Tangle Of Need ( Psy-Changeling #11 ) by Nalini Singh
Paranormal Romance
May 29, 2012
A joint review by Helyce and Tori
Helyce’s Favorite Quotes: “You have me,” she whispered. All of me.
“I love you to distraction, Empress.”
Tori’s Favorite Quote: ”Seduced…she was being seduced.”
Tori: OMG Helyce, so can you believe that we are on number eleven of Ms. Singh’s spectacular, romantic, humorous, super smoking sexy, awe inspiring, addictive Psy-Changeling series? I can’t. Even though I reread the series about once a year, (or more-don’t judge), it always feels brand new and fresh. I think her writing is pure gold with her highly developed characters and well plotted storylines. This is one of a few series that I can honestly say I will be heartbroken when it ends.
Helyce: It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Ms. Singh’s extraordinary books from both of her series. I have not done a complete re-read this year, but I am guilty of grabbing a book and just opening it up to read a random page. Generally, that’s enough to pull me back into the story and I find myself reading through from that point on. My most tattered and dog-eared books are Slave to Sensation, Caressed By Ice and Hostage to Pleasure. Her world building is spectacular and just keeps getting better and better. I cannot even guess where she plans to take us, but like you, I will be very sad when the last book in this series is written.
Tori: Tangle Of Need is in my opinion one of the best installments to date. Highly charged multiple storylines run hand in hand as we learn more about the Psy end game, insight into the Arrows, Ghost, and the nummy Kaleb, and intimate views into the lives of our beloved Changelings. The protagonists of this story, Riaz and Adria, are two lusciously tortured characters whose lives have been shaped by heartbreaking events that mirror each others. Riaz found his mate only to see her happily married to another man and Adria’s mate could not handle the fact that she is more dominant than him. When they first meet they despise each other and the sparks fly. It’s a long hard road for them which I appreciated. Ms. Singh takes the time to reveal to them and us that while the mate bond is both a strong physical and spiritual bonding, it is not the end all. Theirs is a bittersweet story as we watch them mourn what they both lost in order to go forward with their lives. In fact, this lightly plays off Hawke and Sienna’s issues in Kiss Of Snow and re asks the question, “Can you love without the mate bond?” A perfect blending of angst and emotional purging.
Speaking of Hawke and Sienna..I was mighty happy and surprised at the amount of smexy time we got to spend with them.
What did you think Helyce?
Helyce: Hell yeah! There is a lot going on in this installment to move the story forward following the horrific cold fire standoff at the end of Sienna and Hawke’s book. I honestly don’t know how you keep everything straight. Re-reading probably keeps the details fresh in your head Tori, but for me, I struggled a little bit with the first 50% or so of this book. This is not a reflection on the author in any way. Her writing is extremely succinct; it is all on me and my craptastic memory. As for Riaz and Adria, I was unsure of them initially but I absolutely could not discount their chemistry. Two, totally broken souls who can only be healed by each other. When Lisette shows up, I just about had a heart attack.
Tori: OMG!!! Me too. I died.
Helyce: I knew it was inevitable and necessary, but oh the pain! The exploration into the necessity of the mating bond is handled so well with this couple and I was thrilled to watch Riaz fight for Adria. He showed such strength of character; sheer determination.
As for Sienna and Hawke, I was thrilled to see so much of them in this book. I admit to feeling a bit cheated in their book, but Ms. Singh more than makes up for it with all the page time they get here. I also enjoyed seeing Sienna embrace her new role. She’s not just a soldier anymore; she is the Alpha’s mate and with that comes so much more responsibility than she could ever have imagined.
Tori: I agree Helyce. It was extra special to see Hawke and Sienna’s relationship during down times. I love all the changes and developments in key characters lives that are revealed in here. Judd plays an active role with his ties to the Arrows and spending more time with Aden and Vasic has my mind playing over and over all the scenarios that may be coming. I do hope they get their own books. Riley and Mercy get some fantastic news and Drew and Indigo play a pivotal role in helping Riaz and Adria come to terms with the paths their lives are taking.
What revelations had you fan girl squeeeing in here Helyce?
Helyce: I had a few fan girl *squeee* moments, but revelations? For me, any revelations just proved to frustrate me. Everything to do with Alice Eldridge has me at the edge of my seat with wanting to know more about what exactly her existence means and how it will affect, well, everything. Within that we have Amara, still Silent, but can she be trusted? I am just fascinated with this side story.
I am a huge Judd fan, so I loved that we continue to see him evolve from the severely cold man he was. The connection he maintains with the Arrows is very interesting and I can’t wait to see where this all goes. I’m with you on trying to figure out what will become of Aden and Vasic. I liked seeing Aden recognize emotions in others. It was so subtle, but there all the same. But I’m worried about Vasic. Really worried.
I adored the scene with Faith falling over laughing about Mercy and Riley’s good fortune. The hints are delicious, don’t you think? I can’t wait.
Tori: I do. I think the changelings are in for a wild ride. :) The Psy, Pure Psy, and Changeling political intrigues keep me on my toes as we are directed deeper into the machiavellian plans that everyone is hatching. Sides are being picked and a few players are straddling the fence, playing on all three sides in a dangerous game. Kaleb is still searching the net with a single minded purpose. Who is he looking for and where will they fit into this overall bid for world domination? The Arrows have chosen their side but it remains to be seen how this battle will play out and how great the losses will be. Sienna remains a viable weapon for the Changelings but how far will she go to secure the lives of those she loves? So much going on that I can’t WAIT for book twelve.
What do you think, Helyce?
Helyce: First off, I have totally joined the ‘I love Kaleb’ club. This character continues to surprise while at the same time confound me. Who the hell is this guy? I have too many questions and I guess at the end of the day that’s the big attraction, right? That need to know his big secret. I’m sure the revelations will be worth all this suspense. All this time I thought he was searching for the Ghost in the Net? Imagine my surprise when I learned that wasn’t it at all? I cannot wait for this guy to break Silence…oh yeah, that’s going to be hot!
I found the continued side story with Miane from BlackSea extremely interesting. Their over the top need for security and staying under the radar has me thinking they are hiding something and if that is the case, what? And more importantly why? Since no one is clear as to what forms these shifters take, I found the joke about the sharkshifter very amusing. I mean, can you just imagine it?
Tori: Yes, that was very cute. :)
Helyce: All fun aside, I agree with your summation. It’s the characters that are straddling the fence that cause me the most discomfort. I cannot even begin to guess what direction Ms. Singh plans to go, but I know some things are inevitable and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Tori: This series just continues to get better and better for me and I can’t even imagine the things Ms Singh has in store for the future. The villains and heroes/heroines remain top notch and true to form. Storylines expand to open new paths and the romances in here are swoon worthy. Lots of snarky humor and engaging dialogue make this a 5 star read for me. I look forward to riding this series to the very end.
Helyce: Though I did struggle with the first half of this book, the second half made up for it in spades. Fellow reviewer May used the word “bridge” to describe this book when we chatted briefly about it and I tend to agree with her here. There is a lot of information included in this book, but I didn’t feel like we got many answers. More questions? Yes, definitely. Am I looking forward to the next book? Hell YES! Ms. Singh certainly knows how to “bring it”. After a rocky start, I did come to love Riaz and Adria. For me, Riaz’s persistence and determination won me over. The author’s descriptive writing covering all the senses was beautifully done. I think I will always associate the phrase “crushed ice and berries” with this book.
Tori: Overall Rating: A
Helyce: Overall Rating: B+
Recent Reviews:
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That’s What I’m Talking About – B+
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First off, I have totally joined the ‘I love Kaleb’ club
I’m sorry, but that club is closed, there’s only one member and that’s me. He told me so last nigh. Step away from my man. That. Is. All. :) Great review ladies!
*g* He’s playing you girl. We are all part of his harem.
Heh Heh Heh, you just go on living in your deluded world honey!
Oh, I love when you post reviews in form of discussion- it’s fun!
Ok, first I must share little fan love with Helyce- Judd! I love Judd! Judd is the main actor of one of hottest sex scene ever written and I always love to see more Judd.
After Nalini finally gave us book about Hawke and Sienna, I became so greedy that I wanted next book to be about Kaleb Krychek- he is one of the most intriguing characters and he is here since Visions of Heat and we still don’t have a clue what this guy wants. So, I was little down when I heard that book is about Riaz.I thought that this was going to be one of those transition book- to make us happy ’till big players get their books. Boy, was I wrong. Tangle of Need is excellent book, I couldn’t put it down.It has everything, great plot, new bits of larger back-up story, (psy/changeling world is only getting bigger and more complicated) and hot sexy time. I didn’t care so much for Riaz before and this book made me love him. The only thing I didn’t love is that now I have to wait for book #12. There is so many tings i want to know(Ghost?)… Oh, Nalini Singh, how I want to get a glimpse inside of your awesome mind…
I love doing joint reviews.
I am so ready for Kaleb and Ghost!!! Tangle Of Need opened so many doors I was all over the place once I finished. How can I wait till next year? *thud*
Yes, waiting for the next book is often sheer torture! That’s when I re-read my “favorite” parts of my favorite character’s books. You’re right, Judd has one of the best sex scenes along with a scene in Dorian’s book. Whew! Is it hot in here?
I was going to try and wait for the paperback, but you made that impossible now. Great review!
Yes! I’ll never be able to wait for the paperbacks in this series. Never!
Great review ladies! This book has me fired up for any/all she has coming next!!! I do so love her writing.
That said, while I loved bits and pieces, on a whole I felt like this novel didn’t stand alone… and the main couple didn’t lead this book. Mr. Alpha kept stealing the show!
ANYHOW! I am verra verra excited for where she’ll take this series next. I think while this book was kind of an inbetween, it sets the stage for a solid next book/plot/etc….
Hi May-I totally got pulled in around the 50% mark. Something clicked for me after that–I’m dying to see where this goes now. And I’m way intrigued with the Black Sea people…shark shifters *giggle*
Even though Singh gave a lot of time to other couples, it worked for me in here. We needed to see how other couples were doing and needed to know they are evolving. The psi/changeling lives are so intertwined…I can;t even imagine reading one and not being shown multiple lives.
Great review Tori and Helyce. Can’t wait to read (have to wait till 7th June when out in UK) Love this series so much.
Not much longer!!
Not too bad! It’ll be here before you know it!
Great review girls!! Oh man I loved this book so hard!!! :)
Me too!
Yes! How will we pass the time as we wait for the next one?
OMG, when Lisette showed up I had to put my book down. I had to reassure myself that Nalini would not do that to her fans and everything was going to be out before I could pick my book back up.
I did the same thing. I had to get my emotions under control. *whew* It was a hard chapter to read.
I got really mad and thought, no way, after all that, please no! I should have trusted Nalini more! Of course she delivered!
I agree with you ladies on this! I knew it was going to have to happen and I expected a stereotypical reaction from all… but it wasn’t. Of course Nalini wouldn’t do that to us!!
I enjoyed this one…I’m really glad she went back and showed us how Hawke and Sienna are doing. I also loved that Riaz had a mate that was married…everything wasn’t perfect. Good stuff.
The next book has to be you know who…right?
I have heard it’s not Kaleb but I was tryiong to talk Shiloh Walker into stealing Nalini’s laptop at the time so she may have lied to me. lolol
How long do we have to wait till she says? Even though the ending alluded to something…who else could it be?
GREAT joint review ladies! I hope you do this more often! I am in agreement with Helyce on this one. It was good (I gave a B+ as well), but the first half was hard to get into. In fact, I actually had to finally put it down and walk away for a couple weeks b/c it was taking me so long to get through it. In the end I adored Riaz and Adria, but I felt their story got lost in the midst of everything else. I cannot wait to read book 12!!!
There is a lot going on in this book! Yes,in the end, it all comes together for Riaz and Adria. But, damn that last sentence. Nalini sure knows how to leave us hanging!
Haven’t got to it yet, but I can’t wait to read this book! And I’m so glad that we get to see more of Sienna & Hawke’s relationship, that sounds great. It sounds like a lot of fun with a lot of information coming out. I can’t wait to be back in the changeling’s world again. Hopefully I’ll have my own copy sometime in the next week :D
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