days ago and saw a picture of a sexy lumberjack. Which then led me to Twitter to complain that there are no lumberjack romances. Which then led me to this novella, Fueling her Fire by Piper Trace. Girl trapped in a cabin with no firewood on Christmas Eve. Long lost lover just happens to be the man who delivers the wood! (and he delivers his “wood” too). It’s sexy and quick read. I wrote a more detailed review HERE. Any more lumberjack romance recs?
6. This is what the Easter Bunny is bringing you all this year. A Gosling T-Shirt. Giggle Snort! Also, if you aren’t following @GoslingLitAgent, you must. LOL’s galore. And just for laughs, watch Ryan Gosling try to read some of the “Hey Girl” memes. So funny.
5. Mad Men Fans! Are you ready for season 5? (March 25th). Creators of the show say, “By the end of the season, I guarantee you’ll know what it (image) is about.” Oh realllly. All I have to say is, I’m ready for more Jon Hamm. Yes sir. (source)
3. I’ve put this in Top Ten before, but I found new pics. The male stripper movie, Magic Mike (out this June) is a much anticipated movie for me. Partly because these lovely men are the strippers:
(Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Tatum Channing, Matthew Mcconaughey and Alex Pettyfer) and party because there is rumor to be full frontal nudity. *fingers crossed* I need to see this on the big screen, ya know what I’m sayin? Okay – so the new pics from the movie. And don’t giggle too much!
I die of the immature giggles. Pre-movie cocktails must be consumed before I see this with the girlfriends.
2. I need someone to make me SOMETHING out of this fabric. That dude in the middle has quite the rod. And the other dude has a beard. Win. Start sewing! (source)
1. Don’t worry – the shirts are STILL off. Happy Friday!
What is Henry Cavill doing in that picture? I wish we could see his hands…
That is a smokin’ hot top ten Mandi girl! Wow!!! Why is it I have not heard of the stripper movie? Have you been holding out on me? Lumberjack cover model has been getting around. Isn’t that the same guy on Callum (M.Schroeder) with a beard? And I’m pretty sure he’s the new Cup-o-porn guy! Fab pic of Henry Cavill-I suspect it’s from the show The Tudors because of the lacey shirt. Tell me you’ve watched The Tudors Mandi. If not, you MUST!
LOVE Nalini Singh. That.is.all.
Lumberjack guy was on several book covers lately. Two of Erin Quinn’s too plus a few others i’ve seen. It’s really hard to look at him isn’t it??
Lisa B
@Brie He is doing something verra naughty.
@Helyce I’ve only seen first seasonish…I suck. It’s on Prime. I’ll watch. Along with that other naked man show on Starz. You gotta keep me in line Helyce!
Helyce just sent me construction worker fabric too. http://www.hartsfabric.com/alexander-henry-heavy-equipment-white-53614.html
Ok, at #10 My heart starts beating faster… but #3?! Oh, my… Are you trying to kill me?! :) Great… I mean GREAT Top Ten…!
@Lege Hehe! This is an extra smutty top ten list this week;)
Thank you for having me in this weeks Top Ten Smexi! Greatly appreciated!
Oh the Matt Bomer pic! GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Wow, this week is very smexy! Hubba, hubba!
Thank you for your awesome posts! And for coming to my rescue when I have nothing to post for book news! :)
Love the pictures Mandi this week. drool swoon ..
Have a nice weekend Julie
Wow, there is just all kinds of pretty on here today. :)
LOVING the fishermen fabric. T said he wanted something fishing based as his new seat covers. Wonder what he would think of this. LOL
LOLOLO…T NEEDS these seat covers!
haha i love the very first picture with the Salvatore brothers on each side :D
hehe..isn’t that nice? :)
HI Mandi,
I just have to say that I look forward to your top ten every Friday!!! This one was so funny– I also had immature giggles over the strippers! LOL
haha..I’m glad I’m not the only one. I might not be able to contain myself when the movie comes out ;)
I am afraid I just do not get the hey girl tweets
LOL..well…it is an old meme…you will have to google it!
Mandi, I am over the moon to have my book, Fueling Her Fire , included in your top ten list!!!! Thank you! :D
I thought the guy on the cover, which was designed for me, looked familiar too, but I cannot say I mind looking at him! I’d let him warm me up on a cold night. ;)
Mandi, I’m glad you enjoyed my book and I hope other folks check it out! For Smexybooks fans: Anyone who reads Fueling Her Fire and wonders what happens next, please email me and I will send you a short epilogue of Kip and Dylan’s future. :) pipertrace (at) hotmail (dot) com
PS. The company on this top ten list ain’t bad… Matt Bomer is one of my dream men and the Salvatore brothers sandwich at the top? Oh to be the filler in that sandwich! Yum.
Trying again :) the link to Fueling Her Fire: (fingers crossed)
Well damn, it’s as I always suspected. I should have married that computer geek with the glasses and the *HUMONGOUS*….brain. Readers, may you have better luck locating the book than I had posting the link to it. :D
Here – Let me try. LINK to Fueling Her Fire.
Mandi, thank you for coming to my rescue!!! :D
Great top ten! I’m giggling with you. So many fun things. I want that outdoorsman fabric for my pillow!! My next hero is a rock climber. To beard or not to beard, that is the question.
a rock climber? awesome!
Awesome post today as usual!! I have a lumberjack book rec. Blown Down by Em Petrova. Very hot menage book!! Ellora’s Cave, release date Nov. 2011. It’s got a hot cover too!
Oh my – that one looks very steamy indeed! Thanks for the rec!!
I love that this week’s Top Ten consists of LOTS of man candy and not much else… *giggle*
Ha! Srsly – there was no book news this week. I looked, I swears ;)
I laughed so hard at that picture of Matthew Mcconaughey in the Uncle Sam get-up! Lordy, that is funny. Definitely a girlfriend movie but I’d probably giggle through the entire thing, despite all the hotness.
Henry Cavill…that photo…wow, the mind goes in some dark places when you look at that. Hmmm, inspiration at its finest.
Going now to check out Piper’s book.
OMG – the McCounaughey pic is SO funny. I giggle every time I look at it!!
Jenny, I’m glad your book-locating skills are better than my book-linking skills. :D
Any more lumberjack romance recs? Yah, I have one. Janet Chapman, famous for her light paranormals/highlander stories set in Maine has a non-paranormal 2 book series called The Logger Series. #1 is The Seduction Of His Wife and #2 is The Stranger In Her Bed. I love Janet’s writing, the stories are so rich and full of her beloved Maine (like my Oregon) and animals. Check her out. These were published in 2006-7 but they’re still in print.
Oh thanks! I have yet to read Janet Chapman. Will check them out!!
Wow Mandi!! You have outdone yourself this week! Hot shirtless men as far as the eye can see :) Its a post of beauty!
I can’t wait to see this movie. Yum!
LOL..I’m glad to provide the smut :)
It took me a few minutes to read your post because I got distracted by a shirtless Damon. He’s just… *swoon* And then to add in a photo of Henry Cavil! Evil, Mandi. Evil!
And I must get on and read Archangel’s Blade!
Yes – omg..read Archangel’s Blade. You will loooooove!
I’ve been blinded by all the succulent moobs and abs.
*passes sunglasses*
Those abs can give off quite a glare
How can anyone not giggle at the pictures for Magic Mike?? If a movie was ever giggle-worthy, it’s this one!!
Srsly. Omg. I’m going in expecting cheesy. (and hot nekkidness)
Love the cover, but that face tattoo is not my thing. I can’t remember reading about a lumberjack Mandi, sorry.
Ooo that movie makes me rethink fond thoughts of seeing The Chippendales! Twice! Long, long ago.
You saw the Chippendales, twice? That is pretty awesome :)
Oh my god, oh my god. Why wasn’t I aware of that movie before?!?!? I am SO watching that.
hehe! I’m excited. :)