Mandi is still getting drunk, I mean, on vacation at Disney so it’s just you and me today. Last I heard she was drinking Grey Goose slushie’s in France at Epcot. You go girl! I am so thrilled I was able to meet Mandi and her family this week. They are all so adorable. She is just like I imagined and if I could, I would kidnap them all and make them stay here in FL with me. :) But I hear that’s frowned on by the law so I shall restrain myself.
10. KT Grant, author and fellow blogger (Katiebabs), brought this to my attention last week and I had to share. Who doesn’t remember 80’s cover model Fabio? Well, she shares a you tube video on her Tumblr space telling us WHY every woman wants a Fabio. Go HERE to view.
9. Here’s another Fabio that I would LOVE to see on a cover. Nom Nom. Everytime I see this, all I can think is…”drop the ball, drop the ball, drop the ball.” Did I say that out loud? Yep, I sure did. lolol
1 | LOVER REBORN, by J. R. Ward. (New American Library, $27.95.) Book 10 of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. | 1 | ||
8. Congrats to J.R. Ward. Her Lover Reborn hit the New York Best Seller List at #1 this week. Woooooohoooooo.
7. I love the site someecards and I think they say it so much better then me.
6. Charlaine Harris has posted an excerpt from her soon to be released book-Deadlocked-book 12 in her Sookie Satackhouse series. You can read it HERE. Deadlocked releases May 1, 2012.
5. A blog I just discovered and love is The Romance Man. An anonymous male blogger who claims to:
Able to read an entire book without turning the page ( I have an e-reader ).
Can easily identify cheesey romance cliches, such as “they hate each other so much that they end up ripping each other’s clothes off”.
Understands the phrase “throbbing love muscle”.
And manly enough to admit he reads romance novels and has an anonymous blog to prove it.
Go. Read. Laugh.
4. Lauren Dane posted a little sumpin, sumpin on her soon to release book, Tart, which releases November 6, 2012.
He knocked on Gideon’s door and when Gideon opened, once he was sure Patrick wasn’t down visiting, Cal came in, slammed and locked the door behind him and looked Gideon over.
Gideon’s surprise melted into something else. Heat rose between them.
“I was just at Jules’ where she kicked me out and told me to come have hot gay sex with you.”
“She’s in a mood. I tried to coax her to come over tonight too. She told me she was feeling stabbity and to go away. A woman says she’s feeling stabbity or anything related to stabbing and you give her space. As for hot gay sex…” He’d been wearing loose pants and he pulled them down, until his cock sprang free, hard. Cal’s mouth watered as Gideon reached down and fisted himself a few times. “Bring it.”
*GASP* Ms. Dane assures us there will be some peen on peen action in here. SQUEEEEE.
3. I will be honest, I have no idea what Instagram is. Apparently it is an iphone app. I had to laugh when I read an article on Buzzfeed about the disgust iphone users are experiencing because *gasp* Instagram has developed an app for android users.
2. RT 2012 (Romantic Times Book Lovers Convention) starts next week and I admit some wee jealously to those who get to go. *sniff* Ilona and Gordon Andrews, Nalini Singh, Sierra Dean, Molly Harper, Julie James, and so many more authors I LOVE will be attending. Have fun everyone. *waving sadly*
1. Want to know what author Shiloh Walker is working on? Well, I have the scoop for ya. I was lucky enough to get a sneaky peek of the urban fantasy she is writing and I have to say I am HOOKED!! Story is entitled Rules Of The Game. If your a Ilona Andrews or Nalini Singh fan then this story will grab you hook, line, and sinker. Shiloh is currently leaving excerpts of it on Book Country. So go, read, leave a comment. You will have to sign up to read the entire excerpt.
Two of my favorite things: Smexy’s Top Ten and The Romance Man!
I wish so much that I could go to RT. Alas, the cost is just too high. I’ll have to make do with
stalkingfollowing all of those authors on Twitter.If anyone else wants to follow along, that would be:
@ilona_andrews @GordonSm3 @NaliniSingh @sierradean @mollyharperauth @juljames
Twitter: the poor man’s RT.
Woohoo, Twitter!! I’m bummed everyone can’t be here! I’m worried I’m going to sit alone at my signings, and wish people who knew me were around to come steal free pins…
RT 2012 envy….!
I’m Shiloh fan and I’m excited for new UF,. Basing on provided excerpt,it’ll be great. Go, Shiloh!
Romance Man is hilarious! LOL
Great Top Ten, Tori!
Thank you. Yes, I LOVE Rules Of The Game and want MORE!!!
Eh, I never got why women like Fabio, so not sexy
LOL Me neither but the video is HILARIOUS!
When Fabio turns on the fan at the end of the video, I die laughing.
Freaking priceless!
Great Top Ten Tori!!!
Danka sweetie.
I do so enjoy these top 10s. The Fabio video made me laugh. I love that Fabio laughs right along too. Nothing I like more when someone can make fun of themselves.
I LOVE the somecards too! Just ordered a tote with a Twitter comment on it. I’m gonna put the books I am raffling off at the Lori Foster event in it as part of the giveaway.
I swear somecards and bluntcards read my mind.
Awesome Top Ten! I’ve never heard of The Romance Man blog & I can’t wait to check him out. Sounds like a riot, thanks!! I can’t wait to hear about the RT 2012 event. I wish I could afford it!
I love The Romance Man!!! LOVE HIM!!!
Torilicious, you have done a fine job this week holding down the blog while Mandi has been downing Grey Goose slushies! I hope she makes it back in once piece, lol!
Danka sweetie. Now I want a grey goose slushie.
Thanks Amy!
Lol I wish Mandi and family lots of fun in Disney World. And Fabio, I do think I have some books with his body on it …
Hmmm anonymous romance man. You know, Thea Harrison has some interviews with male romance readers on her blog. I really liked that, and those men are not anonymous at all. And still manly men.
I am looking forward to reading posts of those who do go to Romantic Times. Would love to visit someday.
Thanks for the plug Tori. Aurian, I was one of the men on Thea’s website. I am not anonymous because I am embarassed about reading romance. I am anonymous because I live in a very conservative area and have small children in school. And if you read my blog you will see why I don’t want my name out there. :)
Awwww your welcome Romance Man. LOVED your post on turle porn!!! I have a turtle and well, that took me places I really didn’t want to go. lol He is going to have to remain a lonely turtle cause I don’t EVER want to see that. :)
Thanks Tori, glad you liked the turtle post. It made Shiloh call me weird. You should get your turtle a turtle hooker just for a night so he can get some.
No one hit wonders for him. It’s bad enough I realized after I got him that he will live over 80 years and grow to top 140 lbs. 0_o
Thanks, RM, for telling us about this site. Really fun and I love the list. So good to see YOUR MASCULINE, ANONYMOUS photo up there–and I’m glad you’re anonymous. It adds to the mystery!
I can understand his wanting to remain anonymous. He talks about more then romance, and as with authors, privacy is a huge draw when you start to draw a following.
140 lbs?!! Did you by a Tortoise?
YES! Though I was mis informed when I purchased the little bugger. :( I’m turtle/tortoise challenged apparently.
RM, those are the very reasons I use a pen name. I want my privacy in real life & I don’t want my kids getting grief. People think its not likely but I know writers who have have it happen with their kids. If writers can get, bloggers could, too, I figure.
Besides, romance man caught my eye quicker than Bob Reads Romance would have. ;)
*g* Bob Reads Romance really doesn’t quite have the same ring does it. Someday, when I get famous, *cough* I too shall change my name. I will become “that person who used to be Tori.” lol
Tori, you will be “The blogger formerly known as Tori”
That’s better then some of the things I’ve been called. :P
Yeah Shiloh, my daughers are young and if someone around here found out about my blog I would have to shut it down.
I just notice that “Bob reads romance” LOL. That would be funny.
For that reason alone, I hope the world NEVER discovers who you are. Or your youngest kids, either. LOL…you could scar their poor psyches forever!