10. This fella is the Top Ten Master of Ceremonies today. He takes his job very seriously. Don’t piss him off. (Anyone else spot nakey men behind him?) And yes, I’m 34 and use the word ‘Nakey.’ You should try it.
9. Book five in the Cut & Run series, Armed & Dangerous is almost heeeeeeere. (May 18). The first chapter has just been released. With the way book four ended, I’m nervous! Also, very, very excited for this book. For those familiar with this author, it features Julian Cross from Warrior’s Cross. Squeak! Also, this will be the first book of the series written without Madeleine Urban, who recently announced she was leaving the writing partnership. Interested to see how this one turns out
8. This coming Monday at 8pm EST, head over to Forever’s Facebook Page to chat with Louisa Edwards and Roxanne St. Claire! I bet that will be a really fun chat – they are both fun tweeters.
Also, Thursday May 10th, Lynsay Sands will be having a Twitter chat at 9pm EST. Go HERE for details.
7. Book Club Girl is hosting a Meg Cabot Read-Along. The first book to be discussed will be Boy Next Door on May 22 with several more to follow. Go HERE to see all the details. I’ve never read Meg Cabot…maybe I need to?
6. Brenda Novak is hosting a huge online auction to benefit diabetes research. There is a HUGE amount of things up for auction – vacations, lunches with authors, character naming, It’s pretty awesome. Go HERE to see/bid. Auction ends May 31.

5. A new trailer has been released for the upcoming Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. I like these movies. I love the way Christian Bale speaks as Batman. All raspy. Like at the very end of the clip – “This isn’t a car.” Speak to me more Batman! LOL. Plus Anne Hataway as Catwoman is a WIN!
4. I’m ready for the pool. A pool big enough to fit all of these lifeguards. And me.
Maybe they would let us blow their whistles. What? (source)

3. This made me giggle. Especially when she gets out her paddle.
2. Today is May 4th, Star Wars Day. May the 4th Be With You. Get it? Legos is having a big Star Wars sale at their site (legos are a big deal in the Smexy house.) Amazon also has the entire Star Wars Saga as a deal today. I feel like I should make a holiday out of this. We have these pancake molds. Maybe I’ll make breakfast for dinner.
1. I usually read past my bed time and fall asleep with book or kindle wedged under me. Hubs used to carefully extract the kindle and put it on my bedside table but I think he has given up. Maybe one day I’ll stop reading before I fall asleep. Maybe not. Speaking of reading, this weekend I’m going to dive into Invitation to Scandal by Bronwen Evans and Fastball by VK Sykes. Have a good weekend!
And don’t forget that Mandi is over at my blog! She has a great giveaway offered for all of you smut lovers! LOL
Thank you for guest blogging Mandi!
Yes – go enter! :)
I see Gannicus!! Does this mean you have finally watched a little Spartacus? I would never steer you wrong, Mandi. Those men are so hot!!
I, too, am dying for Armed & Dangerous. It’s officially my most anticipated book of May and I may or may not have started stalking Dreamspinner Press to get my hands on it…
I need to start stalking too! So excited for it!!
Can you possibly get it early?!?!?! STALKING MUST COMMENCE NOW!
Meg Cabot is great! I highly reccomend the extremely hilarious Princess Diaries series. They revolve around the misadventures of gangly 15-18 yr old Mia who becomes the official heir of a small European country when her Dad’s testicular cancer leaves him sterile. The books are way different than the movies and feature a psychotic grandmother who bares no resemblance to Julie Andrews whatsoever.
Oooh…Will have to look into that one :)
Oh…the lifeguards!! Think we can talk the men into building us a pool?! (We will get lifeguards & pool boys after).
Barefoot In The Sand is on my summer reading list….which is very long now!
If you read Barefoot let me know how it is!
I highly recommend reading Meg Cabot. She’s really a genre of her own and there is definitely no author like her. I’d describe her writing as a lighthearted romantic comedy and always good for a laugh. Trust me, I laughed so hard reading She Went All the Way. You should start with that one for sure :)
Oh wow – okay, thanks for the rec!
Can I borrow the button? Reading Born to Silence, lots of pages! Thanks for the heads up on the Legos, they are big in our house as well.
Ooh..how is Born to Silence? Yes, buttons for all! :)
wow Gannicus and Batman on the blog today. FTW …smexy times and I have read Meg Cabot :)
Have a good weekend Julie :)
Yay, Ty and Zane! Can’t wait, Ty & Zane ARE like crack! Based on other Urban’s books, I think she will do just fine, I have 100% fate in her.:)
Christopher Nolan make superhero movies one level above all the other. His Batman movies are amazing and I’m eager to see Dark Knight Rises. Plus, awesome Tom Hardy is in it and he’s the best young actor out there now. Respect.
Ellen is hilarious, but I can’t stand Fifty Shades media overload.
Lifeguards. Uhm, is it a drowning if you’re doing it intentionally just to get some mouth to mouth…? ;)
Great Ty&Zanetastic Top Ten, Mandi!
I meant other Roux’s work. I love her The Archer, she knows how to write men and she knows how to write m/m relationship.
I have a crush on Tom Hardy. True story!
I have faith in her too. I just need Ty and Zane to find a little peace. (Ha! Not sure that will ever happen ;)
Did you travel to Legoland in Florida? We get the Club Lego magazine, and our child has already begged to go, thanks to Legoland’s two-page spread. (Legos rule in our house too.)
No…when we went to Orlando we thought about it but we just didn’t have time. It would have been fun though.
I loved Ellen’s reading. HILARIOUS!!!
*chants* TY AND ZANE! TY AND ZANE! TY AND ZANE! I can’t wait!!!!!!
I love me some Gannicus!! Have you FINALLY watched Sparticus?!?! Do tell…
I haven’t. I fail. I’m currently watching Justified – I’ve made it to season 2. Maybe Spartacus will be next?
Just read the first chapter of Armed & Dangerous.. AGGHH!! Can it be May 18 yet? Holy freakin’ cow, I’m so excited for this book. It was only Ch. 1, but it sounded the same as the rest of the books. I’m hoping that she’s far enough in the series that Abigail Roux has the feel of the books and characters and we don’t even notice that this book is an author down.
Seriously counting down the days until it’s released!
I know…this series is so cracky for me. I have the shakes because I’m in withdrawal ;)
It wasn’t wise of me to listen to Ellen’s reading after coming home from the dentist where they pulled my wisdom tooth and put stitches :)
Waiting anxiously for Armed & Dangerous!
Yikes! I hope your mouth feels better!! :)
I can’t wait to see the newest season of Spartacus!
And that pin, “I read past my bedtime”….oh I sooo need one of those!
LOL :)
ZOMGGGG…..Gannicus! I can’t concentrate on anything else . That is all!
Lol, I think bf would be too annoyed if I fell asleep with our lamp on so no reading in bed for me
Our poor Significant others! ;)
I fall asleep all the time reading. But . . . I usually wake up when my kindle falls onto my nose. It’s a routine for us. The kindle hits my face several times, startles me awake. Only then the husband takes pity and removes it, sometimes only after I am still asleep with it laying on my face.
omg..this happens to me too! LOL. I don’t know how many times it has hit me in the face..LOL. Once it hits me I always think – now that I’m awake again I can read for another few minutes. And then it hits me again. ;)
I have to borrow that button. I am a totally read til i fall asleep person lol I was up til 1:30 am reading Virna DePaul’s next book. Happens a lot.
Lisa B
I still haven’t read her..but I need to :)
I’m actually looking forward to Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. You can keep Christian Bale. I’ll take Bane – Tom Hardy!
Wait – I want Tom Hardy too! I’m greedy ;p
Great pictures, thanks Mandi! And of course, if you are reading a great book, how can you stop reading when it is your bedtime?
Exactly. ;)
Oh Gannicus, excuse me while I swoon. Spartacus is everything and I love how beautifully unaffected Gannicus was…until he wasn’t
I REALLY need to watch this show.