We are happy to have Nalini Singh at Smexy today to talk about her latest release, Tangle of Need.
I really enjoyed how you explored how challenging it is for Riaz that his wolf has found its mate, but circumstances in life don’t always allow the mating process to be an easy one. Please give us some more insight into writing Riaz and Adria’s story.
It was a wrenching emotional journey, and it was also a process of discovery. As Riaz and Adria learned about one another, so did I – they were two fascinating and complex characters to write, both with unexpected facets to their personalities.
Hawke and Sienna get a lot of page time in this book. Will we continue to see the ups and downs of their relationship, or do you think they are at a happy place now?
Kiss of Snow ended with the two of them together, but we never really had a chance to witness their life as a mated couple. I felt it was important to see that, see how their relationship was growing and developing, and since this was a SnowDancer-focused book, their scenes felt a very natural part of the storyline.
While they are definitely in a happy place, I do think we’ll continue to see them. I love seeing my characters and their relationships develop from book to book, and Hawke and Sienna are only just beginning their journey together.
With so many characters in this series now, is there a pair that has already had their book that you want to bring back for some more page time?
With the way the series is structured, characters often reappear, but I’m always conscious that each appearance must contribute to the storyline(s) of that particular book—whether in relation to the overarching plot, or to the family/pack dynamic. So if in the future, a previous couple has a critical role to play, then I’ll have no hesitation in bringing them back.
Everyone is becoming a bit obsessed with Kaleb. I will restrain myself from asking to know every intimate detail about him. *grins* But I’ll ask a fun one – what actor do you think would portray him well?
Oh, wow, tough question. I actually have real difficulty casting actors for my characters, because I have such vivid mental images of them. So I’m going to throw the question out there to the readers of this blog – who would you cast?
How do you come up with the names of your characters? They often are original and unique.
Sometimes, I just know the name as soon as the character appears in my head. Other times, I spend hours, HOURS, going through lists of names.
I know instinctively when a name fits, when it’s meant to belong to a particular character, and until I find that name, I won’t be satisfied. I’d rather write with a placeholder like [y] or [z], than the wrong name.
Have you ever thought about a book with a Psy/Psy couple? (This is a totally innocent question!)
Yes. It’s always been a part of what I think of as my mental series outline.
Per your website, you have traveled extensively. Which place(s) has had the most impact on your books?
My first ever trip to the States had a very clear impact. I visited both New York and the California region.
The latter is, of course, the major setting for the Psy/Changeling series. When I began writing the series, it just felt utterly right to set it there, and the fact that I’d walked the streets, felt the vibe of the different cities, helped me write a realistic world.
Can you give us a tease about Jason and his Guild Hunter book, Archangel’s Storm, which is coming out this fall?
What can I tell you? Jason is a man who likes to keep his own counsel. Getting him to talk was a mission! His heroine, too, is a woman used to keeping secrets. She’s also one with a deep internal strength – a strength that means she has refused to let anyone poison or embitter her. I love that about her, that she is willing to fight for her right to be happy.
A few people have asked how to say the heroine’s name, Mahiya. It’s actually a very easy three syllables: Ma (long sound, as in marvel) – he (like the pronoun) – ya (same sound as in Maya).
A lot of people I talk to on Twitter are interested to know if Venom will get a book? Any hints?
I love writing about all of the Seven, but I’ll only write their stories if that story feels right for that character – I don’t want to rush things and short-change any one of them. If and when Venom’s ready for his story to be told, that’s when it’ll happen.
Did you do anything fun to celebrate Tangle of Need’s release day yesterday?
I’m answering this interview in advance of the release date, but I can tell you what I’ll have been doing on release day. Packing! I will be on my way to Germany for the Love Letter Convention when this interview is posted – but I’m hoping to be able to pop into the comments and say hi once I land!
Thanks Nalini! Today I have one copy (hardcover) of Tangle of Need to give away. To enter, just leave a comment. Open to all through May 31.
Hmm, what actor? The blond Russian in Die Hard comes to mind. This guy: http://www.diehard.world-wild-music.de/Pictures/badguy%20DH1.jpg
I picture someone Nordic and gorgeous, with cheekbones that you could cut yourself on.
Great interview!
Great interview! Can’t wait to read the new book! :)
One of – if not, my favorite series! Can’t wait to read this and would love to win!
Fantastic interview. I would love to win a copy of this book. My favorite series is definitely the Psy/Changeling books. I especially love Hawke and Judd, so I can’t wait to read more scenes with both of those characters and their mates.
Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway!
Can’t wait to read this!!
Ooh, good questions! I don’t know who I’d cast as Kaleb – I have images of characters I read about in my head, and it’s hard to match them up with real people.
Awesome interview. I’m so excited to read this book, and would love to win a copy. I love how the world-building and politics in this series continues to get more and more complex with each book.
As for Hollywood casting – personally, I never picture actors in roles. I prefer to have my own images in mind. I do love how diverse Ms. Singh’s characters are. I wish the rest of the publishing world would follow her lead in that regard – you can have an uber-successful series featuring heroines and heroes from a broad range of ethnic and racial backgrounds!!!
Great interview I have been hooked on your books since I read Slave to Sensation. I look forward to reading this one. It would be even nicer if I won it. :-)
Me obsessed with Kaleb? Not at all ;)
Love, love, love this series and I would love to win this book so I don’t have to wait for it to come out in paperback!
Thanks for the giveaway! It’s very much appreciated. :) I’m not picky.. anyone that Nalini wants to write about, I’ll read (ALTHOUGH, I will offer bribes for bluebell ;D ).
As far as casting Kaleb……. Hmmm. http://www.sodahead.com/fun/greek-male-models/blog-159743/?link=ibaf&q=greek+male+models&imgurl=http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff100/enda_photo/theo.jpg
I like the combination of light eyes and darker hair. The hair on this guy is a little light for my taste.. but the EYES. Yeah!
Love love love this series!!! Anything Nalini writes is amazing :) would be so excited to win this book
Great interview. I love Nalini’s books. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I so want to read this book.
Great interview. Nalini – you are very good at not giving spoilers, just little hints and teses.
What other countries/places will future books be set in?
(I’m crossing my fingers that I win. Makes it hard to type.)
I can’t think of any specific person to play Kaleb. Most of the time the vision in my mind is not the same as when they cast a real person to play the part.
Would love to win Tangle of Need. Dying to read it.
This is one of my favorite series, I haven’t been disappointed yet! Hmm, when I picture Kaleb in my mind I get kind of an Alexander Skarsgård vibe…only a little meaner and leaner ;)
Pick me! Great interview! I’ve lo ed all the other books!
Great interview- I can’t wait to read this book and her next angel book.
A Psy/Psy couple? Hmm, interesting . . .
Ooooh sounds exciting!! I’ve heard Nalini Singh is super nice!!
I love your storytelling Nalini. Both your angels and Psy/Changeling series sit proudly on my favorite’s shelf. I am a California girl, and get a kick out of the city sights that show up in your stories.
Open to all :D Yes yes yes :D I need to tangle with a changeling in need.
can’t wait to see what happens in this one
Awesome interview! Really enjoyed reading it as I’m a big fan of Nalini’s books. Can’t wait to read Tangle of Need myself :)
Great interview! I love this series, I can’t wait to read the new one!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Great interview! I like that we will be getting more of Hawke and Sienna from the last book to continue on in Tangle of need as well as Riaz and Adria.
Really looking forward to reading it and awaiting Jason’s story too!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Loved the interview! If only Nalini had revealed something more about Kaleb. I am so ready for his book ;) I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of Tangle and I am really looking forward to Archangel’s Storm. I just loved Blade and hope that it meets my expectations!
Great interview (and giveaway)!
LOVED this interview! Please please random generator, pick me! :)
Nice interview.
I love this series!
Oh, I can’t wait to meet Nalini! I’m going to her book signing event in Mannheim, Germany, on Monday! I’m so excited. Currently reading Tangle of Need on my Kindle and it’s sooooo good!
Yay, thanks for this interview and I’d love to win the book to add to my collection :D
P.S.: Casting Kaleb or any of the characters for that matter is really tough. I’d be ultra happy if they did make a movie out of the series.
Fun interview! I saw Nalini at the RT Convention and I could hear her voice in my head as I read her response. Can’t wait to read this!
I love everything Nalini Singh wirtes. I’m really excited to read this one, and greatly looking foward to the next Guild Hunter book.
Congratulations on the book! Great interview. I’d like to read about these characters.
I love Nalini Singh!!! Great interview…. can’t wait to read the book!!!
I have not read this series and have recently been deliberating whether to go for it this summer. After reading this, I’m going for it!
I only started reading this series in the fall and I have loved each book. I can’t wait to read this one. Thanks for the giveaway.
Great ;-) I hope Kenji & Gem are apart of the Cooper/Grace novella…
I also think the next book might feature another snow dancer given how things are progressing…I hope Kaleb is next!
I don’t watch enough hollywood to cast anything…I tend to picture my heroes from that author’s descriptions in the books. Real life never holds up to my imagination, lol. Thanks for the awesome books Nalini :-)
Love Nalini and the world she created. Looking forward to reading more Hawker and Sienna
I can’t wait to read this book, I’m a huge fan of both series and I’m always re-reading all the books in both series.
Great interview. Looking forward to reading it soon.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I only have 2 books by Nalini Singh but always willing to try reading her books again.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
Nalini is one of me fav writer. I really enjoy read the kiss of snow and can’t wait for reading this one :)
cool interview, love all the changeling series especially kiss of snow, cann’t wait to read tangle of need. Love nalini singh’s books, cool author.
i love this series, thanks you a lot for this great interview and giveaway
all the best
*squeee* i really, really, really want this one. the weird cover can’t diminish my longing for another installment in psy/changeling series..
I really enjoyed this interview. Thank you! I’m stoked to read this book.
Nalini’s Psy/Changling series is one of my favorites! When I don’t have much time but I want to do a little reading I usually grab one of her books. I can open it at any point and just start reading.
One of the things I really like about ths series is that Nalini does bring back former lead characters (and non) so that we can see how they’re developing. That’s why I usually prefer series with the same leads, rich, developed characters. It’s amazing how much detail she manages to get into one book on so many characters.
Congrats on the release!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on it and I also can’t resist the giveaway :)
Wish you all the best and I hope you’ll have a great time in Berlin, Melanie
I would love to read this series. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
Hi Nalini!
You are a new to me author, but I’ve been really wanting to reading your stories… every time I see one online it is always backed with awesome reviews. CONGRATS on the latest!
Thank you for the great interview! Love all your books! So excited so for Tangle of Need and I’ll patiently be waiting for Archangel’s Storm :) Thank you for the giveaway!
Megan G.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Great interview as always! Both of Nalini’s series are among my favorites. I am lousy at casting so I can’t answer that question.
A psy/psy book would be interesting. I would think tyat at least one would of already had to break silence or it would be a slow book. This is why I am not the author!
So looking forward to Jason’s book! He is so dark and mysterious…it should be a good one!
Thank you much!
Great interview! I love this series and I always look forward to the next release. Also love your Guild Hunter series.
Thanks for the chance.
Congratulations on the release Nalini! :-)
Two of my blogging best friends are on their way to meet with you in Berlin, so I hope you all will have a great time there! :-D
Congrats on the new release Nalini! I love both the The Psy/Changeling series and the Guild Hunter series and can’t wait to read Tangle of Need! Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! Have a great time in Germany! bpatrick64113@sbcglobal.net
Love the interview! Congratulations on the new release Nalini! I absolutely love this series and all your other books :)
Great giveaway! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
thanks for a great interview! I’m just starting this series and I’m so excited :)
I have a few of your books on my TBR list, I’ll add this one to it.
I’m so excited to read this book!
Love Nalini’s work! Thanks for the opportunity.
Oh my my my…I can’t wait to read this book! Nalini is one of my favorite authors! I am so excited to read more about Hawke and Sienna that I can’t hardly stand it! They are one of my all time favorite couples! I hope we get a good look at what Kaleb has up his sleeve too. So much to look forward to! Awesome interview and thanks for the great giveaway!!!
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!:)
Look a nice start book for me to read Nalini Singh’s :D
I personally would love to see more of Dev and Katya and The Forgotten or Max and Sophia again.
Great interview.