10. I love shoes, but I need a shirt that says, I <3 Books, Booze and Boys with Tattoos. Ha! But THIS shirt is awesome.
9. The cover is now out for K.A. Mitchell’s August release, But My Boyfriend Is. No blurb yet and yes I know August is so far away. This is #4 in her Florida series – which can be read as stand alones, but I adore this series and if you haven’t read it yet, get going! I suggest starting with Collision Course (book #2), then read No Souvenirs, and then go back to book #1, Diving in Deep. Anyway you do it, just read KA Mitchell. (Bad Boyfriend is also a favorite of mine. Dirty)
8. I love Shannon Stacey’s voice and I discovered she has a new novella coming out with Carina Press this June, Slow Summer Kisses. Blurb and excerpt on her site. (Highly rec her Kowalski Family series)
7. Cover was revealed for Widow’s Web by Jennifer Estep, book 7 in her Elemental Assassin series (love so much). This time it looks like she is going to have a white cover, and then this for the step-back
You can read the full blurb at her sight, but I’ll post her recap:
Basically, this book delves into Owen’s past. Readers will find out how Owen survived when he was living on the streets with his younger sister, Eva, as well as more about his relationships with Salina and Kincaid.
Salina is Owen’s Ex and Kincaid has some shady connection to Owen. SO excited we are diving into Owen’s past – I can’t wait to learn more about him!
6. Chloe Neill has posted the first chapter of Biting Cold (out August 7th) on her website. I was very disappointed in the previous two books in this series. Not sure if I can quit them yet though….

5. I’ve mentioned this on the Top Ten before, but just in case you haven’t heard – there is a movie called Magic Mike coming out this June. I’m obsessed. It is about a male stripper who wants more in his life (who could want more than waving your winkie at girls? Anyway.)
The trailer is above. I have watched it an embarrassing number of times. A few observations:
– I have a thing for Channing Tatum. It can’t be helped. I don’t like to listen to him in interviews. But in this movie – his dance moves are an automatic lady boner. Omg.
– Where the HELL is Matt Bomer in the trailer?? Bastards.
– I may have once been in a situation where “cops” showed up at the door and then started stripping around the living room. *ahem* But they looked nothing like Channing Tatum or Alex Pettyfer. Not fair. I demand a redo.
– I think everyone needs to go to a male strip club at least once in their life. I’ve been to one for various bachelorette parties and I’m telling you – I have never laughed and yelled and had so much fun with my girlfriends than on those nights. The one I have been to – the boys don’t get all the way nekkid – but their choreographed acts are just so over the top corny. It’s so much fun. I haven’t been for probably ten years, so I’ll just relive my early twenties by watching this movie. *grins*
4. Speaking of lady boners (because when are we not?) I finally started watching Justified (on FX network.) My girls Bells and Penny on Twitter always talk about this show and my mom loves it. So I pulled out my Kindle Fire and started watching it. I’m in love with Raylan Givens. There I said it. His jeans. His cowboy hat. They way he smiles as he shoots someone. Love. I’m halfway through season one.
3. I love this picture. Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine. The casual hand through the belt loop…I could stare at all day. Also – who is ready for Star Trek 2?
2. I’m watching Shame (Michael Fassbender) with the girlfriends tomorrow night. I watched the first 20 minutes yesterday, just to get a feel for the movie because I’m not sure my GF’s know what to expect (Fassy is a sex addict). While I’m excited for #FassyPeen, I also have to say it is definitely #SadPeen. Oh my. Also, might be #CreepyPeen. In the first twenty minutes, all I saw was #FloppyPeen.
I think this movie will require many glasses of wine. I’ll report back next week.
1. Reading this weekend – I have the novella, Improper Relations by Juliana Ross and I’m going to try Fractured Moon by E.R. Pierce. Let me know if you read something great this week (or even not so great). Happy Friday!
your top 10 has me howling + laughing so much. omg. very peen week you’ve been having.
just one thing:
joe manganiello
Why is the smexiest of all the beasts in MM movie not featured more in trailer? Are they teasing? will the bring him out?
also: I hope that it be a largely topless movie. the lady boner demands it.
Joe M! Yes! I think that is him briefly on stage when his back goes out?
Also – Matthew M’s role looks really funny.
Joe M and Matt Bomer better have bigger roles damn it!
*thud* This Top 10 today is AMAZING! So many “lady boner” tidbits. Channing, Zachary and Chris pine looking VERY comfy, sexy cowboy and new dirty m/m book from KA Mitchell.
After we get together and take a book bloggers field trip to the all male strip club, I can die a happy woman. *wink*
LOL – omg..book blogger field trip to the strip club. Make this happen Nicole!
GAH I love this weeks Top Ten! Magic Mike cast and Timothy Olyphant!!! RAYLAN! I am here for you Smexi when you need to discuss Raylan. Bang bang!
I enjoying him banging…oh wait…
Awesome top 10! I nodded along with all your points in #5, and am also disgruntled that Joe M was in the trailer for like a second and why the heck wasn’t he listed in the main credits?!? It’s a male stripper movie, he’s in it, I’d think the movie would want to advertise that. Just saying :)
I know! Very surprised he wasn’t mentioned in the credits. We better see him in some hot shirtless action! :)
swoon over all the photos and yes adding to that more Matt Bomer .
Will wait to read that first chapter of Biting Cold. Yeah like you I am on the fence with this series but can’t quit it yet LOL
Love the Fassy pic and yeah you found Raylan :)
Yay I found Raylan! What took me so long? ;)
Yes, WELCOME to the Raylan Givens Fan Club. I can’t for the life of me understand why every woman in America is not a member. It’s the swagger, the hat, the smart-ass mouth, and he loves to get his gun off. We should hold meetings to just re-watch old episodes of Justified, with wine and anti-Wynonna buttons. Yeah, don’t get me started on her.
Yay for a new K.A. Mitchell book. I second everything you said about her books. Love them!
I want to see shame, including ALL forms of Fass-Peen, I just want to do it alone. *ahem*
And thanks for the repeat picture of Matthew M. in the Uncle Same get-up. Makes me giggle every. single. time!
Oooh..will I become anti- Wynonna?? I still don’t know a lot about her yet. Raylan is still in bed with Ava.
Don’t tell me though! LOL
LOL…LOVE that shirt!!! Kowalski series by Shannon Stacey is one of my favorites–it just confuses me because she went and changed all the covers, so I get excited thinking there is a new addition when here it is the same books I have already read. Now the most important–Widow’s Web–UGHH…I was so excited for this book until I read an interview with her about Gin and Owen’s relationship and that she hoped readers were not to upset about the direction it takes and sill continue to read the series. She stated that they would eventually have a HEA. EVENTUALLY??? WTH??? NO NO NO I LOVE OWEN!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
Yikes!! I didn’t hear about how we might be unhappy with Gin and Owen’s relationship. I don’t want them to be unhappy! :( Curious now….
They changed the covers on the Stacey books because they released them in print. It confused me for a bit too!
I’ve never been to a male review, I feel that I’m missing out & must watch Magic Mike to rectify this!! I agree that this trailer needs more Joe M. BTW, I assure you that the cops I work with every day DO NOT look like that!
I haven’t seen SHAME yet. I’m wondering if its an “watch alone” kind of flim? I don’t know anyone who’s seen it. Are you gonna review it or post about it? Give us the scoop lady :)
I’ll talk about Shame either next week here or on Twitter. I’m watching it tonight.
We need a big group of book bloggers to go to a male strip club. That would be so much fun! ;)
Great Top Ten! My favourite is #10. :)
I srsly want that shirt ;)
You’re top 10s make my Fridays. I had to share this with you as I’m also completely obsessed with Magic Mike. I say we just declare it now a national girls’ night out.
Oh man the link did show up. Trying again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZXtQeOOR9c
omg..I saw that earlier when I started stalking him online. I need a lap dance from him. End of story. Make this happen for me! ;)
he casual hand through the belt loop…I could stare at all day.
I second that!!! That is one amazing pic that is sure to have the Kirk/Spock shippers happy.
Yes it is ;)
Here is another Justified fan…And Timothy Olyphant! Damn, that man looks great in jeans…
This Top Ten is nom,nom…
He wears jeans like no one else. Hot damn.
Fantastic Top 10! You’ve only just begun to love Raylan; trust me! Oh, and I have…uh…connections in the DC/Baltimore exotic dancer scene so we really could make that field trip a reality! ;-)
LOLOL Penny. You need to share these connections with me. I MAY be going out in that area in a few weeks with some girlfriends. *ahem* ;)
Justified!! Ever since I started watching that show, whenever I read a book that has male character with a southern accent I picture Raylan Givens as I read :-)
Oh! I must start doing this!!
So much good stuff this week. I can’t wait for Jennifer’s Widows Web and Star Trek! Mostly Star Trek :-)
LOL… I’m looking forward to them too.
Lol sad floppy peen
Floppy Peen is a sad thing. Snort.
I love you. Thank you for #s three and four. They made my Saturday.
Yay :)
Can we get an Emopeen? I hear Fassy’s peen is emo also.
Oh, I’m sure his peen will encompass many emotions. I shall report back!
Lol, great t-shirt! Can I have one with only the last sentence?
I’ve read the first Kowalski book, and I think I will read the rest.
Of course I am looking forward to the next Jennifer Estep book, I like Owen. The pics of Magic Mike really reminds me of the shows of the Chippendales I have seen, way too many years ago. But I still do have my pack of playing cards with their pictures on them …
I am always ready for Star Trek, even though I have no idea who those actors are.
Justified has only just started over here and my hubby likes so I watch with him. It’s such a struggle *sigh*. Last night we watch an episode (with the criminal horse rancher with the skanky wife) and Raylan was wearing some jeans that were criminally low. And nothing else. I cracked up when his boss said he couldn’t stop staring at Raylan’s nipples!!
I’m reading Bared to You by Sylvia Day. I *think* it’s possibly what 50SOG aspired to be – but I haven’t read 50SOG so I can’t really say I guess. The heroine, however, is not a doormat. It’s very sexy and compelling reading. I’m really enjoying it. My only ‘concern’ is that I’ve heard that the end is abrupt and the story isn’t complete in this book – there is another being released in October but I don’t know if that’s the end or if there will be another (a la 50SOG). I have about 100 pages to go and I’m getting a little nervous about the end (I hate cliffhangers/incomplete endings) but the book is very good. I think Smexy will like :)